What year do you think was the best

Excellent post but to me personally it was 2001-2002 for the simple reason of we had Monday night Wars Still even tho it was for 3 months, sim-cast of RAW & Nitro

You can't have Monday Night Wars with only one show. I thought you would have known this.

WM 17 isnt the best but definatly top 5 WMs,

I agree with it being in the top five.

Even though we didnt have ALL the WCW wrestlers we wanted, with the ECW roster i feeled it made up for the lack of WCW talent,(WCW: Booker T, Chavo, Buff Bagwell for one night, DDP, NWO, HBK in NWO, Jericho's push and first Unified Championship reign, the debut of ORTON, CENA, LesNar, Batista.... Ric Flair as GM of RAW, And Vince GM of Smackdown thus first legitamte Draft in WWE history, and WM X-8.... ECW roster by the way was RVD, Lance Stor, Dudley Boyz, Rhino, Tommy Dreamer, Paul Heyman, Raven, Spike Dudley, Tazz, and Mike Awesome...... Thats why they named them the Alliance headed by The mcmahon children....etc....)

You just named Bagwell and DDP. Credibility gone. The Invasion was one of the worst angles in history. Tell me who in the Alliance got over as a result of this angle? Every week, it was the WWF squashing people.

I Think every PPV was Great in 2001 and even in 2002 as you said the reason because they had all the right talent and great storylines and ill add enough titles for everyone to go for(10 titles at one time WWF/E title, WCW Title, I.C. Title, Eurpean title, WCW United States title, WWF/E Tag n WCW Tag Titles, Hardcore Title, and Cruisweight/Light heavyweight titles.....)

Where can I get this stuff most of you are on if you actually believe that every PPV in 2001 and 2002 was great? I hope I don't have to pay much. Also, there were way too many useless titles. Titles changing hands every week. Ratings, ratings, ratings.

This year as a wrestling fan to me was the greatest full complete yr in wrestling history, it couldve been better YES YES YES, BUT they did an EXCELLENT Job for what they had at the time contract wise.......(Everyone couldnt come right away because there contracts with Time Warner were not up yet, thus 2002-2003 was the best following yrs because guys like Goldberg, NWO, Ric Flair, and others have to come later, plus the returns of H.H.H, Benoit, Eddie G, and the rises of Lesnar, Evolution, and others...)

Excellent job? No they didn't.

Could have been better? It could have been tons better than what it was.
1992: Ric Flair was in the WWF, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were starting their singles carrers, Savages best year ever IMO, The Warriors return, 4 awesome ppvs including the best ppv ever (Slam 92) and the best wrestlemania ever (8), Ric Flairs awesome performance at the Rumble, Hennan/Monsoon, Mr Perfect turning on Hennan/Flair, Bret/Davey (best match ever). IMO the roster was its best as this point.

Honorable Mentions go to
1997: I dont care what anyone says, this is when the attitude era started, I loved the HBK/Bret feud, RAW was at its best, Summer of 97 was the best time for TV in wrestling history.

2001: Ill be in the minority but I loved the invasion angle and every ppv was pretty solid. July 9th RAW was my favorite RAW ever.
1992 was good, in that you saw a lot of talent exchanges between WWF and WCW and a lot of new stars emerging.

WWF started the year strong with Flair winning the Rumble, but also Davey Boy Smith foreshadowing his push by being last 4 and Roddy Piper finally getting a title (always remember his face, he looked genuinely ecstatic) and you also had the shock of Shawn throwing Marty through the Barbershop window. That moment alone kickstarted the year for WWF as being "anything can happen".

Ok.. Flair v Hogan didn't happen but what was produced, while not the best ever was a solid WM show with Flair and Savage tearing the house and Piper and Bret putting on a clinic. Most important though was the new talent on that show, Shawn, Tatanka AND Owen Hart starting their singles push all on the same night showed that the year was going to be a big one in terms of the future of the WWF. Warrior returned and it all looked rosy.

Summerslam was a gamble but one that paid off big-time, sure everyone remember's Bret v Davey and rightly so. but the show also had some other big things, like Money Inc. becoming a full-time team, Shawn taking a massive step in his career with a big assist from Rick Martel and one of Warrior's only decent matches.

The proof of how good 1992 was was the last quarter and Survivor Series... a year previous your main event was Hogan v Undertaker, that year was champion V champion, but Bret vs Shawn. Your 2nd main event had the return of Mr. Perfect and the debut of Razor Ramon and Yokozuna made his debut that night too.

