Whats been the best Wrestlemania so far?


Getting Noticed By Management
Id say that the best WM has to be 17 i mean every match was solid hmmn cept the Vince vs Shane at least the match was kinda entertaining shows how daring Shane can be eg elbow to Vince on the announce table.

(W) = Winner of match
I.C. Title match: William Regal vs. Chris Jericho(W)
APA & Tazz(W) vs. Right To Censor
Hardcore Title match: Big Show vs. Kane(W) vs. Raven
Euro Title match: Test vs. Eddie Guerrero(W)
Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle(W)
Women's Title : Ivory vs. Chyna(W)
Street fight: Shane O'Mac(W) vs. Vince McMahon (Special Guest Ref Mick Foley)
TLC 2 Match: Hardyz vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian(W)
Gimmick Battle Royal: Iron Shiek(W)
Undertaker(W) vs. HHH
WWF Championship match No DQ: The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin(W)

Question is will they ever top that?

sorry there was no hair vs hair that was WM 20 i got mixed up
I Agree that WM 17 is deadly, probably my second favorite actually.

But the best one in my opinion was Wrestlemania X

The Bret-Owen match was amazing, an all time great.

Razor and Michaels was an amazing match, my favourite match of all time.

Crush and savage was pretty solid.

the rest of the card was below average but.. When Bret won the Championship it was an absolute classic! when the whole roster came out and Owen was claiming that he should be champ was one of the best moments in Wrestling history.

So Wrestlemania X was the best there is best there was and the best there ever will be! sorry, that was lame.
o agree i really loved wrestlemania 17, not only was the TLC 2 one of the craziest matches ive ever seen but the rock vs stone cold match was 5 star!, benoit and anlge was also great, and i really enjoyed the taker vs triple HHH match also, actually its one of my fav matches of taker

though its tough... there have been many great WM, 17 was really good cuz it had a lot of great matches but some WM had like one awsome match that made it great also, like the bret vs stone cold match, dont remember wich WM it was, i think it was 13.. but damn that match was amazing

oh last years WM was pretty great to, MITB was really good and so was the hardcore match between edge and foley, man that was insane... but there have been much better...

this years was one of the worst WMs....
hmmm well I think this year's was pretty damn good considering how bad they have been since 18 (o god hogan vs rock...worst wm match i ever saw) undertaker kickin Boring batista's ass made me like this mania....but to answer this thread...17 was the greatest of all time. The storylines that built up from that yrs rumble made that rock vs austn match the greatest in their rivalry as well as my all time favorite match ever(even thought i like the Rock waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than austin)
I am gonna come right out of left field here and show some appreciation for one of the forgotten Wrestlemania's. Wrestlemania 19 from 2003, held in Safeco Field, Seattle. It's still one of my favourite Wrestlemanias to date and as I said, it sadly gets forgotten by lots of fans but if you go and watch it again you will see WWE promoted five main event matches and all of them delivered.

Here's my top five matches from the night in order.

1) Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho: This match was an absolute wrestling clinic. I still think Jericho should have went over but Michaels winning didn't hurt Jericho's credibility in anyway so it's all good. HBK wrestled like he was back in his prime in this match. Both styles just clicked so well and if you watch it again you will agree.

2) The Rock vs Stone Cold pt. III: The third time both men met at Wrestlemania and IMO the best match they had at the big dance. Back and forward action, lots of close pinfalls, the crowd were red hot and of course The Rock finally won. Add in the fact that The Rock won cleanly and he was the heel in the match. This is also Austin's last ever match to date. It's a great way to finish because this match was awesome.

3) Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar: Considering the state Angle was in going into this event and to have a match like he and Lesnar did you have to applaud him. There was a risk Angle would not be able to compete at WM 19 due to a neck injury however he risked it and made it through the match unscaved. Two great amateur styles here clashing and it worked so well and of course look out for Lesnar missing the shooting star press at the end and very nearly killing himself.

4) Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon: Ok. I admit, if this match was a standard 1-on-1 match it would have sucked. But as with all McMahon matches a gimmick was added. This time it was No Holds Barred and that definitely added to the match. Some great spots in this match like when McMahon leg dropped Hogan off the top of a ladder through the announce table. Or when a blood covered Vince had the look of the devil in his eyes peaking over the ring apron at a downed Hogan, that was hillarious. Not forgetting Rowdy Roddy Piper showed up during the match and rattled Hogan with a lead pipe. As a Hulkamaniac myself it also made me happy to see the Hulkster win.

5) Triple H vs Booker T: It came as a major surpise to everyone with WWE made Booker T the #1 contender to Triple H's World Title. I was one of the skeptical ones however in fairness this match was pretty good albeit it was the weakest of the five main events but there were a lot of good spots in it and of course Booker T very nearly won the match. Kudos to Triple H for doing a good job carrying Booker T through a good match.
ill probably catch shit for this but oh well...My favorite has got to be WM 7...this one had EVERYONE and EVERYBODY that made that era so great, capping it off with the Hogan slaughter match...which although wasnt too great technically, was extremely emotional...the rockers VS barbarian haku match was great, Warrior savage was classic, bossman VS perfect was an entertaining one (it had fuckin mr perfect, of course it was good) the hart foundation VS the nasties was a good match, the debut of the undertaker, legion of doom in what was a squash, but an entertaining one...simply stacked...

although I will say WM X 7 was incredible as well...although, unlike most i wasnt a big fan of the austin heel turn, especially in texas like that, I dont know, it just seemed like a let down to me at least...
yea i also think that wrestlemania 17 was the best wrestlemania it was absoloutely brilliant does anyone know where you can get wrestlemania 17 on dvd? i have been looking for it for a long time but i just cant get it anywhere.
who ever moved the thread thanks i thought seeing as it was wwe it should have went in the wwe section

anyway wm 17 was the best prolly because even tho there have been wm with great matches this one had great matches all round because if you think about it some wrestlemania had great main events but crap undercards 17 was just great all round showcasing every match and wrestler at wm 17 to their
i agree that Wm 17 was the best it had good matches, a great main event, and one of my favorite matches was the hardcore match. the only thing i dislike from that WM was the theme, they had better ones.
WM 17 theme was great because its also the theme for TNA iMPACT although i prefere the iMPACT version they differ slightly. Its agreed WM 17 is the best WM overall.
Wrestlemania 3 was a huge stepping stone for the business. But for entertainment purposes and excellent matches it would have to be Wrestlemania 17. It had numerous matches that were 4-5 star and was the biggest Wrestlemania during the biggest era of wrestling the "attitude era".
its hard to pick out one because every wrestlemania has its own show stealer. for example HBK vs Angle at WM 21 or Benoit vs HBK vs HHH at WM20 but WM 17 was good all round and its probably the best PPV that WWE has ever had. That ppv showed vinces genius. WM23 was the most over hyped peice of crap ever. WWE has totaly changed its market audience so that its better for kids
I hate to be so unoriginal, but I do have to agree that WrestleMania 17 was the greatest WrestleMania, perhaps even the gratest professional wrestling pay-per-view of all-time.

And as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, WrestleMania 19 seems to be forgotten by a lot of people. I totally agree with this. Every match on that show was solid, and many were fantastic such as Y2J/HBK, Rock/Austin III (my personal favorite), and Lesnar/Angle.

Another 'Mania favorite of mine would have to be WrestleMania 14. Austin/Michaels, Kane/Taker, etc. I really enjoyed 'Mania 14.

So, in closing:

kcorthe's vote for best WrestleMania ever: WrestleMania X-Seven.
i agree with 'mania 17 being great but you are all overlooking the wrestlemania with the best match of all time on it .. wrestlemania 12 .. there is no doubt that shawn michaels vs bret hart, the iron man match, is the best match ever .. plus adding the fact that it was stone cold's first 'mania, piper vs goldust was very entertaining, ultimate warrior vs hhh, taker vs diesel, owen bulldog and vader vs yoko jake the snake and ahmed johnson, how can you beat this 'mania .. honestly you all have to reconsider
17 is probably the first Wrestlmania that comes to mind , it was my first wrestlemania to ever watch.......but seriously Wrestlemania 19 was tremendouse , I loved all the matches especially the HBK/Jericho my god that was a very beautifully atristicly wrestlign done match. Broke vs Angle ? .... probably the most under-estemated main event it was very good but ot everyone seems to remeber it.

