What tag teams should reunite?


Dark Match Jobber
I think that there are a couple.

Hawkins and Ryder-Ryder is doing nothing on raw except messing with guest hosts. and Hawkins is teaming with Vance Archer. I dont see the good in teaming Hawkins and Archer. Hopefully someday we will be able to see this team again.

MNM-If Mercury really is the masked man then after hes done with the ses that would be a while perhaps him and Morrison could reunite. Think about it, by the time he would be done with the ses, Melina would be back.

So much for Rated RKO with the feud they have going.

rockers- because they deserve a tag team run

edge and christian-a great tag team that hasn't taged together since 2001.

rvd and sabu-just always wanted to see this again
if i said it once i've said a billion times EDGE and CHRISTIAN they havent been a team since 2001 they were the funniest tag team, had GREAT chemstry together as a tag team, and was what tag team wrestling should be. I was hoping it would happen this year but i dont think it will:icon_sad:. I was hoping for a Canadian fued EDGE and CHRISTIAN vs THE HART DYNASTY two great Canadian teams the great Canadian team of the past vs the great Canadian team of the present/future.
I believe Edge and Christian should without a doubt. But it's looking as if it's never gonna happen due to the way Christian is being booked feuding with Chavo and Ziggler now. I would also like to see a Miz-Morrison reunion. At first I didn't really like the two as a team but I would love to see them team up now that Miz has developed as a singles star.
I m really dying to see an EDGE&CHRISTIAN reunion.They are one of the greatest tag team in the WWE.On Smackdown,we can expect Big Show to unite with Kane as they both have turned face.
rockers- because they deserve a tag team run

edge and christian-a great tag team that hasn't taged together since 2001.

rvd and sabu-just always wanted to see this again

Edge and Christian had a one-night reunion at a SmackDown! live event on October 13, 2002 when they defeated Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo).
They reunited again on November 15, 2004 edition of Raw but ended up losing to Chris Benoit and Shelton Benjamin. From there, they would become loosely united through Christian facing Edge's storyline rivals, leading to three more reunion tag team matches in 2005.
So I guess all those tag matches don't count as them tagging together? lol

But yes E & C should return and they shouldn't make any bones about it. They should flat out say "we're here to bring back credibility to the tag team division because you reekazoids can't reek of awesomeness like us" And they could direct that at Miz haha. Imagine that! Edge & Christian telling the Miz that E & C reek of awesomeness and Miz just.. Reeks
Edge & Christian- because there two great wrestlers and funny as hell

World Greatest Tag Team- im suprised no one else menchond this guys they were awesome and did some really cool sh!t
The worlds greatest tag team in TNA...they should go for it...both guys haven't achieved much in singles careers, and tag team is the only way you can get success..
There aren't that many logical choices for the WWE to do if they decide to reunite old tag teams. This is because the superstars involved are either of different fan alignments (one is a heel and the other face), on different brands or have severed the ties between each other to the point that pitting them together wouldn't make any sense.

The obvious choice, even though these tag teams aren't "old," would be to put the NXT rookies with their pros. Wade Barrett and Chris Jericho got along fine as a team, with the respect between each other being very high. Barrett has accompanied Jericho to the ring outside of the show and would make sense. The Justin Gabriel/Matt Hardy combo is an exciting team too, reminiscent of the Hardys. Since both pros are putting talent over, why not have them achieve success whilst they further mentor their "rookies." Other than that, once Ezekiel Jackson returns, have him pair up with William Regal again. There is a storyline already awaiting them if Kozlov does indeed join with Santino and it could be a good undercard feud.

Edge & Christian is a possibility of the future, but I'm thinking that the WWE will be looking for a feud between these two more than a pairing. Either way, it'd be good to see them work together, but this moment pretty much prevents them from reuniting.
Chris jericho and big show because the had great matches vs any team
Legacy because I think they could have been good for a really lond time
Chris jericho and big show because the had great matches vs any team
Legacy because I think they could have been good for a really long time
Hows about the heel tag team of The Miz and Morrison? With both superstars appearing to do nothing at the moment on Raw, this could be ideal, as it gives them both something to do as well as bringing back one of the best tag teams in WWE history.

They are both fairly impressive as individual superstars, but as a team they where great, and I for one would love to see these guys unite and one again given longs of time on our screens, as they both have nothing going for them at this moment in time.
If I really had to choose one, (or more) tag team's that I would like to see back together it would most definitely be Edge and Christian, my favorite tag team of all time, I don't see it happening although cause WWE would probably build a feud between the two of them before ever considering reuniting them.

