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What WWE needs to recreate theire womens' division


Pre-Show Stalwart
So as of late i seen a complete change in the womens division..even with the 2 top wrestlers in the company out of action and im pretty impressed on how these underdog divas have been carrying their own divisions. kudos to them.

but this is a new breed of divas and i see great things coming from them. heres what we need to have back what we had in the attitude era


aside from them we still got up and coming Eve, Layla, Jillian, Tiffany, Bella Twins, Rosa. even though we can never replace the greats who made the division what it is today i think this new generation will make it better then what it was
In all honesty, I don't think the WWE should try to repackage the divas to re-do the divas of yesteryear. If you do that, then you risk losing the audience for recycling stories. I know they already tend to do that right now with some storylines.

But if you keep sending in more and more stars to be repackaged stars that are gone/retired/fired etc, I see that only creating a backlash. Especially if there may not have been the best history with some of those wrestlers backstage. I mean, if there is to be a diva that is the NEW modern day Chyna, what good does that do the new diva? Especially if she wants to be known for her own accomplishments instead of being the one that did everything that Chyna did? I think as much as people want to see a new Lita, Trish, etc, that the current divas would much rather blaze their own trail and be pioneers. As flattering as it would be to be compared to people of the past, I'm sure its even more exciting to set the standard for newer stars as well.
Step 1 - Ditch the Divas belt

Step 2 - Push the womens belt across both shows

Step 3 - Get Eve Torres, Maryse, Alicia Fox, Laycool, Kelly Kelly, Tiffany, Rosa Mendes, The Bella Twins as far away from a wrestling ring as possible.

Step 4 - Rehire Mickie James

Step 5 - Stop Natalya, Tamina and Serena being managers.

Then you're roster, with injuries - looks like this:

- Gail Kim
- Natalya
- Tamina
- Serena
- Melina
- Beth Phoenix
- Mickie James
- Jillian

= A perfectly serviceable division.
i didnt neccesarilly mean for them to be repackaged into the divas of the past but just a comparison to show that the current divas division has potential to be what it once was
In all honesty, there isn't much WWE can do to get me interested. There have been few divas who I actually enjoy watching wrestle. Trish Stratus, Mickie James, Molly Holly,Victoria, and Beth Phoenix. So until Beth Phoenix comes back, Laycool is the best we've got.
Up until very recently I've been absolutely HATING the Divas. Poor match after poor match.
The division was eviserated with the departures of Lita, Victoria, Trish etc. However in recent months several Divas have been stepping up in a big way.
Michelle McCool heads the list. Layla has stepped it up. Kelly Kelly, Tiffany, Eve, Alicia Fox..It's not where it needs to be but these girls are working thier asses off and it's showing.
I'm going to forget the travisty that was the Divas match at WM this past year. The ONLY redeeming value it gave up was HOGSPLASH!!!!! Though Vickie is not s channel changing annoying at she used to be. AND she looks like she's losing weight. Gotta give her props for it.
I've written some scathing things about the Divas, but lately I've seen some great improvements. I'm more apt to watch their matches and segments now too. Lets hope the division continues this upswing. Kudos to the Divas.
Stop using Natalya, Tamina, and Serena in run-ins and tag matches. They need to start challenging in the diva ranks. Get rid of that hideous diva belt, hope Beth Phoenix and Melina return soon. Use Michelle McCool and Maryse better. McCool needs to distance herself from Layla. McCool has more talent in her right foot than Layla has all over. Mickie James needs to be re-hired. She worked well with the other divas and can put any of them over. Fire Gail Kim, the Bella Twins, Eve Torres, Rosa Mendes, and Tiffany for sure. Alicia Fox has some abiltity, but looks better because what other choice is there? This is where Maryse needs to be packaged better. I can see Jillian Hall as a back stage interviewer, but her skills are questionable.
IDK the list seems improper and doesn't seem to fit.

