What needs to be Fixed more?

The Greenius

Triforce Troll
This isn't original at all. Every one knows how bad the WWE's Tag Team and the Women's Division are sucking. But my question is which one needs to be more fixed? I'll go with the Women's Division, after all only like 6 can wrestle. I mean the Tag Team Division could become better by putting more focus and building up the tag teams credibility.It wont be as hard as fixing the women's division. However the Women's Division has like 30 divas with at least 6 divas who can wrestle,the rest are still learning or are there as eye candy. But which division needs to be fixed more Tag,Women,or Both.
I'd go with the Tag Team Division. Simply because I give a rats ass about The Women's Division. I'd narrow the amount of Divas that can actually wrestle down to 4. I donno where you got the other 2. In my opinion, the only way to improve the women's division is to have them nude. Sorry, I have never in my life seen a good women's wrestling match. Tag Team Division wins by elimination.
You mean the knockouts who couldn't wrestle well enough to make the WWE roster sans Tara cuz of course she wrestled in WWE and Kong who is the female equivalent of Batista with less talent but because she's huge she gets praised. The Knockouts are no better than the Divas of the WWE and honestly, who cares what kind of ring ability the girls have. Hell, Jillian Hall can do a shooting star press, but she's not allowed to. No one has ever enjoyed the women wrestling, but with the PG era, the perverted fans who watched wrestling for the skin shown can't see that anymore so all you get is exposed navals and hurricaranas. To "fix" the women's division, it would be to go more extreme, less clothing, and let them take chances and do cool stuff so we can appreciate what they do.

As for the tag division, it would be fine if the belts STAY unified and those guys can cross brands and defend it. That and have main eventers team and take the belts every now and again would be good (Brothers of Destruction, Rock n Sock, 2 Man Power Trip, etc.). When teams like that win and are billed as unbeatable, then a tag team beats them, that tag team looks REALLY good. Get back to that bookign and take main eventers not going for titles and let em tag.
The womens division has too many "divas" like you said and not enough wrestlers. Instead of one on one matches there are 6 diva tags and so forth. The same can be said about the tag teams and mid carders. They have too many six man tags instead of one on one. WWE needs to have a feuds immediately with teams such as The Hart Dynasty, Legacy, The Colons, and The Worlds greatest tag team. Have them all face off in a tournament to see who is worthy to face the Colons or Legacy after the Bash. The same should happen for the U.S Title and IC Title too. Jericho and Mysterio give the IC Title prestige but it needs to be around a mid carder not a main eventer. The Women's titles need to unified like the tag titles. Also, they need to bring Gail Kim out of obsecurity and have her wrestle for once. Also Natalya should be a competitor too, just because she is with the Hart Dynasty doesn't mean she cant have a solo career as well.
I wouldn't say that the knockouts are "better" they simply just have more freedom in the ring. Im sure Gail Kim or Mickie James could out wrestle any girl on the TNA Roster, with the exception of Victoria maybe. A good idea would be to maybe bring the womens title a little closer to the Heavyweight titles, or even the intercontinental/united states titles. It would lessen the six diva tag matches. It would also give the heel girls more heat if they were to screw over the fan favourite male champion.

As for the tag team titles. They need to bring back, or revamp & utilize TLC. They could set up a lengthy fued with the Colons jumping from show to show to show. Then at night of champions, have the Colons defend their unified titles ( they would have to have new belts by then ) against The Hart Dynasty, Legacy, and just for shits and giggles throw in the Worlds Greatest Tag Team.
Has anyone EVER really given a shit about women's wrestling?

Even back when Trish and Lita were still active, it was still little more than a dog and pony show of tits and ass. Dress them in skimpier outfits again. There. Women's wrestling fixed.

The answer to this question is obviously the tag team division. It's a joke. It's been a joke for years. Tag team wrestling is a lost art form, at least on WWE television. I thought the title unification at WrestleMania was supposed to breathe new life into the division. However, that match got bumped from the PPV in favor of Kid Effing Rock of all people. I'd have almost thought it was 1999 all over again, but then again, in 1999, the WWE still gave a shit about tag team wrestling. And since WrestleMania, have the belts even been defended ONCE? I don't recall.

