What was the best match between the Rock & Triple H?

CM Steel

A REAL American
The Rock and Triple H go back along way. Back to when they were known as Rocky Maivia and Hunter Hearst Helmsley. They had their wars over the WWF/E IC title. And eventully the WWF/E championship. But in your opinion. What was the best match between the Rock & Triple H? Me personally, I would have to say the epic iron man match the two had in 2000 at the Judgement Day pay per view. That was a great match from start to finish! That was the second best iron man match in the history of the company following the iron man match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. The match told a great story.

But in your own opinion. What was the best match between the Rock & Triple H?
It's between the Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship and the Iron Man Match for the WWF Title in 2000.
The first one told a great story about two up and coming talents putting everything on the line to solidify themselves as big players.
The second again told a nice story, this time focusing on how they where the big dogs, fighting to see who was the best in the wrestling business and worthy of holding the biggest prize in the WWF at the time.
In the "Thy Kingdom Come" DVD Triple H himself said that these two are his favorite matches with The Rock, so unless there's a hidden gem somewhere (and it would be awesome if there was) I will stick with those two matches
Best Rock/HHH match was the Ironman match at Judgement Day 2000. A great intense match with some great wrestling and the ending was epic. The Ladder match at Summerslam 1999 was also one of the best Ladder matches in terms of storytelling. Certainly one of my favorites.

Another one of my favorite Rock/HHH matches which many don't seem to remember was the Strap match at Fully Loaded 1999. Great intense match.
As its been said it comes down to their match at SummerSlam 98 and Judgement Day 2000. I give it to the Ladder Match because it is that moment that showcased their main event potential.

There work at Mania 16 I think is greatly unappreciated. They put on about a 20 minute match following the eliminations of Show and Mankind and put on a great match that was a great beginning to their feud over the remainder of the year.
I personally think that the rivalry between The Rock and Triple H is sometimes under appreciated when compared to the likes of: Austin/McMahon, Undertaker/Kane, Triple H/HBK, etc...

Throughout the first half of 2000 these 2 were the main attraction and had a succession of 4 PPV main events (WM 16, Backlash, Judgement Day, and KOTR). At this time Raw and Smackdown were both equally fantastic at furthering their hatred. I still remember the Raw after JD when The Rock stalked and assaulted every member of the McMahon-Helmsley faction, it made for great entertainment.

For me though, Backlash 2000 was they're greatest match. It was the rematch after The Rock was screwed at WM 16 by Vince who had aligned himself with the faction and it also featured the return of Stone Cold. Some will agree that The Rock was much better chasing the belt as opposed to carrying it for any length of time and a good part of their rivalry was the chase. The Rock was red hot and Triple H was the best and most hated heel in the company at that point, these 2 had grown so much since they're last proper feud in 1998 (I'm aware of the brief feud in 1999 but it was only for a short while and was more about Triple H moving into the title picture with Austin).

The build for the match was great, the video promo at the start of the PPV and the promo before the match are still 2 of my favourite promos to this day. The uncertainty of Austin showing up and whose side he would be on, this provided a lot of buzz to the match.

The match itself is a fantastic medium paced classic wrestling match between the 2 who knew each other so well, there's not one missed step that I can see and every move/reversal is executed perfectly. It also includes the now legendary double Rock Bottom through the announce table with Shane McMahon. Inevitably McMahon and his stooges get involved and try to screw The Rock again but are met with a chair wielding Austin who cleans house and makes way for Linda McMahon and Earl Hebner who then counts the 3 for The Rock. The crowd was amazing and were into it the whole way and went nuts both when The Rock won and when Austin returned.

It might not be the hour long epic of their Iron Man match (The best part for me is The Undertakers return, that still gives me goosebumps to this day!) but I will always enjoy this match and I still maintain that Backlash 2000 was the finest PPV of that year.
To be honest I don't think The Rock/Triple H have ever really had a bad match. Even when The Rock was Rocky Maivia and Triple H was the Greenwich Blue Blood and they feuded over the IC title in '97 they had good matches. If I had to pick one I would say the Iron Man Match at Judgment Day 2000 was the best. For the pure fact that those two went an hour and kept everyone interest (during the Attitude Era mind you) and put on a great match. Plenty of action plus HBK was the special referee. Can't get much better than that
I would say without a doubt Backlash 2000. The Iron man match was great but Backlash was just a perfect match. The workrate was incredible, the crowd was white hot, and you had all of the Mcmahons involved and the return of Austin at the end, to the greatest loudest pop I've ever heard. Rewatch this bout if you havent seen it recently.
It was their 2/3 falls match at the PPV before or after the strap match. HHH had Rock pinned for the 3rd fall when the time limit expired. (The only thing that ruined it was JR making it obvious the time limit would expire by constantly mentioning it)
Best Rock/HHH match was the Ironman match at Judgement Day 2000. A great intense match with some great wrestling and the ending was epic. The Ladder match at Summerslam 1999 was also one of the best Ladder matches in terms of storytelling. Certainly one of my favorites.

Another one of my favorite Rock/HHH matches which many don't seem to remember was the Strap match at Fully Loaded 1999. Great intense match.

Strap match was great... I have a soft spot for Fully Loaded 1998. IC title 2/3 falls, 30 minute broadway...
Can we include da triple threat btwn rock hhh and angle at summerslam? Great match specially w/rock and hhh calling match on da fly 4 1/2 match when angle got hurt. If not definitely ladder match 4 ic title at ss. Start 2 finish that match was classic. Personally rock/hhh was my favorite fund of alltime and would love 2 c em do it 1 more time if rock ever returns

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