What Will Happen To The X-Division Championship?

The Extract

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On Impact, Austin Aries defended his TNA X Division Championship against Chris Sabin, and Zema Ion in an Ultimate X match. After the match, Austin cut an awesome promo saying how he isn't satisfied by just the X-Div. Championship. Hulk Hogan came out and said that he will give him the World Title match at Destination X IF AA gives up the X title.

So, what will happen to the X Division Championship?

I believe that there should be a Gaunlet match at Destination X. It could have the following people invloved:

*Kaz(they should just drop the whole Dixie Carter angle.)
*Doug Williams
*Zema Ion
*Kid Kash
*Mark Haskins

*if ready then; Jesse Sorenson.
he most likely has until the end of Impact Wrestling this week to make up his mind. so here is how i think it will happen.

at the end of the first hour we will have either the Open Fight Night or Gut Check segment. i see it being someone in the x division that hasn't been seen in awhile(not sure who it could be) will come out for OFN and challenge Adouble for the x title and win it from Aires giving the winner a huge rub.

or whoever is chosen for the Gut Gheck will end up going against Aires and end up getting a Fluke victory and win the title. this will give AA the opening to move up the card

if he just relequishes the title then it will polly be some type of match at Destination X to crown a new champ...who i think will either be Zima or Kaz(since Daniels is in the BFG series Kaz needs something to do.
They should include RVD,hardy,joe, EY and AJ in some x division matchs too make it more interesting. If Aries leaves the x-division,that will make TNA think that they need more ppl in the division so they'll buy more ppl.

Moving on to the subject, I think that they should give the belt to Zema. Apart from aries, he is the best in the x division and I actually wanted him to win the match for the contract last yr at destination x(i didn't know he'll still get in) It shouldn't be a gauntlet like this past week though, it shouldn't be ultimate x either; Destination X, Zema v haskins v doug v EY v kid kash...Steel Asylum!!!

At destination x, bring back 6 sides again like last yr so the ring will be big enough for the steel Asylum/terror dome. Those who think I'm joking about EY, watch his tag match last yr at destination x:)
I hope Aries comes out next week and says something like "As much as I would love to beat the crap out of Bobby Roode for the world championship, I have fought to hard and too long too just give up the prestigious X-division title"

Because if he just drops the X-division title, then it makes the X-title look like it is not an important title
Yeah, seeing as Destination X is coming up, you would have to think that there would be some sort of a title match at the Pay-Per-View. I'm sad to see Aries go on to the main event, since he kicks ass, but the show must go on. I'm a little worried though, as the division is already not where it used to be, even if they have one stellar guy. They'll have to go out and either find some fresh talent, or push some existing guys, because the current X Division Championship picture looks a little bare. That being said, this is as good of a chance as any for TNA to re-establish and re-invent the X Division. I mean, they'll have to rely on lots of new guys with the existing faces, so they'll have to try something new -- or just go back to the roots of the division.

I would like to see a Ultimate X Match, but I don't know how much of a possibility that is, considering that they just had one on the last Impact. A tournament for the X Division Championship wouldn't be bad, either, as the Destination X really is all about the X Division, so they could really put some time and effort into it. Either way, I'm hoping to see some great X Division action and maybe even a few of the X Division's great legends, all in the name of winning the X Division Championship. It should be interesting to watch, as Aries has been such a great champion -- it may be hard for anybody to really live up to the standard he has set.
They once had a tourney where they brought in tons of guys from the past and new guys over. Maybe something like that could work, in fact isn't that where AA came from? I think that would be a great idea, give lesser known guys a chance to come to TNA and some of their former talent a chance to show they want their jobs back
maybe its just me aries is going to get screwed next week. first out of the x title. next because he wont have the title to trade for a world title match out of that as well. cause if they wanted aries in the title match he would have handed hogan the belt this week.
I'm really not too sure here. The X-Division has completely bored me, with the exception of Austin, so if he goes to the main event (which he deserves), then who knows? TNA should just fix up the X-Division altogether. Should Austin drop the title, I'd like to see Mark Haskins pick it up; he has potential despite being so young.
If he's dropping the title, they only have one of two choices IMO:

1. Ultimate X or Terrordome match at Destination X — simply to crown a new champion right away among whatever is actually left in the division. Assuming no one shifts around, I'd imagine Zema Ion, Kid Kash, Mark Haskins, Eric Young, Alex Silva and maybe Samoa Joe could compete for it.

2. Tournament — similar to how they ran for the vacated TNA World Tag Team Championships when The Band were stripped of them a few years back. For me, this is the better of the two options, simply because it'd allow the company to bolster the ranks of the division by inviting back old faces to participate in the tourney, even if they're not winning it. They brought back the likes of Evans, Low Ki, etc. in the whole conquest for a TNA contract at Destination X a few years ago, and it'd be nice to see that sort of thing again.
I think giving a week for Aries to think about what he wants to do still makes the title look important. It would've been different if when Hogan made the proposal and Aries would've have accepted the heavyweight title shot right away last week. I think there is no doubt that Aries will give up the title for the heavyweight title shot this week. Saying that, I think there will be a tournament with x division contenders with the finals or semi-finals being at the destination x. I think they'll have x division tournament matches on impact leading into the pay per view and crown a new champion at said pay per view. I like where this angle is going. I feel TNA is coming up with some fresh stuff here.
I really like that they managed to actually make the X Division title have more value out of all of this.

Obviously the World Title means more than the X Division title, but the idea of Aries just dropping it still didn't sit too well with me. Now with the clause of being able to cash it in at Destination X each year, it makes the title even more valuable. Sure, it's not THAT big of a deal, but it's still better than just leaving Aries to ditch it and run on to greener pastures.

I hope now that they'll use this opportunity to really rebuild the X Division. Draw out the process of getting a new champion, it doesn't need to be done immediately, span it out over a month, establish some new names, establish who the players in the X Division really are. The X Division was already looking pretty barren beyond A Double, now with him gone, Shelley gone, Sabin out (not that they used those two in it much anyway) it's lacking even more. They can either A seize this opportunity to attempt to restore it to its former glory or B just say meh which one of these leftovers do we want to have this belt and leave the division to die.

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