Whats Going To Happen To The Nexus Members If Nexus Disband ?


Dark Match Winner
So .. The Thoughts Of Cena Being In Yellow Of Black Gives Me A Big Smile ..
But I Think Cenas Ego Is Too Differnt From Any Of The Nexus Members ..

So What Do You Think .. Heres What I Think ...

Wade Barret Is The Next World Heavy Weight Champion No Doubt .. Hell Be Like Jericho . So My Predicton .. A Big Star In WWE And The Next Champion .

Justin Gabriel Is Going To Change His Ego And Be A Bit Like Mysetrio. My Preditcon Is Hell Be A Main Eventer And A Fan Favorite .

Heath Slater Is Going To A Interconatial Championship Condtender But I Thing He'll Heel Turn . He Would Have A Good Chance Of Domintaing The Tag Teams Like A Pantership Like Hass And Benjimans . My Predticon A Good Future But No Where Near The Standard Of WWE Champion .

Michael Tarver Is Going To Stay The Same . A Tough Guy A Bit Like Lashley And With A Chance Of Lashely Coming Back I Wouldnt Mind Seeing The Two Tag . My Predicton Goin To Be In And Out Of Storylines .

David Outunga Is Goin To Be Ego That Is All About Style And Richness .
I Dont Think Hes Got The Biggest Of Futrues . My Predicton Give Him A Year Or Two And Hes Tna .

Skip Sheffiled Is Going To Be A Brutal Batista Carrachter .. Ruthless . But I Think When He Wins Two Or Three Championshions Hell Be A Bit Of A Undercarder . My Predticon Hell Win The Main Titles But Then Will Go Away .

So What Do You Think ??

Please Respect My Comments As I Have Freedom To Speak .
-Wade barret will be Main-eventing and competing for the World title, no doubt in my mind.

-Gabriel I can see moving to Smackdown, maybe stay as a heel because I actually think he pull's it off surprisingly well. On Smackdown I can maybe see him winning an IC or tag team championship, nothing else.

-Tarver I actually think has a lot of potential, he's not the greatest wrestler, but he has pretty good mic skills and a good look. My guess is that he will stay on RAW

-Slater is a guy at first I thought would be a horrible heel, But I gotta say that he is actually kind of impressing me with his Cocky and arrogant attitude. He kind of reminds me of a Young Edge and Christian, and Kind of like V1 matt hardy. I see him staying somewhere in the Mid-card.

-Darren young I'm afraid I don't really have much hope for, In my opinion he's a decent wrestler but I can't really take him that seriously......especially with that hair.

-Sheffield will probably have a good run as a "Dominant" Mid-card heel and possibly win the IC or united states championship.....Or maybe if he works on it he could some day be a Main-eventer.

-Otunga I see more as a Personality then a Wrestler, his future is really kind of anyone's guess.
justin gabriel, future world champ? dude, what drugs are you on? because i want some. but seriously, i only see wade barret and skip sheffield as potential champs. david otunga, will kind of be like mark henry, kept around for years for god knows what reason (in otungas case, he will be kept for that ugly, untalented slag of a bird hes got) even though theres no talent. gabriel will maybe be i.c or us material, but not main event, and i predict future endeavours for the rest, within say, the next 18 months
Good post (Besides Spelling) and I was thinking about this the other day. Im going to include Darren Young. I'm focusing on their talents as opposed to WWE's booking staff.

Wade Barrett - The one guy who is guarenteed to go places. He's good on the mic, kinda sub par in ring. But as the leader of the Nexus he is being completely set up to be a future world champ, and he will be.

Justin Gabriel - Hopefully along with Bourne he revives the Cruiserweight division if WWE decides too. Otherwise I do see him being the next high flying face, cause they always go places. There defintely isnt another guy like him and better than him already on the same brand. Wait a minute.....

Heath Slater - Slater, hate to compare him to his NXT pro but I see him as the next Christian. Except less funny and not as solid in ring. IC/US title for sure, anymore more I highly doubt it unless he improves.

Michael Tarver - Tarver is also going no where. Not that good in the ring, bad on the mic. Tarver is a proud member of the future endevored list within 2 years.

