What Veterans Would You Sign?


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I am sick and tired of hearing people complain about the WWE's Youth Movement. Unfortunately, as the years go on - wrestlers get old, and they retire. The WWE is stuck with a very young roster, who are long on potential, but are not delivering the immediate results that most of you seem to be demanding.

So my questions are:

What veteran wrestlers (that are not currently in TNA), would you like to see in the WWE ?

And how would you use them to elevate some of the younger talent on the roster?
Necro Butcher. Let him wrestle hardcore matches against anyone. The guy can put on a show. He also can wrestle technically. My serious answer would be the Briscoe brothers.
Just let them dominate the Tag Team ran or so. They alone would bring credibility to the tag ranks.
Try to bring back JBL. It seems like he can always get the best out of somebody in a feud because of his charisma. His feuds with Eddie, Rey and Batista were all great to watch. Maybe he could elevate guys like Morrison and Sheamus to the next level or at least haze them for the fun of it.. lol
I agree with MHardy_Fan JBL is an all around good veteran superstar who could possibly still be as good as he was in the ring which is decent with occasionally good matches. He was good on the mic and he had a good gimmick. He could even elevate the miz even though I'm not a miz fan through and through. He could help with the youth movement alot.
They still have a chance to sign Nash. I think he could be hired on for either a short term wrestling deal or long term deal but limited to no wrestling. Maybe head a stable or something. For whatever reason, maybe nostalgia, but during the Rumble, when I heard that Diesel music fire up, I marked out. For some other reason, I enjoyed his work during the Rumble as Diesel, for the 5 minutes he was in, much more than I have the last 5 years of his work in TNA.

If the rumors last year were true, I would love to see Sid signed to a short-term deal. Rumor was last year he was in tremendous shape for his age and seemed as though he had fully recovered from that horrendous accident back during that "Sin" ppv.
In TNA, i hated Nashes work. He started to get SO slow and half ass everything. But when Diesal showed up at the rumble in Boston, I got 90s flashbacks. He didnt do much, but he can work the big man gimmick on all these new guys. I think he's got one more WWE run left in the tank.

Dean Malenko
Was always a fan of his work. I figured he'd come back when Eddie and Benoit both passed, but then i guess you'd have to say the same about Saturn. Deans technical skills were awesome and WWE needs more of that right now.

Lance Storm
Retirement only goes so far in pro wrestling these days. I heard Lance retired and I hope thats not true. The push he got in WCW shoulda been carried back to the E years ago.

The Pitbulls (Kid Kash & Jamie Noble)
The WWE needs fresh faces in the tag team division. Obviously their not gonna bring the cruiserweight division back but Kash and noble before they were sent on their way were a sick team on smackdown. Their both veterans and would bring some livelihood to the tag team division. If Kendrick wasnt signed to TNA id say the same about the londricks.

"Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman
His gimmick is so beleivable. He's huge. and MMA is sooo much more popular these days. He shoulda been pushed to the moon years ago IMO.

All these new guys are jumping straight to the main event now a days. I miss seeing a guy go from holding a mid card title to becoming the number 1 contender to winning the title. They need veterans to run the main event scene right now, as well as the tag division. Alotta guys have payed their dues and never got outta the mid card scene. like what their doing with Lawler right now, thats awesome.
I'm going with a guy a couple other posters said already. That's JBL. I was just thinking about him. Another thread had me thinking about JBL. It was who deserves one more run. I think JBL would be a good choice to bring back to the main event scene. I would give him one more title run; especially now since the wwe is lacking in the main event scene. He definately give one of the younger guys that much needed rub and possibly even a classic.
JBL: Like previous posters, I agree with possibly signing JBL. He is not very old and could still perform acceptable matches. His promos and gimmick could seriously elevate youngsters, whether they are good mic workers or not.

Rikishi: If big "Kishi" appeared on Raw tomorrow, he would recieve a massive pop! Kishi was huge (literally) back in 2000, and was a possible main eventer until he was unfortunaltely turned heel. Kishi is once again not extremely old, and could be a great tag team partner. R-Truth and Kishi would be an entertaining tag team, and could add some credibility back to the tag division.

