What Other Dream matches can happen within the current roster in the WWE at WM?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok guys at WM27 we saw Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton vs CM Punk which most fans wanted to see, so with the current roster we have, is their any other big matches that Fans will pay good money to see at WM28(I know Rock/Cena are Headlining the PPV) but insprite of that is their anyother matches which will get fans excited about seeing at next years Wrestlemania, for me their is only a couple that id love to see...

Daneil Brynn vs CM Punk

Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

Randy Orton vs John Morrison

Alberto Del Rio vs Randy Orton

their the only matches I can think of which fans would pay to see can you think of anymore that you'd love to see happen?
I'd say you pretty much nailed the Cara/Mysterio, Bryan/Punk,
Orton/Del Rio.
I also wouldn't mind Orton/Rhodes in place, maybe even Dibiase in a triple threat rematch for a title (face it at WM26 that was more like a handicap match anyway) and with Cena/Rock in stone there isn't too much roster left to play with.
Id like to see Jericho/Miz, if Y2J doesn't come back in time I wouldn't mind Miz/Morrison. But I'd really enjoy a Morrison/Christian match. Mason Ryan/Batista is even longer shot, but we are talking dream matches here. Diva wise I'm hoping for Beth Phoenix/Kharma.
HHH/Taker in Career v. Streak seems likely. The card is looking full so for an opener and b/c WM should have some type of ladder match I'l love to see the Intercontinental Title hanging high for all the international talent, with something like one rep per country with Sheamus/McIntyre/Del Rio/Khali's new buddy/Swagger (on a face turn)/Barrett, etc. I would call that the greatest mania by far on paper, but we'll see how close it gets.
I would love a mixture of any or all of these in feuds (not a the same time, in singles matches)

Bryan, Punk, McIntyre, Rhodes, Christian, Ziggler, Y2J, Miz, Swagger and of course my man WOO WOO WOO Zack Ryder.

Any combination of these wrestlers would make me happy.
Sin Cara vs Rey Mysterio is the first one that comes to mind. They would work so well together, and one does not have to be heal. Just trying to see who the best luchador is.

Orton vs Rhodes. i honestly dont get why i am seeing so many people say dibiase. he has been placed below rhodes literally. the only way i dont see this match happening, is if it happens at summerslam, which is a pretty big likelihood.

chris jericho vs the miz. the miz is jericho 2.0 and i think they can have a great fued

if not that, i would love to see jericho vs taker. that is my dream match for mania, and jericho is the only guy left, other than cena who will be tied up with the rock, who is a big enough name to draw with a taker match.

cm punk vs daniel bryan would be a great match, but sadly, i dont the the wwe will think it will be a big enough draw to give it the green light.

many more, but these i the ones i can see happening.
First, Rey Vs. Sin Cara. I'm pretty sure that they'll put on a great match.

Second, Daniel Bryan Vs. CM Punk. This will be a really nice technical match.

Third, Randy Orton Vs. Cody Rhodes. Enough Said.

Fourth, Hmm. I think a Christian Vs. Chris Jericho match would be one I'd like to see. Anyone with Chris Jericho would be entertaining.
In the current WWE roster i gotta say.. CM Punk... vs... all of it? Seriously he's got control of Nexus and he's done NOTHING with it. He needs to monopolize all of the titles and FORCE himself on the WWE. What good is trying to be a dominant faction if you don't hold titles? Honestly he can turn Nexus into the equivalent of the nWo if they would just let him recruit more and TAKE more. He has the ability to feud with the entire roster if they'd let him.
Mine would be The Miz vs Alex Riley.

I would like to see the draft of Riley inforced to take him away from The Miz now, have them meet at PPVs much like they did with Lesnar and Goldberg. I can see these two being good enough to keep interest in them colliding through to the Rumble, then have them drawn out close together in the Rumble, have them Eliminate each other and brawl to the back before announcing a cross brand match for Mania. Hell i can see them giving Riley a title shot somewhere before Rumble and have The Miz cost him, people would pay to see Riley get his hands on The Miz by Mania.
Christian vs. Chris Jericho II would be a dream match of mine, their match at Wrestlemania 20 is an underrated classic, with a great ending, a solid and intense rivalry and it made Christian a recognized talent more so than any other match I can remember up to that date in his career.

Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho at a Wrestlemania would also be something that is yet to happen, but would be great to see. When you think of all the greats who have been thwarted in their quests to end "The Streak", e.g. Triple H, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, one name that could live up to the hype would be Jericho.

Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk in some sort of a match would be a great wrestling match, maybe not a "dream" but it's as close as you can get as far as a pure wrestling match goes.
Y2J vs. The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes for the world heavyweight championchip *___* I know the odds are 1:100000000 but it would be a promo war like no other!
Am I the only one who prefers Del Rio/Sin Cara to Rey/Sin Cara? Del Rio is much better in the ring than both of them in my opinion. Now, with Averno and Incognito in WWE, hopefully, we get some classis between all of them.

Averno/Sin Cara
Averno/Del Rio
Del Rio/Sin Cara
Del Rio/Rey
Del Rio/Incognito
Incognito/Sin Cara
Rey/Sin Cara
For of all, there are a lot of racist people in this thread. The whole "Sin Cara vs. Rey Mysterio" being a dream feud...it's just because they are both Mexican. Because Rey's not a high-flyer anymore, and really, he's not the worker he once was. Sin Cara hasn't been around enough in the WWE to do anything worthy of being put in a "dream match". So, basically you want to see it because they are both Mexican. Racists.

Second of all, Bryan Danielson and CM Punk have already had a match together, and neither of them have done anything different since then to really get excited about a dream match. Neither have really had an altering effect on wrestling, or really had too big of a character change. Don't see the dream match potential there.

For the dream match I see? There's two. The first is, obviously, Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan. While Hogan may be with TNA, Austin is still a WWE personality, so it qualifies. The match may be 10 years too late, but it still would be a dream match.

The second is Undertaker vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania. Yes, I know they've worked together before, but never at Wrestlemania and not once since Cena blossomed into a mega superstar. Were they to wrestle at Wrestlemania, it literally would be the greatest threat to Taker's Wrestlemania streak, and not just because Jim Ross says so (like the commentators do every year). The atmosphere for that match would be absolutely electric. I'm hoping they do it once before Undertaker retires.
It might be a bit under rated, but I think Christian and Cody Rhodes is possibly the best match that I do not remember seeing. The promos would be great, and the match would be excellent. This match would possibly hijack Mania, and put it for a mid card title would help up the credibility of the title.
How about John Morrison vs. Shawn Michaels. In let's say 2 years time when John Morrison becomes a main eventer maybe they can setup a dream match between Morrison vs. Michaels. Or heck why not at WM28? Morrison becomes a tweener and Challenges Michaels, Michaels win but a loosing effort by Morrison both shake hands.
Well, if I can do a few matches for WM, I would have the following:

Alberto Del Rio (World Heavyweight Champ) vs Randy Orton (Royal Rumble Winner)

Fatal Four Way for WWE Championship: Miz (Champion) vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs Rey Mysterio

CM Punk vs Christian

Any Divas Match (cause we do need some filler matches)

Daniel Bryan (IC Champ) vs Ted DiBiasi vs Cody Rhodes

Drew MacIntire (US Champ) vs Big Show

Slater and Gabriel (Tag Champs) vs. Mark Henry and Ezikel Jackson

Undertaker vs... (Now bare with me and go with this story line)

2 Weeks before Royal Rumble, the WWE Roster lets it be known that no one wants to face the Undertaker at WM. Everyone is scared saying after a beating by HHH, and Undertaker still wins, no one would want to face the Undertaker cause they are scrared.
Monday after Royal Rumble, Undertaker comes out and says he wants to face someone at WM cause he wants someone to be No. 20. but no one responds. The Lockerroom is scared. Everyone says "NO" Undertaker gets really mad that he says that if no one will face him, there is no reason to be here anymore and says screw you I'm out of here for good. As Undertaker leaves, QUE...GLASS BREAKING!!! Out comes Stone Cold Steve Austin. Crowd goes nuts.
Austin gets in the ring and starts saying that the Undertaker has defeated all his opponents at WM. He starts saying there names with the usual "WHAT!?!?" in between each name. After he is done, Stone Cold says that a name he has never faced at WM is that of Stone Cold Steve Austin. He says that Stone Cold is scared of no one and he sure as hell isn't scared of your sorry ass. CROWD REALLY GOING NUTS NOW. Austin says, if you want Stone Cold Steve Austin to Whoop the Undertakers' ass at WM and make him 19-1, give me a hell yeah! HELL YEAH!!! Undertaker says that he has beatin Austin so many times, that he doesn't need to defeat him at WM and he should go back to the Ranch and work off his beer gut. Austin says is there anything that will change your mind and Undertaker says "NO" Austin then replies, maybe this will...STUNNER ON UNDERTAKER! CROWD REALLY INTO IT NOW! Austin drinks his beer, gives the finger, blah, blah, blah. When Austin gets to the top of the ramp, lights go out and a thunderbolt hits the ramp where Austin is standing. Spotlight on the Ring and Undertaker is just standing there, after he has been lying on his back from the stunner. Undertaker runs his hand across the throat with his tongue out and then spotlight goes on and off and Undertaker has vanished. (Keeping with the mystique that is the Undertaker) Show Ends.

