What's Next For Mark Henry?


The Cerebral Assassin
Okay, I know he's not a crowd favorite, and I know not many people will really care either way what happens to him, but I for one really respected his rise in ECW. I thought he was booked rather well and was made into a believable monster heel champ that had a good feud with Matt Hardy. Now I know he's not the most talented or electric superstar out there, but I respect him, and I've liked him ever since he's been paired with Tony Atlas. But now, a few monthes after his ECW Title reign, it seems like he's doing nothing, and will again return to the pool of wrestlers in the WWE that don't really matter, have little impact on the shows (if they even appear on them), and are just wasetful filler.

So, what should the WWE do with Henry? He is getting up there in age, so a release might occur... or maybe another push on ECW? Or maybe he'll become a part of the Raw/SD! midcard? What do you think should be done with him?
a pink slip lol

Nah but serious i think there is no room for Henry, he is just there to fill a void on ECW i think for his careers sake he should try to find a home with TNA .

on a side note a Nation ressurecction would be dope
he will probley be adding to the ecw title hunt mix with christian and finley and swagger.
or he will probley fued with the younger guys that just joined ecw like tj wilson dj gabrial and maybe the boogey man but in all honest mark henrey was not a bad champion i would not wnt him as wwe or whc but ecw is find and he has a manger what his name...... oh well yeah to talk for him. he also might fued with dreamer and i dont think he will get fired cause he has been in the company for what a 11 years now
I see around him getting another ECW title run around the coner and a feud with Christan would make henry go around the ropes. While another road they can go is him moving to SD! and forming a stable with M.V.P. who I beilive will win M.I.T.B. and later become WWE champ so him M.V.P. and maybe R-turth can form a stable just some thoughts.
Mark Henry, an interesting guy, I actually love him more than I love a lot of wrestlers, and he gets more flack then he should. All in all though, now that ECW is becoming a better brand, Mark is being pushed down. Maybe he will get traded off of ECW after the Brands mix back up. On Smackdown he has little to do, so I can see him coming over to Raw, if they trade Kane to Smackdown.
I see around him getting another ECW title run around the coner and a feud with Christan would make henry go around the ropes. While another road they can go is him moving to SD! and forming a stable with M.V.P. who I beilive will win M.I.T.B. and later become WWE champ so him M.V.P. and maybe R-turth can form a stable just some thoughts.

That's not a bad idea- I could definitely see him becoming a manager for someone- ya know, a muscle-type heel manager, maybe for MVP even. Sort of like his bouncer, someone who constantly has his back (sort of like a mix between HBK's Diesel & Kendrick's Ezekiel Jackson). It would give him something important to do, and he could always tag with him in the tag division too and go after the titles. It's a pretty good idea.
yea henrey should stay on ecw as the doinment monster heel if gets drafted to raw or smackdown he will get lost in the shuffle cause raw and smackdown have to many monster heels already

Smackdown jackson show khail ( even though face) koslav
Raw knox kane

and ecw dose need dominate heel
i think they will probably move him in the next draft sending him to smackdown so he can fued with new people as hes running out of people to beat up over on ECW. Question is which Monster do ECW get then? id possibly say Umaga but thats a differant discussion for a differant time. I wouldnt say im a fan of Mark Henry but thats probably because i dont take much interest in his matches, However i was impressed with him during his feud with Matt Hardy he made me want to see him get his ass whooped which is what a decent heel does well i suppose
I think he should stay on ECW. We all know that ECW isn't hardcore anymore, but I like the fit of Henry on there with his gimmick of being the strongest, most dangerous man on the planet. It all depends on the draft, if ECW gets some fresh faces for him to feud with than I'd like to see him stay as an upper-midcarder.
Henry will continue to be the monster that is used to put faces over but for the most part he'll win easy squash matches to keep his reputation up. Other than that, he'll be fed to big named faces occasionally then the cycle starts all over again. He's not good for much other than to be a big looking intimidating guy. Occasionally he can be carried to a decent feud like with Matt, but it's rare. Overall, he'll do about the same thing.
I think I saw Henry on that 'real' Wrestlemania 25 poster, which is kind of weird (then again, R-Truth was on there as well). I like the tag team with MVP idea. Henry's had at least ten years in the business, and at least ten years with the WWE. He's got a lot to contribute, and has a very unique/distinct look and style. As we've all pointed out in some way or another, his biggest problem seems to be how he's booked. Hell, he was ECW champ for 3 months? If that? A fresh 'start' on another brand is the way to go, really. New feuds, new push are the best ways to relaunch this monster.
I'd like to comment on Tony Atlas' role as Mark Henry's real-life traveling companion. I read that Tony was hired to keep Mark on the straight-and-narrow as far as eating right, taking care of himself and training properly. Well, if it's true, it must be working because I've never seen Mark Henry on the active roster for this long. In the past, the biggest frustration regarding him was the amount of time he spent out of the ring with long-term injuries. Now, he's getting into feuds and working a variety of angles. I think it's great.

If this keeps up, Mark will end up back on RAW or Smackdown in a "monster" role. He has some big times ahead of him.

