What's happening to Jeff Jarrett is 100% BS

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Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Jeff and his father founded TNA in 2002 and now in 2009 he is being slowly driven from the company he founded, and why because Kurt Angle doesn't like him point blank.

  • Kurt left WWE because they told him to get help with his drug problem and he said no.
  • Kurt went to TNA and during that time got divorced from his wife
  • After they got divorced Jeff & Karen started seeing each other which is a whole hell of a lot better than what Kurt did while in the WWE, which was cheat on her with pretty much any skank he could find.
  • Kurt also got arrested for stalking another TNA star and having illegal steroids in his car.
What I want to know is why Dixie is backing a man who is a disaster waiting to happen instead of the founder of the company.
Completely agree with you. Despite the fact that I don't really like Jeff Jarrett at all, either as a backstage guy or an character on TV, he did nothing wrong here. Seriously, the only thing he did was date a single woman. Just because Kurt Angle is fucking nuts and can't handle it, that doesn't mean Jeff Jarrett should be pushed out of the company that he built from scratch.

On top of all that, Angle goes out and gets in trouble with the law yet again, and he is the World Champion. This situation has been handled absolutely horribly by everyone involved, especially Dixie Carter. I hope this gets straightened out soon, for Jeff's sake.
From a business perspective, Angle is a bigger draw than Jarrett, regardless of whose company it is. Angle is arguably the best in the world right now, and he still has years he can put into the business. Jarrett, in his prime, was hardly a prime by comparison. He always put himself in the main event and pushed himself. I would say what's happening to Jarrett is about 3% BS, and that 3% only comes into play because he founded the company and it's respect. But respect doesn't equal ratings or growth.
From a business perspective, Angle is a bigger draw than Jarrett, regardless of whose company it is. Angle is arguably the best in the world right now, and he still has years he can put into the business. Jarrett, in his prime, was hardly a prime by comparison. He always put himself in the main event and pushed himself. I would say what's happening to Jarrett is about 3% BS, and that 3% only comes into play because he founded the company and it's respect. But respect doesn't equal ratings or growth.

Dixie Carter may be looking at this from a business perspective but that is not the way she should look at it. I understand Angle is a huge draw, but the man is a ticking time bomb. After the recent incident, in any given promotion other then TNA, he would no longer be champion and would probably be suspended. To me this is Dixie Carter caring about business more then anything else, which I can understand, as TNA is still a young and growing company, but that is no excuse.

She should not be backing Kurt at all. She should back the man who founded the company, the man who literally put his hard work and money into an idea and built a promotion from the ground up, the company she currently runs. Sure, Jeff isn't nearly as good a draw, but oh well, everything that has happened has nothing to do with business, it is a personal matter between the two.

If Kurt cannot handle the fact that his ex-wife is dating the person who founded the company he currently works for. Look at it like this, Jeff WAS running the company and dating Karen, if he wanted to , he could of gotten rid of Angle to please her, but he didn't. He kept him because he was trying to keep business and personal matters seperate, and he was doing so quite well, until Kurt went and flipped out.

Jeff, although his on-screen stuff was very crappy, should be the one still doing things with the company, not Kurt. If I was Dixie, I would have stripped the title off Kurt Angle, altered the storylines to have Morgan become the champ, and have Joe take out the Mafia from the inside to cover up Kurt's disappearance due to the suspension I would give him.