Torrie... Maryse
Trish... Melina
Jazz... Tamina
Gail... Gail or Aj Lee
Jaqueline... Alicia
Molly... Serena

After that I don't really see any similarities between past/present divas. Even though they are still unique and it isn't right to compare the past/present divas since they were from two different time frame.

Although if the WWE can improve the division, I'm sure they will promote the divas as they once WAS.
I don't know about re-making diva into past ones,
But just playing them to the best of there abilities,
On RAW they've finally got it,
Maryse is a valet because of her good looks,
& She's bearly wrestled since,
Which is a VERY good thing,
Now Smackdown needs to make ppl like Rosa valets,
& keep them out of the ring,
K2 has improved,
But not womens champ improved,
She needs to be on a strictly Superstars bases w/ the bellas.

I think 2011 is going to be a great year for the divas,
Melina's comming back any minute now and Beth.P's only going to be out for another 2 months.
This is what WWE needs to do to have a superb Diva division next year,

1.Have your great divas in the spotlight constanatly

Great Divas/Wrestlers
AJ Lee (debuting later this year)

2.Have the Great divas feud often w/ the Good divas/Wrestlers

3.Have the Improving Divas on Superstars and strictly on tag-team bases

4.Have the Divas who can't wrestle at all as strictly valets
Step 1 - Ditch the Divas belt

Step 2 - Push the womens belt across both shows

Step 3 - Get Eve Torres, Maryse, Alicia Fox, Laycool, Kelly Kelly, Tiffany, Rosa Mendes, The Bella Twins as far away from a wrestling ring as possible.

Step 4 - Rehire Mickie James

Step 5 - Stop Natalya, Tamina and Serena being managers.

Then you're roster, with injuries - looks like this:

- Gail Kim
- Natalya
- Tamina
- Serena
- Melina
- Beth Phoenix
- Mickie James
- Jillian

= A perfectly serviceable division.

Agree with most of this, especially the Mickie James part. But I'd keep Eve and Maryse mainly because Eve has become somewhat decent ring wise and Maryse can actually cut a good promo when it comes to the diva's division. There's a reason she's managing Ted right now.
WWE has the Talent to make a great womens division but it's their decision on how they choose to showcase them. You can't just look at the woman on tha main roster, theirs woman in FCW developmental who are just as good as the women on the main roster, the 2 main examples being AJ lee and Naomi night(who has mastered wrestling in less than 8 months of training). I think the Next year will be a interesting time for the divas because I believe new stars will be created, we'll see some new faces and some new fresh fueds

Serena will not be valet forever, AJ lee is coming up soon, Tiffany and Eve torres are improving, Natayla is all ready to come into the division, Melina and Beth are coming back soon. I'm not going to say that WWE should do this and that because we all know they never listen to us. But I think the next 6-months will be a good time for the divas
In all honesty the WWE is not that far away from having a good divas division again here are my suggestions.
1. Unify the two belts
2. Fire the Bellas, Jillian, Alicia, Kelly Kelly, Rosa and Tiffany. Keep Layla as part of Laycool but not as a wrestler and keep Maryse as Dibiases manager.
3.Rehire Mickie James and bring up AJ Lee from FCW.
4.Let Tamina, Natalya and Serena actually wrestle
5. Get Beth Pheonix and Melina back ASAP