On the other hand, I would've liked to see Chris Jericho and Big Show reunite, because they did great as a tag team, had some good matches, Big Show is credible again thanks to their tag team, but I don't see them doing any tag teaming again for the nearest future, or any future at all.
i didn't see any rules or regulations on this one, so i guess it's just open to all kinds of impossible reunions. but i'll try to keep it at least semi-realistic.

Hardy Boyz: Team X-Treme has always been awesome and i loved their ladder matches. plus, it's a pretty good point to say that without Jeff, Matt very often gets overlooked. right or wrong, just seems to be the way. so either Matt opens the door for Jeff to get back in WWE or Matt goes to TNA and then we could have a Hardyz vs. Team 3D reunion, and those matches would be good to see again.

E & C: of course! who doesn't wanna see this team reunite? the only thing better would be a feud. either team up and bring mega credibility back to the tag division and then feud later, or feud now and tag later. either way, i wanna see both happen. but if they team now for the tag division cred angle, then, as stated earlier, they could feud with Miz using the whole "awesome vs. reeks of awesomeness" thing and that would be totally and epically hilarious!

Morrison: either with Mercury for MNM (especially once Melina heals up... it'd be a good fit with the other two teams that have a female awesome valet; Hart Dynasty and Uso's) or with Miz. either way. Morrison needs to go heel and go back into the tag division. that was his best stuff. plus, if and when the team splits, he can then feud with the partner and maybe for the midcard titles before trying again for the main event.

Kane & Big Show or Big Show & Undertaker or Kane & Undertaker: i've loved all three of these pairings. probably my favorite was just the Brothers of Destruction. they were so unbeatable! plus the whole [kayfabe] family thing made it that much more awesome. but any pairing of the monsters would be cool. i'm still crossing my fingers for a Big Show & Great Khali team. at least it might make Khali not so terrible. might.

and lastly, NOT Legacy. i thought they were awesome and i actually enjoyed their feud and matches with DX. but i'm super looking forward to The Fortunate Sons stable and team with the Dibiase Brothers and Joe Hennig. plus that leaves the door open for Cody Rhodes and Goldust to team up, and i think that would be awesome. so this wouldn't be a reunion, per se, but still thought i'd throw it in there that i don't wanna see Legacy reunite if only because we could get two sweet tag teams instead of one if they don't.
I would la - la love to see E and C reunite, but didn't Christian say he wanted to see Edge vs Christian when Edge was making his speech on Friday Night Smackdown after the draft ? So, MAYBE, just maybe, you could see a Edge vs Christian at Wrestlemania ? That could give Christian a great push too . :)
Well for SmackDown I wouldn't mind seeing Matt Hardy and Mvp become a tag team again. They are both faces and really aren't doing anything at the moment accept Hardy's feud with Drew. They were underrated tag team and had some pretty decent tag teams it would seem fresh since they haven't teamed in 3 years and it would leave to mid card spots open for up coming talent.
like Adam08 said I would love to see MVP and Matt Hardy back together....they arent doing much right now...Matt has something going on with McIntyre I guess if you wanna call it something lol.....MVP is stuck in limbo.....they should get back together so MVP can turn heel the best way by beating the hell outta Matt just like he did 3 years ago......hopefully he will never be face again cuz his talents are being wasted....i mean cmon he lost to Luke Gallows??? Luke freakin Gallows lol.....Edge & Christian dont need to be together unless theyre heel.....I would love to see a current tag team back in WWE and that is Team 3D...they were awesome as the Dudleys and would bolster the tag division to prominence again....I would actually like Hawkins and Ryder with both of them acting the same way like Ryder acts now.....I would like to see Mercury and Luke finally form a team cuz Mercury is a great tag wrestler as is Gallows and the big man little man formula would work perfectly
Edge & Christian for sure!!! And even though this is pratically FAR out, the original D-Generation X even though it was a stable instead of a tag team but the original with HBK, HHH, and Chyna and throw in Rick Rude. That was the REAL DX and add the DX army too
I thought of one more.

Finlay and Hornswoggle-I know that Finlay is off TV right now, but he's still on the roster. He's on Smackdown. Hornswoggle moved over there in the Supplement Draft. When Finlay comes back maybe someone is beating up Hornswogggle and then Finlay comes out and makes the save.