Anyway, I hope this gets straightened out soon before things get even more out of hand though, as it could lead to the eventual downfall of the young company that is TNA.
It's simple really. Angle makes tna more money than jarrett does. Period. Jarrett really doesn't even have much of a stake in the ownership as compared to when him and his pops founded the company. I agree completely that Jarrett did nothing wrong. Dating a single woman is what heterosexual males usually do if they are single too. Angle draws more though, so tna has sided with him. Angle is messed up. Has been for a long time. He's a bomb that's going to explode. It's a matter of time. Obviously the guy has jealousy issues, he was caught stalking rhaka khan or whatever her name was. Jarrett is getting a raw deal. But it comes down to money. Angle makes tna more cash than jarrett. It's another example of tna's management making decisions based on money. That's what they are in the business for though, to make a profit. The loss of kurt angle would hurt them more than no jeff jarrett. I personally used to be a big fan of angle and never cared for jarrett. However, I see how badly jarrett's been treated in this situation and its bullshit. It's the world of wrestling though. In a normal business setting, angle would be fired for all his shit. Seriously, angle gets caught stalking a co worker, in possession of steroids, and yet he's still got the belt and is main eventing. Then you have jarrett, who founded the company, and is in a relationship with angles ex wife, he has to go home because angle is a big fucking baby who can't handle his ex dating someone else. Angle needs to grow the fuck up. I used to hope kurt would return to wwe. I don't see it happening now. Why would he. It seems he has dixies ear and will be allowed to do whatever he wants. Say what you want about vince and his craziness, but, he released angle cuz kurt wouldn't go to rehab. Vince was trying to make sure angle didn't end up like eddie, or benoit. Whether it was to make sure the wwe didn't catch hell over another death of a wrestler, or out of concern for angle's well being, he tried to wake the guy up. TNA is enabling angle to continue his downward spiral and the blood is on their hands when he dies, or heaven forbid kills someone else. Jarrett is dating someone so he has to go because tna's biggest draw is jealous. What a crock of shit. I'm rambling here but i totally agree that jarrett's getting screwed in this whole ordeal.
It is a buisness decision for Dixie to back Kurt. Like everyone else has said, Angle is still a huge draw, and has plenty gas left in the tank. The only time I was ever a fan of Jarrett's was when he was in WWE.
Jarrett didn't do anything wrong. Kurt was arrested, and allowed to keep his championship. I mean there was no type of discipline towards him. I just hope Dixie doesn't protect Angle too much because this has the potential to blow up in her face.​
Jeff may have found the company, but the only reason it's still around is because of Dixie Carter. She OWNS the company and she saved the company. She could have saved WWA, XWF or ECW and they would have been still alive. Whether Jeff founded it or not is irrelevant, Dixie needs to make the right decision for business.
So I know Jarrett & his father founded TNA, but my question is where did he get the money for it? Because I'm pretty sure he didn't make it being a professional wrestler, unless when he went to WCW they paid him like Hogan, which I really doubt. Jarrett has always been a find mid-carder, but anyone who thinks hes anything more than that is nuts. Kurt Angle is like TNA's Hulk Hogan, he may not have it written into his contract, but in reality he has creative control over his character.

I understand why they let Angle's antics go, if TNA loses him what do they have left? They are trying to build Matt Morgan & Somoa Joe. Some where along the line they forgot about AJ Styles. Other than those three the have old washed up 90's stars. While I love Nash & Sting, can you really have them be the face of the company. I can see an arguement for Sting, but there is talk he is retiring soon. I'll believe it when I see it. If TNA builds stars they will be able to let a guy like Kurt walk, much like WWE did.
From What i heard Dixie was looking for a way to throw Jeff out of the company, the same way she did with his father before him.

Jerry was actually paid half a mil a year to stay home, so that he had nothing to do with TNA, Jerry instead decided to break his contract with Dixie and go to the WWE as a way to throw TNA's attitude towards him back in his face, he looked ot his son Jeff to help him in his time of need and support him through his situation with Dixie, Jeff instead took Dixies side.

Now look whats happening to Jeff, he's being pushed aside from the company that he built with his father in favour of people who have no idea how to run the company, I always said that Dixie should be no where near creative and no where near being given the amount of power that she has held, Dixie herself has stated that she has no idea about the wrestling business, but still attempts to compete with the WWE.

Jeff should use this situation and think of his next move instead of staying out of the way and holding his breath and hopes that this all gets better.

