What were the 3 best Edge feuds?


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This one might be hard to figure out because Edge has had many great feuds in his WWE career. So here is what I think the 2 best Edge feuds starting from his 3rd best:

3rd Best Feud: Edge vs Randy Orton
- This feud brought out the best in 2 young soon-to-be World Heavyweight Champions. This feud was around the Intercontinental Championship too. Edge and Randy Orton both are very good wrestlers and still are today.

2nd Best Feud: Edge vs Kurt Angle
- This feud was not only amazing, but really funny. This feud was the start of the crowd chanting "You Suck" whenever Kurt Angle came out to the ring. I think this feud was the feud that really made everyone see that Edge would become World Heavyweight Champion one day and it did.

Before I give my #1 feud for Edge, here are some other feuds that I think could of made the list.:

Edge vs Christian
Edge vs Eddie Guerrero
Edge vs Matt Hardy
Edge vs Jeff Hardy
Edge vs The Undertaker

Okay, the best Edge feud in my opinion is..............

1st Best Feud: Edge vs Shawn Michaels
- Shawn Michaels can have a feud with anyone and make them a star. Shawn Michaels and Edge's match at Royal Rumble 2005 was one of the best matches of that year in my opinion and Shawn Michaels faced Kurt Angle at that years WrestleMania too.
3. Edge vs. Matt Hardy- This feud was awesome because of the real life heat and personal conflict between the two. Matt Hardy was fired and it was believed to be influenced by Edge. But thanks to the IWC (Says Matt Himself) he was rehired and launched into a great feud. With it's pinnacle happening when Matt beat Edge in a brutal cage match highlighted by a leg drop from the top of the cage.

2. Edge vs. The Undertaker- A feud that started when Edge came back from injury and screwed the Undertaker at Survivor Series. They went onto fued for almost a year with a great Wrestlemania title match and HIAC conflict the

1. Edge vs. John Cena- The classic fued between the nice clean cut do everything the right way and through hard work guy. Vs. the raunchy dastardly bend the limits and break the rules heel. These two fed off each-other some great moments happened between them Edge slapping Cena's Dad in his own house. As well as Edge making his own "Rated R" Championship belt. This feud culminated, with Edge and Cena splitting the two wins in each-others home towns (Boston and Toronto). With Cena getting the last laugh in Toronto handing Edge his first loss in a TLC match.

Honorable Mention
-Edge vs. Kurt Angle, Edge vs. Randy Orton, Edge vs. Shawn Michaels, Edge vs. Chris Benoit.
edgs bes 3 feuds in my opinion is rated rko vs dx, this was brought out sum of the best tag team fights in ages, no 2 feud would be against undertaker resulting in the second best wrestlemania fight the undertaker has ever had apart from wrestlemania 25. and no1 is a 3 way tie edge and christian vs dudley boys vs hardy boys, or against cena, or against jeff hardy, his best will yet 2 come when he eventually fights jericho
3. Edge vs. Kurt Angle
-It got the "You Suck" chants started, and it showed that both men had a bright future ahead of them, which they did.

2. Edge & Christian vs. Hardyz vs. Dudleys
-I can not believe that after all the talk about how the attitude era was best, that this feud hasn't even been mentioned. These three teams faced off in countless of matches from Ladder Matches, to Tables Matches, to even the first two TLC matches. An amazing rivalry, and possibly the Dudleys' best work ever.

1. Rated RKO vs. DX
-This rivalry saw the two men who would become the top heels of today team up together and go head to head with DX. They even became World Tag Team Champions in the process.
3: Edge Vs. Hardy
this was so great because these were all real events. the whole thing was a real thing
2: Edge Vs. Undertaker
this was great and would have been #1 except for the fat that WWE blew his comeback. There were photos of him as the wallpaper of the PPV for 3 weeks before it happened. this was still an epic rivalry, and it had the undertaker use one of the best non-Goldberg spears i have seen.
E&C Vs. Hardyz Vs. Dudley Boys
3 reasons:
1- first ever Tag Team ladder match and TLC match
2- the 2 best TLC matches in my opinion were these 6 men.
3- moments that include edge's midair spear of jeff hardy, hardy's swanton through rhino and spike dudley, matt and bubba ray going through the 4 tables. THIS WAS EPIC!!!!!!!!!1
Edge and Christain vs. The hardy boyz vs. The Dudleyz- This rivalry bought prestige to the world tag team titles and made the TLC into a great match.

Edge vs The Undertaker- he took the money in the bank from Mr. Kennedy on Raw than that friday night on Smackdown he capitalized on an attack from Mark Henry and speared the Undertaker and took the WHC and that started a great nearly year long rivalry.

Edge vs. Randy Orton- ended his reign as IC champ and it started his heel turn which made him a champ.
3rd. Edge Vs Undertaker , it was the only decent rivalry on smackdown at the time.

2nd. Edge Vs John Cena , the dad slap, R-Rated championship and Edge and Lita live sex on raw was just some mentions of what happend it this rivalry and it saw Edge get really established with ppv main events.

1st .Edge Vs Matt Hardy , It was immense to view as matt got screwed by Edge for his women and his job , but WWE rehired and started a great fued , possibly should have ran for longer but great TV.
3) EDGE vs. John Cena- They had such a long feud but I never got tired of seeing it. They always managed to put on great matches and the match that I consider as the true end of their feud was their epic tlc match at Unforgiven. Even though Edge lost it is one of his most memorable matches and moments, being fu'ed off the ladder.

2) EDGE vs. Undertaker- His feud with Undertaker really put him over as a top guy in the company. Once again a ladder was used to help solidify him but the true ending came with that awesome chokeslam through the ring in hell in a cell at summerslam. Taker put EDGE over and made him seem legit.

1) I dont see how this cant be his number one feud because its what out him on the map. Edge and Christian vs. The Dudleys vs. The Hardys. This feud got all 3 teams best feud and match of the year for 2001, I believe, and made all 3 household names. If it were not for this 3 way feud none of the 6 men would have gotten as over as they did and Edge, Christian and Jeff Hardy would never be able to call themselves World Champions. This fued made them known and in the end resulted in EDGE getting the push and recognition he so rightfully deserved which led to him being a 9 or so time champion.

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