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What Next For Kazarian?

Skairipa Matrix

3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
now ive noticed this ever sense he was out of the x divison title picture but was waiting to see if something was gonna happen but sense its not im making a thread about it...whats next for kazarian in TNA/IW? i mean with the signing of a few new x divison guys it seems hes lost in the shuffle with the x divison but what he has going for him is hes got alot of talent and he can talk on the mic (hes not the best but he can hold his own) now personally i say with the x divison being filled already (and kaz wasnt even in the 10 man guantlet last week :wtf:) this is the perfect time to move him up the card a bit now im not saying hey put him in the title picture let him win the heavyweight title this year etc etc. but what do you guys think TNA/IW should do with kazarian down the road? keep him in the x divison? move him into the main event? or what i personally think they should do and thats bring back maverick matt bently who did team with kaz for awhile and let them move into the tag divison and end up taking the tag titles for mexican america down the road...also he could go for the tv title but it seems EY is busing wanting to face jersery shore rip offs :disappointed:
Wow sorry I couldn't get past your fist sentence. I hope you're foriegn and English isn't your first language. The word you're looking for by the way is "since" not sense. As for Kaz, who cares. He's good in the ring but has not charisma, he's just bland in my opinion. Also, he's a big guy with the new weight restrictions he doesn't even qualify for the X division. He isn't over by any means, so Kaz may just find himself back under that red and white mask.
Wow sorry I couldn't get past your fist sentence. I hope you're foriegn and English isn't your first language. The word you're looking for by the way is "since" not sense. As for Kaz, who cares. He's good in the ring but has not charisma, he's just bland in my opinion. Also, he's a big guy with the new weight restrictions he doesn't even qualify for the X division. He isn't over by any means, so Kaz may just find himself back under that red and white mask.

actullay im american and after making this thread i realized i should have put "since" not sense but didnt think i could fix the mistake without deleting this thread so i didnt bother with it. but onto Kaz...i really dont see how hes bland i mean just look at his finishing move Fade To Black aka reverse tombstone piledriver its a sick move and i always found this guy to be really entertaining i thought he still was able to be in the x divison i didnt think he weighed that much over the weight limit? i doubt he will be back to being suicide i think that gimmick has died for the last time thank god!
Will, They can do alot with Kaz, since Beer money is breaking up, and it appears that maybe Daniels is doing a heel turn, then that just leaves AJ and Kaz as the only members of fortune, and since they aren't really doing anything with AJ either, then maybe they can have AJ and Kaz team up and become a tag team and maybe give them the tag titles, Kaz can't be in the x-division because he is like 240-245, so basically he is either going to be in a tag team with AJ, or just bouce around the upper card and not really going anywhere, but of course since Karen angle/jarret is knock out law, and not Kaz's wife traci, then maybe that would lead to a feud with Double J
Wow sorry I couldn't get past your fist sentence. I hope you're foriegn and English isn't your first language. The word you're looking for by the way is "since" not sense. As for Kaz, who cares. He's good in the ring but has not charisma, he's just bland in my opinion. Also, he's a big guy with the new weight restrictions he doesn't even qualify for the X division. He isn't over by any means, so Kaz may just find himself back under that red and white mask.

Don't comment on someone's ability to write when your paragraph contains just as many errors as the person in question.

But back on topic, I like Kazarian. He is very good in the ring and should be a main-stay in the X-Division. He can be considered a veteran in the X-Division and help put over the new talent that signed with Impact like Kid Kash and Austin Aries. This will be the best way for Impact to use Kaz and still have bang for the buck they're paying him. And hey, who knows, he could be a future main-eventer one day. He just needs that one X-division feud to get him over. And with a guy who is talented on the stick like Brian Kendrick or Austin Aries he could see at least one world title shot in his future.
What?! How can you say 'how is he bland? he has a sick finisher'.

That's like saying "I hate beer! But I love eating pies". They're completely unrelated.

Kaz needed Fourtune to get big, and they didn't. Instead they were too busy watering it down with Chris Daniels and focusing more on Immortal (whose line-up seems to change week in, week out).

Kaz was really benefitting from being in a group, a group who were very over (on their face turn). TNA, once again, big time dropped the ball.