I agree that Jeff has done nothing wrong but from a company perspective he shouldn't have considered Karen, as the saying goes don't dip your pen in company ink, Karen was the wife of Kurt Angle the guy who is known as being a p**ck, he is known of being a drama queen in the locker room and has caused havoc with out no minor consequence, Angle has Dixie in his pocket and will utilise her no matter how obscure his demands, Dixie will do whatever Kurt wants no matter what the cost.

I see Jarret being the loser of this situation and its his own fault, he should have considered Dixie throwing him to the wolves when she did the same thing to his father, but the sad truth is Jeff will just lay down and do whatever Dixie wants in hope that she has some compassion for the work Jeff has put into the company.
I agree that Jeff has done nothing wrong but from a company perspective he shouldn't have considered Karen, as the saying goes don't dip your pen in company ink, Karen was the wife of Kurt Angle the guy who is known as being a p**ck, he is known of being a drama queen in the locker room and has caused havoc with out no minor consequence, Angle has Dixie in his pocket and will utilise her no matter how obscure his demands, Dixie will do whatever Kurt wants no matter what the cost.
Because Kurt has a say in who Karen dates after they break up. Kurt needs to stop acting like a child and crying whenever things don't go his way if not for himself then for his children who I'm sure don't want their father go any further down the road he's on right now.
I see Jarret being the loser of this situation and its his own fault, he should have considered Dixie throwing him to the wolves when she did the same thing to his father, but the sad truth is Jeff will just lay down and do whatever Dixie wants in hope that she has some compassion for the work Jeff has put into the company.
as much as it blows I think you may be right and that just pisses me off. If Dixie doesn't get some sense for wrestling then TNA will go the way of WCW/ECW if she's not careful
Ok first off Angle was following a girl he didnt assault her or anything at least that I have heard of or has been proven. Plus we werent their a woman mad at you is a dangerous thing. She could have been lying rember innocent until proven guilty. As far as the HGH he was caught with this man has broken his kneck twice so he probably needs the help. Most of your wrestlers are on enhancement supplements in some shape or form so in this case 95% of wrestlers have a drug problem. Their has been no proof that Kurt is still having problems with pain killers. It really bothers me that all the people on this site feel sorry for Jeff Hardy a true druggy and want to lynch Angle who has problems with painkillers. Alot of pro atheletes get addicted to these. Sting was, Brett Farve was, and several others. Second in my opinion and alot of others Angle is the best in the ring today now it sucks that he is in TNA because the matches their just arent as good as the ones he would be having in WWE. As far as Jarrett goes he sucks, was ruining the company making himself the star and they were probably just looking for any excuse to take him out. He gave them one when you are in power in a major company you dont date one of your employees ex wifes especially when they havent been divorced long I mean cmon. Plus I think she was still employed by them at the time and you definately dont date your employees. Then he lied about it this is probably the part that they are really using against him. You dont lie to the other shareholders. Jarrett isnt innocent in this plus he ran off Scottie D Amore, Bill Behrens, and alot of guys that helped him build TNA. Plus when you buy a company off someone which dixie and Panda Energy bought the majority shares in the company then you dont owe the guy anything anymore anyway.
Ok first off Angle was following a girl he didnt assault her or anything at least that I have heard of or has been proven.
I Never said assaulted i said stalking
As far as the HGH he was caught with this man has broken his neck twice so he probably needs the help.
Still if he doesn't have a perscription it's illegal to have
Most of your wrestlers are on enhancement supplements in some shape or form so in this case 95% of wrestlers have a drug problem.
Pretty much yeah. IF you don't have a prescription for it it's a problem
It really bothers me that all the people on this site feel sorry for Jeff Hardy a true druggy and want to lynch Angle who has problems with painkillers.
They're both idiots if you ask me
Sting was, Brett Farve was, and several others.
Key word being was
Second in my opinion and alot of others Angle is the best in the ring today now it sucks that he is in TNA because the matches their just arent as good as the ones he would be having in WWE.
Vince told him to get helpo for his addiction and he said no if he said OK then he would still be in WWE

