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What should TNA build their company around?

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Hey Yo!

TNA is always talked about as you know the B-Grade company, it's second rate, people always argue it has WWE rejects, nobody was calling hogan, nash and hall WCW rejects when they were with the WWE after WCW folded. Production values are crap and all sorts of shit like that.

People are always quick to talk about the problems with something and never ever point out the positives and the strengths of TNA programming. People's main problem with TNA is that it is UN-ORIGINAL and doesn't have it's own legacy so to speak. It copies things off of the WWE, Abyss is a rip off of mankind and Kane, ECW reunion is a rip off of one night stand. Well haters i say shut the hell up.

Now onto my point, TNA has awesome things that other promotions just dont have;

The X-Division, although not as prominent and effective as it once was although it is on the rise again with at least some effort being put back into it again. In a couple of years i see it being another spectacle as it once was again.

The television title, although a very fresh new title in TNA it certainly has promise, and looks to be a stepping stone from mid card to main eventer. It's is currently held by the backbone of TNA AJ Styles he will definetly bring prestige and amazing matches ot this title and division.

Extreme wrestling, Abyss last year brought it back somewhat with his feud with Mick Foley,Dr Stevie and Raven, and showed truly what it was to be hardcore and was truly a reminder of the last art in pro wrestling. Recently with the ECW reunion there is a strong emphasis on being hardcore and shows TNA is willing and able to show a little BLOOD ad go that extra step on the extreme side.

And my personal favourite the TAG TEAM division, an almost forgotten thing i pro wresling it rose many wrestlers to prominence in the past and is certainly not as showcased and well done as it is in TNA. Have you seen the recent match ups between Beer Money and MCMG it doesnt get better, no joke and no doubt.

SO after a long read sorry you guys im passionate about TNA, i want it to succeed.

Which aspect of TNA do you like most, tell me why? And how it differentiates form any other promotion. Thanks Tha Wolfpac.
I used to like the fact that when i bought a TNA ppv I knew I would be getting my money's worth, I knew that it was going to be far better than that frustrating craphole that is the WWE. but things changed, we started to see TNA become the very reasons we hated the WWE, we started to see the once respectable knockouts turn into dumb divas, we started to see the talented youngsters take a step back to fucking pensioners who could barely move and I know MCMG have the titles but 2 years fucking late. They were having amazing matches on ROH while Nash and Hall were walking around the ring and breaking their hips. I was excited for Nigel when I saw him and Angle going out there and giving us a clinic, when Nigel was taking Angle to the limit, but then he got buried by RVD who shouldn't even have the title. If you want the fans to feel nostalgic over his reign then why get him beaten down in his first appearance? And Sting who should fucking retire. Do you remember last year when we had brother ray and Devon in the main event? do you remember that travesty? Do you remember when the x-division was giving me these amazing matches, that were the very reason i started to like TNA. No it went down the shitter.

And now your asking for us the see the positives when the negatives far outnumber them. Critique is essential to this once proud company to become a true alternative once more. Positives are it has the best roster on the planet. Thats it. And now an ECW ppv with old men whining over how the E' treated them, they should be happy they even got a fucking job at the WWE. They should be happy they got a job in the WWE, not how they were mistreated.
TNA has remade itself so many times in the past year that I no longer have any faith in TNA's ability to remake itself. For the love of God, we are about to witness a pay-per-view featuring a rematch from more than a decade ago of a pay-per-view that pulled in a 0.25 rating. (That's approximately 100,000 viewers, for the folks keeping score at home.) In TNA's eyes, perhaps a .25 PPV rating is a proven track record of success. I dunno.

What should TNA build their company around? At this point? Honestly? Figuring out a way to turn all of their material assets into cash and spend it before creditors come and get it. Slightly unfair, I know, TNA hasn't visibly put themselves in insane amounts of debt, but with all the acquisitions over the past year and an unchanged TV rating, I don't think I'm ready to believe they're turning a profit.

Who knows. Maybe once this EV2.0 nonsense is over in a couple months. Dixie Carter's next big thing will be forming a logical, coherent product over the course of months, not weeks. I don't have my hopes up however.
Hey Yo!

TNA is always talked about as you know the B-Grade company, it's second rate, people always argue it has WWE rejects, nobody was calling hogan, nash and hall WCW rejects when they were with the WWE after WCW folded. Production values are crap and all sorts of shit like that.

Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash were still relevant when they went to WCW. They were 15-16 years younger and, while not exactly spectacular in the ring, were head and shoulders above where they are now.

People are always quick to talk about the problems with something and never ever point out the positives and the strengths of TNA programming. People's main problem with TNA is that it is UN-ORIGINAL and doesn't have it's own legacy so to speak. It copies things off of the WWE, Abyss is a rip off of mankind and Kane, ECW reunion is a rip off of one night stand. Well haters i say shut the hell up.

People are always quick to talk about the problems because they're there for anyone to see and TNA doesn't even attempt to fix them. Is your problem the fact that there are many legitimate complaints and criticisms about TNA or that people actually have the audacity to voice said complaints? It never ceases to amaze me how TNA Cast Members feel that it's perfectly alright to criticize WWE, which it is if you don't like the WWE, but get a bug up their ass if anyone dares to say anything about TNA.

Now onto my point, TNA has awesome things that other promotions just dont have;

The X-Division, although not as prominent and effective as it once was although it is on the rise again with at least some effort being put back into it again. In a couple of years i see it being another spectacle as it once was again.

I agree that TNA is putting some effort back into the X-Division. It does have a long way to go. Unfortunately, Kevin Nash pretty much made the X-Division look impotent a few weeks ago by coming out and swatting Brian Kendrick away as if he were an annoying fly that was no threat whatsoever. As Kendrick had just beaten Douglas Williams and Nash took out Kendrick as if he were nothing, it didn't do the X-Division any favors as Williams and Kendrick are the two most prominent X-Division wrestlers right now.

