Whatever with Will


[This Space for Rent]
Its new, its not unique, its following in pattern of whats 'in'.. its the Whatever w/ Will thread! Or Ask Me, for those who didn't get it.

I'm open to all forms of questions. Stupid, smart, goofy, personal, senseless, or insightful. Ask away...
how are you doing?

I'm doing pretty good, actually. Thanks for asking.

You an Atheist, boy?

Atheist, agnostic, infidel, skeptic refer to persons not inclined toward religious belief or a particular form of religious belief. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings. An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. Infidel means an unbeliever, especially a nonbeliever in Islam or Christianity. A skeptic doubts and is critical of all accepted doctrines and creeds.

Based on what dictionary.com has told me. Yes & No. Apparenty I'm mixed, as I believe in God & Heaven/Hell, yet I'm open to anything being possible.. & the fact that just because the bible states something, does not make it true. (Bible was written by man) Noone knows what the "above power" is, or can truly do. So its unknown on what to believe. Therefore, one can only believe what they feel is right within themselves.

Does that answer it for you?

why are you so cool?

I run my air conditioner year round.

Who are you?

Eat your greens kids,
Luther Out.

See, Jake.. I told you this wouldn't work.. even jolly green doesn't know who I am.
Big Will...

when Jake came to u and told u about u becoming a mod...what were u reactions?

did u convince him it was a good idea...did u tell him that there r others suitable for the job. What?
Based on what dictionary.com has told me. Yes & No. Apparenty I'm mixed, as I believe in God & Heaven/Hell, yet I'm open to anything being possible.. & the fact that just because the bible states something, does not make it true. (Bible was written by man) Noone knows what the "above power" is, or can truly do. So its unknown on what to believe. Therefore, one can only believe what they feel is right within themselves.

Does that answer it for you?

I'd say that's Agnostic, or perhaps a non-practicing Christian. This may sound offensive but I'm always very curious when it comes to Religion - why do you believe in something for which there is no proof?

AGAIN, this is not meant to cause offense. If it does, I apologize.
Big Will...

when Jake came to u and told u about u becoming a mod...what were u reactions?

did u convince him it was a good idea...did u tell him that there r others suitable for the job. What?

Well, first, when I learned about mods. I went to Jake about what it takes to become one, & how much responsibility it takes. When he replied with those answers, he also made the statement that when a spot opens, take it. So when he later came to me & offered me the spot, I didn't think twice.

Regarding my reaction, I take it with great pride that I was chosen for this spot. As, to my knowledge, not many are picked to become a mod. So not only do I take that as them liking me for the posts I've made, but also having & holding respect for me.

Regarding more suitable individuals, when I found out that it was basically a vote between Big Wes & myself, & it was mainly because Jake said so, that I became a mod.. I told him that if Big Wes was who everyone wanted, that I'd wait my turn, because I didn't wish to cause trouble. I said I'd continue to prove that I'm worth a chance at the position, but if everyone else felt he was better suited, to pick him.

Overall, here I am, still a mod.. so whether that means I am held with respect by the other mods or not, I can't say. But regardless of any of that, I'll continue to do my job, & attempt earning respect. Not just from the other mods, but from all the users on this forum.

I'd say that's Agnostic, or perhaps a non-practicing Christian. This may sound offensive but I'm always very curious when it comes to Religion - why do you believe in something for which there is no proof?

AGAIN, this is not meant to cause offense. If it does, I apologize.

No offense at all. I'm very much into religious beliefs & views, but I'm not going to be hypocritical of others views, just because they aren't my own. Why should I? Everyone leads their own lives, & has every right to believe in what they want.

By you asking why I believe in something that there isn't proof for.. I'll take that as you asking why I believe in God. The simple answer to that is because I have no other understanding on how to explain human life. (I get the continuation of life, but not how the first male/woman was placed here, other than to believe in God)

While I'm not about to say the bible is the end all - be all to truthfulness, (because it was written by, & therefore can be altered by, man) it seems to have many, many people believing in it. And while I don't exactly believe in following something just because everyone else does.. it all comes full circle to not having any other good enough understanding for it.

The only thing I've ever truly questioned is God's gender. A lot of people refer to God as a "him" & I simply don't agree. Male is the universal sign for power, more or less. (no offense, females) But to me, if God is "almighty" & "everything" then why does God's gender have to be limited? I think God would have the ability & power to be whatever God wants.

