What's next for Mr. Anderson....Anderson? (the former Mr. Kennedy)


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There have been probably several posts about him already, but as of late I have been keeping up to date with the wrestlezone site about the updates that Ken Anderson aka Mr. K-E-N-N-E-D-Y. has been making during his 90 day no complete clause after being released from the WWE. The former Mr. K-E-N-N-E-D-Y. has joined up with Paul Heyman on his Heymans Hustle website and has discussed how Ken got into the business and how much talent was there for him. Since I was and still am a "Mr. K-E-N-N-E-D-Y." mark, I would like to get an opinion to see what options are out there for Mr. Anderson after his no compete clause is up.

TNA? - I think if Mr. Anderson goes to TNA, he will eventually be treated like Christian did when he left the WWE. Christian was a good talent that only got a mid-card push and when he went to TNA...he became a bigger star and a much more recognizable star from where he last left off. If Mr. Anderson were to go to TNA now, I think he might get somewhat lost in the shuffle due to the fact that TNA just signed Bobby Lashley and by the looks of things, bigger things have already been in store since Lashley arrived and was seen on a TNA Pay Per View. How the Mr. *Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha character was will have that appeal to the TNA fans where he will get immediately accepted, but the only thing that can go wrong with that is if fans start throwing more salt in the wound towards TNA and say that all they are is a company that picks up the fallen pieces that were once apart of the WWE if Mr. Anderson goes nowhere near main event level.

Acting? - Ok. We all know WWE films is generally made for WWE fans and not to be compared with anything remotely serious amongst the Hollywood level of movies, but lately, Mr. Anderson has been providing a huge comic relief on mini-skits via YouTube since his time off. Could we see a quick transition from wrestling to acting? Hmmm.

WWE? - For some odd reason, I get the sense that it won't be too long till Mr. Anderson will be back as Mr. K-E-N-N-E-D-Y. in the WWE. I don't know why, but I look at it like Mr. K-E-N-N-E-D-Y. is a very rememberable character. Everyone had such high hopes for him. Maybe...when it came down for him being injury prone...WRONG PLACE...WRONG TIME? I mean you do really say "never say never in this business"...i mean if you tihnk about it...people have been released from companies only to be brought back in a short amount of time. Ex. Cryme Time. They both got released from the WWE, but managed to get re-signed 1-2 months later. They had that appeal with the fans and I think if Mr. K-E-N-N-E-D-Y. would get another shot with the WWE...he would have no other choice, but to be the way he was brought out to be that drew him the attention in the first place. A heel. I think everyone that followed Mr. K-E-N-N-E-D-Ys career wanted him to turn face, just for the sake of saying "finally...hes a good guy...hes gonna get pushed to the moon.", but because of him being a face and being out of action...the fans almost didn't remember who he was and how much impact he can make.

This is only how I see it for right now. Any thoughts?
I like Mr. Kennedy to an extent. I don't think he's as funny as people make him out to be and he isn't that extraordinary. But maybe I've been spoiled with the New Generation and Attitude era in terms of great wrestler characters.

That being said, Anderson may fair better than some of the other WWE/WCW talent that has come over. And it runs somewhat counter to your point. With Lashley and Taz coming to TNA, I think it's time for TNA to stop showcasing the wrestlers who just can not cut it anymore and make it insanely difficult for other younger and homegrown talent to make it to the main event picture. I have strong nostalgia for Big Sexy Kevin Nash and Sting -- but you guys need to go away for a while. Nash would be better served in the role he was as a backstage guru of sorts with an OCCASIONAL and I do mean OCCASIONAL match. Scott Steiner is complete trash and I don't know who actually tunes into to watch that guy. Dump him. Booker T has suffered the MOST. Where the hell is his character or main event title contention. The Legends belt is essentially a made up title for which there wasn't a tournament or anything.

I firmly believe if you cut the fat (Nash, Sting, and Steiner) you really widen the playing field for Anderson, Lashley, Roode, Storm, Daniels, AJ Styles to flourish and have some really great feuds. That's who TNA's main event picture should represent -- some big names but FRESH faces. Stop hanging onto the heroes of WCW and the WWF -- it's 200-f'n-9.
Kennedy is going to end up in TNA. No questions about it. Even though I never saw it, apparently people gave a shit about Kennedy. Coulda fooled me. If Lashley can get with TNA after months in the MMA scene, Kennedy can get a contract at the end of his 90-Day clause. And he just might catch a break and get into his own as a pro-wrestler. Meh.

He's not going to acting. At least I hope not. If Cena can't pull off more than a barely decent movie, there is no way Kennedy can. Not everyone is the Rock.

