What to do with "The Missing Link" Darren Young


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What do you guys think? The Missing Link hasn't been seen outside of Superstars since cutting his memorable promo on Raw in September. Maybe a move to Smackdown in the draft and he can claw his way up the card?
i like him,they should make him a tag team superstar with byron saxton or Skip shefield ,WWE needs tag teams ,Jtg and Rtruth can also workout.David hart with Ted Debiase
I don't see it happenin' for the kid. He's simply too goofy looking to take seriously, and his in ring work isn't all that hot either.

If WWE cared about tag team wrestling a guy like Young could have a little value, but as a singles competitor his fate is all but sealed...
I like Darren Young, and have ever since he debuted on NXT season 1. I really dislike how he's become completely irrelevant. He's barely relevant on SUPERSTARS for craps sake. He had a kind of mini feud with Regal which I enjoyed, but at this time of WWE's poor tag team division, I just say they need to pair him up with his FCW tag team partner Percy Watson and reunite the South Beach Party Boys! Maybe with a different name. But I think that'd work for the both of them.
personally i never saw anything in this guy, just like i see nothing in david otunga. they are both decent talkers but shit in the ring, imo. i would like to see young and Percy Jackson form the tag team they had in fcw. the south beach boys or something like that. hellthey could add another person and say they are the real big three of miami (kinda play off the miami heat). with all the random people wrestling on superstars and just doing nothing in the midcard u'd think the wwe could easily form 3 or 4 new tagteams and make the division worth a dam. so many great singles wrestlers got their start in a tagteam or stable. edge, shawn michaels, miz and morrison. and thats just off the top of my head.

but i digress. young could be a decent midcarder or tagteam wrestler but i dont see him ever doing anything big.
Simple, team him with Percy Watson and reform the Southbeach Boys from FCW. They were funny, unique and could spice up a stale tag team division. Plus I hear Watson has been doing really well in dark matches.
The Missing Link has the look and the mic skills to get over, he just needs time to develop his ring-skills. I agree that a tag run with Percy Watson would be good, heaven knows we need a ton more tag teams for the division to work. I mean, as it is, the current champs are jobber fodder for The Corre and Nexus.
Due to the visual similarities between him and a certain wwe superstar, i think its obvious what to do with him.... he should form a tag team with Cena called "Ebony and Ivory" :rolleyes:
He is nothing special in my opinion. He doesn't rub me the wrong way to where I hate him or something. But, in my opinion, he doesn't have that factor that makes me say he might be something more than a mid carder or jobber.

The one thing I would do if I was WWE, is give him a partner. Since their tag division is so weak, he has a chance to maybe make a little noise in that respect. The division itself is in need of a revitalization. This could be a start, or at least an attempt. Maybe he and Tarver could tag, or he and Slater. Young will always have the Nexus tie. So, he could be given a partner that could make some sense at some point, on some levels.
I have liked Darren Young since NXT. To be honest, he is one of the only reasons why I even try to watch Superstars. The guy can wrestle and is entertaining. He outwrestled the #1 guy for christ sakes. I think he deserves a little credit to go out on Raw or Smackdown to show what he has to offer. As everyone else has suggested, a tag team would be good for him. Maybe he and Ice Z could work together to become relevant again.
He doesn't really offer anything to stand out, but I think he does have some potential. I dont see anything for him in singles right now, the roster is too crowded in the lower to mid card area, so I think a tag-team could be the best thing for him right now.

He could team with one of the other NXT rejects, perhaps Tarver- he isnt doing anything right now and then look at working his way up the card towards the tag-titles. With so few teams on the roster right now, it wouldnt be that long until he was involved in the tag-title scene. Plus they already have the history of being partners with Gabriel and Slater so a feud between those 2 teams for the tag titles would be interesting to see.

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