What were you doing on 9/11?

I was in my class about to goto gym. I lined up (i was in 5th grade) and my gym teacher ran in and told my teacher "someone attacked NYC and the white house" (although no one hit the white house) and during the day people started gettign pulled out of my class, we started with like 25 kids and ended with like 10.
my mum woke me up at like 11 30(perth time) at night and explained to me what happen. i then stayed up all night watching the fox news channel. pritty scary for me.
I was actually having sex with my girlfriend in the toilets of the building. Luckily I came quick and we escaped as we we're only on the thrid floor!
No lie i was gettin oral from this girl that i went to school with and alls i remember she was doin it then i look up and alls i see on the tv was what happened i will never forget that day
I was sitting in class and My Teacher Ms. Muhn started bawling her head off. We asked why she was so sad and she turned on the TV. At that very moment we saw The second plane go into the tower. We all just froze. Then we were sent home for the day.
I was in my fourth grade classroom. Throughout the day there was an eerie vibe in the air and the teacher's behavior. During the day many kids were mysteriously sent home without rhyme or reason. At some point the teacher told us to take out our notebooks and write a journal entry about how we felt on that day. Because of the lack of communication many conspiracy theories were hatched among the kids. I heard many suggestions, the most agreed upon was that the alien invasion had finally occurred. When I got home, I was filled with a sense of hope and patriotism. Those feelings faded fast in the next two years.
I was in math in 8th grade. We had to share a class with another teacher, and he came in and asked if we'd heard what was going on in New York and DC. Somewhere in there we were told there was an attack in Chicago as well. An autistic kid named Ned was doing problem #32, and wouldn't get it done so we could see what was going on. Our principal came on the PA and said it was the biggest moment of our lives, then he said to turn it off and go back to work. No one listened to him at all.
I was working mostly, just chilling at work when someone came up and told me, i was shocked appalled but had no idea the effect it would have on my life, it made me sick to my stomach, I still get death threats people calling me names because of 9/11
I was sleeping. My best friend called and woke me up and told me that a plan had crashed into one of the towers. I didn't believe her. I turned on the tv to find out that it was true. I thought it was an accident. But pretty much when everything else unfolded, life at work slowed to a crawl. We would go hours without phone calls and our credit card machine was down for a couple of days. It was fucking scary man. I wanted somebody to pay. And that is why Bush was the man to have at that time. Because when fucking pussy assed Richard Gere came out and gave a speech about thins being a time for understanding rather than anger, I wanted to kill him myself and still refuse to watch a movie with him in to this day. I wanted blood. Didn't care whose. I just wanted blood.
i was getting out of football morning practice and our coach told us that planes hit the towers .my mom worked in the world trade center in dallas and ever yone there had a scare it was a sad moment thinknig bout all the famlies thatlost love ones....
I was on the M100 uptown bus heading to work, and someone said a helicopter hit the WTC. I was thinking no big deal except for the poor pilot, because a helicopter would have just bounced off the building.

Then, I started hearing about a plane, and figured it was some pilot mistake.

When I got to work, I heard the whole story and watched when the second plane hit and the buildings went down.

There was no subway service, and the buses were packed, so I walked back to the Bronx, over the 149th Street Bridge, and even from MILES uptown, you could see the smoke.

When I got to the Bronx, I managed to get a bus home.

Never forget that as long as I live. I've visited the site, and, for a New Yorker, it really hits home.

What messes me up is how all those people got up, went to work like any other day, and never DREAMT that would happen. It makes me realize I can go at anytime, anywhere, anyway.

Even more messed up is that I was on the observation deck in the Center two months before. I got off and rode PATH trains NUMEROUS times, and knew the transit hub like the back of my hand.

Now, they have a new transit hub, which is spooky because I remember the old one vividly.

Just totally fucked up, and whoever is responsible should be struck down by God in the most horrible way possible. Bastard fucks.

