What next for Bray Wyatt?

Un-Bo-Lievable Jeff

Getting Noticed By Management
Writing a comment in another thread got me thinking, where does Bray Wyatt go from here?

Here me out. He had, what I thought, was a good programme with DB. He tore DB apart, DB joined the family only to turn on him in the steel cage. Good story and the outcome the majority of people wanted. It helped elevate Bray into a bigger star in my opinion and showcased what he can do as a performer both on the mic and in the ring.

His programme with Cena has been very good as well. Again it has raised his profile in the ring and on the mic. After payback I assume it is the end of the feud with Cena.

The issue I have though is that Bray has lost both of these battles. He had his message and what he was going to do to both these superstars and, when you break it down, he has failed. He has built himself to do what he said, and in the end it didn't happen.

I don't think this in anyway hurts him as a performer. He will still be incredible in the mic and he will grow as a performer in the ring, but can you truly get behind his characters message for a third time, knowing that arguably the top two guys in the company defeated him, so does the threat mean less as Bray attacks people down the ladder?
I didn't like the outcome of the last man standing match at first, but now I'm fine with it. Albeit he won the championship a year after his debut, no one really remembers Undertaker's first world championship win; he lost the championship the next month to Hogan. It took him about 7 years to actually become a main eventer. So you see...as long as the superstars put on quality matches and stay interesting, people will cheer for them. After all, Bray has one of the best gimmicks in the WWE right now so it's alright. A few years from now Bray Wyatt is going to be a certified main event player
Here is what I don't like about it. Daniel Bryan beats several opponents per night and then goes on and beats Cena clean at Summer Slam. Then Bryan continues to never lose a clean match. His only losses were by cheating. Then Bray came in and beat him clean without the help or even rigside presence of the Wyatt Family.

Fast forward. Bray feuds with Cena. He costs him the title and pretty much decimates the guy verbally and physically. They talk about the legacy, and I'm pretty sure we can all agree that it's time for Cena to start putting people over and passing on the torch. This is the perfect time to really elevate Wyatt. A clean win over both of the top guys in the same year. Plus the fact that Shield and Wyatts were the hottest thing going added to the fact that WM took place in Louisiana of all places. They give him a live band, only to have him lose, despite having to cheat. Wouldn't it make sense that, if Wyatt can single handedly beat the guy that knocked off Cena, then he can certainly beat Cena, if not single handedly then atleast with the help? But no, can't have that now can we. Ok, so feud continues, and we see Wyatt get more and more attention while Cena just gets booed by the people that are tirred of him. We see some amazing promos and segments thanks to Wyatt, as Cena gives his "Never give up" BS. So the have the cage match, and it takes Wyatt and 3 others(including the child) with heavy interference to beat Cena. Pretty much made him look week again there. Then finally we get the rubber match and surely Bray will win right? No! I guess taking the young (2nd/3rd? generation) superstar who is immensely over and talented as hell, and putting him over would just be too dumb. Not only that, but the bullshit way in which Cena wins. If Cena is this great ass wrestler that never gives up, and can beat anyone, then why is he unable to put someone down for the 10 count. This is like when he duck taped Batistas feet together around the ring post.

As far as where Bray goes next, I think WWE should really shock the world and shut up all the people who say that creative can't write. Which, I believe they absolutely suck, but I want them to shut me up. Why did the Wyatts come to the WWE? Maybe it was all part of some major conspiracy? Let's take a look at the history of events.
-Wyatts come in and attack random people. This establishes them as a threat.
-Wyatts attack Kane and Wyatt tells Kane to follow the buzzards.
-They kidnap Kane, he's gone for a few weeks.
-Kane returns and is working for the Authority. What does this mean? Wyatt kidnaps him and suddenly he is loyal to Steph and HHH?
-Punk defies authority and Wyatts attack him.
-Daniel Bryan offends Stephanie and Wyatts attack him brutally.
-The "devil" made him do both of those.
-While the Shield was still serving as the hired muscle for The Authority, the Wyatts were taking care of problems to the Authority like CM Punk.
-Bray breaks Bryan's resolve and gets him to submit to the family. Biggest thorn in the Authority's side is gone.
-Bryan rebels and becomes a problem again.
-Wyatt helps Orton retain the title.
-Triple H has Batista come back and win the Rumble thus ensuring that a member of Evolution would hold the belts.
-Evolution and the Authority focus on Bryan while the Wyatts keep the other biggest would be threat at bay.
-Bryan gets the belt back, Kane, at Steph's command, reverts back to demonic form as if brain washed, or should I say Bray washed.
-Kane injures Bryan with Tombstones
-Steph takes her Bray washed monster and takes on Bryan, while Evolution takes on Shield and Wyatts take on Cena. Basically all would be threats to the title are being handled by the same group of people that has been doing it since Summer.
-Then, the odd part, when Bo Dallas comes out for his first PPV match. Bray washed Kane comes out and squashes Bray's little brother's opponent for no apparent reason.

What could be the motives for the conspiracy though? Who could be behind it? That could lead to an interesting storyline. Who is the devil that made Bray do things? Will Vince come out and say "It was me all along again!"? I mean he was there to celebrate Orton winning both belts. Could it be that this is some conspiracy to form a new world order in wrestling(illuminati style not nwo style) in which they want to control the title scene by controlling would be threats, and by controlling who the crowd gets behind, such as in the way Bray turned people against Cena. Could this be a story about Vince knowing his time is short and that this alliance is basically here to bring about the end of the WWE? Could we have a story where the sole reason that Wyatt came along was to control the WWE, and that he is actually manipulation Vince and the Authority? That would explain why he doens't mind losing and doesn't go after belts. Could this be about completely recycling the WWE? Systematically beating down all of the roster, while bringing up an entire new roster from NXT? Been quite a few of those. Or look who is left to get pushes after the Authority and Wyatts have been fighting the top guys. Barret gets a belt, Rybaxel gets pushed, although Slater isn't eing pushed, he is getting more TV time. Could this be a part of a new Nexus?

I think there are a lot of options on where they could take this honestly.
I know people are starting to get sick of Wyatt/Cena but I was sick of it two months ago and now I'm just starting to warm up to it, so if they wanted to make it an epic rivalry that lasted until some huge gimmick match at Summerslam, that would be cool too.

Otherwise, Wyatt.. the Destroyer of Worlds.. continues his quest to rule the WWE.. he gets in the MITB Ladder Match and fear of the Wyatts interfering/owning the MITB fuels us going into that Ladder Match. Wyatt wants to be the champ so he can do his brainwashing/takeover/watching the world burn attempts with full power.

Typical MITB build with a threat of Wyatt Family Anarchy around every corner... then you're essentially feuding Wyatt with 5 or 7 other guys for the next month and we can see where we wanna go from there and how the crowd is receiving him working with certain competitors.
Otherwise, Wyatt.. the Destroyer of Worlds.. continues his quest to rule the WWE.. he gets in the MITB Ladder Match and fear of the Wyatts interfering/owning the MITB fuels us going into that Ladder Match. Wyatt wants to be the champ so he can do his brainwashing/takeover/watching the world burn attempts with full power.

Typical MITB build with a threat of Wyatt Family Anarchy around every corner... then you're essentially feuding Wyatt with 5 or 7 other guys for the next month and we can see where we wanna go from there and how the crowd is receiving him working with certain competitors.

Wouldn't be surprised to see both in MITB and Wyatt gets over Cena to win the match. It's a way to keep Wyatt going forward without necessarily harming Cena. I agree that having Wyatt as MITB for a year could make for an interesting situation, especially how he explains why all of a sudden the world title is of interest to him.

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