Just make sure they send Tony Atlas with him.
I don't get why people think Mark Henry will go??? The guy's an easy feud in the making for any young face trying to get over. He's a big dude, he doesn't do anything stupid to put the other guy at risk. When you have a power lifter military pressing you, you know there's no hope he's going to be unable to lift you and hold you.

He's solid enough on the mic that he can call you out and give you the chance to talk smack, and he's not arrogant enough that he has to win. I think 'Sexual Chocolate' has done well for himself, given he's pretty much the only guy left... and he sucked back then.

Slow, unexciting... so what, he's good at what he does. Why wouldn't he be kept.

As for his future, he's done pretty much all he can with ECW. Not like he's going to ruin Swagger's push at the minute. If he puts over Christian before he moves brand, all is well
Well, I would really like to see him moved back to SD to compete in the mid-card. He'd make a great US champion. I set the bar a little low because I honestly can't see him go anywhere else. I'm a fan of MArk Henry, his run on ECW has been probably the highlight of his career. If it were up to me, I would have waited a few more months before taking the title off of him, since it was too short. He's finally a legit monster, and finally doing more than crushing random jobbers every week.

IMO, he's been more entertaining since his move to ECW, been better in the ring and has had better promos, he now more than ever seems like a threat to a champion's title. He's been injury free lately as well. Not much left for him to do one ECW, it doesn't look like he's gonna get another run with the ECW title, he's already feuded with the biggest names on ECW, Finaly, Matt Hardy, and Tommy Dreamer. Maybe a feud with Christian will be in the works once Christian wins the ECW, but I know for a fact nothing much will come from it that will benefit Henry. After Wrestlemania, the draft is coming up, so I think a move to RAW might benefit him (since he's been on SD already). CM Punk needs some legit contenders for the IC title, and Mark Henry could be one of those contenders. Also a team with Mike Knox could be a nice addition to the RAW tag team division and could give Mike Knox more to do.

I don't think Henry will ever win a major world title, but I don't think he'll disappear again, he's actually become a semi-important part of the WWE roster, and hope to see more from him.
Mark Henry won't be fired anytime soon. I'm in the consensus that he's perfect for putting over young faces, and can work a fair enough midcard feud. He may never hold a title again, but he still works on TV.

I recently watched his first ever match on WWE 24-7, against Lawler, and Kevin Kelly got it right, when he said "Mark Henry doesn't need to be fancy to win". Mark Henry is meant to be the "silverback", the monster that just wants to beat up his opponent, without any real regard for winning. His promos have improved, and working against younger guys has apparently worked for them.

If they want to give him a push, the best bet is to bump him to RAW in the draft, and put him in a tag team. They can pair him with someone like Shad (if JTG goes solo), and have a decent heel team, or they can pair him up with someone like R-Truth, and turn him face. He's been a face before (remember Sexual Chocolate?), and got over with the crowd, so with the right partner, it could work again.
Mark Henry would serve well as a main eventers body guard. Someone like Edge could use him to beat up on competition and do their dirty work for them. That been said he is a pretty decent big guy and if more talent moves over to ECW in the draft like it probably will then they might prolong his stay on there.
I don't see why Mark Henry should move back to Raw or Smackdown. He won't benefit from a move. Mark Henry has 1 role in ECW and 1 role only. And that is to put over the younger talent. He is way past his prime and shouldn't be beating guys like Jack Swagger or Evan Bourne. He needs to stay on ECW so the show can have another veteran as well as some damn credibility. Henry shouldn't be involved in many major storylines because he has nothing to gain at this point of his career.

Mark Henry is the heel version of Finlay on ECW. He shouldn't be near the ECW Championship unless he is to put over another young mid-carder. The draft is coming up soon anyway so I suggest the WWE moves some more mid-carders over to ECW so they can feud with Mark Henry in order to gain some credibility and become a legitimate contender to the ECW Title. Henry just isn't that good, but he's great as a veteran who puts over the younger talent, and I think that he realizes his role too.

I won't be surprised if he does get released by the company, but he still has some use left with the WWE. I've never been a fan of Mark Henry but the guy seems determined to make others look better than himself and I respect that. He doesn't need to be pushed because like I mentioned before, he isn't good enough for the WWE World Title's and shouldn't be given more air time over a young guy who needs more time to develop. So as for what's next for Mark Henry, expect mroe jobbing and the putting over of the younger talent.
I agree.When you consider Chavo & Matt quietly moved PRE DRAFT to SD.Morrison & Miz flirt with Raw,& Christian,a surprise entry,probably getting the easiest route to the world title he never got PRE TNA.Henry seams the only non FCW name left.
Did he get the title to shut him up & cover WWEs arse during the Hayes ****** row,well DUH!.What they plan to do with him now is another question only answered by the draft.but IF ECWs gonna end up a development area.I see Henry back on SD getting a look in on the US title scene.To have him stay on ECW would seam like he,d end up a big nasty jobber to the Tyson Kidd types getting a push & the big guy deserves a bit more than that now.surely.

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