What wrestler do you think WWE dropped the ball with?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
over the years weve seen loads of wrestlers come and go but theirs always that hand full of guys that people think WWE dropped the ball, so like the title says who the one guy who you think WWE dropped the ball with when they had them on their roster

for me that guy would have to be Mark Jindrak this guy had the look of a World champion, his in ring work was ok and he was;nt that bad on the mic. When he made his debute he looked like someone who could kick most guys ass and just seemed like that you want to smack in the jaw.
I believe if he was given a push for 3-4 months solid he could of been a great asset to the company.

So who do you guys think?

He was far better as a heel than face, got a great reaction, and he could go in the ring when necessary.

Also cut a good promo.

I was also thinking Mr. Kennedy, but he pretty much screwed himself over twice when he was about to get a major push.
Bryan Daniel. Dude was on fire after the Summerslam event and the Miz Program dude could have been huge but they let Sheamus squash him.

Sheamus-Dude should never have one the title. He was pushed to quickly and failed. He should have just been getting his first main event push now.

Mark Henry-After his 2006ish push he was believeable in the main event. He shoulda fueded with Batista after he came back with his injury.

Theres more I'll type later
Sean O'Haire.

His devils advocate gimmick was full of so much potential, and it just didn't take off. He had such a good look too, and his in-ring style was very unique; he could do stuff that a guy of his size shouldn't be able to. I so wish that he made it, because that gimmick just had so much that it could have evolved into. Imagine a feud between him; a guy who twists your mind into doing what 'you' want to do deep down, and Punk. Aaaaargh!!!! What could have been.
Kaval (Low Ki) for sure, Mr. Kennedy (Anderson), I liked MVP as well he had so much potential, great as a heel and actually drew more fans as a face but could of been more than just in the tag team picture w/ Mark Henry or feuding with Swagger for the umpteenth time. I know that there are more ppl but If they come to mind ill post more.
Matt Morgan

I'll give TNA something, they made Matt Morgan believable and they actually invested time in him. WWE saddled him with the old Bubba Ray Dudley stuttering gimmick. I can only imagine if the WWE took Matt Morgan more seriously than TNA did, and then marketed him the way only the WWE can, then the E' would have had one more main eventer, and a believable one to boot.
I guess I'll be the one to bring him up. Zack Ryder. He has a gimmick that is mid card at best, but he makes it work. He has the look, the ring work, charisma, all the tools you need to be a champ.

I also agree with O'Haire, but now that I got Ryder out of the way, the big one is Matt Morgan.

The guy has all the tools to be the next Goldberg. Size, strength, intensity. This guy is a monster that TNA is misusing and WWE never capitalized on. Why would you make him a studdering idiot? They dropped the ball with him big time.
I agree with most all of these. Especially Sean O Haire and Mark Jindrak. Jindrak was supposed to have batisitas spot in evolution originally. I have not heard yet what happened to stop it(dont wanna buy the shoot interview just to find out)

But one of the biggest misuses WWE did has to be


Dude was on fire in WCW. Former world champion,had the hottest finisher at the time,and pretty much one of the biggest names from WCW that WWE had during the invasion. They started out great having him be introduced in the "Stalker" storyline. But then they had him get burried by Taker and threw him to the lower midcard status. We could of saw alot of great matches and fueds from DDP.
One name comes to mind.

Muhammad Hassan.

He had a very controversial gimmick, controlled the audience and had them hanging on his every word, much like The Rock. He was in a VERY high profile feud with The Undertaker when they did that ridiculous terrorist angle where he had men in ski masks abduct 'Taker. The man was on the fact track to being one of the most hated performers of his time. He could have been the biggest heel in the company for years to come. He had so much potential.
First off I'm just gonna say Zack Ryder sucks. Nothing special about him. He's just another Santino.

I think they messed up with Ted DiBiase Jr. and Joe Henning. These guys have the pedigree and the wrestling chops to be great but they give Henning a dumb name and no time and DiBiase never gets any good programs. They're still young and anything can happen but WWE has definitely dropped the ball with them so far IMO.
Kenny Dykstra.

Kenny Dykstra had potential to be something. He was young, he had a good look, he had a decent size, same as The Miz I believe. He had decent microphone skills, he was good in the ring, nothing special but now when you look at him(I watched him in EVOLVE!) he's a wasted talent. Kenny Dykstra, I don't know how, has came on a lot as a wrestler. He looked very sharp when he appeared in EVOLVE and he looked just as good in Dragon Gate, the fact that the guy impressed TNA but didn't want to work with them shows he knows how much talent he has which is a positive thing.

Kenny Dykstra was given a marginal push throughout his WWE tenure. Leader of the Spirit Squad at twenty-one years of age, got a reign as WWE Tag Team Champion, he had three straight victories over Ric Flair, was involved in a feud with Triple H; was the only member of the Spirit Squad to play a major role in-truth and was still very young.

I think it's more based off how young he still is, only twenty-sex, performing very well on the independant circuit, I have to believe he wants back into WWE because if he didn't he wouldn't have snubbed TNA's second tryout match. And honestly, I think the guy could have been the next Randy Orton. Still could be, if brought back sooner rather than later.
What do DiBiase Jr and McGillicutty have that's so special? Aside from their fathers, I can't think of. They're both decent in the ring, but spectacular. Neither is that good on the mic and neither has shown what potential their character could have. WWE isn't dropping the ball with these guys. They just haven't shown they're worthy of being above the mid-card. McGillicutty you could say hasn't had the chance yet, but DiBiase certainly had the chance to break into the main event scene.
First off I'm just gonna say Zack Ryder sucks. Nothing special about him. He's just another Santino.