Setting Up Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin.

That is the only way to save WrestleMania besides Rock vs Cena.
Well, if I can do a few matches for WM, I would have the following:
The problem WWE has is they give away matches on free tv then try and build them up with a feud 8 months later at Mania, why pay for something we've already had on free tv?

Punk/Bryan & Cara/Rey are the only two matches I'm interested in, Orton/Christian would be pretty cool I've enjoyed their matches recently.
It's not racism. Rey Mysterio knows the luchador style and therefore is a good opponent for Sin Cara. Also, not only do they have similar gimmicks, but they are the only masked wrestlers on WWE television right now. It seems natural to desire for them to clash in the ring. Personally, because Rey hasn't wrestled the luchador style in years now, I think Del Rio would be a much better opponent for Sin Cara. However, I think Rey would be a much better draw. Rey/Sin Cara at WrestleMania would be a great match with Sin Cara/Del Rio happening down the road.
i have one match that i personally want to see other than cena vs rock and taker vs hhh and that would be the miz vs stone cold steve austin just because what happened there on raw with his tough enough kids and then alex riley and him got stunned.
I know it's virtually impossible due to him being retired due to his neck pains but 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs. CM Punk. Imagine the promos? Mr. 'Straightedge and better than you' vs. 'Stone Cold', Austin can give Punk one hell of a beer bash at a Raw held in Texas where Punk runs down drunken fans etc.

Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton.

Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara

Jack Swagger vs. The Miz

John Morrison vs. Christian
Well I'm going to try and stay with the current roster because that's what's in the title. Although I can name a few Y2J and Rock matches I'd like to see, I'll try to salvage something good from the modern superstars.
John Cena vs Randy Orton Yeah, its been done a hundred times now but these two have never had a singles match at WrestleMania. Of course it would have to be for the WWE Championship but hopefully it would be booked deeper than that. The feud would have to be a culmination of everything they've done together over the years. The injuries, title changes, all the personal blows, everything will be brought up. Also maybe it could be happen in 10 years or so and make it a career threatening match. Either way I'd like a normal singles match with Cena and Orton at the show of shows.
Kofi Kingston vs Sin Cara vs John Morrison I honestly believe that these three and their style would blow the roof off any place. I don't know if I would like to see a normal rules, steel cage, or ladder match though. But this would have to be for the Intercontinental Championship match. As Sly stated Rey isn't so much a highflier anymore or I would had considered putting him in there, but I'm pretty comfortable with the three here. They're the best in that class now in WWE.
Drew McIntyre vs Wade Barrett Honestly, these two are in the same boat. I mean Drew is the chosen one and Wade's highest point was with the original Nexus last fall but since then they haven't done much. The Corre is falling apart already and I really don't know what McIntyre is up to. I know I'm not sounding too flattering to these two but I think if they were put in a Last Man Standing Match together it would make for a great match. To me the Future Shock DDT and the Waste Lands are pretty badass looking moves and these two aren't all that shabby in the ring either. You could possibly bring up how they were in FCW together. But lets keep this one a none title match but the winner will get a mega push for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Cm Punk & Daniel Bryan vs The Hart Dynasty Literally indi trained vs dungeon trained here. It would be a very technical pure wrestling bout that would showcase the best in mat based grappling. I also believe that these two teams could pull out some unique tag team moves as well. I know I said I would stick to current guys but just for fun lets make Jericho a special guest referee for this match since he comes from both worlds.
At Wrestlemania, using the current roster, I would love to see matches like:

John Cena vs. The Undertaker, for Deadman's undefeated streak
John Morrison vs. The Miz, for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. Christian, for the World Heavyweight Championship
Ted DiBiase vs. Cody RhodesMoney in the Bank Ladder Match between Justin Gabriel, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Trent Barreta, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Tyson Kidd & R-Truth
Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan, for the WWE U.S. Championship
Alberto del Rio vs. Sin Cara vs. Rey MysterioKharma vs. Beth Pheonix, for the WWE Divas Championship
Sheamus & Drew McIntyre vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder vs. Michael McGillcutty & David Otunga, for the WWE Tag-Team Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara for definite. Another set of epic high flying matches would be Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison all facing each other in one on one matches within the next few years although I know Morrison vs. Bourne happened on ECW once so that match would be the only out of the window and I guess you can include Averno to the list when he arrives in WWE.