I don't see E&C coming back again. I mean Christian and Edge got in a fight on Smackdown when Edge was saying "goodbye". Then on Raw a couple of weeks ago in Canada Edge beat Christian in a match. And then Christian threw Edge into the ring and Undertaker chokeslammed him.
I thought of one more.

Finlay and Hornswoggle-I know that Finlay is off TV right now, but he's still on the roster. He's on Smackdown. Hornswoggle moved over there in the Supplement Draft. When Finlay comes back maybe someone is beating up Hornswogggle and then Finlay comes out and makes the save.

I don't see E&C coming back again. I mean Christian and Edge got in a fight on Smackdown when Edge was saying "goodbye". Then on Raw a couple of weeks ago in Canada Edge beat Christian in a match. And then Christian threw Edge into the ring and Undertaker chokeslammed him.

Not meaning to nitpick, but Eddie Guerrero was the one who actually used the quote in your signature the most.

The team I would like to see reform the most, would have to be the Mexicools.

They were pretty entertaining in the ring, and had an awesome entrance.
I would really like to see Deuce and Domino brought back into the WWE. They had a unique gimmick and I must say loved the entrance for some reason. Not to mention I didnt mind them on the stick they had their own way, probably one of my favorite teams I can remember in the past 10 years.
I would like to see Kendirck and London back together. I know it won't happen in WWE but I can see them as a team in TNA. I always thought they had great chemistry and the gelles well as a team together. I can just imagine that team against the Machine Guns.

I know I am showing my age a little here, and it would never happen, but I would like to see the Eliminators one last time. Saturn and Kronu were a hell of a team. I think Saturn was one of the most under rated stars in WWE for a long time. I had always hoped somehow they would have brought Kronos to the WWE to team with him.
Edge and Christian. Mostly cause they're the only team from my favorite years (1999-2001) that are actually able to reunite cause the Dudleys are in TNA and still together and the Hardys are in separate companies. When Edge was giving his farewell address on SmackDown, I was just begging for a 5-second pose!!!

I also never get tired of seeing the Brothers Of Destruction get together and wreak havoc. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I have ever seen BOD win tag team gold while Undertaker has been in his "Deadman" gimmick. It's about time we see that.
I would really like to see Deuce and Domino brought back into the WWE. They had a unique gimmick and I must say loved the entrance for some reason. Not to mention I didnt mind them on the stick they had their own way, probably one of my favorite teams I can remember in the past 10 years.

Good to see other ppl feel the same way. They were great and should come back as this was the best thing either of them had going. And they played the part great! Cherry was a nice bonus too and she could go.

I miss the music, the cars, the way they all talked and dressed. The WWE got stupid and killed it for no reason and also Deuce & Domino should have never dropped Cherry for Maryse

And some teams you just dont split. Cryme Tyme shouldve stayed together. I wanted to see an epic feud between Deuce & Domino and Cryme Tyme. These two teams were the best going at the time both with great gimmicks and wouldve been a great feud if given the time
but both were on seperate brands I believe

Hopefully one day we will see them back. I dont get why they stopped with that great tag team gimmick. The best new team I've seen of the past decade. I was totally in love with the whole tag team gimmick.
The two teams i would like to see back together are, in WWE Cryme Tyme, reason being i think they would have had a great run as tag champs if given the chance. I could also see a few good feuds for them now that WWE appear to be bringing back a decent caliber of tag team. Feuds with The Hart Dynasty and new team The Uso's. The unfortunate thing by splitting up Cryme Tyme is a very good chance they won't use either JTG or Chad properly. In fact i'm thinking they will hardly use JTG at all as a singles competitor.
2nd team i'd like back are in TNA, LAX. Pretty much same reason. I feel as a team they can have a bigger impact and better feuds. LAX vs Beer Money would be great. Dont feel as singles competitors they have been used to full potential, and this could possibly be because they are better as tag team wrestlers.
One more thought, if Matt ever decided to join Jeff in TNA (which i dont think would happen) then the Hardy boys would be good to see again on a tag run (although i do like jeff as a main event singles competitor)

Edge & Christian for sure!!! And even though this is pratically FAR out, the original D-Generation X even though it was a stable instead of a tag team but the original with HBK, HHH, and Chyna and throw in Rick Rude. That was the REAL DX and add the DX army too

The original DX would be good, however with the new age outlaws and X-Pac. You'd be struggling to throw in Rick Rude, he died in 1999!!

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