David Otunga - If he surpasses MVP I'd be shocked. He is nothing special in the ring, subpar on the mic. His claim to fame is he's married to Jennifer Hudson. US or IC title if WWE booking is high.

Skip Sheffield - He's been in WWE developmental for a while and hasent gotten anywhere, and I dont believe he will ever. He's just too plain, Batista had charisma and was put in a great spot with Evolution. And he isn't as bad of a wrestler as everyone claims. Sheffield will be the PG version of Snitsky.

Darren Young - I believe he'll be called back up with Percy Watson and they will reform the South Beach Boys. They might win the tag titles but I doubt it. Otherwise I cant see him winning anything in sngles.
Wade is gonna be a huge Star, he'll be a future world champ for sure.

Gabriel has a lot of potential, IMO the best ring work of the group. I see him as a strong mid card guy, possibly breaking into the main event on smackdown. His style reminds me of Eddie.

Skip and Otunga, I think will be nothing more than Mid card guys or tag teams.

Slater, Tarver, and Young are heading back to FCW.
Good post (Besides Spelling) and I was thinking about this the other day. Im going to include Darren Young. I'm focusing on their talents as opposed to WWE's booking staff.

Wade Barrett - The one guy who is guarenteed to go places. He's good on the mic, kinda sub par in ring. But as the leader of the Nexus he is being completely set up to be a future world champ, and he will be.

Justin Gabriel - Hopefully along with Bourne he revives the Cruiserweight division if WWE decides too. Otherwise I do see him being the next high flying face, cause they always go places. There defintely isnt another guy like him and better than him already on the same brand. Wait a minute.....

Heath Slater - Slater, hate to compare him to his NXT pro but I see him as the next Christian. Except less funny and not as solid in ring. IC/US title for sure, anymore more I highly doubt it unless he improves.

Michael Tarver - Tarver is also going no where. Not that good in the ring, bad on the mic. Tarver is a proud member of the future endevored list within 2 years.

David Otunga - If he surpasses MVP I'd be shocked. He is nothing special in the ring, subpar on the mic. His claim to fame is he's married to Jennifer Hudson. US or IC title if WWE booking is high.

Skip Sheffield - He's been in WWE developmental for a while and hasent gotten anywhere, and I dont believe he will ever. He's just too plain, Batista had charisma and was put in a great spot with Evolution. And he isn't as bad of a wrestler as everyone claims. Sheffield will be the PG version of Snitsky.

Darren Young - I believe he'll be called back up with Percy Watson and they will reform the South Beach Boys. They might win the tag titles but I doubt it. Otherwise I cant see him winning anything in sngles.

Barrett will win the title soon... before Miz he is much further along already and far more of a "safe bet"... The Miz is still a little bit of a risk...

Gabriel is about the same as most IC/US level guys... where he might crack the odd main event is to build the African market, along with Kofi... lot of potential for a South African top guy on tours...

Heath Slater - This guy is like Christian and Matt, like the analogy but remember neither had anything approaching mic skills when they debuted... Christian had a frilly shirt and sunglasses and the benefit of his childhood buddy to goof off with... Matt his brother... Slater is showing potential now without that backup... put him with someone who can talk and watch him go.

Sheffield - I see him as a Batista replacement but not going to the main event without a new name/gimmick... it all depends how his injury heals... a guy that size needs both pins working right...

Young - Future Endeavored or pushed as Cena's half brother (PG era is that dumb the kids would buy it...)

