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What to do with Randy Orton now?

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
Oh how far the mighty have fallen? Ever since losing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30 only for him to end up being a part of a reformed "Evolution" only for that to fall apart and seemingly losing his way after that, it seems Orton has fallen so hard and so fast that perhaps what Orton needs is either a babyface turn or instead what he needs is to become "The Legend Killer" all over again and start killing legends all over again which was what his ticket to fame was
I'd pair up Orton with Bray Wyatt.

Both need to regain some credibility, and with Bray being a false prophet who has failed to 'convert' any of his opponents thus far, I'd have a disillusioned failure Orton be the first guy to give in to Bray's manipulations.

Or, just have Orton taken off of TV for an extended period...
Oh how far the mighty have fallen? Ever since losing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30 only for him to end up being a part of a reformed "Evolution" only for that to fall apart and seemingly losing his way after that, it seems Orton has fallen so hard and so fast that perhaps what Orton needs is either a babyface turn or instead what he needs is to become "The Legend Killer" all over again and start killing legends all over again which was what his ticket to fame was

I agree with your first sentence completely. However we knew that Evolution wouldn't last. Batista was only there for a short time, and HHH is more into running the company now than actually wrestling. I think they were only put back together to put the Shield over.

A face turn might help him, because I really believe that people want to cheer him. He's a natural heel, but he also works as a face as well, and in the meantime while Cena and Lesnar are at it, it wouldn't hurt him.

He feud with Reigns is going nowhere fast, and now that Ambrose is out for awhile and Reigns has set his sights on Rollins, Orton is at a loose end. Legend Killer I don't know, there aren't that many legends around right now for him to go after and that's always something they can keep in the background for another heel turn.
become "The Legend Killer" all over again and start killing legends all over again which was what his ticket to fame was

A face turn might help him

Maybe take a little from column A and a little from column B-- debut a new heel and have him target Orton as "The Legend Killer Killer." It provides a way to put a new guy on the map and gives Orton something productive to do. I haven't seen NXT since Takeover, so I'm hesitant to name a name, but rather than have another NXT gimmick get lost in translation, WWE could instantly mint a villain and give Orton something productive to do.

If they can glue Christian back together, I'm always game for more of Christian/Orton matches.

He could start to show a lot of self-doubt and frustration, drawing the attention of Bo Dallas. Bo would annoy Randy in an effort to get him to Bolieve in himself again. They could either feud from there or form "RK-BO!" an odd couple tag team. There's even a little hint of Legacy in there for the smarkiest of smarky smark marks. Either way it'd give them both something to do and boosts Dallas' stock by association.

The Wyatt Family is a viable option, as larisano said. If The Family isn't going to be put on that tier so many of us want them at, they should at least be a constant menace, win or lose. Keeps both sides busy, and there are built-in promos for Bray to work his magic with. Bray could easily make Garden of Eden allusions, copiously use the phrase "snake in the grass," and point out that an Eater of Worlds can devour an Apex Predator.

Heck, have him feign an injury and bring back RNN. That was fun.
I wouldn't mind him as an opponent for Lesnar in one of the upcoming PPVs. He's still up for a title shot, isn't he? And after Cena, he's one of the few credible names that can be a legit opponent for Lesnar. I know it's a heel vs heel match, but quite honestly, both names get a 50/50 response from the crowd.
I think Orton should show up on NXT in the coming months, come through the crowd in a main event and attack somebody who is on the brink of going to the main roster. Somebody like Devitt or Steen. Then have Orton return to Raw the following Monday for his first match back in months. Devitt, Steen, or whoever jumps him and that sets up a fresh fued for Orton. Guys like Devitt, Steen, and Kenta do not need to be messing around with the Heath Slater's and Curtis Axel's of the WWE main roster.
I think he should turn face, but keep his intense legend killer persona. I was hoping this would happen and he'd feud with Lesnar, but it looks more and more like Lesnar will drop the belt back to Cena at Night of Champions. And I don't want another Cena Vs Orton match.
I'd like a face turn, Randy Orton has absolutely nothing to do now. A face turn and a feud with Lesnar would be nice. Orton's a legitimate opponent for Lesnar within the next few months. I'd like to see Lesnar vs Orton and Lesnar vs Batista feuds.
Face turn from Orton, have Orton turn his back on The Authority and have him become The Viper of old, by having him target The Authority one by one by becoming the cold, calculated, ruthless emotionless Viper of old by having him become intense all over again instead of cowardly and bitchy and then have Orton punt one of the Authority members in the skull specifically Corporate Kane by Orton punting Corporate Kane in the skull, then have Orton feud with Rollins and eventually the COO Triple H
It's a curious one. There isn't an obvious place for Orton in the World Title picture and a lot of the talent on the roster are younger guys. The issue there is that if Orton defeats them it can (in certain cases) ruin their momentum and if he keeps losing then it becomes tedious.