Al Snow: Al Snow like Rikishi, would be a great tag team partner and could add another team to the to the lackluster tag division. Al Snow was always a great performer and in a tag team he wouldn't have to wrestle a full match, and only a half match so to speak.

Terry Funk: The Funkster doesn't need to wrestle, though he can get in a brawl every now and then. Terry could be a great manager! Could you imagine a war between Terry Funk and his stable of some people vs some other legend and their stable of some people (Nash possibly) This could all end up in some War-Games like match. Funk could also give great advise for the youngsters. Jeez, he has wrestled for 40+ years.
Rikishi would be good to bring back to help his sons the Usos. He wouldnt have wrestler he could just be a manager for them and help them get some cheap victories for cheap heat.

WWE doesnt really need older wrestlers to elevate the younger ones the roster is just fine thats why Im not thinking to into this.
I wouldn't bring back any retired wrestlers to the squared circle. It's time to move on and let the younger talent get their experience so that the WWE can rock again. I'd bring back some of the retired boys to be behind the curtain giving their knowledge and guidance to the current generation. Fact is you can't get better without experience and if you bring in a bunch of guys past their prime to absorb all of the tv spots, the younger boys won't get their chance to build their craft. I think that its great that Jericho is gone, Edge and Rey are pondering and that HHH and Undertaker won't be there much longer. It's time to pass the torch...
I as well as most of you would love to see JBL come back to the main event scene. I can see him feuding with Morrison, Miz, and even Del Rio. A lot of people have called Del Rio a JBL wannabe. The 2nd person I'd LOVE to see come back would be Muhammed Hassan. He was the perfect heel. Great on the mic and pretty solid in the ring. He is only 29 years old and I can definitely see him in the main event picture right away. I see he is still mentioned here once in a while and thats pretty impressive seeing how he was in wwe for what 1 year like 6 years ago?
Hire some of more of the top tier Lucha a guys that have the appropriate look. Since most of them start wrestling in their teens you can get guys who have lots of ring experience but are still young enough to me steered to a more WWE style. If they don't screw up Mistico he can make the WWE more money than the overjacked flavor of the month that Vince loves to sign no problem.

Either that or resign Paul London and actually aknowledge his Mexican heritage drop the London and give him a hispanic name.
Rowdy Rodney Piper. Strictly as a manager. I think he could teach these guys volumes about being entertaining and engaging the audience. If it's now all about the younger generation bring back the managers to help guide them.
Muhammed Hussan like someone said.He was actually in line to get the WHC but because of the london bombing I think it was happened and there was a lot of controversy.

Other then that I really cant think of much.

Kid Kash is probally the only other one besides JBL who is obvious.He could really help with the cruiserweights.
JBL Would Be Cool to see him do something with Ted Dibiase Jr. they could start a stable kind of like money inc. where they just buy wrestlers off. Del Rio Could be added to that too.

Sid I could see him possibly managing the miz in sort of a bodyguard role. the miz runs his mouth while Sid does the dirty work

Steve Blackman & Ron Simmons/Farooq just because I thought they kicked Ass

Funaki I kind of had an idea like this for awhile. I think it would be kind of cool if he formed a tag team with yoshi tatsu and give them an over the top stereotypical ninja-like name such as dragonpower X-force or NinjaForce X-Treme, something along those lines. I'd basically make them come to the ring like they were on some crazy asian TV Show, with lots of flashing lights and crazy random things going on like those crazy asian tv shows you see sometimes and are never really sure what is going on at all. (think dude in panda suit with streamers flying through the air, and confetti exploding)
It would be totally random and just for fun, but since WWE has gone PG I think it could totally fly!
JBL? Is this a joke? The guy sucked. People used to bitch about him being boring as hell when he was on tv, and now it seems like he's been elevated to near Sting/Flair status. Give me a break. He was ok in the APA. And... well, that's about it. Yeah, let's bring back a slow, sloppy, hazing ego trip w/a sucky attitude to elevate young guys. Sigh.