Otunga - Future Endeavoured after his wife sings at Mania next year most likely

Tarver - Needs to be part of a stable or team... get Simmons back as a manager and reform Nation with Henry, Otunga and heel Kofi.
Wade Barret
Will one hundred percent be a World Champion. There no doubt in my mind. This guy is a complete package and fits the discription of a WWE Champion very well. Once he wins it, he's more than likely going to stay in the main event scene for the rest of his career.
Michael Tarver
Has so much potential. Really amazing on the mic and not that bad of a wrestler. He has the look to be a moster heel. I don't exactly see him as a world champion but he will be someone in the WWE for the years to come.
Justin Gabriel
Greatest "wrestler" in Nexus. The kids got a lot going for him right now, as long as he doesn't have to talk. He would have great feuds on Smackdown with Kofi Kingston, Christian and RAW's John Morrison. He probably won't be a champion unless he can find himself a mouth peice.
Skip Sheffield
The strong guy. Looks to be the next Broke Lesnar or Batista with a little work. I could see him feuding with anyone including Wade Barrett. Once he returns have him destroy Wade in a match and that could be the beggining of a great feud to get him over. The WWE is lacking in big men and power houses, and Skip could be that one guy that could fill that gaping hole. And for fucks sake, change the fucking name!!

The rest of these guys won't be around long enough to see themselves in any kind of feud outside of Nexus. David can't wrestle and is only here because of his talented girlfriend, Heath can't hold my attention for 5 minutes and Darren Young...no need to explain. Over all, Skip, Wade, Tarver, and Gabriel are the only talented ones and will actually leave their mark in WWE history.
Wade Barrett He wins the world title,stays a main eventer for the rest of career and then become a color commentator.He's the leader of one of the biggest stables ever.Winner of the first NXT.Sky's the limit.

Justin Gabriel Will continue to captivate the audience and 450 splash his way to the Smackdown main-event scene as a face.Why? He had a great run as FCW champion and he was over as face there.He'll do less talking and more wrestling.

Heath Slater The one man band himself..Mic skills are ok.I think he'll become a face and win either the IC or US title.I see him more with just a Mid-card career.

Michael Tarver Stellar Mid-Card heel.Great mic skills and is Intense.Could lead his own new stable.Possible World Champion.Sell a lot of merchandise. It's 0.9!

David Otunga Has the size.Has an edge because of his wife and reality tv history.Bad in ring and not so great on the mic...I don't see much of a future for him past mid-card.But I could be wrong.. see Batista. Meaning he could get better.Batistas best days were right before he quit.I thought I would never see him that good.It was like a light switch just came on or something.

Darren Young Interesting look.Could of had something with the whole "I'm the missing link thing".Even though he was the weakest link of nexus.That one lil moment when he came out I felt he could of turned the tables.Mic skills are ok.Could see the South Beach Boys reuniting to strengthen the tag team division.

Skip Sheffield This guy has a lot of potential.Before he was injured a fire was lit under him.It was almost as if he would explode at any minute.Anyways.A monster heel with good mic skills.IC or US champion.Then on to the World Championship as a face.Yup Yup Yup! Whut it Dew!
Wade Barret: Future main event-er. If Nexus did disband, he would still be in the main event scene.

Gabriel: I see him also grave the main event one day. I see him more useful on Smackdown than Raw.

Tarver: I believe he will still be around, but be more of a mid card level and occasionally get to the main event, only to get pushed back down.

Slater: I don't see this guy ever getting higher than the mid card level.

Darren: Same with Slater.

Sheffield: The most I can see this guy winning is a mid card belt. But, I may be wrong with him.

Otunga: I see him taking a manager type role in the near future like Matt Striker did.
Wade Barret - Soon to be WWE chAMP everyone knows that

Justin Gabrial - I see big things for him maybe contending (not wining) the WHC. If not then multiple time IC and/or US champ

Skip Shefield - Batistia like charecter. Also I see big things for him in the future possible Main Eventer.

Heath Slater - Mid Card version of Edge. Fueds for IC title on RAW should have some good matches there

Micheal Tarver - Tag Teams with someone and fights for Tag Titles

Otonga - Nothing special.. should be released

Young - See Micheal Tarver
Wow I cant believe how many people here are counting on Wade Barrett. Did you see his match against Chris Jericho? He's good at doing his finisher but when he's in the ring for an extended period, it's nothing special.

Here's Nexus in order of In-ring skill.
Young(He's out but I saw everyone else talking about him so i wanted to add to it)
The other two suck

Wade has definitely got the best Mic Skill and the look for being the Nexus leader but if you kept up with his matches on FCW and NXT then you would see that he doesn't have what it takes at this moment so I wouldn't bet money that he will win the WWE title soon.