Come December that year, another influx of major talent with The Steiners, Bam Bam Bigelow AND Jerry Lawler!

92 has it for me!
The greatest year for me would have to be 2000. HHH was awesome as a heel and had great PPV matches with Foley, Rock, Angle, Jericho, and Benoit. The midcard was solid as you had Angle, Benoit, and Jericho just being thrown out there and having great matches. The tag team division was solid as well. Probably the best year ever in terms of having great PPV's.

You hate on 2002 so much and you pick 2000?!?!?!?!

Everyone has to agree that a year is somewhat judged my the Wrestlemania that year, especially a year like 2000, where it was called WRESTLEMANIA 2000!!!

And that Mania was AWFUL!!! If it didn't have the Triangle Ladder Match, it would be the worst of all time, next to Mania 11, IMO.

HHH/Foley was great but about the only thing memorable about 2000 for me.

24. Tag team division turned to shit quick, fast, and in a hurry.
Sure about that? Because 2002-2003 was the year a second tag title was brought in & teams like The Guerreros, Edge & Rey, Angle & Benoit, and Y2J & Christian came into prominence. And I'm pretty sure that's half the guys you said were so great in 2000.

20. Jericho basically did nothing.
Your right. Jericho did nothing in 2002 but Main Event Wrestlemania as the very first Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

19. HHH was terrible.
Returning to win the Undisputed Title and goinig on to be the most dominant heel in years and have the most dominant stable in DECADES! Yeah, once again terrible.

18. Nash was terrible
Not great but his best run since being HBK's lacky.

8-16. Big Show
The only time Show was ever booked as a dominant monster besides now AND he had Heyman with him. I find this HIGHLY ironic, seeing as, this was the ONLY time I found Big Show was any good.

7. Brock Lesnar barely got any heat.
He had heat the second he debuted. He just lost it because he beat The Rock & everyone was sick of "Mr. Hollywood" then.

6. They screwed up Goldberg.
Alot more towards the end. He had a great feud with HHH & Evolution. Not to mention he won the World Title.

Every other point is that they misused somebody or too many McMahons. Most fans would kill for more McMahons these days & I will agree some talent was misused but that is because there was SO MUCH talent in 2002.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but you seem to have more of a personal issue with this year, than any facts backing up your points. So I suggest you do more research before you degrade someones opinion and entire year in WWE.
WWE was pretty good around 2003 with Goldberg vs Triple H (Evolution) being a pretty intriguing feud plus guys like RVD, Christian, Chris Jericho pretty much in their prime as well as Eddie Guerrero!

But I think 2007-2008 definitely takes the cake for me as the best time for the WWE ever.

Champions included: John Cena (still fairly new so he was still pretty fresh), Undertaker, Edge, Umaga, Jeff Hardy, MVP and the Tag Team Division was as good, if not better than the Attitude Era with the long and exciting title reign of Kendrick & London and then the new and fresh introduction of Deuce & Domino (sadly, not around anymore!).

Such a good time to be watching WWE.

Last few years of WWE have been mostly dissapointing and the way thing are going right now it's not getting any better for a while, unless you are big fan of underwear model fashion shows and the worst booking you've ever seen in your life.
You hate on 2002 so much and you pick 2000?!?!?!?!

Let the fun begin.

Everyone has to agree that a year is somewhat judged my the Wrestlemania that year, especially a year like 2000, where it was called WRESTLEMANIA 2000!!!

I'm going to use that logic in just a second.

And that Mania was AWFUL!!! If it didn't have the Triangle Ladder Match, it would be the worst of all time, next to Mania 11, IMO.

The main event was solid as was the triple threat between Angle, Jericho, and Benoit. Tell me, moron. If it wasn't for Rock vs. Hogan, what would have been great about WM 18? That match saved that PPV from being the worst of all time.

HHH/Foley was great but about the only thing memorable about 2000 for me.

Those matches that Rock and HHH had were pretty memorable I must say including the best Iron Man ever (fuck HBK/Hart). I know you remember the Undertaker returning but your feeble mind won't allow you to admit it.

Sure about that? Because 2002-2003 was the year a second tag title was brought in & teams like The Guerreros, Edge & Rey, Angle & Benoit, and Y2J & Christian came into prominence. And I'm pretty sure that's half the guys you said were so great in 2000.

