What Other Dream matches can happen within the current roster in the WWE at WM?

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:shrug: I would be pretty happy with Rey vs Sin Cara. They're the only two masked wrestlers in the WWE, which is sort of fun, because it's not something we WWE watchers get to see a lot--you can see that a lot at different promotions, of course, but not here in the USA. It also gives the announcers something to talk about. They're both good in the ring--despite his age, Rey still puts on great matches, and I'm sure they'll make sure he's all rested up so he can "turn up the heat" at WM. Plus, Alberto Del Rio vs Mysterio was a feud based on the fact that they're both Mexican, right? No one had a problem with that, and it's not like both of them are ONLY feuding with people based on race/culture, etc. I don't see what the problem is...

Punk vs Bryan would be cool, too--Bryan could learn some tips on the mic throughout their feud, and given enough time, the match could be great. Maybe they could whip up some story about straight-edge vs vegan, or something. I don't know.

And, yeah, I agree with whoever said Miz vs Jericho, just because the build-up for it would probably be hilarious. I'd take either of them as a heel or face; both could work by Wrestlemania time, I think.
I would love to see sin/rey. Yes rey is almost at the end of his career but dude hes still got it.

I would also like to see Rhodes, Sheamus and Orton Triple threat match for the title. Sheamus and Rhodes are two great superstars that deserve it,

Also Daniel Bryant and Rhodes. Seems like a feud is starting up between these guys and a way to finish it would be great at WM
Stone Cold/Hogan

Everything else can die for all i care. These are dream matches still possible if WWE could pump out enough money to get Austin/Hogan.

LOL at people mentioning no names like rey/sin sara as dream matches. You guys have bad dreams. Pretty much WWE's entire roster currently sucks.
Personally I'd like to see Morrison vs Orton for the World Heavyweight Title. Have Orton become dominant this year, hold the title kinda like JBL did in 2005, then the mid carder waiting to break free, Morrison (like cena was then), win the rumble and challenge Orton (Cena's got the rock already)

*In NO way am i comparing cena and morrison, just saying have that kind of build up
For of all, there are a lot of racist people in this thread. The whole "Sin Cara vs. Rey Mysterio" being a dream feud...it's just because they are both Mexican. Because Rey's not a high-flyer anymore, and really, he's not the worker he once was. Sin Cara hasn't been around enough in the WWE to do anything worthy of being put in a "dream match". So, basically you want to see it because they are both Mexican. Racists.

I don't see how it's racist. I think it's more because of Sin Cara being kind of like Rey Mysterio's replacement since he's on his way out and the fact both of them wear the mask as a trademark with a similar wrestling style. (Though Mysterio has become far more limited since his numerous injuries) Really, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the Sin Cara promo before he debuted was Rey Mysterio 2.0 with the mask and all. And none of it has anything to do with the country they come from.

As for other dream matches:
Undertaker vs John Cena at WM
Randy Orton vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (if SCSA decides to have another match or two)
CM Punk vs Stone Cold (Straight Edge vs Beer Drinker)
Chris Jericho vs The Miz
For of all, there are a lot of racist people in this thread. The whole "Sin Cara vs. Rey Mysterio" being a dream feud...it's just because they are both Mexican. Because Rey's not a high-flyer anymore, and really, he's not the worker he once was. Sin Cara hasn't been around enough in the WWE to do anything worthy of being put in a "dream match". So, basically you want to see it because they are both Mexican. Racists

Actually the only one I think is Racists here is you.. You got something against Mexicans???? and No I'm not a Mexican..

Anyway....I don't think Rey/Sin Cara would be a bad match but it's not on my wish list...

I would Love a MIZ/ Taker or a Del Rio/Triple H match.... I think both of these build ups could be fantastic.... Takers mind games with the Miz.... Del Rio's arrogance against the Game!!! Could be fantastic... I know that in the Ring Miz/Taker wouldn't be the best... Taker is so old and broken... but the build would be out of this world....
Maybe I am alone in this, but I think Justin Gabriel would be a better fit than Rey for Sin Cara at this point. Gabriel may strike like shit, is quiet on the mic, and can't string along a decent heel performance to save his life.. But the guy is crazy athletic without it looking forced (unlike Morrison) and he actually has some knees to spare (unlike Rey). That and I think despite what the internet may think, Gabriel has been presented as somewhat of a big deal over all compared to most of the other little guys on the roster.