When Skip returns, he's gonna' be to late. Nexus will be disbanded by then and he wont have a storyline to go off of. But he will develop into an upper middle carder, he has awesone in-ring skill and he's an ok heel mic worker.

Gabriel is phenomenal in the ring and he's playing the role of Wade's right hand man pretty good so I think that they'll form a team.

As for the rest, they'll probably fall back to main event FCW status, hich means you're a good jobber in the WWE.
I think the WWE's focused on pushing Wade Barrett. Now, is he good enough to be a Main Eventer for a long period of time, that remains to be seen. But right now, I'd say that he looks like a future World Champion.

Justin Gabriel is a guy I can see doing well in the Mid Card. Challenging for the I-C and U.S Titles.

Everyone else in Nexus sucks, and shouldn't be anywhere near a title.

I can maybe see Tarver sticking around as a mean, pitbull type.

The rest can fuck off and go back to wherever they came from.
If you just saw the Bragging Rights PPV promo, you realised that Barrett was aoart of it ... also the "N" of the Nexus is apart of the Bragging Rights logo...
A sign that Cena will be apart of nexus?
First off the poster for BRAGGING RIGHTS shows the Nexus' N logo, so with that in mind.....looks as if either Mr. Cena will join Nexus, or Cena will lose unjustfully an not have to join Nexus.........either way.....this thread should be closed!
quick question, i dont think otunga is so bad, why does everybody else? hes got that " im better than you personality" . that could make a good heel character. even though he hasnt been able too show it since hes been in nexus. so splitting up might be good for him
quick question, i dont think otunga is so bad, why does everybody else? hes got that " im better than you personality" . that could make a good heel character. even though he hasnt been able too show it since hes been in nexus. so splitting up might be good for him

Its because he's a terrible wrestler. Yea looks and personality are important, but he has next to no in ring skill. I dont know how he made it this far.
Its because he's a terrible wrestler. Yea looks and personality are important, but he has next to no in ring skill. I dont know how he made it this far.

you do have a point, but others have been able to make it in wwe who werent that great, i just hope he doesnt get pushed to the back if that happens
surprised nobody has brought this up, but anyone ever think of having a tag team formed with Gabriel and Slater? I think you put the two together and it'd be great. Otunga and Tarver, I'm not impressed with either one of them. Sheffield what I find funny is when he got injured, coincidently that was when the Nexus started losing steam. Darren Young I was also never impressed with so I'm predicting him, Otunga and Tarver, maybe not all at once but will be gone
heath slater...no matter how they try to tan him or color/straighten his hair, he is STILL just a dumb hick whose bumpkin accent takes away any seriousness/credibility from his promos. he needs a lot of help if he's tro be a singles wrestler. too much work/time for wwe to invest on a mid-carder

tarver...hopeless. typical. stereotypical... he may make it though if ezekiel jackson and/or shad gaspard don't return.

barrett. he's the star. if he stays healthy and continues to improve, he's going to be BIG BIG BIG

justin gabriel. big fish little pond. he was awesome in FCW. he's lame in WWE. has a great look/physique. needs to work on the talk & get new moves. even if he stays around, i see nothing more than a tag title in his future (the next 2 yrs)

sheffield...nobody cares. he should just be the cornfed emptyhead or whatever he was before.

otunga...he'll be gone first i think. they said he was the breakout star. even Jim Ross said that. even good ol' JR can be wrong

darren young. i think he's already dead in the water.

Barret, Gabriel and Sheffield are the only ones I see to have even the slightest of a long term future...

Barret... a bit obvious... I'll skip it lol.

Gabriel --> possibly a great fan favourite high flier type but I think I wouldn't mind seeing a heel high flier, should be interesting, but he'll go face after a while I suspect.

Sheffield --> I like this guy, although I don't see him going above high-mid carder he is actually pretty good. He may have a few runs as a champ but you dont need champion runs to be great; look at Undertaker *not that I'm comparing the two...* he's has had no where near enough title reigns to stand next to how great his career has been... but I suppose his "Streak" is probably worth more atm =O.
Wade Barrett: Will be the WWE Champ after the nexus breaks up.

