What Of Legacy?

Super Crazy

Ok I do not see this thread here so I'm gonna post it. What do you guys think of Legacy after their feud with DX. Supposedly last night was supposed to be the ending to their feud.

Over the past several weeks both DX and Legacy have looked dominant. I think Triple H and Shawn Michaels have done a good job at best of making Legacy look like a legitimate threat. Legacy looks so much better in the ring and look to have better ring psychology now compared to before. I would no longer classify them as Orton's lackies. They can definitely hold their own in the ring now I'd say.

It should be interesting to see what comes after this now. Does DX break up and both just go their own way. Or do Jericho and Show decide to feud with them? It is hard to tell what is going to happen now if this feud is over.

Anyway back to the point of this thread. What do you guys think of Legacy now after this feud? Do you think they are stronger/weaker/ or just even a little bit better then before? Also what do you think will happen now for both teams.
I think Legacy are definitely stronger after this feud with DX. I think that maybe we will see one last feud at Survivor Series, with DX and Cena against Legacy. I think after that, Legacy will split and go their separate ways. Maybe DX will feud with JeriShow since there are no other tag teams to feud with that JeriShow hasn't already beaten. I think it is safe to say that we may see huge pushes for Rhodes and Dibiase. At least I hope so anyway.
i no it wont happen but it would be awesome to see DX finally win tag team gold! i feel like thats the only thing left for them to do...they didnt even mention the belts a few years ago when they were fueding with rated RKO which sucked bc i wanted them to win it then...maybe jerishow will come out on raw n say theres no one left to fight n DX comes out n they wion the belts, idk if they have em for a week it just be nice to see and say dx are tag team champs
Legacy defintely looks stronger after their feud with DX. I have to admit after Summerslam, I thought Legacy might be going in the direction of Spirit Squad, but then they go ahead and win a submission match at Breaking Point (which was a pretty impressive win by the way) by making HBK tap. We got to see more chances for Ted and Cody to polish their mic skills, and have some pretty entertaining matches with HBK and HHH on Raw. Now as far as DX goes, I think they're on their way to the unified tag title chase. I think DX will be the team to finally beat Jericho and Big Show. I can't wait to see some of the promos between DX and Jericho, I know they'll be classic.
I would have loved to see Legacy get the rub at Hell in a Cell but we all know they couldn't get that right. They are alot better off now. They have proven themselves as individuals and as a tag team. With Bragging Rights rumored Smackdown vs Raw theme I would have DX challenge Jerishow for the titles and have a tag match between Legacy & Dynasty
I would have loved to see Legacy get the rub at Hell in a Cell but we all know they couldn't get that right. They are alot better off now. They have proven themselves as individuals and as a tag team. With Bragging Rights rumored Smackdown vs Raw theme I would have DX challenge Jerishow for the titles and have a tag match between Legacy & Dynasty

I don't know which PPV you were watching, but the one I watched had legacy decimate DX, Cody do his finisher on Triple H (can you remember other people doing their finisher on him?!) and eventually Legacy are beaten by a sledgehammer shot and a sweet chin music. That was a fucking rub and a half, it was great for them.

Cody has improved a lot recently, Ted a little bit, but I hope this brings them up to the Nash/Hall level in the nWo to Hogan as opposed to Ortons whipping boy.
This feud has done wonders for Legacy. As for yesterday, they absolutely kicked the shit out of DX. They decimated Shawn Michaels. The only reason they didn't win was because they were too cocky and arrogant, they were there to send a message with physicality more than results wise.

This whole feud has been brilliant. Each DX win has looked like they have been lucky to win. The Legacy one looked dominant. They have been raised up so much by this feud. HHH and HBK desevre respect, though HHH especially never seems to get it. Legacy are now a force to be reckoned with.

Great match. Great feud.
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I don't know which PPV you were watching, but the one I watched had legacy decimate DX, Cody do his finisher on Triple H (can you remember other people doing their finisher on him?!) and eventually Legacy are beaten by a sledgehammer shot and a sweet chin music. That was a fucking rub and a half, it was great for them.

Cody has improved a lot recently, Ted a little bit, but I hope this brings them up to the Nash/Hall level in the nWo to Hogan as opposed to Ortons whipping boy.

I think the feud has legitimized them as competitors I agree it was a great match and Legacy had the upper hand but when it all boils down its DX 2 wins Legacy 1. But with the beating they took it shows how far they are willing to go to claim their spot for the future and with a little mic work I expect to see great things from them both in the future. Cody needs a little weight and Ted some more time on the mic and WWE has two future maineventers.