Ultimately, there is still another match with Roman Reigns. These two had a decent bout and Summerslam and could go again. Thereafter, I'm not sure. Ambrose could work but it would be very similar to what we are seeing with Reigns.

Looking at the roster, I reckon Swagger could be a good choice. He has just turned face and feuding with Orton will keep the momentum going. There is also a guarantee of a good match. A more enjoyable idea would be someone coming up from NXT... even just one PPV match with someone like Sami Zayn would be great. When Orton is up to it he is an A+ in the ring and that could be a nice fit. Zayn wouldn't need to win but would immediately get to show of to a wider audience. I mean, a month-long win streak before mid-card obscurity will get him nowhere.

If Batista returns then those two could be a very effective tag-team. Just letting them hold the belts for a few months would be fun if not refreshing for Orton.

Orton is best suited as a heel. Turning him face would be a stupid decision. Hopefully, they give him new and exciting opponents to wrestle rather than someone like Sheamus. While he may not be the World Champ any time soon, they can still invest time into him and he will continue to deliver.
It's a curious one. There isn't an obvious place for Orton in the World Title picture and a lot of the talent on the roster are younger guys. The issue there is that if Orton defeats them it can (in certain cases) ruin their momentum and if he keeps losing then it becomes tedious.

Ultimately, there is still another match with Roman Reigns. These two had a decent bout and Summerslam and could go again. Thereafter, I'm not sure. Ambrose could work but it would be very similar to what we are seeing with Reigns.

Looking at the roster, I reckon Swagger could be a good choice. He has just turned face and feuding with Orton will keep the momentum going. There is also a guarantee of a good match. A more enjoyable idea would be someone coming up from NXT... even just one PPV match with someone like Sami Zayn would be great. When Orton is up to it he is an A+ in the ring and that could be a nice fit. Zayn wouldn't need to win but would immediately get to show of to a wider audience. I mean, a month-long win streak before mid-card obscurity will get him nowhere.

If Batista returns then those two could be a very effective tag-team. Just letting them hold the belts for a few months would be fun if not refreshing for Orton.

Orton is best suited as a heel. Turning him face would be a stupid decision. Hopefully, they give him new and exciting opponents to wrestle rather than someone like Sheamus. While he may not be the World Champ any time soon, they can still invest time into him and he will continue to deliver.

Hopefully not.

Rollins and Reigns' interactions were brilliant last night and much much better than any interaction between Reigns and Orton.

Personally, I have no interest in continuing the Orton-Reigns feud, as it is uninteresting and does nothing to help Roman Reigns' momentum at all.

Orton actually needs new direction to become relevant again, or better yet, he should get written off of TV and come back later on, when some of these guys are more established and need a new opponent...
How about an Orton/Jericho feud? That could work especially since Orton is supposed to be on the Highlight Reel next week but also lest we forget that Orton he punted Jericho in the skull in 2010 and Jericho he has never really gotten his revenge for Orton punting him and WWE could have worked that into a storyline way back when Jericho first returned in 2012 but then it got dropped but who knows perhaps they could pick it back up again
If I was in control of the WWE creative, I would go one of two routes with Randy Orton:

1) Shut up and go tweener all the way! Orton is sick and tired of being the Authority's tool, and them never giving him what he feels he deserves (His one on one rematch for the title). So he goes MIA for a short while, then returns, and says nothing. All he does his RKO everyone, heels and faces, and punts the heads off everyone and their grandmother! People don't know what he'll do next. Who he is with, or against!

2) Tag Team Time! I remember back in 2006 when, I as an Orton fan, was frustrated with what was being done with him. Then they teamed him with fellow heel, and another fav of mine. Edge. They formed Rated RKO. What happened next? Well following Rated RKO, Orton starts taking people out (RVD etc.) Then before you knew it, he was challenging Cena for the WWE title and after an injury to Cena, the " Age of Orton" begins. So go that route again. Put him in a tag team with someone else who could use a good change of direction. My choice, as crazy as it may sound, is Curtis Axel. Two third generation wrestlers, one a star in Orton, and another a guy who has never lived up to what some people expected in Axel. They become a sort of Legend Killer tag team with a legacy twist. They have wrestling in their blood, and that means they are better than everyone else. This gives Orton something new/familiar to go to, and gives Curtis Axel what would be probably he last chance to get over, and live up to his "Perfect" potential.
If I was in control of the WWE creative, I would go one of two routes with Randy Orton:

1) Shut up and go tweener all the way! Orton is sick and tired of being the Authority's tool, and them never giving him what he feels he deserves (His one on one rematch for the title). So he goes MIA for a short while, then returns, and says nothing. All he does his RKO everyone, heels and faces, and punts the heads off everyone and their grandmother! People don't know what he'll do next. Who he is with, or against!

