Ryback VS Lesnar at Wrestlemania: Should it happen?


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First of all I think Ryback is underrated it started when he was known as the guy for the future.When he did the bullying skits it was comical and reminded me of Steve Austin not by much just by attitude.He's a decent wrestler and had people talking after his first match with Cena.I think this could deliver.All of Brock's matches delivers.Ryback can deliver with the right opponent.I think it will be a great match to get Ryback over.At the same time Lesnar shouldn't lose he's already lose at Wrestlemania again.He's already 0-2 at the event.His record since being back is already 3-3.This is by far a dream match.This is Wrestlemania XXX were dream matches happen.
Along with that match the rest of my dream card that can happen is

Taker vs Sting Retirement Match for both
Cena vs Hogan Legend vs Legend
The Rock (fighting for Mr.Mcmahon) vs HBK (Fighting for HHH) Control of WWE
Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow WWE Title
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan WHC
Legend Diva's (Kelly Kelly,Lita,Trish Stratus,Beth Phoniex,Mickie James,Victoria,Chyna) vs Current (Bella's,Natalya,Funkadactyls,Eva Marie,AJ Lee)
Uso's vs Mysterio/Cara vs Wyatt Family vs Outlaws 4 way for the WWE Tag Titles
Henry vs Big E. Langston
Legends Battle Royal
Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose US title match
Rhodes vs Goldust title v career IC title
MITB ladder match

Card more likely to happen than that
Taker vs Cena Last Man Standing Streak vs Career (Cena Heel Turn)(Shield revealing to still be together take out Undertaker for Cena for the 10 count Cena winning claiming not to get the respect he deserve)
Ryback vs Lesnar
Wade Barrett (fighting for Mr.Mcmahon) vs HHH Control of WWE
Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton vs WWE Title
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan WHC
Legend Diva's (Kelly Kelly,Lita,Trish Stratus,Beth Phoniex,Mickie James,Victoria,Chyna) vs Current (Bella's,Natalya,Funkadactyls,Eva Marie,AJ Lee)
Uso's vs Mysterio/Cara vs Wyatt Family vs Outlaws 4 way for the WWE Tag Titles
Henry vs Big E. Langston
Legends Battle Royal
Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose US title match
Rhodes vs Goldust title v career IC title

Tell me whether that match should happen then also create your dream card and your more likely to happen card.
Honestly I don't see guys like Jericho or Ryback being so high up a Wrestlemania card. I've read interviews with Jericho where he says the amount of times he has lost in his last two runs don't damage his legacy but I'm afraid they do. He's been the guy that comes back to put over new talent and it's great that he's willing to do so but wins over wrestlers who constantly lose don't gain anyone anything. Fandango got no heat out of beating Jericho at Wrestlemania because everyone expected Jericho to lose.

Similarly Ryback has lost so many times in the past twelve months that even a win over Lesnar at Wrestlemania might not be enough to revive his career. It would also kill Lesnar as a draw, if he can't beat the guy who gets beat by R Truth on TV than what use is he as a monster draw?

I see Lesnar vs Taker at this year's Mania as I think they'll save Cena vs Taker for next year, which I think will be Taker's last WWE match.

I'd love for them to give us Punk vs Bryan, even if it isn't for any title which I don't think it will be. I see Cena vs Orton in a reunification match happening and we could still get Triple H vs HBK again but my money wouldn't be on it as I have a feeling HBK will stay retired. That does leave open the possibility of Triple H not being booked on the card, as I don't think the Rock will be back in 2014, and I have a feeling he will be, against who though is anyone's guess.
I do hope to see Ryback vs Lesnar sometime but I don't see it happening at Wrestlemania. I think it could've worked last year when Ryback was feuding Punk for the WWE Championship. Lesnar could've easily been inserted in that feud and cost Ryback the Championship. Ryback was over as a face and had more credibility. They are really going to have to build Ryback back up to be a threat again for the feud to work. Lesnar vs Undertaker has been anticipated for years since there confrontation in UFC, and will be a big draw so they might as well have it at Mania and get it out of the way. Maybe at Extreme Rules they could have some kind of gimmick match like a Stretcher Match with Ryback vs Lesnar. That gives them time to turn Ryback back face and build him back up to the level he was at.
First of all, I love your second card. I think that would sell HUGE however, I think it is more likely to see:
John Cena (c) vs Randy Orton (c) Title unification match (possible stipulation)
Triple H vs Daniel Bryan or CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan
Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker
Goldust vs Cody Rhodes brother vs brother (pretty much a lock)
Ryback vs Goldberg or The Big Show (If Goldberg does not work out)

