Whatever Happened To Kizarny?


Dark Match Jobber
Now, in 2008, on Smackdown, we were treated to Vignettes of a man who didn't exactly seem normal. His name was Kizarny.


Yeah, by looking at him, I guess you'd easily say he was a freak. Which is true. He debuted on Jan 2, 2009, beating MVP. His whole gimmick was of a Circus Freak/Carny. Previous to this, for 2 Years he was in the TNA Roster. Some may argue this a reason for the fact that he was released 2 Months after his first Smackdown Debut. In the WWE, he acheived absolutely nothing, lost in a Elim. Chamber Battle Royal, then disappeared off the charts. He used to be in a relationship with Traci Brooks, and is a life friend of Edge & Christian.
Nowadays, he wrestles in Chikara, under the name of Sinn Bodhi.

So, the questions;
1) If Kizarny had managed to stick around in Smackdown up until now, where would he be?
2) If Kizarny was still around, where would he be headed?

(Note: 1st Thread - Go gentle on me :))
i'm just gonna go ahead and say the guy sucked, he has no chance of ever getting a decent push in the WWE and the fact that it has taken someone 2 years to ask about him shows how little impact he made. some of WWEs stupid month long promos work (the miz and del rio come to mind) but others just really don't grab anyones attention (kizarny and chuck palumbo come to mind)

just my 2 pence.
The sad thing about Sinn was he had a huge fanbase in Ovw and Fcw. The Wwe just kind of blew it with his debut promo group. I liked the fact that he was a carnie. The closest thing we had to that was Icp and the Oddiety's back in the day. But they wern't carnies. Carnies are the people that parents love to hate but for the most part they are great with kids. They are there for you to have fun!! For sure you have some wierdo ones that will fuck it up for the rest of the group or the really drugged out sleezy carnie.

But Kizarny was a great worker in the ring for Wwe, I liked his style. I believe if he could have dropped to around 210-215 pounds he could have been a good heavier cruserweight when that division was still open, but really the carnie gimmick dosen't work for the WWE. On the indi scene I've seen he has a huge following, but that never carried over into the WWE. He was bound to be burried or put in as a jobber if he kept with the WWE.
i was there at kizarni's debut, back then i didnt know too much about REALLY makes a wrestler good or bad. but he sucked. that was during MVPs losing streak turning in to his face turn, but he was still a heel at that time and they were cheering him. they cut it out of the airing of smackdown but there was a huge kizarni sucks chant during his match, and he was suppose to be face.
I think the whole "carny language" thing turned people off. It was just annoying. And if you have months of vignettes leading up to someone's debut these days, there's almost no chance they can live up to those expectations. If they had done a vignette or two, then introduced him, he might have made a unique mid-carder, but I can't see WWE pushing someone like him much farther than that. He was not that great in the ring, as I recall...I just don't see him making any major program with the WWE. I can see him doing well in the indies, and Chikara seems like a very good fit for him.
I worked a few shows with him here in Florida on the indy scene within the past year and a half.

He has a freak show called Sinn Bodee and the Dynamite Death Monkies and he also married the former Ms Kitty, Stacy Carter. He's doing ok.
Kizarny, real name Nicholas Cvjetkovich, is now working as an analyst on CNN. He speaks mostly on financial matters. Sometimes he still slips into his carny voice and they have to immediately go to commercial.
i first thought it was chris jericho messing around but realized that he was too thin to be jericho. i saw kizarny live at a event a back in jan of 08 and after watching his promo's, seeing kizarny live was the 2nd best part of the night (first being shelton vs r-truth). the miz is wwe champion so you can't tell me kizarny couldnt have worked.
if he was still in wwe he would of been a pro in nxt season 3 with the divas and probly be jobbing on sd and superstars. he is better off being released cause i dnt think wwe had any big plans for him
The problem in my eyes, was that the WWE creative just didn't seem to understand, or try to give a clear explenation of what the heck was going on with this guy. The vignettes were intriguing, but yet it seemed as if this guy could've used a mouthpiece to truly explain who he was. Like Armando Estrada (who's biggest flaw was getting over), could've made it clear. Also, why wasn't he actually doing tricks, I mean, I'm not saying he would've been a main event guy, but I think he could've gotten over with the kids, and formed like a freakshow faction or something with Goldust and others.
I thought he had promise, but a few things hurt him:

1. The name Kizarny absolutely SUCKS. It's like how Bubba the Love Sponge and Hulk Hogan talk to each other all this "izzle" "kizzle" bullshit, he really needed a better name.

2. The "carny talk" see above, same deal, it's just stupid flat out.

3. He needed to be a heel ala Evil Doink, he should've come to the ring with stuffed animals and had kids planted in the audience to play his games for them and then cheat the kid, and rip up the stuffed animals, stuff like that.

There are a lot of places this character could've gone, I imagine all kinds of weird fun they could've had with him like using funhouse mirrors in his entrance, having him ride a bumper car to the ring, just weird stuff. Do I think he was destined to be world champ, definitely not, but if the character had been explored to it's full potential I think he could definitely have gotten over, and been a great midcard talent. Plus the type of character and appearance he has gave him great room in the PG era to go heel or face, and sell lots of merch, he would have fit fin with the likes of Hornswoggle, Santino, etc. Missed chance by the WWE in my book.

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