What to do with Bryan

I Suck Ass

I survived the Rapture
Here's 3 ideas.

1.) Just let him go. Cut their losses from NXT and move on. Bryan flourished in the minors. Don't see why he couldn't go back.

2.) Keep him and continue the Cole/Miz vs. Bryan storyline. Bryan's match with Miz was good. Keep the rivalry going.

3.) Put him in a heel tag team with...Evan Bourne, rebranded as Matt Sydal. They could both claim that WWE turned them into something they weren't. I think it would work.

If you have anymore ideas or critiques, go ahead and post.
I love that first one! GREAT idea! I can see why you'd want to do that.
Sign this guy up to the creative team.Have Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne collaborate as a dominant heel tag-team.Ratings guarenteed i tells ya!
Keep him and let the feud with the Miz continue. I love the new look that they gave Bryan and I hope that he becomes an integral part of the WWE Roster for years to come. Give the kid a theme song and a mid card title and see how far he goes. A CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan World Championship Match at Wrestlemania? Good god, I just jizzed myself.
I think that option two would be the best, they should have an extended feud, but they need to spice it up, i think Cole should pin Cena and take the belt, then he and Bryan can have a big feud, and the blowout match should be like a Hell in a Cell match.


That or what Doc says.
They are having the Viewers choice thing next week just so he can get signed to Raw. mark my words.

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