This is what the Divas roster would loook like with those changes

AJ Lee
Mickie James
Michelle Mcool
Gail Kim

Thats actually a decent looking divas roster if you ask me.
Step 1 - Ditch the Divas belt
i agree it's a bad belt, but i doubt WWE ditches it
Step 3 - Get Eve Torres, Maryse, Alicia Fox, Laycool, Kelly Kelly, Tiffany, Rosa Mendes, The Bella Twins as far away from a wrestling ring as possible.
Well, Michelle McCool can wrestle and Maryse isn't bad, other than that, agree. Teh Bellas, Rosa, Alicia, Layla, Kelly Kelly and Tiffany are just eye candy.
Step 4 - Rehire Mickie James
also likely wont happen, i also think WWE should look into hiring Roxxi from TNA and Awesome Kong and look for others who can actually wrestle int he ring and hire them. WWE NEEDS to quit using their Diva's as just eye candy. Everytime i hear Michael Cole say the WWE diva's are smart, sexy and powerful, i just want to punch him. The Bellas, Eve and Fox arent that good in the ring.
Step 5 - Stop Natalya, Tamina and Serena being managers
Well, Natalya, Tamina and Serena do NOT need to stop being managers, WWE just needs to let them do MORE than manage. When Lita was Women's Champion, she also managed Edge and the Hardys. That's how Natalya, Tamina, Serena should be used as well.

Now i think there should be more in your steps. Another thing i would add is, STOP treating Gail Kim as a jobber!!!! She is WAY better in the ring than Eve is and better (but not way better) than Fox in the ring, just push her, i dont care if she's heel or face, just push her, like i said earlier, HIRE more diva's, BUT hire some who can wrestle, not just for their looks. IF WWE hires 5 good divas who can wrestle and push Gail Kim, Tamina, Serena and Natalya, their Women's division can be fixed.
I think the ones who aren't very good at wrestling like The Bellas, Rosa, Kelly Kelly, and Tiffany should mainly wrestle on superstars. Also since the WWE like the divas in Bikini Contests and stuff like that thay could put those divas in those matches/contests. I wouldn't want Layla to not wrestle or split up with Michelle McCool because they are very entertaining and do some good promos. The Divas belt should be unified with the Womens belt at Wrestlemania. Also I dont think Maryse is that bad at wrestling and she can do some good promos also.
Honestly, no matter what they do, I will likely never care about women's wrestling. It's like the WNBA. It doesn't matther how talented they may be, at the end of the day, no one cares.
Honestly, no matter what they do, I will likely never care about women's wrestling. It's like the WNBA. It doesn't matther how talented they may be, at the end of the day, no one cares.

i have to second this. i really don't know why so many here actually care so much about it. to me the womens match is the "break" match in the PPVs or on Raw/Smackdown.

i guess it's the prepubescent boys and guys who drool over them that want to see it progress.

some say it's "equal rights" that women have a chance to compete in wrestling. but when most to all are eye candy for the most part, how is that equal?

i guess when you are old enough to see free pron everyday, watching two women wrestle just doesn't do anything.
I think WWE has just completely given up on the RAW women's division, not that it was their top priority in the first place, but I wouldn't blame them, do you hear the pops the Divas get? Exactly.
The Diva division really hasn't been to horrible lately I think they should only have one champion instead of two. Make a few changes like hiring a few women that can wrestle like Awesome Kong, Roxi, and Bring Mickie back.

Keep the ones that can't wrestle like The Bella Twins and a few others out of the ring. When Melina and Beth Phoenix return they should be in better shape.
Step 3 - Get Eve Torres, Maryse, Alicia Fox, Laycool, Kelly Kelly, Tiffany, Rosa Mendes, The Bella Twins as far away from a wrestling ring as possible.

Just because Maryse and Laycool look like models does not mean they should not be part of the division. For one thing they can generate great heat with their promos and character and the other is that they are actually entertaining in the ring. No they aren't the best in ring technicians but they still have in ring repertoires beyond the generic diva move sets.

As for Torres, The Bellas, and Kelly Kelly. Er we need Diva jobbers right? :shrug:

My own thoughts

I think what really needs to change is how they develop their diva's in ring skills. I mean we can't blame Kelly Kelly, Eve, Alica, or Tiffany (and before Candice Michelle, Christie Hemme, etc.) for wanting to do Wrestling.

I mean in Male Standards Cena, Orton, and HBK could all pass up as models as well right?

I think what is lacking in the diva's division (even since 2000) was the lack of actual developmental training or independent exposure. For the men guys like John Cena, Batista, Orton were on OVW for 2-3 years, HBK was doing terriotorial stuff before going to the AWA, Austin was in a Dallas Wrestling Promotion before going to WCW and so forth.

