What Next For John Morrison?


The United Kingdom Champion
Whats Next For John Morrison?
He has just finished a fued with R-Truth and has had a solid year.But with the RAW Main Event Picture full what is there for him to do? I was thinking maybe he could form a team with Rey Mysterio and go after Miz&Truth but then Rey is out injured,the other logical thing to do is for him to go after the US title which i believe is step back for him.They could let him hold on to it for a few months until the title picture aint as crowded and then put him more up the card but a John Morrison VS Ziggler fued wont be that bad at all.

I don't see why they dont just offload him to SD! where he has a better chance of being succesful and has a chance of being champ.They could turn him heel and he could play the arrogant/cocky role,some people say his moveset is to exciting to be a heel but they could just tweak it a bit so he dont do as much high flying manaovers.There are so much more they could do with him and if he was to go over to the Blue Brand he could improve on his mic skills and no doubt he will get more air time in his matches.

What do you think is next for John Morrison?
If Morrison doesn't get traded to Smackdown, he could form a tag team with someone. Possibly Mysterio when he gets healthy or if Mercury is still on the roster and is healthy, he can revive MNM(without Melina) to go after the tag team titles and have Truth and Morrison fued for them as well. This will give the tag team division a huge makeover and it won't seem like Morrison is getting depushed
If Morrison doesn't get traded to Smackdown, he could form a tag team with someone. Possibly Mysterio when he gets healthy or if Mercury is still on the roster and is healthy, he can revive MNM(without Melina) to go after the tag team titles and have Truth and Morrison fued for them as well. This will give the tag team division a huge makeover and it won't seem like Morrison is getting depushed

I just done think that Mercury is on the level Morrison is at the moment,you can just have him appear out of nowhere and form teams with Morrison.Maybe he could tag with Alex Riley?
Maybe he could tag with Alex Riley?

I agree that he should tag with Alex Riley as neither is involved in any serious storyline at the moment. Riley is better on the mic than Morrison and could do most of the talking. It could be kinda like HHH-HBK where HHH did most of the talking and HBK would be involved for the majority of the match.

You could have them in a feud with Miz-Truth of even in the running for the tag-team titles.
I agree that he should tag with Alex Riley as neither is involved in any serious storyline at the moment. Riley is better on the mic than Morrison and could do most of the talking. It could be kinda like HHH-HBK where HHH did most of the talking and HBK would be involved for the majority of the match.

You could have them in a feud with Miz-Truth of even in the running for the tag-team titles.

so let me get this straight...you wanna put alex reily (who looks almost exactly like the miz minus the big fucking tattoo a-ry has) and have it turn a-ry into a bigger star then morrison? thats basically john morrison teaming with miz all over again! :disappointed: morrison does perfectly fine on the mic i really dont see the huge issue with his mic skills but back on topic...with morrison id either send him over to smackdown and have him turn heel right away as he could be the top heel there sense mark henry isnt someone whos beliveable taking the belt from orton and christian is out of the title picture it would seem after next week so why not send morrison there asap to be the top heel! or if he stays on raw let him fued with dolph ziggler over the us title just for now until the main event picture is less cluttered plus morrison and ziggler could both do great showcasing there skills in a fued and it could lead to both men moving into the main event title picture after it was over!
Morrison has nowhere to go right now. You can't put him in any other title hunt because every title on RAW is below him besides the WWE title. You can't put him in the WWE title hunt because right now Cena and Del Rio are doing their thing and Punk isn't too far behind. Then there's Miz and R-Truth, who like Morrison, have no current direction but Morrison can't feud with them because he's already feuded with both of them this year. The draft has already come and gone so unless they pull some silly nonsense it doesn't look like Morrison is going to SD, which means Morrison either has to step back or just float and do nothing. I think he's going to be a floater for a while because I'm pretty sure he has some heat on him backstage and honestly there's no room for him at the top right now, he should've been in the main event earlier this year when the picture was less crowded
Morrison's mic work is good. Great ? No. But, good enough. I agree that a move to SD would vastly improve his career outlook. But I disagree that tagging him would be a good thing. He needs to elevate his rank as a singles competitor, not devolve to a tag team. The problem there, is that the tag division may be his best (only ?) chance to remain relevant until the title picture has somewhat cleared. I honestly feel bad for the guy. IMO, he should have been WWE or WHC a couple of years back, if only for a brief run of a few months, so as to achieve main event status for the long term.
with morrison id either send him over to smackdown and have him turn heel right away as he could be the top heel there sense mark henry isnt someone whos beliveable taking the belt from orton and christian is out of the title picture it would seem after next week so why not send morrison there asap to be the top heel!

