Whatever with Will

Thoughts on the New England beatdown on Shittsburgh and the BRAINBECKERISAGOD shit talking leading up to the game?

I think for as much as this game was hyped way before the middle of the season, that New England has had far better, & more exciting games. And in the thick of things.. as much as Brian won't like it.. Pittsburgh showed that they can't hang with this year's New England Patriots, & shouldn't try to claim they can.

As far as Brian goes.. I feel sorry for him for this, because it hurt me a LOT when Carolina lost to New England in Superbowl XXXVIII, but that game had controversy.. Brian's game was a blow out toward the end.

I respect him for believing in his team, & there is nothing wrong with them losing to the better team.. but it'll only matter on whether Brian thinks they unjustly lost, or takes it like a man. (like I'm currently having to choke down the entire Carolina Panthers season :()
Yay I was looking for this earlier. Lol

1. Will you e-love me forever and ever?

2. How did you come across Wrestlezone?

3. If you could do one thing in your life, what would it be?

4. What do you feel about us talking?
Yay I was looking for this earlier. Lol

1. Will you e-love me forever and ever?

2. How did you come across Wrestlezone?

3. If you could do one thing in your life, what would it be?

4. What do you feel about us talking?

1. You're by far the most unbelieveable person I've ever met through these forums, or anything, anywhere else on the internet. I would e-love you for an e-ternity.

2. A very good friend of mine, Mandy, used to read all the rumors on the main page. I've been coming to this site since 2001 to check stuff.. but never joined the forums until earlier this year. Never had an urge to join any type of forum, until I seen something I really wanted to "debate" & then it just kinda clicked.

3. There are several things I wish I could do over the course of my life. I would love, just once, to wrestle in a wrestling ring, as a performer. Indies, local, no-name, no-nothing stuff is fine.. just the ability to be boo'd as a heel, or cheered as a face.. to feel the rush, of having music playing, & walking through the curtain for the first time.. pure interaction, drama.

There are several other things I'd love to do.. but would you really want me listing them here? ;) For the record, none are perverted.

4. Further explain the question.....
1. You're by far the most unbelieveable person I've ever met through these forums, or anything, anywhere else on the internet. I would e-love you for an e-ternity.

2. A very good friend of mine, Mandy, used to read all the rumors on the main page. I've been coming to this site since 2001 to check stuff.. but never joined the forums until earlier this year. Never had an urge to join any type of forum, until I seen something I really wanted to "debate" & then it just kinda clicked.

3. There are several things I wish I could do over the course of my life. I would love, just once, to wrestle in a wrestling ring, as a performer. Indies, local, no-name, no-nothing stuff is fine.. just the ability to be boo'd as a heel, or cheered as a face.. to feel the rush, of having music playing, & walking through the curtain for the first time.. pure interaction, drama.

There are several other things I'd love to do.. but would you really want me listing them here? ;) For the record, none are perverted.

4. Further explain the question.....

1. =D

2. Yeah I did the same, until a friend told me to join up to it. I don't think I even realised it had forums at one point..Lmao

3. That sounds so cool lol.
For the record, none are perverted.
Awww ;) =P Lmao

4. Are you glad we started talking? Why? Lol
(So just my way to get a smile on my face lmao)
2. Yeah I did the same, until a friend told me to join up to it. I don't think I even realised it had forums at one point..Lmao

I always knew they had a forums section, because when I first went to Wrestlezone.com I checked out the whole site. Funny thing is.. Jake & Jonny weren't around (to my knowledge) back in 2001.. so I doubtfully would've remained as much of a member to this forum if it wasn't for the first overall meeting between Jake & I..

Jonny & I never talked until the issue with Coco-Crisp & the possible hack thing came up. (long story, short version is he didn't) But I like both Jake & Jonny & hold great respect for what they do on these boards. From what I understand, this forum was crap before they were here.. & I wouldn't of wanted to be apart of something that was horribly mismanaged.

3. That sounds so cool lol.

Like I said, thats just one of several things I wish I could do in this life.. that I don't know if it'd ever happen. You should know the rest, or most anyways. As far as the wrestling thing goes..

Its been my dream since I was hell, 11, 12.. since ever seeing wrestling on t.v. & loving the interaction that they received from the crowd. I was once involved in a local indy fed in northern Iowa.. I went to become a member.. actually, I went because I was in love with a girl that was a valet for the wrestling group.. & we were trying to work me in, so we could be paired.. but the love part of that fell through.. & thus, so did my dream through that door.

4. Are you glad we started talking? Why? Lol
(So just my way to get a smile on my face lmao)

Becca, there has not been a single day that has gone by in my life, since knowing you & talking with you like we have.. that I haven't thanked God for you coming into my life.

As I've said before & will likely say again.. you have such an amazing ability to hold me on every word you say, every breath.. in the palm of your hand, hanging on your every action. For as little as we've known each other, its incredibly hard to imagine suddenly not, or never talking to you again.. & for that, I hope it never happens. There would be a few words I'd want to say, but refrain from doing so.

heh Oh yeah, to answer your question with a simple answer.. yes, I'm very happy & glad we started talking. And mainly because you put a smile on my face, & make me happy when next to nothing else can. You brighten dark days in my life.
Becca, there has not been a single day that has gone by in my life, since knowing you & talking with you like we have.. that I haven't thanked God for you coming into my life.

As I've said before & will likely say again.. you have such an amazing ability to hold me on every word you say, every breath.. in the palm of your hand, hanging on your every action. For as little as we've known each other, its incredibly hard to imagine suddenly not, or never talking to you again.. & for that, I hope it never happens. There would be a few words I'd want to say, but refrain from doing so.

heh Oh yeah, to answer your question with a simple answer.. yes, I'm very happy & glad we started talking. And mainly because you put a smile on my face, & make me happy when next to nothing else can. You brighten dark days in my life.

*gags* As a recently dumped and thus extremly cynical person, that's the most disgustng thing I've ever read.

Anyway, onto a question:

Are you happy for me that RandyKO (need to find out her name, typing that is getting annoying) agreed to be my E-date for the e-wedding?
*gags* As a recently dumped and thus extremly cynical person, that's the most disgustng thing I've ever read.

Well, to be honest.. the emotions felt toward Becca far surpass anything words could say. But if I had to comprise it into a set of words.. it would simply be.. "As close to perfect, as perfect could get."

Anyway, onto a question:

Are you happy for me that RandyKO (need to find out her name, typing that is getting annoying) agreed to be my E-date for the e-wedding?

I think its a huge step up for her, to be your date. You're a very high profile type of guy.. she needs to realize this, & thus I think she has if she agree'd to go with you. In my opinion, you can do better.. she seems kinda not all put together mentally.. has a lot of "duh" moments, but that could definately be a plus for you in the end as well. ("duh girls" don't think before they act - they just act - actings good)
Well, to be honest.. the emotions felt toward Becca far surpass anything words could say. But if I had to comprise it into a set of words.. it would simply be.. "As close to perfect, as perfect could get."

Still recently dumped. Still cynical. Still disgusting.

Fresh Prince: Still funny. Even on Virgin +1

You're a very high profile type of guy

Thank you.

she needs to realize this, & thus I think she has if she agree'd to go with you. In my opinion, you can do better.. she seems kinda not all put together mentally.. has a lot of "duh" moments, but that could definately be a plus for you in the end as well. ("duh girls" don't think before they act - they just act - actings good)

Hey, don't go bad-mouthing my date.

Still, you got a point.

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