Another possibility is CM Punk vs Randy Orton for the WWE title, which would be an excellent match IMO. Cena vs Hogan would also be epic but I am just unsure about Hogans physical condition and if he could actually pull off a half way decent match!
The best WM card in my opinion would be:

CM Punk V Daniel Bryan
*WWE Title*

Hulk Hogan V John Cena
*WHC Title*

Undertaker V Brock Lesnar

The Shield V The Wyatt Family
*US Title & Tag Titles*

Goldberg V Ryback

Cody Rhodes V Goldust
*IC Title*

AJ Lee V Trish Stratus
*Divas Title*

Ryback V Lesnar should happen at the rumble. Ryback V Goldberg at Mania & see where that takes him. Those are two of the biggest matches he'll have & could make or break him. I know a lot of people dislike Ryback but I am not one of those people. It's funny whenever someone says something bad about Ryback it's never that he's boring. It's other things that never mattered to me. "Oh he's not a good worker", "he's dangerous in the ring", or "he doesn't like to do interviews". None of these things effects me as a viewer. It actually makes me want to watch his matches & interviews. There is only one problem with Goldberg V Ryback & thats money. Goldberg said he doesn't want to come back just to lose, what that means is Goldberg will need a lot of money for him to lose to Ryback. & that'll depend on how much Vince is willing to spend.

I guess I should end this with saying the reason I don't believe Ryback v Lesnar should happen at mania is because who here believes Ryback would win? I sure as hell don't so have it at the Rumble, rematch at Extreme Rules than Goldberg @ mania would be perfect for this fan.
This is a match that I see potential in. The Heyman dynamic is interesting and him bringing back Brock to take care of Ryback is a decent storyline. Ryback could got back to being a face - the feed me more chants etc.

I do think, however, is that WM isn't the right stage for this match. Royal Rumble is certainly an option or even after WM30 but I think there are better options for Lesnar. When there are potential matches with Cena, Punk, Sheamus, The Undertaker and The Rock, I don't think anyone, especially Vince McMahon is desperate to see him face Ryback. Whether or not him vs Taker or Rock is likely is irrelevant because it is plausible and a massive draw.

It would be great if they could build a match between the two for Royal Rumble or even Extreme Rules. At Wrestelmania, Brock Lesnar should be facing a bigger name and a better opponent than Ryback. As for Ryback, give him Goldberg or put him in a multi-man match.
I feel the supposed Ryback vs Lesnar match should not happen at WM that match is not deserving a spot at WM IMO. Why you ask well simple,at WM lesnar should face a much bigger name than Ryback lesnar has earned that right.. This match does need to happen though,the Royal Rumble match would be ideal for it to happen. I totally could see Ryback finding the light and the fans supporting him. Remember at WM the names have got to draw.. Its the grandest stage of em all,and a ryback vs Lesnar match is not WM worthy..
I believe Ryback Vs Lesnar is a match for the Royal rumble I think they would be able to feud him with axel and by winning the intercontinental championship that will be a good push on to his match with Lesnar. As far as Wrestlmaina is concerned a match I would like to see is Ryback vs The Undertaker that could be a respectable match which the undertaker could probably win but I would give Ryback a good push knowing he want up against a legend. FEED ME MORE!!!
WWE have really dropped the ball with Ryback. I like the guy, looks great, decent enough in the ring, good gimmick. However, he has lost alot of credibility with his losing streak and then his disastrous heel turn. He lost at Mania at Henry who he dropped on his own head!!!

If Lesnar and Ryback is to happen it should be at the Rumble and Lesnar should steam roller him. If this isn't the case, Ryback needs to disappear for a few months, make a big splash return and go on an unstoppable run all the way to Mania 31 where they can face off then.

As things stand, my mania card would be...

Title vs Title
Cena vs Orton

Taker vs Lesnar

Control of WWE
Vince, Hogan, Show, Kane w/Shane vs Triple H, Nash, Hall, X-Pac w/HBK

Punk vs Bryan
Shield vs Wyatts
Miz vs Jericho

I dont see Austin or Rock grappling. Maybe Rock could be the enforcer/guest ref for a match just to get him on the card.
In my opinion, not at all. I simply don't see money in Ryback vs. Lesnar at WrestleMania, especially with Ryback supposedly having a ton of heat both backstage and among company officials.