As far as Jarrett goes he sucks, was ruining the company making himself the star and they were probably just looking for any excuse to take him out.
Dixie is ruining the comany faster than Jeff ever could (I Don't think he was I'm just saying)

He gave them one when you are in power in a major company you dont date one of your employees ex wifes especially when they havent been divorced long I mean cmon.
I'm gonna say this as nicely as i can. Who gives as hit how long they we're divorced? The point is Kurt and Karen we're legally divorced and could see who ever they wanted she chose Jeff. Kurt should not have been a petty dick about it.
Plus I think she was still employed by them at the time and you definately dont date your employees.
Who cares? What's just as frowned upon is employees dating because then you have the crazies stalking the other one.
Then he lied about it this is probably the part that they are really using against him. You dont lie to the other shareholders.
It's is personal life they shouldn't even be asking about it
Jarrett isnt innocent in this plus he ran off Scottie D Amore, Bill Behrens, and alot of guys that helped him build TNA.
I'll give you this part
dixie cARTER is a fucking idiot to say the least...she has no clue about the wrestling buisness, alost reminds me of ted turner, we all know how that went..no matter what jeff is doin behind the scenes that should in no way affect TNA i dont see why he should be thrown out of a company he built cuz of what he does in is personal life. If Kurt cant handle it to fucking bad get over it, hes a grown man and loves to throw tantrums and run to momma dixie to fix them. If they honestly throw jeff out i believe tna will lose alot of true fans from day 1. She needs to think about this.
Bottom line, if Angle and Jarrett just stopped screwing the glorified ring-rats in the business and started thinking with their brains as opposed to their genitals, most of their problems would've never have reached the levels they are now.
Rember, Jeff Jarret needed Dixie Carter and her families money once upon a time. He gave her 70 something percent of the company but was let to run most of the show for several years. When Karen and Kurt started working on child custody it was Jeff Jarret that decided to remove himself temporarily from the company. The problem is plain for anyone to see...they don't need him any more. Jeff no longer belongs in the main event. Russo is in charge of booking. Dixie has taken a more hands on approach. He can set at home with his kids and wait for the check for his percentage of the earnings. Also, if he just has to be in wrestling right now his dad is looking at starting another promotion. He could quit TNA and work with his father.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
dixie cARTER is a fucking idiot to say the least...she has no clue about the wrestling buisness, alost reminds me of ted turner, we all know how that went..no matter what jeff is doin behind the scenes that should in no way affect TNA i dont see why he should be thrown out of a company he built cuz of what he does in is personal life. If Kurt cant handle it to fucking bad get over it, hes a grown man and loves to throw tantrums and run to momma dixie to fix them. If they honestly throw jeff out i believe tna will lose alot of true fans from day 1. She needs to think about this.

I agree with M_Montana What Jeff does in his personal life is his own business. That seems to common this in America these days you do something in your personal life you lose your job for it. Thats like the Bs with President Clinton
Frankly the company was headed in a horrible direction in the first place before all this drama happened. Yes Dixie doesn't know how to run a wrestling company but neither does Jeff. Yes Jeff has the experience advantage but he's had relative control of the company since day one and it's in a horrible messs, from a booking perspective and from a PPV buyrate perspective. If Dixie were smart she'd hire someone who knows how to run a wrestling company. She probably won't and she'll continue to run the company into the ground. I guess Jeff is the lesser of two evils but what would happen if Jeff does regain all his power? He surely wouldn't hire a competent creative team to get the booking back on track in the company nor would he have the foresight to establish a talent developmental system to help replenish the roster and build new stars. I mean he hasn't done any of this when he was in power and I just don't see him doing any of this if he regains it. In the end the company is in a lose/lose situation and really I'll just plunk my ass in a seat, grab some popcorn and watch as the company burns.
What alot of you people have to remember is that wrestling is a BUSINESS. Sure its an on screen product but its a business. As mentioned Jeff handed 70% of TNA to Dixie way back so she would back it with HER OWN MONEY. If Dixie never got involved, TNA would never be what it is today. Sure TNA was Jeffs idea, but without Dixie it would have gawn absolutly no were.