I think they messed up with Ted DiBiase Jr. and Joe Henning. These guys have the pedigree and the wrestling chops to be great but they give Henning a dumb name and no time and DiBiase never gets any good programs. They're still young and anything can happen but WWE has definitely dropped the ball with them so far IMO.

thank god im not the only one that sees zack ryder for what he is: SHIT!

anyway i agree with you 100% about joe henning. the man is a great wrestler but between the terrible name and lack of mic time i dont see him gonig very far any time soon.
Boogeyman..... Could have been the greatest of all time. Great wrestler, great on the mic.

1980's early 90's Barry Horowitz. Could have been the best of all-time. He might have been the first wrestler to not have to use a gimmick name.... Revolutionary. Reminds me of Danial Bryan.
How much time do you have?

Renee Dupree - biggest mistake in my opinion. IMO he was a complete package. Average to good in ring, great on the stick, but as soon as 2005 hit, he just disappeared. shame really.

Sean O'Haire - Solid worker, had a great gimmick to start with, good charism, good look. Fact he was from the WCW power plant meant he wouldnt make it

Mark Jindrak - crap at first, but improved a lot, wasnt a great talker, but could of been a good midcard talent rather than a full on jobber

Mordecai/Kevin Thorne - Improved more and more each year, was rather good on the mic IMO, but they obviously didnt see much in him, shame really. I dont think he was given much of a chance, especially with the mordecai gimmick

Elijah Burke - solid worker, good on the mic, why he was let go baffles me.

Matt Morgan - great look, lumbered with crap gimmicks. Bad choice to let him go.

Mr Kennedy - Yes he got injured a lot, but then again, so did edge. Politics got in the way

MVP - why he was kept face for so long is baffleing. it was refreshing at first, then just got annoying. His heel Persona was far better

Carlito - funny as a heel, solid worker.

Brent Albright/Gunner Scott - lacked charisma, but was great in ring, i saw him at a few indy shows, his technical skill is very good

Paul London - he could of/should of been what evan bourne is now. Solid high flying midcard. Better on the mic than borune, and better in ring IMO, sadly i think him smiling as mcmahon walked by on his way to his grave let him down

Brian Kendrick - See above basically. Could of been useful in the midcard

Test - good look, poor on the mic, but always seemed good with a mouth piece.

Tajiri - great worker, especially when playing the evil japanese character.

Rhyno - Good monster, just a tad small for the monster character sadly. But in 2001, this guy was on a role, got injured, and then they barely bothered with him when he came back.
Mordicai and Sean O'Haire. Just those two against each other in a fued would have been sweet. God's wrath against the whispering devil. Hell, those two would have been a good tag team, too. God's wrath using the whispering devil for his own musing, or vice versa. WWE had something that could have sold itself.
Ill go with Three, the first being Raven. This guy could have been in the midcard on his promo strength alone instead he was relegated to the hardcore title and pretty much nothing else. Next is Scott Steiner he could have been world champ material but Vince went and made him face. You dont make a guy like that face, he's supposed to go after peoples family yell in their mothers face and kick their dog but instead he was challenging HHH to bench press competitions. Last but not least is Rob Van Dam he should have been World Champ in 2001 he was so over it was crazy. I'm talking Sting in 97 over but he never got the strap and only headlined one pay per view in a triple threat match. He got the title a few years later but it was only because of the ECW one night stand
I got one: Mordecai
His gimmick was the total opposite of The Undertaker's gimmick. Its a shame his gimmick changed to a vampire gimmick.
Only if he debuted as a Vampire during the Twilight craze....

But I remember Mordecai's debut. I really hoped for him to face Undertaker.

Mordecai could of been one of The Undertaker's Wrestlemania opponents. Think about it, has The Undertaker every face someone who so similar to him? I mean, Mordecai's was like the Yin version of The Undertaker's Yang gimmick.
What do DiBiase Jr and McGillicutty have that's so special? Aside from their fathers, I can't think of. They're both decent in the ring, but spectacular. Neither is that good on the mic and neither has shown what potential their character could have. WWE isn't dropping the ball with these guys. They just haven't shown they're worthy of being above the mid-card. McGillicutty you could say hasn't had the chance yet, but DiBiase certainly had the chance to break into the main event scene.


Watch this clip and tell me the WWE didn't drop the ball with DiBiase. In one segment he was able to get the crowd behind him and if they let him go off and beat Randy he could be a pretty credible face right now. Instead, WWE has him puss out and they turn Orton face so they could have Superman #2 and DiBiase goes back to shit as a shitty heel.
Right now, they're dropping the ball on everyone. Remember back in the day when major superstars actually got vacations? Those vacations were often times portrayed as injuries (some were legitimate), firings, or whatever. Then midcarders and jobbers would have to step up and fill the void, gaining stardom and recognition. Afterward, the major superstar would finally return and make an impact. That was a big deal.

Now WWE seems to be so dependent on their top superstars that we the viewer no longer get variety or shocks and suprises. They recycle storylines, feuds, and sholve certain superstars down our throats. It's getting ridiculous.
Dare I say it? CM Punk. He has a respectable career at WWE, but in my opinion, should of had more success. Despite being a two time World Heavyweight Champion and being the only man to have won two consecutive MITB's that's is it. He is one of the top heels in the WWE right now, brilliant on the mic and good in the ring. His gimmick is perfect and he is not generic like most people in the WWE right now. His two title reigns were more of him being the "go to guy" and although that's a pretty stable place to be, CM Punk should be higher than that. If he was to be used properly, I don't think he would be leaving this year.
for me it has to be kane back in 2003 when he took off his mask he was a monster but never was in a big feud or even winning the title which shoulda happened but instead he feuded with shane mac mahon really?
I think Mark Henry came close to getting the push,but he never got it. Now I wonder if he will get that push that he deserves now while he is a very hot heel.
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