You have to believe after 9/11 that humans are, no doubt, the most evil of all the animals on this planet. We've killed more of our own then ANY other species, anywhere.

Either evolution made a HUGE error while it programmed intelligence, or it's the Devil. Pick your poison. I prefer to believe it's a little of both.
I was in school(1st class I believe) like everyday.I don't remeber much of that school day apart from the fact we were all brought into the 5th and 6th class room.There was a small TV and the picture was fuzzy for a long time before it came together.2 towers and smoke coming from one.Then another plane came in......

I didn't understand or care-I was simply a kid living life.I was 5 or 6 for gods sake.

But when I got home I realised how big it was...............

Normally I'd get to watch cartoons or something but today my babysitter was crying and she told me "Sorry Anthony.......this is more important than cartoons".I felt sorry for her when I realised what happened-Try explaining a terroist attack to a bloody child.

After dinner we all sat down and watched it...........and I realised the world is not perfect....
I was at school in my 2nd block science class. I was sitting there, waiting for class to start, talking to my friends about the previous night's Red Sox game. Some kid came into the class and said the World Trade Center had been bombed.

The teacher's response? "You're such a liar... you kids would do anything to get out of class."

I didn't think much of it until an hour later, when I went to my next class and the teacher had the TV on, watching the news coverage. I was truly in shock... the entire day was just surreal.

And just as an aside, the science teacher was fired about 2-3 months later, for calling a black kid a racial slur.
I was in school and only heard about it when I got back and initially thought my mum was joking when she said it. I'd never been in the WTC, but still, I'd seen them and they were impressive structures.

Creppily, the two Egyptian bombs (Dahab and Sharm) both happened after i'd been in them...Sharm exactly 1 year after I was there, and Dahab soon after.
Heard about it in school, they were showing it in classes. I mostly just slept through the video since it was fairly boring for me. Came home, My cartoons werent on because of it, I was annoyed so I went on the computer and that was the end of it. Sad day it was for all
Being fucking pissed is what I was doing. I woke up before school and was getting dressed for the first one. Saw it on TV. The second one crashed during my 2nd period class, we had the TV on in the classroom. Needless to say we didnt do shit that day. I was very very angry. And still am.
I was at work, and stuff came over the radio saying that a plane had hit the world trade center. I remembered the story of a small single engine plane crashing into the Empire State building early in the morning, and figured that with all the airports in the area, t was probably just a tragic accident.

Went up into the office and started to watch it on TV with the boss, and boy oh boy did the shit hit the fan then. It was insane, and honestly, I hope never to watch anything like that ever again. Of course there's always that "one guy" that doesn't think it's a big deal and started getting shitty with me to get back to work, but of course that didn't happen.

Spent most of the rest of the day, and the next several months, glued to the news channel hoping and waiting for blood to be spilled. Say what you will about Bush, but he was the right president at the time for the job, and really handled things well, it's the monumental fuck ups later on that ruined him, but his 9/11 job was brilliant.
I was in the 10th Grade in 2001. When the planes hit, I was playing basketball in P.E. without a care in the World. Come third period, my Free Enterprise teacher tells us a plane crashed into the World Trade Center. At first, to be honest, I didn't really care because I didn't know what the World Trade Center was exactly, and it didn't seem like that big of deal. Just a plane crash into a building. It was until around ten minutes later the entire class is sitting in the library watching what happened that it hit me what exactly was going on. The visual of seeing someone jump out of the building is what really hit me. Definitely an unbelievable experience to see that shit go down. Hopefully, like the poster said above, I see nothing like that again unless it’s in a fictional movie or something.
I was at work, and stuff came over the radio saying that a plane had hit the world trade center. I remembered the story of a small single engine plane crashing into the Empire State building early in the morning, and figured that with all the airports in the area, t was probably just a tragic accident.

Went up into the office and started to watch it on TV with the boss, and boy oh boy did the shit hit the fan then. It was insane, and honestly, I hope never to watch anything like that ever again. Of course there's always that "one guy" that doesn't think it's a big deal and started getting shitty with me to get back to work, but of course that didn't happen.