While this may seem like a plausible idea, I really doubt that it would work. Firstly, Morrison would not be believable as a heel. Secondly, if Henry is not a threat to Orton, how could Morrison be considered as one?? He was barely convincing in his feud over Truth.

But I agree with your idea that Morrison could be in the US title picture.
Going the R-Truth/Miz route with Morrison is a non-starter. What is the point ? He has finished feud's with both of them. Why rehash that ? And I concur that any title other than WWE/WHC is now beneath him. But. If a feud with Ziggler- or even Rhodes if he made the move to SD-was done right, it could still be quite compelling. And would it not then raise the profile of all involved, and the value of the U.S. or I.C. Title ?
But If a feud with Ziggler- or even Rhodes if he made the move to SD-was done right, it could still be quite compelling. And would it not then raise the profile of all involved, and the value of the U.S. or I.C. Title ?

Morrison has already fueded with Ziggler on SD! back in 2009 and i think Dolgh will go up the card soon anyway.If he was to go to SD and fued with Cody then that would be great for Cody if he was to go over him and restore that pride to the IC title but then that means Morrison is stuck in the IC picture and can't go up the card on SD either? The value of the title will go up but then if John Morrison was to beat Cody on numerous accations then that will end Cody's push most probly.
This is funny. Couple months ago i swore ppl were discussing about the future of john morrison would be so bright. About how he should be champion despite of his poor mic skill, and about how his feud with r-truth will be an "excellent" feud that will propel him to the mainevent.

What happen now? he is being thrown into the topic with the ic/us title and teaming with midcarder.

Its about time morrison fanboys finally realize morrison's maineventing day is not gonna happen anytime soon.
Ship him to Smackdown, come to the ring to cut a promo about being excited about wrestling on Smackdown and have Wade Barrett give him a beat down... then have the two of them feud for a while.
If Dolph looses the US Championship, then you can have these 2 in an upper mid-card feud. Whoever does better job gets a Main-Event push and the other is being sent to SmackDown to repackage himself.
Somebody said this in another thread a while back and I agree with them. Morrison does all of those flippy flop moves that fans pop for but he looks like a heel. Another point that's been made about him is he only looks as good as his opponent makes him look. He's got a fancy move set that has people going "Ooh and awww!" but there's nothing more to him. My plan for getting Morrison over involves putting him in a time machine and sticking him in a looonnnnggg feud with the 1988 version of Arn Anderson so some of his ring psychology might rub off on the Whatever night delite and maybe then he'll finally be able to get himself over. Is there anybody on this roster who can do what (He who shall not be named) did for MVP? Time to go to school Johnny boy before your ego has you thinking there's nothing left to learn. If that hasn't happened already.
No No No keep morrison out of the us title picture!! Where does he go nowhere is where is where he goes!! Hes been out of the picture for so long sometimes i forget he exists!! Geez marty jannety 2.0 oops there goes another negative rep points for me!!! Anyway Morrison is seriously in danger of being future endeavored he might as well ask for his release and try to build his career by going to TNA!! Rebuild his career in TNA
-wait didnt morrison feud with ziggler on smackdown late last year? i dont wanna see a repeat, sure they had decent matchs but repeats dont get good ratings (thats a shot at christian and super orton). we need something fresh. you guys like zack ryder? let him and morrison feud, there, now ryder is being used, and morrison has someone new to feud with. what about curt hawkins? him and morrison could have a good feud. what about primo or trent baretta? they are both good competitors who deserve some air time.