I still remeber Kazs' match against Kurt Angle for the TNA championship. It was pretty damn epic in my eyes. Kaz came oh so damn close. It was good and it made Kaz look good. He is by far good in the ring and he has the look to be even bigger than what he is. The guy lacks personality in a big way but he is atleast decent on the mic. They were giving him mic time in some Fortune promo's and everything. He needed Fortune to become HUGE so he can gain some personality from the guys in the group. But TNA failed with that one.

I also think TNA likes Kaz, its just he can't get as over as AJ and Beer Money. Instead they're pushing AJ vs Daniels for the 5 time or so. They should just give up on that seriously I'd rather see AJ vs Kaz in a feud would be really entertaining. But they leave Kaz on the Back Burner which is turned off and has spoiled.

I think Kaz should be in the X Division, but they killed it with this dumb weight limit. Now its another CW division. So this again leaves poor Kaz lost in the shuffle. I think he should just find himself a Tag Partner and form a team with someone and go after the titles before that divison falls apart and looks likes the WWE's now. Who he would team with I am not sure, but would like to see him and Pope become a team. As for Pope and Devon would and does suck.

So whats next for Kaz? Maybe him becoming a Tag Team with random guy, a Feud with JJ due to his wife and KJ (hope this don't happen I can't stomach JJ or KJ) or sad to say he will probally be let go again. Poor Kaz.
Not much to do with him really. Sure, he's talented but he is not much besides his look and wrestling. Outside of that he has a generic personality and persona. Best way to combat that is put him in a Tag Team.

Right now, he's on Xplosion. Keep him there.
A sick finisher? How does that make anyone exciting? "My mic work is boring, my in ring work is average at best, but my finisher is sick." That doesn't make a star or someone important here. In the big picture of TNA Kaz can be replaced and no one will notice. Nothing he does stands out. Nothing he does screams "look at me, I'm a star." I'm not hating the guy but lets be honest if he were to get fired tomorrow would anyone stop watching? Would anyone even care?
Will, They can do alot with Kaz, since Beer money is breaking up, and it appears that maybe Daniels is doing a heel turn, then that just leaves AJ and Kaz as the only members of fortune, and since they aren't really doing anything with AJ either, then maybe they can have AJ and Kaz team up and become a tag team and maybe give them the tag titles, Kaz can't be in the x-division because he is like 240-245, so basically he is either going to be in a tag team with AJ, or just bouce around the upper card and not really going anywhere, but of course since Karen angle/jarret is knock out law, and not Kaz's wife traci, then maybe that would lead to a feud with Double J

actullay both of those ideas (team with AJ and fued with double j) sound pretty good i wouldnt mind either of those both sound badass although i dont want karen jarrett to have another match :banghead:
Don't comment on someone's ability to write when your paragraph contains just as many errors as the person in question.

But back on topic, I like Kazarian. He is very good in the ring and should be a main-stay in the X-Division. He can be considered a veteran in the X-Division and help put over the new talent that signed with Impact like Kid Kash and Austin Aries. This will be the best way for Impact to use Kaz and still have bang for the buck they're paying him. And hey, who knows, he could be a future main-eventer one day. He just needs that one X-division feud to get him over. And with a guy who is talented on the stick like Brian Kendrick or Austin Aries he could see at least one world title shot in his future.

i couldnt agree more with the first part of what you said and i agree he could be a main eventer one day i think he shouldnt be used as a x divison jobber though
What?! How can you say 'how is he bland? he has a sick finisher'.

That's like saying "I hate beer! But I love eating pies". They're completely unrelated.

Kaz needed Fourtune to get big, and they didn't. Instead they were too busy watering it down with Chris Daniels and focusing more on Immortal (whose line-up seems to change week in, week out).

Kaz was really benefitting from being in a group, a group who were very over (on their face turn). TNA, once again, big time dropped the ball.


thats actullay very true between immortal changing all the time and the fact all the foucus with fortune is on beer money in the final 4 of the BFG series (i still think kaz should have been in the BFG series) and aj and daniels upcoming fued hes no longer benfiting from the group
Not much to do with him really. Sure, he's talented but he is not much besides his look and wrestling. Outside of that he has a generic personality and persona. Best way to combat that is put him in a Tag Team.