The television title, although a very fresh new title in TNA it certainly has promise, and looks to be a stepping stone from mid card to main eventer. It's is currently held by the backbone of TNA AJ Styles he will definetly bring prestige and amazing matches ot this title and division.

No, it would have been fresh if TNA has scrapped the Legends/Global title altogether and started out fresh with a completely brand new championship. I agree that having AJ Styles carrying the title is a good step towards possibly bringing some prestige to the title and making it credible. We'll just have to wait and see how TNA books Styles as champ.

Extreme wrestling, Abyss last year brought it back somewhat with his feud with Mick Foley,Dr Stevie and Raven, and showed truly what it was to be hardcore and was truly a reminder of the last art in pro wrestling. Recently with the ECW reunion there is a strong emphasis on being hardcore and shows TNA is willing and able to show a little BLOOD ad go that extra step on the extreme side.

So, what about that train wreck of a match between Tommy Dreamer and Abyss? You know, the one last Thursday on iMPACT! that was slow, plodding, clumsy and watered down? Where exactly was the BLOOD in that match? Where was the EXTREME in that particular match?

And my personal favourite the TAG TEAM division, an almost forgotten thing i pro wresling it rose many wrestlers to prominence in the past and is certainly not as showcased and well done as it is in TNA. Have you seen the recent match ups between Beer Money and MCMG it doesnt get better, no joke and no doubt.

Beer Money and the Guns are the only four guys that really make TNA worth watching these days. I agree that the tag team division has picked up a lot of steam with this feud.

SO after a long read sorry you guys im passionate about TNA, i want it to succeed.

So do I, believe it or not, but that doesn't mean that legitimate problems shouldn't be pointed out. I'd love for TNA to actually try and be TNA instead of WWE, ECW, WCW or some amalgam of all three promotions. I'd love for TNA to establish its own identity instead of allowing itself to be defined by nostalgia.
I firmly believe that TNA needs to build around all of the things you listed. It's the only way I see them being recognized for the great company they are. They must be different - fine, don't try six sided rings, don't try cursing, don't try explicit product - try the good old fashioned wrestling.

WWE's Divas are absolutely dreadful. In the mind of almost every fan out there, women wrestling is dead - TNA can sure as fuck change that. Make these girls wrestle more, have real feuds and make the K.O division feel like a real serious one.

Tag Team Wrestling - TNA has and can attract the best tag-teams in the world, and use them correctly. Tommy Dreamer mentioned this once - having the X-Division be a more international type of thing. I say that's good, but this could also attract some japanese tag-teams and all of that, just like TNA used to do a few years ago. The Tag-Titles are already held by the best tag team in the world, all the MCMGs need now is tag teams to feud with, and fast, otherwise their reign would be crappy and they don't deserve that.

TV Title - Wrestling misses the days when titles actually meant something. If there's a guy that can make that crappy Legends/Global/TV title be worth a dime - it's AJ. They also need to take the title off RVD, maybe give it to Anderson, turn him heel and see how stuff go.

X-Division - That's what they need to work the most on. They have tons of cruiserweights that can really, really go. Get some ROH guys, get some Japanese guys, hell, have some inter-company Pay-Per-Views or matches. I remember seeing AAA versus TNA and I marked the hell out.

I think that TNA can really break new ground by eliminating the boundaries between wrestling companies. ROH guys can go to TNA and have little feuds and matches with whoever. TNA guys can go to ROH. All the matches will be televised as well. Japanese guys can fly in, they can have tournaments, again. It benefits a lot of people and doesn't hurt anyone. Gives exposure to these talented guys in ROH and gives US some absolutely golden matches.
A direction. I never truly have a idea of whats going on it always feels like there are 3 different directions there moving at once.

Moving out the brain dead Orlando crowd. I jut feel like there chants are on loop, and they are spoiled.

Booking with clear faces and clear heels, you can tell me all day its better then the WWE's cookie cutter approach to face and heel, but is your approach working? exactly.

Drop the KO tag titles, one Womens division is enough, way to much.

Bring back the Xdivions to prominence.

And seriously this one can not be made anymore clear, make your own stars, AJ styles is about the only well known star out of the IWC that is homegrown. Thats kind of sad..
I remember when I first started watching TNA they had 3 things at the time WWE really weren't caring about which made them prominant. First they had quality Divas and quality matches. It wasn't the beauty contest it is now. It was actual wrestling. Then you had the Tag-Team Division and there were a whole bunch of quality tag-teams as well as teams being formed. Then their was the flagship with the X-Division. I mean I hadn't really seen anything like the X-Division. I mean it was fantastic. Something WWE really wasn't touching on. It showcased people who were just superior athletes and flying all over the ring. So if it wants to be in the running for best company my thoughts would be to focus on these things and build them up and keep them as the focal point of the company and stop with the bullshit OLD SCHOOL comapany ripoffs.
What I think makes TNA different from other promotions are their matches. I could tolerate WWE creative back when I quit watching (probably not true about raw anymore), what I could not tolerate was the in-ring product. The structure of highish workrate in shorterish matches is somewhat unique to TNA. The workrate in WWE is as abysmal as the selection of moves. When you look at ROH they seem to emphasize length for the sake of length at times which often leads to an uneven workrate throughout the match giving it a choppy feel.
I think that they need to focus on what makes them different then WWE, and that is three things. 1 The tag division has been excellent with The best Of 5 series and they need to continue to showcase good Tag Team wrestling. 2 The X-division has been better with Douglas Willams but it could still be improved. 3 The Knockouts have not been as good as they used to be I think need to have better matches like they used to.

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