Im goign with 19.
i still stand by that wm17 is the best so far

overall it was great every match was good and had a great build up to it unlike some of the recent wm

i have to say that looking at other wm they had good main events maybe better than 17 but to be honest most wm have bad under cards

id have to see 19 to be able to comment on it it sounds like it had great matches but sometimes just looking at the matches like x VS x sounds good but never turn out like that eg HHH vs Booker T Summer Slam 07 wasnt as good as it sounded

i also agree about wm 23 it was hyped so much that i was actually thinking wwe had changed omg so many reasons for it being bad i mean a spike piledriver and cena acts like it was only a backhander and that batista vs taker match Taker basicaly carried the whole match, the battle of the billionaires was so stupid i mean everyone got stunned except Lashley its like they wanted to make him seem good in the eyes of stone cold who just took everyone out.

sorry to bash WM 23 but it wasnt as good as it could have been
The bestest Wrestlemania so far I have to say has been Wrestlemania 20 I mean it has all the best matches from Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg to Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels and the return of the Deadman oh yeah.:headbanger:
I have to say 19 based on that it really was the end of an era. 20 is where they started ushering in the Batistas, Ortons and Cenas but 19 still had Micheals, Jericho, Rock and Austin and it was really kind of a send off from that great era into what we have today.
The bestest Wrestlemania so far I have to say has been Wrestlemania 20 I mean it has all the best matches from Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg

Wow, I think that is the major reason why I hate Wrestlemania 20. The match is horrible. The wrestling sucked and neither men had the desire to be there. The crowd was ripping them apart too.

The rest of Wrestlemania 20 was pretty good. The triple threat was great and so was the Championship match. Jericho/Christian put on a great match too. The handicap match was enetertaining and Undertakers return was ok.

The best Wrestlemania though is either Wrestlemania 17 or Wrestlemania 19.

Wrestlemania 17:

The card was stacked from top to bottom. Almost all of the matches were good an entertaining. Standouts were the Hardcore title match, Benoit/Angle, TLC 2, Jericho/Regal, Undertaker/Triple H, and the main event.

Wrestlemania 19:

The card looked great. We had some amazing matches like Jericho/Michaels and the rest of the matches were just great like the Womens title, Hogan/McMahon, Booker/Triple H, Rock/Stone Cold 3, and Angle/Lesnar.
WM19 is by far the best i think, you get 5 main event matches, sure the undertaker match sucked, alogn with a few others. but add in the huge outdoor stadium, the cool entrance stage, and some great matches, its the best one. hbk vs y2j & brock vs kurt, you dont get much better matches.

but rock austin 3, i thought kinda stunk cuz it was an overkill match of finishing moves, lacked great wrestling like in there wm15 & wm17 matches.
Without a doubt, in my mind, it's WM3. It was the first WM I ever saw, and it blew my mind. Steamboat against Savage, possibly best match ever. Hogan VS Andre. Classic. I honestly cannot remember all the other matches, as I haven't seen it in awhile. But, it's basically what made me a wrestling fan, so maybe I have a soft spot. THAT is when WWE/WWF knew how to entertain and bring off classic matches. Never forget that one, and I don't think it has been topped yet. I still remember it through a kid's eyes, so I think I'll always feel this way. :)
I am going to agree with WM 17 and WM 19, but I want to make a case for the show I am now and always will be biased towards - Wrestlemania 8.

Wrestlemania 8 was the first true showcase of Shawn Michaels as a mid-card star, defeating Tito Santana in an excellent curtain-jerker match and challenging the winner of the Intercontinental Title match. Shawn worked this match well without having "Sweet Chin Music" as his finisher yet - he was still using a side suplex.