I only have two matches:

Wade Barrett vs Sheamus.. Come on, it would be 10-15 minutes of them trying to beat the shit out of each other. Both guys are intense, but Sheamus using brute force while Wade uses strategy when they are kicking ass. I also think this could be the match that gives Sheamus a huge rub as a face. It is just so satisfying to see Wade get his ass kicked.

Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker.. It will be just a bunch of hard strikes and funny faces.. Lots and lots of funny faces. Stylistically, these two will just mesh well. Taker has developed a style in which he just does a lot of big spots. Wade has proven he game to trying new bumps and the such.
R Truth vs Booker T. Now that R Truth is a heel I could see them having a feud and a big match at mania. Both have similar styles and looks. The Scissor kick vs Scissor Kick
Ok guys at WM27 we saw Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton vs CM Punk which most fans wanted to see, so with the current roster we have, is their any other big matches that Fans will pay good money to see at WM28(I know Rock/Cena are Headlining the PPV) but insprite of that is their anyother matches which will get fans excited about seeing at next years Wrestlemania, for me their is only a couple that id love to see...

Daneil Brynn vs CM Punk

Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

Randy Orton vs John Morrison

Alberto Del Rio vs Randy Orton

their the only matches I can think of which fans would pay to see can you think of anymore that you'd love to see happen?

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk would be absolutely fantastic, but it's not something a lot of fans would pay to see. These two (especially Punk) have proven that they can work an angle well, but they don't seem to be as over with the WWE Universe as Cena, Orton, Miz, Del Rio, etc.

Rey vs. Sin Cara would be a fine midcard bout (can you remember the last time Rey had a bad Wrestlemania match?), but once again it wouldn't be a huge draw as Sin Cara has yet to really break the mold and live up to his potential. That could very easily change by next April, but it could just as easily not.

Your other two matches are very good choices, but mostly because you could throw just about anyone who is even half over in the ring with Orton and it'd be a pretty big draw. Orton is extremely over right now, and as long as that popularity doesn't wane (I have my doubts that it won't), he's going to keep bringing in the fans.

That said, neither of those are really dream matches. They're fine match-ups, but I don't think anyone has been foaming at the mouth to see Orton vs. Del Rio or Morrison. It could just be because I'm not a big Orton fan, but I can't really think of anyone I'd like to see Orton in a program with.

If I had to pick one dream match that involved Orton (and therefore draws), I'd have to pick Orton vs Cody Rhodes in a non-title match+feud. The two have loads of history as Orton first started out as Cody Rhodes rival before becoming his mentor, and then they split up, not because Cody betrayed Randy, but because Cody got fed up with Randy's constant abuse and turned on him. That could make for some very interesting promo work by one of the best mic guys in the WWE today not named John Cena or Miz.

Additionally, I'd love to see something like Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian, providing Christian goes back to playing the face role before March in order for a proper feud to build. There's no denying both are fantastic in the ring and solid on the mic, and both are very over with the crowds. Edge and Dolph Ziggler had an outstanding match at Royal Rumble, I don't doubt Christian could get just as great, if not a better match out of Dolph Ziggler.
I know this match in most likely hood will NEVER happen, but imagine this:

WM 29: Cena VS Goldberg

Goldberg come back for one more match. He dominated the 1990's and brought the fans to their feet. Cena brings more draw than anyone of the last 5-6 years.

Maybe WM 30: CENA VS LESNAR..both draw more fans than anyone I can remember post 2001

John Morrison vs Shawn Michaels (know he's retired, its just a dream match)

HHH vs Lesnar (know Lesnar probably won't ever step into a WWE ring again, but didn't we say that about the rock? Lesnars still young. But Triple H is not)

Just my two cents
My picks dont really fit as one is always taking extended breaks and the other is barely around due to injuries. But i personally think that a feud between Y2J and Undertaker would be amazing to have leading to Wrestlemania. They haven't had many encounters or a fresh one anyway in a long time and would certainly be a show stealer as Y2J rarely looks bad in the ring and could protect Taker so that he doesnt kill himself in a match
Diesel vs John Cena now that Nash is working for the WWE and has a legends type deal why not put him againt Cena. Cena works well with the super heayweights and has had good matches with the likes of Umaga, Khali and Big Show. They should put him againt Big Daddy Cool.
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