My point is a lot of the male wrestlers spent time in the "minor leagues" to allow them to be comfortable being in the ring, developing their characters, move sets, mic skills, and to understand what it takes to be in the crowd. Normally this period takes about 2 to 4 years, it's a slow process but the time allows ample time to get out of being green and ready to perform on a world wide scale.

If you do not have this training what happens is that in just a few months you are not prepared you will not only be prepared to perform but also be in constants pressure giving you less time to feel around the wrestling environment.

Let's take Trish Stratus as an example. She's considered the greatest diva in the of the WWE (arguably), but was she great in the ring when she debuted? Nope in fact she sucked!!!

It was not only until late 2003 where she was starting to get decent and she got really good by 2005. Trish Stratus came signed a WWE contract Nov 1999 and debuted at March 2000. You see the difference there ... John Morrison spent 3 years in the developmental and also took another 2 to 3 years to be really good in the ring.

Trish could have debuted in the WWE in 2002 and spent her first 2 years in OVW or another developmental to hone their skills. Imagine how good she would she have been by then instead of just starting to show progress by 2002's end.

(1)Now the question is why would the WWE sign women w/o wrestling experience and put them on WWE programming immediatley instead of putting them in developmental territories for training much like other aspiring male wrestlers w/o experience? Or if they do only spend less than year there?

(2)Another question is why would the women who actually have extensive experience in the developmental/indepedents (Taylor Wilde, Krissy Vayne, Katie Lea) either do not get called up or would rarley get a good push as opposed to most divas who first started in the diva search and would have little or no training in the same territories?

I think that's the root of the problem with the diva's division. Not the talent involved, because you can tell divas like Candice Michelle do have a passion to be in the ring. But the training path most diva's takes are severely lacking compared to the men.
When it comes to Layla, her wrestling is as bad. i dont like watching her matches, BUT i do agree, she can get heel heat, but just because they can get heat doesnt mean they should be Women's Champion. i like McCool and unlike Layla, she can wrestle.
I really don't think that they need to do much, if anything, with the women's division in the WWE. At the moment, I think it's been the most interesting it's been in years, since the days of Trish Stratus and Lita.

The divas have always only been about being eye candy, we all realize this. The women's division has never been about serious wrestling ability because that's never been there. Nothing the WWE could do will really change this. People who don't like the divas division won't likely like it, no matter what, and those that do will like it regardless as well.

One thing we are seeing more of is the women being involved in actual feuds, rather than meaningless, thrown together matches, usually involving multiple divas wrestling for no reason whatsoever. This needs to continue. Sure they aren't ring technicians, we all know and accept this, but feuds such as Eve/Maryse, and Mickie/Laycool (before Mickie's release), or the soon to be Maryse/Melina feud, at least have storylines asociated with them, and that's a positive.

The other thing is to keep a select few divas out of the ring in terms of actually wrestling. The Bellas, Rosa Mendes, Tiffany, and a few others should never wrestle. Ever. Let them be valets, or managers, or other non-wrestling roles, but never in actual matches. While the others aren't spectacular either, at least they can go at a level expected of female wrestlers in the WWE (or TNA) world of today. Girls like Kelly Kelly, Maryse, or Eve Torres aren't headed for the Hall of Fame, but they do fill a niche in the wrestling biz, and as such, nothing needs to change involving them in my opinion.
i have to second this. i really don't know why so many here actually care so much about it. to me the womens match is the "break" match in the PPVs or on Raw/Smackdown.

i guess it's the prepubescent boys and guys who drool over them that want to see it progress.

some say it's "equal rights" that women have a chance to compete in wrestling. but when most to all are eye candy for the most part, how is that equal?

i guess when you are old enough to see free pron everyday, watching two women wrestle just doesn't do anything.