It's not hard to fix. There are a few decent tag teams out there in Priceless, the Colons, the Harts, and the WGTT (I omit Cryme Tyme, because, quite frankly, they make me want to throw a bowling ball through my TV). Build on that foundation of teams, throw some guys in development into tag teams, then actually PUSH the division and showcase it, and, voila, tag team problems solved.
I think the Womens Division can be fixed easy. All they need is a Kong like character like in TNA, and dont get me started on Beth Phoniex, her focus most of the time is not dominates. They need actual storylines. I mean, Layla and Eve was the first storyline for the division in a long time, and it sucked.

The Tag team division just sucks because the only good tag-teams currently are The Colons, Hart Dynasty, Legacy, and The Worlds Greatest Tag Team. Looks good on paper, however, Hart Dynasty doesnt have contenders on ECW, and the World Greatest Tag Team is not even official like that. So that leaves one feud, on one show. They need a lot more work than the Womens division in my eyes.
I'm going with the tag division! It used to great! There used to be tons of great tag teams in the WWE, but they just tossed it aside and used it as a quasi farm system to develop singles stars. All they gotta do is develop a few decent tag teams down in FCW, let them establish their gimmicks down there and bring them up in those gimmicks! Are't they about to release a DVD about the gtreat history of tag team wrestling? Ironic, huh?
I'm pretty sure that most people don't give a damn about the womens division in WWE.

The tag division has needed work for years now and it is FINALLY starting to shape up just a little. With Legacy, The Hart Dynasty, The Colons, Worlds Greatest Tag Team....like i said just a little.

I say that Vince needs to bring back Paul London to be Brian Kendricks partner. That would bring a well known team back together and could make for some interesting feuds as these two were mega over when they were together on smackdown.

If Vince could pull out one of his tricks and somehow get ahold of Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley, that would really bolster the division. I could see an AMAZING feud between The Hart Dynasty & MCMG's...not to mention the feauds that they could have with the rest of the teams. MCMG's vs. The Colons could be really good as well.
The tag division still needs some more teams, but that's how the WWE has done the tag team division. It gets quiet for a little bit, then some main eventers team up, and jump in there, and help build new story lines, and promote some of the up and coming talent. The women's division has never been a big seller. It's been more about sex appeal. Remember when they had Chyna? She wasn't a huge main eventer, but she did sell some merchandise for a bit, and held the women's title, and the WWE let her go, because the women's division isn't a big deal. The big thing they need to fix is the Vince's version of ECW. More young talent, more storylines, and more titles! Don't make this the dead end for some not so marketed talent on the Roster. Make it a two hour show, and throw some violent matches on that thing. Yes Evan Bourne is fun to watch, but it needs more talent, and some good storylines! More fights, and one or more PPVs.
heres how, make hornswaggle groupie. Have blink 182 appear on raw for a couple of shows and play some music. The playing of music brings together two superstars (hardy and kendrick). They become a dominate punk rock tag team, with a cool song, nice clothing, and a refreshing change of pace. Hsve them as tweeners and fued with the colons and the hart dynasty setting up some nice 3 team tag matches with superstars who have majr talent (reminiscent of dudleys/ec/ and hardys) As for the womens divison, fire every diva but mickie james and gail kim (possibly keep beth pheonix and melania) and start over with womens wrestling in wwe and try and develop a awesome kong type character to make the womens division intresting again.
They both need fixing IMO

Tag team division, bring back established teams instead of just throwing together 2 random guys like Matt Hardy and William Regal. If theres good chemistry between a team then the matches are going to be better.

Womens division - Sack all the air head, barbie dolls who cant wrestle, simple as that. There are too many cant wrestle to an acceptable standard so there only being used as eye candy to draw the horny teenage boys. If they really must stay keep them out of the ring as managers/valets.
heres how, make hornswaggle groupie. Have blink 182 appear on raw for a couple of shows and play some music. The playing of music brings together two superstars (hardy and kendrick). They become a dominate punk rock tag team, with a cool song, nice clothing, and a refreshing change of pace. Hsve them as tweeners and fued with the colons and the hart dynasty setting up some nice 3 team tag matches with superstars who have majr talent (reminiscent of dudleys/ec/ and hardys) As for the womens divison, fire every diva but mickie james and gail kim (possibly keep beth pheonix and melania) and start over with womens wrestling in wwe and try and develop a awesome kong type character to make the womens division intresting again.

Oh, that's a great idea.

Have a "punk rock tag team" formed on the mutual appreciation of a pop band. I can see the dollars rolling in.

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