WWE? Maybe in a few years. McMahon got pissed because Kennedy kept it coming with the injuries of himself and others. Didn't he injure both Cena AND Lashley? And almost catch Orton's shoulder? I woulda fired the dude myself. But, if Kennedy can calm down with all that self-righteous "I'm the victim" stuff he's trying to throw around then he might be welcomed back in a couple years. Maybe.
I have always been a big fan of Mr. Kennedy, I do believe the change (albeit he had no choice) to Mr. Anderson wont be as catchy and may depreciate his persona a bit but with a man as talented on the mic as he is I also believe he will overcome it and become something much greater than WWE allowed him to be.
Every time Kennedy went out into the ring and wrestled whether it be as a face or heel I always enjoyed it. I saw him as becoming that next big name especially after his wins on Smackdown against Batista, Rey, Eddie G, and many other main eventers .
I think it sucks that he was hindered so badly when he has such potential…not to further incite a current trend but I could definitely see him becoming a big name in TNA
I personally believe he will re sign with the WWE, eventually. Although there is a legitimate reason why the WWE released him, it also seems out of frustration and even a probable grudge. When the contract disputes are over, I see Mr.K back in the WWE.

UNLESS, he decides to go elsewhere and take his game to the next level. Such as acting, for instance. I would like that Mr.K wouldn't go to TNA, that industry should be more concerned with their own talent right now (sigh).
I firmly believe if you cut the fat (Nash, Sting, and Steiner) you really widen the playing field for Anderson, Lashley, Roode, Storm, Daniels, AJ Styles to flourish and have some really great feuds. That's who TNA's main event picture should represent -- some big names but FRESH faces. Stop hanging onto the heroes of WCW and the WWF -- it's 200-f'n-9.

I completely agree... those guys were Awesome way back when but they are getting to much of a push for older guys... they should at best be managers who wrestle once in a blue moon
I was never a fan of this Kennedy guy. Can someone who's a fan of him explain to me what was so interesting about him?

And whats up with saying Kennedy all the time? Whats so cool about that?

Using a dead President's name can only take you so far huh.
I still can't believe they fired him. The guy was clearly the next big thing at a time when no-one is stepping up. Usually I can see some sense in Vinnie's madness but this one seems like utter stupidity.
Anyway, yeah he'll go to TNA and he'll be huge. I can tell you right now that I barely ever bother with TNA but I'll start watching it the moment he turns up.
I think its obvious what will happen, the same thing that happens to every wrestler with his talent and his fan base. He'll go to tna, tna will make a big deal about him, people will talk about how great he is and the wwe will get him back. Just like so many others, hardy, christian, and i even remember reading the dudly boys were talked to about comming back.
I'm a Mr. Kennedy fan and he will end up in TNA where I see him feuding with Lashley and Angle, but with such a crowded main event I don't know if he will get a title shot. I don't think he will do anymore acting, but I could be wrong. I hope one day though that he will eventually come back to WWE, which I would like to see.
I was never a fan of this Kennedy guy. Can someone who's a fan of him explain to me what was so interesting about him?

And whats up with saying Kennedy all the time? Whats so cool about that?

Using a dead President's name can only take you so far huh.

really? OK, then...I'll recap it all, I guess...

Ken Anderson (formerly known as Mr. Kennedy) took the second name of Vince McMahon. His gimmick was that of repeating his name twice for humorous effect. He did some interviews explaining that it was something he did when he was young. It's not a president's name, its McMahon's second name.

As for topic, He's gonna probably wind up doing indies until he goes to TNA. I don't see him jumping ship straight away for some reason. As for teh acting, maybe yes, maybe no. At this point with the videos he's making, It's hard to say.

TNA's a definite possibility for Mr. Anderson....Anderson, but not right away. He's probably gonna end up in WWC(or some other indie promotion) or probably ROH, but then heads straight up to TNA.
For Steven:

1) I know Vince McMahon's second name is Kennedy. But why did he take it from him?

2) How is it that by repeating his name twice in any way is funny? That doesnt even make me smile much less laugh. So how is that humorous?

Im not trying to be an ass here, I just really want to know the answer to these two questions I just asked.
For Steven:

1) I know Vince McMahon's second name is Kennedy. But why did he take it from him?

2) How is it that by repeating his name twice in any way is funny? That doesnt even make me smile much less laugh. So how is that humorous?

Im not trying to be an ass here, I just really want to know the answer to these two questions I just asked.

1) Paul heyman worked with him on his gimmick, so it's credited to Paul giving him the advice.

2) Can't really know for sure. It was back when he was in high school or college.
1) I know Vince McMahon's second name is Kennedy. But why did he take it from him?

Paul Heyman suggested that he use it as a way of kissing Vince's ass, lulz.

2) How is it that by repeating his name twice in any way is funny? That doesnt even make me smile much less laugh. So how is that humorous?

It's not funny, unless delivered right in a comedy promo. He used it, and kept using it because the crowd reacted to it. That's why. It draws a reaction, the crowd eats it up. That's the entire point of the microphone gimmick, the yelling his name can be used in a cocky, arrogant way or used as a shout along catchphrase as a face.

Point is, whether you like it or not, it worked.
I can't help but laugh at the name Mr. Anderson, it reminds me too much of the Matrix. For Kennedy I'd say he'll probably need a change in gimmick if he goes to TNA, unless he starts dressing in black leather and changing using his mic time to impersonate Hugo Weaving.

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