I'm old enough to watch porn and I'm actually not attracted to women, yet, I care about women's wrestling. Go figure. There are also entire internet communities devoted to women that are filled with women and men who are old enough to purchase porn. . .yet, they still care about women's wrestling. Go figure. Some people actually care. Are we the majority? No. Are we all perverts? That's probably the most ridiculous assertion that I've heard all week.

Looks play a part in wrestling no matter which gender we're discussing. How often do guys who look like Mick Foley win world championships? How often do guys who look like Mick Foley even get jobs in WWE? For every Mick Foley Vince picks up there's at least four Batista's.

The part of the post where I actually answer the question: I think it's important for WWE to realize that hiring women who are just attractive isn't going to cut it. Women who can wrestle and have personalities and charisma are actually capable of being mid-card draws.

Lita, Trish, Chyna were at least at midcard popularity at their peak. Victoria, Molly, and Jazz were at least a lower midcard popularity at their peak. It wasn't JUST because they looked the part it was also because they wrestled and performed the part as well.

Of course, some won't care regardless, but there are actual people that do. As far as I know, the pops that Lita, Trish, Victoria and Chyna got weren't canned. There were actually fans who cared about them.
i think the wrestling abilities of the divas are coming along..what they really need to work on that i noticed is missing is building up rivalries! the rivalries that lita and trish stratus built with not only eachother but with their peers in their own generation is something that is lacking in this current time..even when lita and trish were both teaming together at times they still recognized to the crowd that their rivalry was still there..thats something that we need with the present divas something to get the crowd going whenever the divas step into the ring together!

- WWE is searching for new Divas. The company has issued a request for agents and talent managers to submit female actresses to casting director Kristin Prouty. The new Diva hires would replace several of the current Divas on the roster. WWE has shown over the years that no Diva is too important to be replaced, letting go Mickie James and Maria Kanellis earlier this year. No word yet on who is at risk – but you can bet Michelle McCool’s spot is safe.

The casting will take place in October in various cities across the United States, including New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas WWE will then offer developmental deals to some of the women with deals that will be negotiated “specific to each woman.” The casting request is seeking women of all ethnicities.

"searching for new divas" - this can only be a bad thing. Unless their pursuing developing wrestlers at the same time. But if this story is true, this really dissapoints me.

They can't even be bothered to run their own Diva search any more...
I wouldn't necessarily say a complete change. What has changed is that many of the WWE Divas can now actually wrestle. Alicia Fox is pretty good inside the ring as is Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix, Tamina, Natalya & Michelle McCool. Jillian is someone that's really impressed me with how much she's improved. The match that she had on Superstars a month or two back with Gail Kim is probably the best women's match I've seen the entire year from either WWE or TNA. It wasn't a barn burner but compared to what we usually see out of the Divas on Raw or Smackdown, it was pretty close to epic. Eve Torres has also improved noticably as has Layla.

However, the Divas are primarily used as shit filler on both Raw & Smackdown. Usually, the only opportunity you'll have to see a good women's match in the WWE is, sometimes, during a ppv or on Superstars. It's a shame because most of the WWE Divas are actually pretty decent inside the ring.

At the same time, I think we also have to be realistic. I know that we love the idea of any company having a lot of depth and focus in every division, but it's just not going to happen with the Divas. As has been said numerous times in other threads like this, women's wrestling has never been a signifigant draw in the United States. That isn't something that people say only because Vince McMahon said or believes it, it's historical fact. All you have to do is look back through wrestling's past here in the states and it's clear that women's wrestling never has been and probably never will be a relevant force in the states. There have been various times in which the WWE has attempted to have a serious women's division but it's just never really caught on. They've had women wrestlers that've put on good matches, but the reaction has always been rather lukewarm. Even TNA has given up the idea of serious women's wrestling, and the Knockout Division used to be one of the best things about TNA.

For all intents and purposes, most internet fans would love to see the Divas become relevant in the WWE but I don't believe it's gonna happen because most other fans just don't care enough about women's wrestling for the WWE to make the effort. Aside from that, wrestling history is working against it.

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