And Nash is just as bad, if not worse. People forget his well earned nickname Big Lazy? He sucked as Diesel, and he definitely sucks more now. Hell, the way the IWC is you could bring back pretty much anybody that hasn't been around a while. I'll bet even Big Daddy V, El Gigante, Outback Jack, the Red Rooster, The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea, or the Mulkeys would get a monster pop.

Bring back a couple of people behind the scenes to mentor the young guys. Piper was a good choice. If people are on a "big man" kick, Sid would be a better pick than the 2 guys above. Sure, he wasn't spectacular, but he had a much better look about him, crazy sick on the mic, and definitely had a much higher work rate. He at least tried, had some passion, and you could tell it.

With the way people are bringing real life events into storylines these days (the Angle/Jarrett fiasco, Cole bringing up King's mother) Perry Saturn would be a good idea as long as he got back in (or close to) his old shape. He is a pulled himself up from the bottom feel good type story and it could be accessible to the fans. He could even be utilized in a public speaking/public awareness type situation. Just keep the drug thing minimal at most, talk about second chances, getting life back on track, etc. etc.

Tatanka (Buffalo)! For some reason, he was pretty over in the day. I think he popped back in once or twice and still got a decent reaction. Bring him in to help w/the young guys. Build him up to be credible in the ring, then use him to elevate certain guys. Kind of like how they use Goldust, Show, Henry, etc. now. Just a fresh face for the fans for a while, and an asset in the back.

La Parka. The chairman of the WCW, baby! Get him new music (the song in the following video is perfect. And I always love a reason to post that youtube video) and let him be the only one to use a chair. That's a license to print money right there...

It might not be cool in 2011, I don't know, but I would love to bring Raven in. I've always like that guy a lot. I liked how he always had some legion of followers like The Flock, The Gathering, Serotonin, Ravens Nest, etc... Not too many characters have factions like that all the time. He could have a new one where he is basically the manager, getting involved in matches and joining in on group beat downs. He doesn't even have to wrestle, but he could probably get some people over. Scott Levy is pretty smart, I wouldn't put it past him at all.
Lance Storm is one who could certainly still wrestle. His last match was at the 1st One Night Stand PPV against Jericho, and he was still just as good as ever. I dont know his reasons for retiring so young, but I would love to see him back.

Terry Funk would be extremely useful to have on the roster, as a previous poster mentioned. I do not think Funk needs to wrestle again, but to have around the company to teach the young guys there would be few better than the Funker. He would be a great manager too, and can still cut great promo's.

Similarly, my boy Raven would be a great addition to the roster and backstage. An incredibly smart guy, with a great mind for the business. I would love to see Raven mentoring young superstars, teaching them the art of the promo and then leading a new stable as the veteran manager. That would be AWESOME. Raven is still capable of being relevant in wrestling, but should probably retire from active competition. Plus, I would have him on the writing team.

Ken Shamrock was always a favourite of mine. I know he is getting on now, but I would MTFO for a Shamrock return. He was awesome when he was "getting into the zone", and I remember thinking he was actually crazy when I first started watching wrestling. He still had the best anklelock of them all too.
Psycho Sid i dont know why he hasnt been signed by either TNA or the WWE the guy can draw crowds and can put on some good matches,

Steve Corino the guy has mic skills and can wrestle would be good to have him put over guys like Wade Barett, Miz, John Morrison and so on would add some star power to the main event,

Sean O'haire he had the look, could move really well for a big guy , i think WWE dropped the ball back in 2003 by not making him a top guy,

Goldberg just to add star power and he could feud with guys like Sheamus, Mason Ryan, Skip Sheffield, the iconic matches with John Cena and Undertaker

Billy Gunn and Roadogg new age outlaws 1) star power 2) build up the tag divison again
The WWE already has guys that can put younger talent over. The guys that i am referring to is Booker T, Diesel, Goldust, and Jerry Lawler. If you want to, you can throw in William Regal and bring back Finlay. I personally would like to see JBL again, but not ONLY to put over new talent. I could definitely see JBL fued with John Morrison and Kofi Kingston and perhaps even The Miz.
Definitely going with JBL on this one. Wasn't the best in the ring but on the mic he was one of the best in the business, and that really helped elevate his feuds.

He was also one of my favourite commentators of recent times!

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