Also, Heaven & Hell. I've questioned it a couple times, especially with my most recent conversation on the subject. Its said that God will allow anyone who asks for God's forgiveness, into heaven. Regardless of the crime, or act, as long as you "ask" for forgiveness.. you can be allowed into heaven. The reason I argue this, is merely & simply because what would be the point in hell then? If all anyone has to do after committing a crime is simply say "God, please forgive me" & they're in heaven like that.. I just absolutely don't understand. (outside of already hearing its because God doesn't hold grudges, or take offense to anyone's actions or crimes)
Will, who are your 3 favorite wrestlers and why?

The following 2 are my #1. & #2. respectively.

1. Shawn Michaels: I grew up watching him, but unfortunately not until he was the cocky heel "Heartbreak Kid." When I was able to watch several older tapes of him in the Rockers, I had always dreamed of becoming a Professional Wrestler, exactly like Shawn Michaels. For as long as I've been a fan of Pro. Wrestling, I've been a fan & follower of Shawn Michaels. (The is so much more behind this, including loving his long hair that it played a role in why I grew mine out)

2. Edge: I've followed Edge's career since he's joined W.W.F/E.. From the moment he debuted, I thought to myself that he could one day become the W.W.F/E. Champion. I think I'm more like Edge (as my life has progressed) than H.B.K., because our attitudes are a lot alike. While Edge's "character" is disrespectful, (& I'm the exact opposite) neither of us care to fondly of people judging us. To this day, I grow more excitement to see Edge wrestle than I do Shawn Michaels, & I even wish Edge to be a World Champion, more so than Shawn Michaels.. because I see Edge as the future.

As far as a true #3. goes, I couldn't narrow it down. But its went from anyone such as Raven, to Billy Kidman. -- Not to go deeply into it, (unless you want me to) Raven is due to his character & all his great promos. Kidman is because of his smaller size, & because he became something (somewhat) big in the cruiserweight division in W.C.W. (Kidman gave me hope at one point, that dispite not being big & muscular, there would've always been a chance to realize the dream)

What do u think of Santino Marella? Do you find him entertaining?


I find Santino Marella highly entertaining, I love his promos & I think he deserves far more time on the mic. -- *sigh* While I must admit, his wrestling is something to be desired, & at a time I even considered wanting him released because thats how bad it was.. I've seen the light, & am now a member of the Santino Marella fan-a-club.. & I'll never get enough of him.
Apparently if I don't post here myself, it'll fade away into the back pages. So this would be considered a BUMP to some people.
Will, I noticed in my previous question you mentioned that you are a fan of Raven. I, too, am a huge fan of his work. That being said, are you a fan of ECW? Why or Why not?
That being said, are you a fan of ECW? Why or Why not?

Absolutely! My only regret is not learning about it sooner. My very first memory of E.C.W. was a p.p.v. that came in, but wasn't suppose to. I was flipping through channels, noticed it & watched. I recorded what I could.. (the match I remember the most - Tommy Dreamer v. Justin Credible - Stairway to Hell) my regret there is, because I only got half of the p.p.v. recorded.. I decided to record over it. (One of the only times I've ever recorded over anything wrestling)

I recorded over it, with a new wrestling show that debuted.. N.W.A. Wildside, I believe. Overall.. BIG MISTAKE.

I restarted watching E.C.W. in 1999, oddly enough right when Raven returned. I ordered the Anarcy Rulz p.p.v. & seen on the countdown that Raven had returned. I flipped out with excitement, because I didn't see that coming. (I didn't have the net, & had no clue of all the behind the scenes stuff)

My biggest memory of what E.C.W. was before I watched that p.p.v. was nothing but "violence without meaning." After watching that p.p.v. I thought to myself.. "Violence may be added, but their matches are better put together with pure wrestling than either W.W.F. or W.C.W." (partly because their storylines sucked.. lol)

I was always a fan of Raven, Rhino, R.V.D., Justin Credible, Lance Storm, Kid Kash, Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino, Nova, E.Z. Money, Mike Awesome, Taz, Masato Tanaka & many many more.. the only E.C.W. natural that I never cared for, including any of his matches.. was New Jack. I'm sorry, but to this day, I think he's only good for high spots off the top of places noone else is stupid enough to climb & jump from.

I do have a favorite New Jack moment though.. when Vic Grimms (I think it was) went up with him, but ended up being too scared to jump, so New Jack pulled him off.. & ultimately, the 300 lbs. Vic, landed on New Jack.. I thought Jack deserved that for being a dick.. lol

I hope that answers your question, as E.C.W. holds pure passion within me, I could go on & on forever about the short amount I've seen. I've attempted like crazy to gather all the old V.H.S. tapes I could of all their previous stuff.