There was a report that came out last week stating that Ryback would feud against Lesnar, but that the match would most likely take place at the Royal Rumble. The story would be Heyman returning with Lesnar and that he'd lay the blame for his beating at the hands of CM Punk on Ryback's head. At least, that's what the article stated.

Brock Lesnar is a money player that WWE pulls out every once in a while to jack up ppv buys and they're not going to waste him on someone that has a ton of heat and that they've lost faith in. If anything, they'll use Ryback as a tune up for Brock Lesnar before heading into WrestleMania.
Lesnar vs Sheamus would be more entertaining than Lesnar vs Ryback. Ryback is nowhere near Lesnar's level.
If Ryback-Lesnar happens, it would seem an indication that there simply aren't enough marquee match-ups to warrant paying the king's ransom Brock apparently receives for being under contract to WWE. Management wants him to face only legends, or legends-in-the making. Guys like Triple H, Cena and Punk qualify. After that, who do you put Brock up against? If they want his highly unusual deal to pay off, his matches really have to draw, and whether they will depends not only on who Brock is, but who is foe is, as well..

Ryback has the look, but not the goods or rep to provide enough interest in a fight with Brock. If it happens, it happens......but if it does, it might be a more of a function that they've run out of people for Brock to face than anything else.
Another Ryback vs. X at Wrestlemania thread?

Listen, Ryback will be lucky if he's on the main card next year. And if he is on the main card, it'll likely be a midcard title match. Maybe Ryback vs. Langston, or Ryback vs. whoever takes the US title from Dean Ambrose. And he'll likely lose either of those scenarios.

Lesnar is a star, who adds thousands of buys to Pay Per Views, the little blip of Summerslam aside. If they want to use him at Wrestlemania XXX, they know they have to use him correctly. He'll face The Rock or he'll face the Undertaker or something. A match that's actually worth having, a match where the outcome won't be so predictable.

Could Ryback vs. Lesnar happen? Sure, if Lesnar wants a tune-up match at Royal Rumble. Although, the better option to that would just be having Lesnar in the Royal Rumble match itself.

Ryback's stock has fallen so much in the last year that, unless they put in some major work to build him back up after all the losses to Cena, Punk, Henry, etc. there's no way he's going to be in a major match at Mania.
Wrestlemania? God no. Truth be told, I'm starting to have doubts about the ideas involving WWE using Ryback as a tune up for Lesnar on the road to Mania.

Ryback has fallen so far since last year, and when you consider his current status (or lack there of), people aren't going to buy Ryback as a serious threat to Lesnar. It all started with the nonsensical loss to Mark Henry at Wrestlemania and the dumfounding heel turn the next night. I remember the whole Cryback fiasco with Jericho, Ryback acting like a coward, and Ryback quitting in a match against Miz of all people. Sorry, but a man of Ryback's size and strength running away from anyone defied all kinds of logic.

I think we need to be more concerned with Ryback landing a spot on the actual pay per view card, because with the way things are going now, I wouldn't be surprised if WWE regulated Ryback to pre show status at Wrestlemania XXX.
I have no interest in this. Now if you asked me the same question 12 months ago, with some good Ryback booking then this could have being $$$. Ryback was way over, despite terrible booking. Punk, Shield got the better of him time and time again and sis loss at Mania 29 was ridiculous and completely killed him. Then Cena destroyed him, Miz beat him and now he is a joke teaming with Axel.

Ryback is midcard now. If Ryback and Brock are to lock horns then it should be the Main Event of Raw or at Elimination Chamber. Naturally to put Brock over as strong for a show down at Mania 30.

Rock, Taker, Cena = I have no problem with either of these three gentleman facing Brock at Mania 30. Smart money on Taker.
It would make sure no Lesnar vs Taker so i hope so. Lesnar and his style i dont think would put on a good match vs taker seeing how he somewhat has to be taken care of by the other guy do to his age and nagging injury's. Lesnar is not the type who can put on a good match and take care of a guy at the same time. I am afraid it would be either very slow and boring or he hurts taker and ends his career.

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