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk would be an awesome match up. So would Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger, that would be a technical masterpiece. I'd also like to see Swagger face Vladmir Kozlov. Sambo wrestler against technical wrestler would be very interesting and would be a battle of big bulls.

In the main event scene, I would've like to have see Taker go up against Cena & Jericho at Wrestlemanias but that ain't gonna happen. Taker vs. Del Rio would've been interesting, would remind me of the JBL vs. Taker matches but better wrestling this time around. I would like to see Triple H face The Miz & CM Punk in one on one matches in future. And lastly I would love to see Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk & The Miz in one on one matches, just imagine the promos between Jericho & Punk/Miz. Punk & Jericho would cut intelligent masterpiece promos on each other and Jericho & Miz could argue over who is more cocky, arrogant and I remember Jericho having a tweet argument with Miz over Miz being similar to him back in WCW, so they would bring that up too.
There are quite a few that i can think of...
Gabriel vs. Bourne: their styles are complimentary
a European showdown between Barret and Sheamus
Yoshi Tatsu vs Sin Cara: mexican vs japanese styles
Kharma vs Natalya vs Tamina vs Beth Pheonix in a fatal 4way
For of all, there are a lot of racist people in this thread. The whole "Sin Cara vs. Rey Mysterio" being a dream feud...it's just because they are both Mexican. Because Rey's not a high-flyer anymore, and really, he's not the worker he once was. Sin Cara hasn't been around enough in the WWE to do anything worthy of being put in a "dream match". So, basically you want to see it because they are both Mexican. Racists.

Ridiculous statement. Rey is a high-flier, maybe not to the same extent as Sin Cara, but there's no doubt they'd both put on a brilliant match. I believe Sin Cara doesn't speak English (is that correct?) so it'd be a waste to put him in a feud with someone like Del Rio, who is a great talker, cause Sin Cara wouldn't be able to respond. Rey, just like Sin Cara, does his talking in the ring. I think it'll just be a one-off match at Mania 28, just an inter-promotional match, no feud necessary, cause it'll be a brilliant match.

Otherwise, I agree with most of the matches suggested. Orton vs. Del Rio and Orton vs. The Miz will both be brilliant feuds and will both definitely happen within the next 2 years I reckon.

Christian vs. Cody Rhodes is a feud that I reckon will happen this year and I think they'd put on a brilliant program together.

And of course, if WWE push Bryan, he'd be brilliant with CM Punk
Ridiculous statement. Rey is a high-flier, maybe not to the same extent as Sin Cara, but there's no doubt they'd both put on a brilliant match. I believe Sin Cara doesn't speak English (is that correct?) so it'd be a waste to put him in a feud with someone like Del Rio, who is a great talker, cause Sin Cara wouldn't be able to respond. Rey, just like Sin Cara, does his talking in the ring.
As opposed to Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Tyson Kidd, John Morrison, and Justin Gabriel right? None of those guys are high-flyers and they are all good on the mic, correct? Wait, no, that's not accurate at all, they are exactly how you described Rey Mysterio. So why do people not see those as dream matches? Is it because they're not Mexican? Thought so.

And why did you mention Del Rio? Is he the only good talker in the WWE? Or is it just because he's Mexican?

It's not a ridiculous statement, it's an astute observation. People want to see Sin Cara vs. Mysterio and/or Del Rio simply because they are all Hispanic. It's wanting a match simply based upon their race. Racists.
Same reason people talk about Undertaker and Sting in a wheelchair and walker match

"Well hey, they both wear black, both have dark characters....So, that would be like, awesome, right?"


"They both wear masks, they are both mexican...So like, totally awesome, right?"

Yea, Cena Vs Taker would be pretty much the only one, and even that has lost its luster over the years. I would have much rather seen the 06 version of Cena going after the streak, but it would still be fucking ridiculous. It may not ever happen though, unless they entirely preserve Taker for a one or two match per year status over the years.....

Showdown at WM30 in MSG, anyone?
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