As far as the HHH bashing goes he did a great job of not holding them back in this feud the way he has MVP upon coming to Raw. I have been a fan of HHH's since the Kliq days and if the time comes when the next breed of maineventers are ready to step up I don't see him standing in the way. The WWE just has the business sense not to hot shot people into the mainevent without making them work for it. Look at Austin, Rock, HHH, Foley, Edge, JBL. They all paid their dues in the midcard for many years before making it into the mainevent
Cena is most likely leaving raw so I think this leaves raw without faces who can challange for a championship other then the outplayed HHH and HBK who wont get championship shots. Wait for this BOTH of Rhodes and Diabiasse could turn face against orton or orton himself will turn face either way a orton vs rhodes vs diabiasse fued for the championship is comming up soon
I don't know about legacy. I think this is going to be a matter of them getting over because WWE wants them to get over, end of story. Cody Rhodes is useless on the mic and an average wrestler at best. Dibiase is a little better, and considering how much he sucked when he was in FCW, seems to at least be improving, but both could still use some personality and neither has wrestled any better than standard FCW fare.
i'm just tired of this dx s***! It hasn't been dx since chyna, bad ass, road dogg, and x-pac were there. It sucked ever since then. With only two members, it's crap. Triple h doesn't have it anymore, and shawn michaels is frail and can barely walk, i'm just amazed he stayed so long after his return. He definitely should've stayed retired. Triple h needs to retire as well. Please just go. It's f-ing played out.
My wonder is how Randy Orton wanted a stable with him as the leader, and now it is as he is the manager of a tag team. It looks to me that Randy Orton doesn't give two sh*ts about the kids and one of them if not both of them should turn face in the next couple of months. This may be a forgotten fact, but in only 2 or 3 months, Ted's film, The Marine 2, is out on DVD. How well do you think a heel will promote that DVD? They will turn Ted DiBiase face and Cody Rhodes will be in a mental state on who he should go with. This could lead to a WWE Championship match between Randy Orton(c) vs Ted DiBiase Jr with Cody Rhodes as the special guest referee. Then we will see where his loyalties lie. Also, the DiBiase that ran in at SSlam could be a factor.

This is obviously assuming that Cena is on Smackdown due to the fact that he got his ass kicked at Bragging Rights. This is gonna happen because he just can not work a live crowd. Maybe he should go to FCW to learn some moves other that shoulder barge, punch, kick, legdrop, STF, and fireman's carry takedown. DX are loved no matter how bad they are getting so they could be getting a tag title run for the first time this century.

The WWE has great talent and they should realise that. Give someone else a chance. If they play a Teddy DiBiase face run well, I may stop giving them criticism.
If Teddy DiBiase goes face I think Rhodes will too, especially since watching Hell in a Cell. You can tell They are sick and tired of listening to Orton and having him hold them down. It would be a nice breath of fresh air and when Ted faced off against Randy a few months ago, it was a pretty damn good match and Ted got a nice reaction from the crowd. There's also always been some sort of issue between them ever since Randy punted him in the head and I think we've all been waiting to see them really go at it. Legacy will turn face and we can see them winning tag team gold again after they beat down Orton.
It's difficult to predict where they are going now, I for one wouldn't have minded another DX match because I thought their feud was the best thing going in the WWE but it seems it may have come to an end. So who does that leave for Rhodes and Dibiase to feud with on RAW? Jericho and Big Show? Unlikey, as DX already seem to be going after them and the idea of two heel teams facing off doesn't really work. I hope Legacy don't begin to lose momentum now that the DX gig appears to be over, although my guess would be that they will still be intertwined with Michaels and HHH over the coming months leading up to Suvivour Series. Time will tell but WWE shouldn't drop the ball with these two, now is the time to push them further following their successful program with DX.
I think DX has done a great job with legacy, i remember before all the complaints was about them being just ortons henchmen and would always interfere for him. When was the last time legacy even interfered in ortons matches. This team definately has more personality to them. I think its only a matter of time before they break off from orton
The WWE has obviously made a point to distance Legacy from Randy Orton. This alone has made Legacy look more solid and capable of standing on their own. The fued with DX has simply elevated them to main event status. For all that is said about HBK and HHH not putting people over, I think they did a tremendous job with Legacy. It appears as though DX has won the fued, but they certainly made Legacy look much stronger.

Now that Cody and Ted have been built up as legitimate main event guys, I think the countdown is on to the Legacy break up. DiBiase's movie is coming out sometime around Christmas, so chances are he will be making a face turn sometime before the trailor comes out.
oh you mean the guys who put on a brilliant main event match with two of the most prolific guys of the last decade? Pretty sure the WWE has major plans for them. As the lady of WZ herself lamented, its obvious a Legacy split is coming soon, but they are looking very strong through it. I see them helping out Orton a TON during Bragging Rights, and not being able to get the job done, and then Orton dumping them, or vice versa. Not sure if they will become their own entity, or split entirely, but the future is nothing but extremely bright for them after this feud with DX. People cant stop forgetting the simple fact that guys dont have to "win" to be "put over".

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