Ohh.. one final thing, worth mentioning.. I was such a Raven fan, that I had my hair PERMED! And I added the blonde streaks everywhere in my hair. I even added the bright red (which turned hot pink quicker than anything) streak, that he had in W.W.E.
Absolutely! My only regret is not learning about it sooner. My very first memory of E.C.W. was a p.p.v. that came in, but wasn't suppose to. I was flipping through channels, noticed it & watched. I recorded what I could.. (the match I remember the most - Tommy Dreamer v. Justin Credible - Stairway to Hell) my regret there is, because I only got half of the p.p.v. recorded.. I decided to record over it. (One of the only times I've ever recorded over anything wrestling)

I recorded over it, with a new wrestling show that debuted.. N.W.A. Wildside, I believe. Overall.. BIG MISTAKE.

I restarted watching E.C.W. in 1999, oddly enough right when Raven returned. I ordered the Anarcy Rulz p.p.v. & seen on the countdown that Raven had returned. I flipped out with excitement, because I didn't see that coming. (I didn't have the net, & had no clue of all the behind the scenes stuff)

My biggest memory of what E.C.W. was before I watched that p.p.v. was nothing but "violence without meaning." After watching that p.p.v. I thought to myself.. "Violence may be added, but their matches are better put together with pure wrestling than either W.W.F. or W.C.W." (partly because their storylines sucked.. lol)

I was always a fan of Raven, Rhino, R.V.D., Justin Credible, Lance Storm, Kid Kash, Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino, Nova, E.Z. Money, Mike Awesome, Taz, Masato Tanaka & many many more.. the only E.C.W. natural that I never cared for, including any of his matches.. was New Jack. I'm sorry, but to this day, I think he's only good for high spots off the top of places noone else is stupid enough to climb & jump from.

I do have a favorite New Jack moment though.. when Vic Grimms (I think it was) went up with him, but ended up being too scared to jump, so New Jack pulled him off.. & ultimately, the 300 lbs. Vic, landed on New Jack.. I thought Jack deserved that for being a dick.. lol

I hope that answers your question, as E.C.W. holds pure passion within me, I could go on & on forever about the short amount I've seen. I've attempted like crazy to gather all the old V.H.S. tapes I could of all their previous stuff.

Ohh.. one final thing, worth mentioning.. I was such a Raven fan, that I had my hair PERMED! And I added the blonde streaks everywhere in my hair. I even added the bright red (which turned hot pink quicker than anything) streak, that he had in W.W.E.

Will, you have just made my day! By the list of your favorite ECW guys, it's obvious that you were really into the later years of the company. So my question is: RVD or Jerry Lynn? Why?
Will, you have just made my day! By the list of your favorite ECW guys, it's obvious that you were really into the later years of the company.

Believe me, E.C.W. became a passion to me. Even their Friday night show on T.N.N. which was far greater than a mere 1 hour time slot. Deserved so much more. And the fact that T.N.N. more or less forced E.C.W. to self-promote ever OTHER stupid show they had on E.C.W. time was crap.

I could literally have a full length conversation with you over E.C.W. from what I know, & what I've seen.

So my question is: RVD or Jerry Lynn? Why?

This is such a hard question to ask, because I'd selfishly say 70-80% of the time people would say R.V.D. for not exactly knowing Jerry Lynn. But to me, Jerry Lynn brought out the best in R.V.D.

I'm sorry, I simply don't have a correct answer, to me they're tied. I suppose I could give R.V.D. the nod in spots, because every match I've ever seen him in, in E.C.W. was pure highlight reel after highlight reel.

I grew tired of some of their earlier matches, because R.V.D. showboated A LOT.. & sometimes it'd take upwards of 5 minutes just for him to react to the fans, then get focused again.

To me, Jerry Lynn was, is, will always be one of the true greats in technical wrestling. And people may hate me for it, but Lynn carried R.V.D. through most of their matches.. technical-wise. R.V.D. carried Lynn, highlight reel/shock-value counters-wise. (If that makes sense)

R.V.D.: To me, the man can perform without ever knowing he was doing it. He moves with cat like agility & almost without pausing. Especially in Lynn/R.V.D. matches. They could do 12-15 move segments where near would even mess up, THAT is what sold me on R.V.D.

Jerry Lynn: Highly, WAY highly UNDER-rated. Noone gives him the credit he properly deserves. While his matches with R.V.D. will most notably be what gives him any type of "legend" status.. after watching his feud with Justin Credible, Tajiri, & Steve Corino.. its plain to see, Lynn wasn't carried by R.V.D. - R.V.D. was carried by Lynn.. & noone wants to see that, because of name value.
What do you think about the possiblity of Chris Cash being a fraud on the forum?
What do you think about the possiblity of Chris Cash being a fraud on the forum?

