What should happen...?


Gone. For. Good.
I'm assuming that The Undertaker will wrestle his last match at Wrestlemania 33. Even if it's not, it could happen a year or two, later.

But the main point of this thread is to ask the following question:

Should The Undertaker lose his last match ever?

We all know that the streak Undertaker had at Wrestlemania has been ended almost 3 years ago at Wrestlemania 30 by Brock Lesnar(which wasn't required). So, The Undertaker can lose a match now at Wrestlemania.

It can happen but should he retire from wrestling after losing his last match or it should be a last win for him in his last match?

It's 50-50 for me. I ain't sure about either so I wanted to ask you all what you feel about it.
Well if it is Taker's last match at this year's WrestleMania, then his opponent has to be John Cena. With that being said, I don't think he should lose against Cena. Quite frankly win or lose, it doesn't really matter. Cena does not gain anything, Taker does not gain anything. I think Taker winning and then leaving is the best scenario. Taker is 23-1. 23-2 doesn't sound right. 24-1 sounds good to me.

That being said if WM 33 is Taker's final WM. If it's not, then who knows.
Should The Undertaker lose his last match ever?
Considering that its rumored to be either Cena or Reigns, why not. He has nothing to gain, and beating Undertaker at Mania is big enough even without Streak.
It depends on who he faces in his last match and if said match is to be a platform for something. For instance, if Taker's last match is against Cena and Cena's feud with Taker is to be used as a platform for a genuine, full blown Cena heel turn, then I'd be all for Taker losing as it's be a loss leading to a very meaningful and memorable time for Cena. If it's just so Cena's star can shine just a little brighter, I'd just prefer Taker to come out with the win. If Taker's last match is against Roman Reigns and Reigns genuinely is the future, in Vince's eyes, then he might as well lose to Reigns because there's ultimately no stopping Vince is he's 100% committed to something. Some will rail, bitch, moan, criticize or whatever, but the fact of the matter is that it's highly likely that Roman Reigns will be among THE top tier stars of the company for the next decade.
The Undertaker should only lose his last match ever if it's to make a future top star even bigger. Someone like Reigns, Rollins, Styles, Owens etc who are the future of the company should be the ones to get that rub.

If Reigns gets it, it has to be as a heel. In fact, right now only Rollins could beat Taker and come out a face. If Reigns beats Taker, he's gonna get booed out of the building, so why not make it be his defining moment as a heel?

I think this year it's going to be Cena vs Taker, and Taker will win. Cena winning does nothing for Cena. Him and Taker putting on a great match is what matters.

If It's Cena vs Taker this year, Taker needs to win. If it happens to be his last match, so be it, let him go out a winner.
If it's truly Taker's last match, i say why not go all out with it. Have a title vs career match at mania between Cena and Taker. This is the dream match that almost never really happens before except for one or 2 times on smackdown year's ago but never on a big stage like mania is.

You could booked it one of 2 ways in my opinion, either have taker win the title at mania and then have him cut a emotional promo on smackdown and say that he can now retire on his own terms and he relinquish the title or you do the same type of finish you did for HBK and Flair which cena wins the match and retires taker and they do the respect angle before giving him a well deserve send off on raw or smackdown.

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