Justin Gabriel: I think he's got the wrestling skills to make him a future star, but not on Raw. If he stays on Raw after the nexus breaks up, he will be lost in the shuffle. However if he goes to Smackdown, I think he will become and upper mid-card talent and before long a top face.

Heath Slater: I'm sorry but I think he will be gone within a year. This guy just seems to have no gimmick and no look whatsoever. Comparing him to Edge or Christian is really an insult lol.

Michael Tarver: Don't see him going very far in the WWE. Maybe an upper-mid carder.

Skip Sheffield: Maybe if he gets a new name when he returns, he could be a mid-card version of Batista. I don't see him going anywhere near the main-event scene.

David Otunga: I honestly think he will be a mid-carder for a long time then he will eventually get released. I think that he could be able to stay around for a while but he would need to seriously work on his ring work.

Darren Young: If Heath Slater isn't the first to get released, then Young will fill that role.
There's one thing I honestly don't understand. I've been reading through a lot of these posts and most of them claim that barrett is going to be going places, future world champ, etc. And I don't understand why.

First, barrett lumbers clumsily about the ring like a cross between a demented orangutan and frankenstein's monster. He's like a mini-me version of Khali or something in the ring. His move set (outside of brawling) is pathetically small. His finishing move looks no worse than a bodyslam.

Now I will freely admit that I have not seen him wrestle in any sort of independent circuits, nor did I buy HIAC so perhaps he was more impressive in that last pay per view. And I will also admit that like anyone else who is still new, he has room to grow and improve and perhaps some day have a long fruitful WWE career. But if it wasn't for this whole nexus angle, I don't see him really being able to shine on his own in any way right now, especially from an in-ring standpoint.

To answer with what will happen to the rest of the nexus, well, let's be honest--we only know what the finishing move is of sheffield and of gabriel. If WWE doesn't care enough to give the rest of the lot noticeable finishing moves, then chances are probably pretty good that we shouldn't care too much about them in the long haul.
Barrett - Future WWE Champion.

Justin Gabriel - I see him taking a John Morrison role in time, a jobber to main eventers and a filler in the mid card division but nothing really happening for him. I just cant see him as a champ cause he wouldnt be able to carry himself as one with his mic skills.

Heath Slater - Main eventer.....of Superstars. He has the looks but not the skills on the mic or in the ring. He's another Matt Hardy. But I think if they team Heath with Justin in the tag team, he could go somewhere there.

David Otunga - I see WWE putting the IC Title on him. Just the fact he can talk and has the body will carry him as a champion in Vince's eyes. He's like MVP, just built & with no skills in the ring but in WWE, skills in the ring hardly ever matter anymore.

Skip Sheffield - They'll give him a push but he'll flop. He'll be a destroyer on Superstars but I see him going nowhere on the main cards. I think he would best off being a bodyguard for a wrestler.

Tarver & Young - Future endeavoured.
Barret-No doubt future WWE Champion

Gabriel-Possibly a World Chamion, but he will most likely be in the smackdown upper midcard. Persumably Face

Slater- I thought he was getting a push in the Nexus when he eliminated Jericho and Edge, I think that died. I think he has the capability to hold the IC title or US.

Otunga-He will be kept around because of his wife, probably upper mid card. BTW I think he is the next to go out of the Nexus.

Tarver-I think he will be in a few feuds in the mid card, nothing more though.

Sheffield-Mid Card, will probably have a few title reigns.
I think Barrett is a shoe in to become a HUGE star...

Skip Sheffield is the wild card. I think he is the only one in Nexus (Unless you count Bryan) that will rival or even surpass what Barrett does. He has that it factor, plus size and is a strong storyline or feud away, when he returns, to being seriously over.

I can see Justin Gabriel being a big name. I don't think he will achieve more than Barrett or Sheffield, but he will not be stuck in those 2 guy's shadows. He will probably have numerous dramatic feuds, because of his size and in my mind, no doubt, will be a Babyface!! I don't know if he will ever be a world champion, but I see multiple titles in his future.

The rest of Nexus will fade out I think. I truly don't think the rest of them offer very much.

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