2) Tag Team Time! I remember back in 2006 when, I as an Orton fan, was frustrated with what was being done with him. Then they teamed him with fellow heel, and another fav of mine. Edge. They formed Rated RKO. What happened next? Well following Rated RKO, Orton starts taking people out (RVD etc.) Then before you knew it, he was challenging Cena for the WWE title and after an injury to Cena, the " Age of Orton" begins. So go that route again. Put him in a tag team with someone else who could use a good change of direction. My choice, as crazy as it may sound, is Curtis Axel. Two third generation wrestlers, one a star in Orton, and another a guy who has never lived up to what some people expected in Axel. They become a sort of Legend Killer tag team with a legacy twist. They have wrestling in their blood, and that means they are better than everyone else. This gives Orton something new/familiar to go to, and gives Curtis Axel what would be probably he last chance to get over, and live up to his "Perfect" potential.

I definitely love your routes for Orton especially the 2nd route with Curtis Axel because this would not only help Axel's career by being associated with Orton but also Orton being paired up with another 3rd generation superstar, Orton can groom Axel to be the new Legend Killer
I feel like what helped kill Orton's momentum was that he was, for so long, an Austin clone. A bald bastard who was symbolized with a snake who trusted no-one. Then suddenly, he goes suckling back at HHH's teet, while still trying to pretend to be a bad-ass.

I'm not sure what could be done to save his momentum, but it needs to be done fast. After putting Reigns over, maybe he could feud briefly with Ambrose. One star on the rise clashing with one fading star.
Orton feuding with Ambrose could work but I think what would work even better is if he were to turn babyface or at least stay heel but distance himself from The Authority altogether and strike out on his own becoming the cold, emotionless Viper all over again but this time being on his own with no Authority backing him, not turning to them for help or turning to anyone for help but going at it alone, walking alone, yes that would help re-establish Orton as the man
I'd turn him face. WWE is lacking in main event faces right now, he could help fill the void and make the title scene more interesting.

He could face Brock for the title. If Batista comes back, he could partner with Batista and take on The Authority. He could wrestle HHH at one of the Big 4 PPV's that remain. Him staying as a heel, only limits him
Keep having Orton losing matches set up by the authority. triple h gets pissed and has Orton attacked . a few weeks go by and Orton finds out it was triple .h . Orton attacks the authority .have Orton booked in 3 on 1 4 on 1 even 5 on 1 matches after a match were Orton gets destroyed have triple h come out and tell Orton it's going to be the authority vs team Orton at survivor series good luck finding partners your the last guy anyone wants around . basically have him booked like a man with no country the faces don't want anything to do with him and the heels don't want him around them.
I would bin him... Or have him "punished" by being relegated to NXT for a while. Spend some time off actual TV and give him a chance to recharge. Meanwhile his job it to bring on some new talent down there...feud with Neville for example. Even have a Loser leaves NXT match... Orton wins the belt but Trips infuriates him by moving Neville straight up... Build it to Trips match.
I'd pair up Orton with Bray Wyatt.

Both need to regain some credibility, and with Bray being a false prophet who has failed to 'convert' any of his opponents thus far, I'd have a disillusioned failure Orton be the first guy to give in to Bray's manipulations.

Or, just have Orton taken off of TV for an extended period...

To be perfectly honest, this might be something that'd interest me. Can you imagine Randy Orton repackaged as a hairy, thick bearded, ruthless backwoods cult member? I can...kind of. He's long since had the "ruthless" aspect down and it could be such a departure for him that MAYBE it'd inject some fresh life into him. I'm not saying that it'd work but, I think Orton's gone as far as he can with "The Viper", I've no real interest in him reverting to the days of "The Legend Killer" because the guy's pretty much a legend himself and I just don't see Orton as a babyface. People wanted him to go full out heel for the past couple of years and, all in all, I think it's a big improvement.