Let me explain a little story about our good buddy Chris Cash.. everyone, gather round Big Will's thread & read on..

The week of the 2 hour debut show for iMPACT! I PMed Chris Cash, because there was a job posting on the main Wrestlezone page. It was a real job, writing/review job. I was applying for it. I never heard anything, so I took it upon myself to contact whom I thought may know something.. that'd be Mr. Cash.

Chris replied to me by saying write up a review, send it to him, he'd look it over & get back to me regarding everything. So I wrote him a review on the 2-hour iMPACT! debut.. he has NEVER replied to me since. But it gets better, you see while "I" get passed over & ignored by this guy.. the other "writers" on the main page.. misspell words, badly. And while I'm not the greatest expert on spelling.. there have been some cases where the so-called "writers" aren't even sure what show they're talking about, as one mentioned "No Mercy" being "No Way Out." Clearly this guy is NOT a wrestling fan, & has seemingly next to NO knowledge of the business, especially like "I" do. (Not saying I know "everything" but I'm definately sure I know which p.p.v. it is)

So.. ban me, punish me, do whatever the hell you want.. but Chris Cash is nothing to me, but a liar. He didn't hold up to his end of the deal, & its been 2 plus weeks. Busy or not, this was regarding an actual, serious, JOB! And this so-called "head boy" didn't hold up to what he said he would, he didn't even reply to me telling me, a simple "no, you aren't hired."

So, as far as the fraud thing regarding Eugene.. yeah, its odd that their I.P. address is the same.. & I'm sure he'll find some story to tell everyone, that'll likely "save" his butt. Whether its true or not is what I'd be more concerned with believing, as thus far, he's done nothing to warrent me giving him respect, or trust-worthness in believing he'd be honest, or truthful.

In my personal opinion, I think Kevin Kelly was a success to the forums, so they probably figured if an announcer that most people forgot about, was such a hit.. (No offense, Kevin) then why not attempt claiming they got an actual Professional Wrestler?
What is your opinion on the drugs scandal surrounding WZ forums?

Eat your greens kids,
Luther Out.

We have scandals? Wow, we are big. Well, my personal opinion is if there's a current scandal regarding drugs around the forums, I think you should lay low on dealing for a while, Luther. lol

I think that would also explain A.J. & Jake's large post count too.. "post rage" is a very serious thing, & shouldn't be taken lightly.

Kids, say no to drugs.. & apparently, when Luther says "eat your greens" I've just come to learn, he apparently isn't talking about veggies.
good picks. Shawn is the man and has loads of respect from me. Anyone who watches the austin-micheals match at WM 14 has to respect him, watching his face contorted in pain from every movement, with that ruptured disc in his back...Edge is great too, one of the few heels who people LOVE becuase of his work, I call it the "kurt angle heel"...he will probably recieve a fat face pop when he comes back...I love edge becuase he is one of those guys who LOVES the buisness so much that he REGULARLY takes the biggest craziest bumps event to event, year to year (spear thru the fire, FU off the ladder thru the tables, jeff hardy off the uber ladder at wm 23 when he had a broke ass jaw no less lol)...and Raven...motherfuckin raven...right up there with Mr.Perfect, and rick rude, as probably the most wasted talent ever by WWE...shouldve been way more and done way more, huge fan of his work, even though at the time of its height I wasnt old enough to really appreciate it.

Of course we have drug scandals on WZ. Thats why I have sudden outbursts of posts and disappear for a lil bit, becuase I routinely violate the WZ substance abuse policy.

On religion and the aspects of heaven/hell, and salvation....Not trying to be a bible thumper om press beliefs on anyone, but I am very familure with the bible, and can try to answer a question of yours I read earlier. Yes, by asking for salvation, you will be allowed to heaven regrdless of your sins. The thing about it is, you hvae to be TRULY sorry, and feel sorrow in your heart for what you have done, for it to work. and obviously, the lord will know if you are sincere. People who are truly evil, as much as they appologize, and ask forgiveness, if they are not truly contrite in their hearts and souls, they will not be saved. I actually had the same question as you, and thats how scripture was interperated to me. I also agree with you on having an open mind, and that no one can really say anybody else is wrong in what they belive, I just go with what I have had personal experience with.

Glad to keep this thread from fading into the back pages bro
This fell all the way to page 8, & I really that un important?! This is the last bump I'm giving this thread.. when it fades away this time, it can remain gone for good until someone else goes looking for it.

Thoughts on the New England beatdown on Shittsburgh and the BRAINBECKERISAGOD shit talking leading up to the game?

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