Now on to whats happening is BS ..... i believe it isn't. As stated above wrestling is a business, you must make correct business decisions or you will fail (E.G WCW, ECW). As Bischoff said "This man broke 5000 guitars and thought he could draw bigger than Austin, when he couldn't draw for shit." Well he said somthing along them lines. Angle is TNA along with AJ. Would you rather lose 1 of your 2 massive draws/company faces or lose someone that couldnt draw to save himself ?

At the end of the day sure TNA was Jeffs idea, but without Dixie and her cash TNA would become nothing. Dixie is maken a business decision for HER business, and i believe it is the correct one.
What alot of you people have to remember is that wrestling is a BUSINESS. Sure its an on screen product but its a business. As mentioned Jeff handed 70% of TNA to Dixie way back so she would back it with HER OWN MONEY. If Dixie never got involved, TNA would never be what it is today. Sure TNA was Jeffs idea, but without Dixie it would have gawn absolutly no were.

Now on to whats happening is BS ..... i believe it isn't. As stated above wrestling is a business, you must make correct business decisions or you will fail (E.G WCW, ECW). As Bischoff said "This man broke 5000 guitars and thought he could draw bigger than Austin, when he couldn't draw for shit."
Did Bischoff say that, or was it Steve Austin? I think that Steve Austin did more to ruin Jeff Jarrett's career than anyone. Okay, I don't see Jeff as a top guy, but Austin should have had a match with him in WWE. Talk about Angle, being a baby, Austin had him beat. So now, all you people on the net think that Jarrett can't work, because some top guys, who have vested interests to keep people down, don't rate him. Name one person Steve Austin ever put over?


Well he said somthing along them lines. Angle is TNA along with AJ. Would you rather lose 1 of your 2 massive draws/company faces or lose someone that couldnt draw to save himself ?


Angle will leave anyway. This is why Dixie gives him what he wants. Angle's contract runs out in September, and they want to keep him, because Vince wants to re-sign him to WWE, purely to screw TNA. Hey, if TNA didn't believe that Angle may go back to WWE, would they pander to him so much? I mean, what would Angle do? Not wrestle? His options are limited, so Dixie should remind him of that. Kurt Angle used to be good in WWE, but now is an opportunist piece of s***. He is TNA's Triple H.

At the end of the day sure TNA was Jeffs idea, but without Dixie and her cash TNA would become nothing. Dixie is maken a business decision for HER business, and i believe it is the correct one.


All this rubbish about not letting employers date employees. What about in WWE? A wrestler (Triple H) is married to the boss's daughter (Stephanie McMahon), who holds a position of authority in the company. So, in one way, Steph is Triple H's boss, like she is of the other wrestlers, as she is head writer (this meaning she determines how they are presented). yet, despite this being bad for business, you don't get that conflict with WWE, because Vince like Triple H. This relationship doesn't seem to be hurting WWE's coffers any, either.