Orton's "Viper" persona has been this coldly calculating, sadistic person, so I could see them take out the "cold" aspect and jack up the intensity. We've seen him in an intense mode during matches or when delivering a beating, so why not keep him at that vicious level?
To be perfectly honest, this might be something that'd interest me. Can you imagine Randy Orton repackaged as a hairy, thick bearded, ruthless backwoods cult member? I can...kind of. He's long since had the "ruthless" aspect down and it could be such a departure for him that MAYBE it'd inject some fresh life into him. I'm not saying that it'd work but, I think Orton's gone as far as he can with "The Viper", I've no real interest in him reverting to the days of "The Legend Killer" because the guy's pretty much a legend himself and I just don't see Orton as a babyface. People wanted him to go full out heel for the past couple of years and, all in all, I think it's a big improvement.

Orton's "Viper" persona has been this coldly calculating, sadistic person, so I could see them take out the "cold" aspect and jack up the intensity. We've seen him in an intense mode during matches or when delivering a beating, so why not keep him at that vicious level?

I wasn't thinking that far with the suggestion, but that is brilliant, JH. Actually, I think something as drastic as Orton doing essentially what Daniel Bryan was supposed to when he joined the Wyatt family before Royal Rumble 2014, would definitely give Randy Orton a new lease of life, and would be a brilliant and interesting programme for Bray Wyatt also.

Randy is also YET to get his rematch, so a run in as a Tweener vs the Authority, with Bray Wyatt and his family fuelling him, could be an engaging storyline.

Tbh, with regards to Wyatt, I feel WWE has been too conservative with his character, and it is hurting him at the moment, and from a Personal POV, I have lost some interest in him, since he hasn't done anything new since his feud with Cena ended. There are too many possibilities with Bray Wyatt as a Top Heel to pass up,lMO, just give him a bit of an edge, and watch the magic emerge.
At this stage the Wyatts are not the right thing for Orton... he'd be better served by time off of TV... Bray does need a new follower or two and I think after the Cena decimation it will happen, but not Orton... What if Ryback is gonna be that guy? Curtis Axel is now "vulnerable", what if Jericho was the one to return as Jericho Wyatt? All would be better than Orton...

IF he's still on the main roster, his job should be to finally get Face Barrett over to the Main event picture as an enemy of The Authority...
For me the best thing to do with ortan would be for him to feud with Cesaro at Night of a Champions or Hell in a Cell. It woul be a decent feud with Cesaro wanting in the Authority and Ortan makes fun off him for not being an A+ player so that's how the feud begins and they could have some good matches on paper. It could help to push both guys as well.
Can you imagine Randy Orton repackaged as a hairy, thick bearded, ruthless backwoods cult member?

With all the suggestions as to what might be done with Orton's character, I keep coming back to this: How much power does he actually possess in the organization......which is to say, how much creative control does he have over his own situation?

Through the years, he's been in and out of trouble with the organization for stuff he's done while on tour (tearing up hotel rooms + only heaven knows what he's ingested in his system), doing things that might earn suspensions for less influential employees.....yet, while we've read how Randy might get suspended, he never does, right? Could it be due to his standing and power in the company? (To paraphrase "Animal Farm"..."All wrestlers are equal but some wrestlers are more equal than others")

What's my point? Only to say that some radical changes might have already been suggested for Randy's persona by WWE Creative, only to be shot down by Orton, who insists on portraying a "Mr. Cool" type character, whether he's heel, face or 'tweener. To that end, he might have simply rejected the idea of bearding-up and joining Bray's gang......plus many other possibilities brought to him that he simply wouldn't hear of.

But while he was able to accept or reject suggestions in better times, I think he's at the point he should start looking at things a different way. There have been some improvements: in the past few years, he occasionally loses matches cleanly, which is something that never used to happen. Also, that he has permitted himself to be cast as a follower of a higher power (The Authority) goes totally against the "loner" image under which he was always portrayed.

Yet still, his character has lost a lot of luster. He's the same technically proficient performer he always was, but his star has dimmed and he's no longer one of the top 3 in WWE.

Time for a radical change in the way he's presented. Everything I've said here speculates that he has the power to not do anything he doesn't want.....but who really knows? He already seems to have made some concessions. Like it or not, it's tough to stay at the top while playing the same character you've always played. Even guys like Hulk Hogan were eventually compelled to try something new and very different.

It's Randy's turn.
Orton taking on The Wyatt Family would be great, and I guess I have always wanted to see The Viper go up against the patriarch of the Wyatt family but also to see the mind games being played between these 2 would be awesome

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