Whats happenin to Carlito?


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I jst don't know wat is happenin 2 the guy. He isnt on the SS card and he was in a dark match on Raw this week. A couple of weeks ago, he was pickd by the fans to be in the IC title match with Jeff Hardy which shows he is pretty popular even though it was against Shelton and Nitro but it shows tht the fans wanted 2 see him. He is talented and has got a good gimmick with above average mic skills 4 WWE but yet he is being mis-used. I honestly liked him better as a heel and wish tht they turn him again or do somethin with him becouse the WWE is wastin a good talent.
Thre isnt a sotryline of sorts for him at the minuite,but the fact that the wwe are using time every week from raw on his character (this stud gimmick he has got going) shows that the wwe are high on him, and dont want the fans to forget him. As soon as this DX/Edge,orton angle is over, i can see him feuding with edge, or possibly nitro.
He's had a pretty decent push since he made his debut. I think his feud with Orton was to test the water so to speak to see if had main event ability. I just think WWE deciced he was'nt quite ready yet. I can see him bringing back the Cabanna for one noght just so they get him on the Survivor Series card.
As i'm sure you guys have heard around the net, WWE has instructed Carlito to act like the ROCK.....and he is indeed very subtly doing so. They are SLOWLY transitioning him into a "peoples champ" kind of guy, which is why he needs to be shown getting the ladies, and just being COOL.
Once that takes off, and it has been, Carlito will be stepping up in a major way.
Think back on the guys in the WWE who made it, and how they were slowly "created"...I see this pattern happening with Carlito right now.
maybe they should do that. make him another peoples champ. i mean, people already love him, and if wwe were to become smart at all, they would push carlito. they need to push these younger guys to the wwe and world titles and stuff, like, sylvan...yeah everyone hates him but i think he deserves the us title or something, and lashley, definately deserves the world title. but you know what, they could just be doing things like this to push them slowly until the older guys finish off. maybe then wwe, is finally going to be good again. but i seriously believe carlito needs to get a much bigger push. benjamin, orton, sylvan, lashley, cm punk, all those guys. but especially carlito because carlito is cool. lol. carlito is amazing in my eyes because hes got what it takes and i dont even have to explain it, just watch him.
I hope u guys are right, because as of now I am seeing another Christian Scenerio(only Carlito is way more talented). I just hope wwe uses him right, cus if they don't, i honestly believe the Cabana is going to TNA.
To be honest I would rather see Carlito being rested than thrust into some ridiculous hashed out storyline, I am sure the WWE see big things in him and will use him right
I think Carlito is overrated. Sure the guy has talent, but he has a lot more to learn to become a more complete wrestler. When he wrestles, he does pull off some nice looking moves, but he still has trouble pacing a match, and his in-ring psychology needs to be worked on (e.g. the timing of his moves). I also have a slight problem with his finisher, it's a nice move but it just doesn't look like a proper finisher to me, it looks more like a wear down move that is being used to set up for something more climactic. Also, his entrance music needs to be changed. He needs something a bit more up-tempo so that the fans can really go wild as he makes his entrance. But not too up-tempo because it wouldn't go with his "cool" gimmick. The one he currently has suits him more as a heel. I feel his push should be taken slowly, and not rushed. He is nowhere near main event level yet, but in about 12-18 months time he may be one of the top guys in the company.
yea i agree w/ most of u. carlito has the mic skills and definitely the ring skills. i think hes only a year, year and a half away from being a main eventer and maybe even the champ. who knows? i think the wwe is building all their younger guys to lead the way in the future. once the veterans retire (like dx, undertaker, kane, king booker, ric flair, big show, mic foley, etc) the wwe will be just as exciting as it was back in the late 90s
wrestleman57 said:
maybe soon carlito will go to smackdown

Well before that happens.. You'll be getting a warning for spamming.. Add more to your posts next time.
as a reply to that, i think he should go to smackdown. hes a face, and raw already has too many faces. besides, carlito, i believe in his first match ever, won the united states title, and it would be pleasant to see him and sylvan in a storyline for that very title. simply because i think it would probably make for a great feud and an amazing series of match ups because both of those guys are very qualified for that particular title.
if you get a warning....i'll laugh....i think Carlito should stay on RAW for the moment, and maybe feud will someone different....we've already seen him feud with Shelton twice, and the matches were only average anyway.....
Quite frankly i want to see Carlito out of WWE. He really isnt the "type" of person that i can see in the future. He had his time. Maybe he would be good for one more run but that would be about it. He should be moved to TNA. I know people are going to disagree but its just what i think.
^Screw that, TNA doesnt deserve Carlito. TNA would ruin Carlito anyways, man I hate TNA, Carlito is WWE 4 evea!
Carlito is the man! no way hes overrated ! by WM 24 he'll be the champ , for once we have a superstar with both great ability and mike skills, come on
I want him to kind of bulk up and get some kind of mean streak before they make him a main eventer. I mean he's had some "Honky Tonk Man" type title reigns and he gets owned most of the time, I would like to see him get into some kind of a win streak.

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