Angle and Benoit lasted all of two months as did Edge and Rey. Chavo got injured and the tag team division turned shit so fast it would make your head spin. You're moronic to think otherwise.

Your right. Jericho did nothing in 2002 but Main Event Wrestlemania as the very first Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Let me give you a list of people who were more important than Jericho during his run: Austin, Rock, HHH, Hogan, Hall, Nash, Stephanie, a dog. There you go. What did Jericho do after that? Tag teaming with Christian. Huge accomplishment there.

Returning to win the Undisputed Title and goinig on to be the most dominant heel in years and have the most dominant stable in DECADES! Yeah, once again terrible.

If you think most of his matches with HBK, Steiner, Nash, and Goldberg were great, you need professional help. I remember the leader of this dominant stable losing at Unforgiven, Survivor Series (twice), Wrestlemania, Backlash, and Vengeance. Total dominance my ass.

Not great but his best run since being HBK's lacky.


Let's chronicle Nash in the WWE. Arm injury, blows out quad in his first match back, returns nine months later, barely gets a reaction at Backlash, has two AWFUL PPV matches with HHH, first one eliminated in the Chamber, and released. That run will go down in the anals of history as being the greatest.

The only time Show was ever booked as a dominant monster besides now AND he had Heyman with him. I find this HIGHLY ironic, seeing as, this was the ONLY time I found Big Show was any good.

That big oaf injured Brock at a house show and they had to switch the title to him. Guess what happened one month later? He lost it. Heyman sure did wonders for him.

He had heat the second he debuted. He just lost it because he beat The Rock & everyone was sick of "Mr. Hollywood" then.

Really a testament to how great Heyman was as a manager.

Alot more towards the end. He had a great feud with HHH & Evolution. Not to mention he won the World Title.

Fuck a lot more towards the end. Try the whole damn time he was there. Fucked up his music and Goldberg is all about no talking and short matches and they couldn't even get that through their thick heads. Add on to the fact that he was hurt most of the time.

Every other point is that they misused somebody or too many McMahons. Most fans would kill for more McMahons these days & I will agree some talent was misused but that is because there was SO MUCH talent in 2002.

That couldn't even get right the best talent they had so don't give me that shit about there being so much. Kane lost all the time, RVD lost all the time, and Booker lost all the fucking time. Too much talent my ass.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but you seem to have more of a personal issue with this year, than any facts backing up your points. So I suggest you do more research before you degrade someones opinion and entire year in WWE.

I did my facts, son. I suggest you take your own advice and get back to me when your balls have dropped.
You can't have Monday Night Wars with only one show. I thought you would have known this.

If you can read i said for 3 months we had the MNW's being the first three months in the calender year......

I agree with it being in the top five.

Thank You for giving me some credit LMAO......

You just named Bagwell and DDP. Credibility gone. The Invasion was one of the worst angles in history. Tell me who in the Alliance got over as a result of this angle? Every week, it was the WWF squashing people.

RVD was more popular than the Undertaker at this time period(not lyterally but figuretivly speaking) Als Booker T got a MASS amount of MAIN EVNT Time with feuds with The Rock, Stone Cold, and Kurt Angle.......

Where can I get this stuff most of you are on if you actually believe that every PPV in 2001 and 2002 was great? I hope I don't have to pay much. Also, there were way too many useless titles. Titles changing hands every week. Ratings, ratings, ratings.

Ummm Look at all the PPVS from 2001-2002 all the way thru, and tell me with a straight face that they didnt excite you, get outta here yo, and as far as the titles true meaningless titles, BUT you cant tell me it wasnt tight when you had I.C champion vs United States Champion, WWE Tag champs vs WCW Tag champs, Cruisweight champ vs Lt.Heavyweight champ, Hardcore champ vs European champ, Everyone had a storyline in there respective titles, TOdays WWE needs this again when the restart draft comes back, they need a Main title, Midcard title, Lower midcard, Lt. and Cruisweght tites, Tag titles, and 4get the woman titles throw them in the garbage like Madusa did.....

Excellent job? No they didn't.

Yes with what they had they did Great IMO because the matches on paper and then on PPV orRAW was Spectacular and that was with 1/3rd of the WCW and ECW roster combined......

Could have been better? It could have been tons better than what it was.

Explain in detail how you wouldve made it better than what it ws plese with only the people they could get on contract at the time.....

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