Right now, he's on Xplosion. Keep him there.

dont really like your thoughts but hey everybody is allowed to think what they want but i find him to be really talented and i think maybe they should give him a manager and turn him heel see what happens
Why in every thread there is a person who worries about punctuation and vocabulary....moving on.....i think Kaz is a great talent he has what it takes to be a major player in the m.e I think a match between him Roode Styles and Joe for a no.1 contender slot or even fatal four way for the title would be epic down the road...
I honestly cannot fathom why Kazarian isnt in the new X-Division, hes way more credible as the X champ than Kendrick and it just makes sense to have Kaz in there, atleast until they think hes ready for a decent Main event push if it ever happens. I dont think theres a space for him in the Main event scene at this time as Roode, AJ, RVD and others can be easily thrown in any time due to being having been there before and in Roodes case being in the BFG series.

He needs the x-division or atleast a decent midcard fued, but instead he wrestles Abyss on a regular basis and main events Xplosion.
I honestly cannot fathom why Kazarian isnt in the new X-Division, hes way more credible as the X champ than Kendrick and it just makes sense to have Kaz in there, atleast until they think hes ready for a decent Main event push if it ever happens. I dont think theres a space for him in the Main event scene at this time as Roode, AJ, RVD and others can be easily thrown in any time due to being having been there before and in Roodes case being in the BFG series.

He needs the x-division or atleast a decent midcard fued, but instead he wrestles Abyss on a regular basis and main events Xplosion.

while i agree about the x divison i think he could possibly be ready for the main event scene as i feel RVD is out of the title picture possibly forever,AJ is gonna fued with daniels and it seems hogan wants aj to be in the midcard forever :disappointed:
dont really like your thoughts but hey everybody is allowed to think what they want but i find him to be really talented and i think maybe they should give him a manager and turn him heel see what happens

Kaz had such great momentum but after he left or whatever happened after his major push against Kurt Angle. He, lost anything he had. He gained weight and just lost any style and swagger he had back in 2007.

He sure is talented but he lost his spot. TNA seems to be finding great gems at the moment in Austin Aries, Jesse Sorensen, Gunner, Crimson, Pope etc. He is 35 now and he simply lost his spot.

I'd call him TNA's John Morrison. Because, they do not know what to do with him but he is a original, so he gets the royalty and respect card.

Best way to utlize someone like him is to let them find themselves and give the creative sometime to figure something out. Which is why useless names like Abyss, Kaz, Robbie E are all on Xplosion.
I think he should get in the title picture but with the BFG series and da immortal/sting thing hes just left with teaming with aj or sitn at home and doing indy work until something open but i perfer him on tv he got good in-ring work maybe if he got a actual gimmick
Yeah but we all know that AJ is always capable of stepping up and could do so at anytime without any real notice, and RVD was plausable when he was the big draw last year but his momentum has fizzled since then, oh and as for RVD and even the AJ/Daniels rivalry you mentioned well it seems they are trying to milk a few Destination X matches for just a little more than their actually worth.

Im sure that Kaz in the X-Division would benefit everyone involved, he could teach all these new X guys a thing or two about what exactly the X division is and it would give him something to do until management decide hes actually worthy of that main event match.

I know Kaz is capable of being main event material and im sure you do too but thats not for us to recognise, hell he had a great match with Angle a few years back when he was the X champ and just imagined how much hes improved since then. It makes sense but maybe not just yet.
Will, They can do alot with Kaz, since Beer money is breaking up, and it appears that maybe Daniels is doing a heel turn, then that just leaves AJ and Kaz as the only members of fortune, and since they aren't really doing anything with AJ either, then maybe they can have AJ and Kaz team up and become a tag team and maybe give them the tag titles, Kaz can't be in the x-division because he is like 240-245, so basically he is either going to be in a tag team with AJ, or just bouce around the upper card and not really going anywhere, but of course since Karen angle/Jarrett is knock out law, and not Kaz's wife traci, then maybe that would lead to a feud with Double J

I really like the idea of a JJ / Kaz feud as Jarrett can still work pretty well, even at his age. Kazarian still has a nice upside but it's pretty obvious that the Fortune storyline is going to be written off TV.

The idea of an AJ / Kaz tag team is a solid one, but I think they're going to work an AJ / Daniels program for awhile now that Daniels is making his billionth turn.

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