Spent most of the rest of the day, and the next several months, glued to the news channel hoping and waiting for blood to be spilled. Say what you will about Bush, but he was the right president at the time for the job, and really handled things well, it's the monumental fuck ups later on that ruined him, but his 9/11 job was brilliant.

Before I say what I was doing I have something to say about this post first.Bush was reading to a bunch of lil kids when he heard the news.Guess what he did after he found out?He kept reading.He is a peace of pathetic crap.

Anyway,I was in school the day of the attacks.I was extremely lil like 1st grade I think.I knew nothing about it.I mean saw the attacks playing on the TV in the lunch room and the teachers were talking about it but I didn't really understand what was happening until my parents explained it to me later that day.It was a sad event.I never really understood the importence of it for a while.But now I do.It was a extremely sad day.It was something that affected many people and I hope nothing like it ever happens again.
Although I am not American, I still remember this day very well. I was in 8th Grade and it was during Recess when I started to feel sick, so I phoned my father to come pick me up. While I was waiting for my ride home, I over-heard the teachers talking about the plane crash in the Teacher's lobby and I didn't think much of it then. When my father finally arrived to pick me up, we listened to the radio about the crash and that is when they announced that another plane crashed into the towers and that it was now confirmed to be a terrorist attack. When we got home we watched the news only to find out that another plane crashed, and that's when I realized that this was a huge deal. On the local news, it was announced that some of the other US Airplanes were told to stop at St. John's Airport for safety precautions obviously and it was total chaos, I doubt another person would have fit in the Airport, it was jam-packed from what i have seen on the news.
I'm from Canada and when it happened, we watched the news in school. Everyone was in shock and teachers were going crazy. It was just a day when no one wanted to do anything, but watch what was unfolding.
I was a freshman in high school. Sitting in my third hour social studies class. My teacher had the news turned on and we all saw this tragic event unfold. I was filled with a plethora of feelings ranging from shock, awe, anger, sadness, grief you name it I was feeling it. I still to this day am very upset.

Then 3 years later me and my high school showchoir that I was apart of went to NYC. We went everywhere. We eventually made it to ground zero. Our choir director was walking around and out of nowhere all 28 of us look at each other. We didnt even ask permission we just started to sing the national anthem. Everyone that was there just started to weep. I mean EVERYONE from small kids to big bad bodybuilders. It was an amazing feeling of togetherness.

My thoughts and prayers still to this day go out to the families of 9/11.
I was nine years old and in my fourth grade classs and it was the beginning of the school day. I was most probably saying the Pledge of Allegiance because the first tower got hit just about the same time the annoucements started in my school. They didn't tell us what happened so we had no idea until the end of the day at around 3:10PM when my teacher told us that the World Trade Center towers were hit. Back then I think the majority of my class, including me, had no idea what the towers were called or how big of a deal it was so none of us really got scared about it or anything. That is until I got home and my whole family was watching the news and they told me what happened. They told me how in the morning there were police cars rushing by my house and stuff because we live pretty close to NYC. I was especially shocked when I found out which buildings were hit because I had just seen the World Trade Centers two months before when we went to Ellis Island.

I remember being really sad, even moreso when I found out some people in my school lost their parents on 9/11 and I remember being scared because I'm Muslim and it just wasn't a good time to be Muslim in my community back then.

Flames Out
I was a Junior in highschool. I was walking towards fifth period and one of my friends came over to me and told me that something happened in New York and everyone went nuts. I went to the gym where the gym teachers had a radio on and thats when I heard that the twin towers was attacked. my mother was working two blocks away (thank god) when it happened. the emotion I felt that time was revenge. I knew that whoever planned the attack was gonna get their ass kicked because NOBODY messes with the USA and gets away with it.

(disclaimer: none of the pro American comments are meant to be offensive in anyway. that was what I felt at the time)

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