This was also The Undertaker's first match as a legit face, taking on Jake Roberts. The back story was in place with the Jake Roberts / Randy Savage feud ending. Taker gets up from two DDT's (solidfying himself and almost unstoppable) and tombstones Jake on concrete. Featured the memorable Bobby Heenan call "I never thought I'd hear people cheering this man!"

A classic face vs face Intercontinental Title Match as a bloodied Bret Hart defeated Rowdy Roddy Piper. Roddy's first and only taste of major singles gold ended gracefully and set the stage for the first of many Hart / Michaels feuds.

Randy Savage vs Ric Flair was among the greatest WWF Title matches ever. The "she was with me before she was with you" had fans emotionally invested from day one, and even the Savage appearance on Regis Phillbin was awesome. Seriously, this match was executed perfectly, and with Heenan in the announce box with Monsoon, it was that much better.

Tatanka sets the stage as a newcomer with a strong victory over Rick Martel, and Owen Hart squashes Skinner. Meh. The ending to Money Inc. vs Natural Disasters was crap.

Then, Hogan vs Justice, a match built around the idea of it being Hulk Hogan's farewell match. A classic Hogan encounter, with Justice selling perfectly. Also featured the return of The Ultimate Warrior, though I am not sure why Papa Shango got involved.

This card was stacked and played out the way it should have been. I miss the Monsoon / Heenan combo, and you can see JR and Lawler get a great deal of inspiration there.
I honestly think its a toss up between WM 17 and WM 19.

WM 17 was the best in terms of shock valule. Who knew Austin was going to join forces with Vincent Kennedy McMahon. There were also memorable moments such as the Rock Vs. Austin, Shane vs. Vince, Undertaker vs. Triple H, The TLC Match 2, and a few more I probably have forgotten.

If you prefer wrestling with out a whole lot of drama then it would be WM 19. Every card from top to bottom was great (Undertaker and nathan jones vs Big Show and Albert was passable). There was solid wrestling throught out the show. Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio was a great opening to the show. The triple tag team match for the Smackdown Championship was really good.Trish Vs. Victoria Vs. Jazz was probably one of the best Women's Championship matches in WM history. Jericho and Michaels put on a spectacular show. Austin vs SCSA was intense as ever. Hogan and McMahon surpassed alot of expectations. Last but not least who can forget the match between Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar? Spectacular PPV.
I'm gonna go with Wrestlemania 22.

The Money in the Bank Match was highly entertaining and IMO the best MITB match there has been thus far.

The crowd in Chicago is great and even made the Womans match of Trish vs. Mickie James the best I've seen.

HBK vs. Vince was awesome. Seeing the D-X sign for the first time in years especially from HBK was a moment that gave me goosebumps. Plus seeing that latter bust open Vince's head and the fact that it wasn't a blade job was amazing.

Then we had the Hardcore match of Foley vs. Edge. I gained new respect for Edge after this match as it seemed he was trying to keep up with Foley as far as bumps go.

I'm not a Rey fan but seeing him win the belt was a pretty great moment. I'm sure he never thought one day he would be a world heavyweight champion at his size.

While I was upset at the fact that HHH lost to Cena I thought they put on a good match.
The crowd was hot and it had some good spots.

A close second for me is Wrestlemania 7.
The warrior/Savage match was a classic and I think the Hogan/Slaughter Match was Hulks best.
I would have to say Wrestlemania 20. The triple threat between HBK, HHH, and Benoit is still one of my favorite matches of all time. The Rock n' Sock connection returning against Evolution was just great. The return of Undertaker (with Paul Bearer!), and against Kane no less, was the perfect example of a magic moment. Sure the Brock v. Goldberg match was horrible, but I'm a sucker for names, and anything with Stone Cold and Goldberg has me sold. Cena FU'ing Big Show for the U.S. title wasn't bad either.

Eddie Guerrero defeating Kurt Angle was great, and the two four-way tag team championship matches were great. I mean come on, the APA and 'Too Cool' in one and the Dudley Boyz and Van Dam Booker T in the other. And one of my favorite matches on the ppv was Christian-Chris Jericho with Trish turning heel.

From top to bottom I just loved it all.

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