So Jarrett's not allowed to date an ex-wife of an employee, but an employee can stalk another, and because all you smarks love Kurt Angle so much because he wrestles well, you will let your love for Angle, and the lies told about Jarrett over the years, blind you and guide your opinion.
Jarret just has not been on tv in the ring but his role has been to go to other countries and plug tna wrestling think of him as a tna embassador. who better to explain to other nations media whay tna belongs in their area than a guy who can explain from the behind the scenes to the in ring to the booking, it sucks that tna forced him off tv but it is going to help them in the long run with him doing these international appearances.
I'm very sure Vince & Co. is cheering this on wildly because in their minds, it gives up and coming stars in the business a reason to sign with him, period. No one in their right minds would want to deal with the crap backstage in TNA, what with Nash pulling his old stuff that he did in WCW and Angle just basically being a big puss and ONLY caring about himself. Say what you want about Angle the wrestler, but like everyone pretty much has said, Angle the man, the human being, is terrible. Dixie seriously needs to look at this from another side, because if the roles and time were reversed and it was Kurt playing the role of founder, do you honestly think he'd had successfully built TNA from the ground up? NO! Jeff sucks as a wrestler, no doubt about it, but buildling TNA the way he did from the beginning is something not to be underestimated. This is total disrespect to him as a man and catering to a man who's nothing more than an overgrown baby or dare I say, a Terrell Owens of wrestling lol. I certainly don't like TNA but I like a good product and if this isn't taken care of, they'll no longer have a product.
I'm not posting to cut others down but, How many posting in here actually work behind the scenes with any of these wrestling companies? I am guessing that most of you, like myself, do not. We all read these little bits and blurbs about the happenings of these companies. Some appear to make pretty informed decisions about the inner workings of these companies from these blurbs. But if your are not actually involved in someway behind the scenes with these companies, how can you think to have the actual facts and knowledge about any particular events? These companies need to be judged on the actual products being presented on the screen, not on what we "know" is happening backstage. (tho I do admit it is fun having the tabloid aspect of the companies available to us) Just a thought.
You wrestling marks are laughable. At least have your facts correct.

-Angle had a prescription for his HGH
-Innocent Until Proven Guilty
-It is believed Jeff Jarrett was dating and sleeping with Karen Angle while Kurt & Karen were still married which helped lead to the divorce and all the other problems Kurt is in now with women.
-Jeff Jarrett lied to his business partners and claimed that he wasn't dating the company's top draw's wife when questioned.
-TNA wrestlers and the front office were not happy with Jeff Jarrett being in charge and weren't happy with how he ran the company from a creative side.
-He's not cut from the company. He's been removed from the shows and from his creative duties and is now working in other business aspects of the product and trying to help expand the company.

I don't know what all the complaints about. TNA as a product has been much better without Jarrett. We get more wrestling, more focus on the young talent, and more cleaner finishes, and better character development.You don't sleep with your company's biggest draw's wife. You don't mix business with pleasure. With all the women that come to TNA shows, u mean to tell me Jeff couldn't find another woman to sleep with? Bad business!! TNA was looking for a reason to remove Jeff & his cronies for quite some time and Jeff gave them a very valid reason.
While I agree that Jarrett seems to be getting a rough deal here, I simply don't understand how some of you can defend his relationship with Karen Angle. The whole "they're two single adults who can do what they want" argument is fine and dandy until you take common fucking decency into the equation. One of your biggest and most important employees is clearly struggling in his life with drug and women problems...and you date his ex-wife before they've even dotted the I's and crossed the T's on their divorce papers? That takes an astounding lack of respect. Sure, Jarrett is free to date Karen if he likes, but that doesn't mean he should. Have some fucking respect and decency Jeff.

If Jeff being pushed out of the company means Russo being pushed out as well though, then I support it 110%. TNA needs to get Russo as far away from their company as possible.
Sorry X, but I've got to disagree with you here. Kurt Angle can hardly claim to be a victim of indecency here. Since you brought decency up, what about Angle's lack thereof during the times he was unfaithful to his wife? What about the disrespect that sort of an act shows towards his wife and children? I notice that lots of people keep glossing over the fact that Kurt cheated on her throughout their marriage. I suppose it's alright for him to play around, but stone that bitch for even considering it? Kurt Angle is a grown man and needs to take responsibility for the problems in his own life. The problems he has regarding drugs and women are problems of his own making. Nobody held a gun to his head and made him fuck all these chicks, pop all those pills or stick those needles into him. Angle had these problems before TNA or Jeff Jarrett was part of his life.

And yes, Karen Angle and Jeff Jarrett are two consenting adults. Kurt Angle's problems in his personal life are just that, his personal problems that came about because of the person he is and the choices that he's made. Karen Angle doesn't owe him a thing, neither does Jeff Jarrett for that matter.
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