-these are just a few ideas, but at least any of these feuds would be fresh, and if booked properly these could be great feuds.
This is gonna sound weird but have John Morrison cut a heel promo talking about his 5 tag titles and how the tag team division is in such a state he will try to restore it to former glory from the MNM and Miz&Morrison days. After this promo he starts teaming with different people on the Smackdown and Raw roster using stars from all over the card, Jobbers, Mid and upper mid and main event to make the tag team division feel special. Eventually after 6-8 weeks Morrison anounces he has found his partner and have it be someone who he works well with. He can then chase the tag titles for 4-6 months before finally winning them which will make the tag belts seem important and will make for an intresting tag team fued. Finally after winning the belts he and his partner can try to restore former glory while other wrestlers from all over the card are sick of the teams confidence and cockyness which will also make for an intresting fued and could elevate Morrison and his partner if the right opponents are chosen.
morrison vs mcintyre. drew is below him but vickie should expand her roster with the chosen one and go after jomo. jomo and a-ry vs swagger and drew. ziggler on top with the title vs everyone. i would like to see jomo and a-ry get over on vickie but ziggler retain the title and have a long run. then when one of the mbeat ziggler at the end of the year it will mean something. the champ will go on to face miz/truth/kofi/bourne depending on who isn't tag champ. i think this could make the title worth more than if all of them just keep taking it from each other.
I love Jomo but there isn't anything for him to do in the WWE. Correction, there is something for him to do but he won't ever get the chance or opportunity to do so: you all know what I'm referring to. Truthfully, I think he is better off being future endeavored so that he can go to Impact, ROH, or Japan where he really would flourish and get legitimate opportunities to be the star that he can be. He's got exceptional talent but lacks the mic skills which are crucial in the WWE and guys like him are totally underused and totally made into bonafide jobbers on the mid card level. He will only be used as a guy to to be a spot monkey, put over talent, and a house show marvel. I love the guy but its time for JOMO to experience life elsewhere.
The idea that Morrison's main event opportunity has passed is ridiculous. I think he should move to SD, and feud with Barrett, as mentioned in an earlier post. I also think an angle with Christian could help him immensely.
I don't see Morrison ever winning the big one on raw. Sure, he's atheletic and can perform in the ring but mic skills are really important and his lack of mic skills are beginning to really hurt his career.
Cruiserweight Division.

Simple as that, John has great dexterity in what he does, but I couldn't buy him being WWE/World Champion. His arsenal of moves are all Cruiserweight moves, his style is more suited to that division as well.

WWE are going to need legit stars for the Division so why not start with John, maybe WWE could put the belt on him for and give Bourne, Kidd, Rey someone to work with who's pretty over.
If he doesn't move back to Smackdown, then I don't know what to do. A move to the blue brand would basically put him in the main event right away. He could easily be the number two to Orton, or even number three if Sheamus keeps getting more over. If he stays though, I guess being in a tag team could work, but that depends on how invested WWE is in reviving the division. They seem to be, with even the announcers pointing out the lack of competition. With Miz and Truth joining, Kofi and Bourne the champs, and possibly the addition of the Kings of Wrestling and (maybe) the Young Bucks, the tag ranks might become a place of prestige again, rather than the place where you stick two jobbers together for no discernible reason.
Morrison could always find a partner to go after Miz and Truth with, as Morrison has unfinished business with both of them. The title picture is too full right now between Cena, Del Rio, and Punk it would make Morrison an afterthouht if he went for the title now. If Ziggler drops the US title to Swagger or Riley then he and Morrison could put on a great upper card feud together. It would keep them both busy until the title picture opens up some. Worst case scenario, he could always be a face in the midcard for a bit feuding with guys like Swagger for the US title. They will find something for him because he has the skills and a fanbase who do not want to be disappointed.

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