what morrison needs

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
ok here, im surprised i was able to think of something like this at 8:30 in the morning and no coffee yet wich is a challeng in itself.
Anyway everyone is takling about morrison ..the next hbk..the next mr.wrestlemania the show stopper the head liner and the main event ..and what ever else i can think of. But...there is one thing he does not have that hbk DID have. what is that? well its Sheri!
Im not saying hook him up with some chick but group him with someone that has a name to it.
In by doing this i think this would push him to the main event faster so we could see the hbk vs morrison before hbk hangs it up. Hell! lets even do this guys...HBK..HELPING OUT MORRISON..
the story
HBK watching morrison on tv during his time off comes back and sais hey..you remind me of well..ME! I would like to take you under my wing and one thing leads to another and we could get our fantasy mach at wrestlemania of morrison vs hbk..what do you guys think?
Associating himself with someone as popular as HBK could help Morrison get over as a face, but I'd rather Morrison be on his own. Michaels can come out and give him a rub by praising Morrison, but I wouldn't make Shawn his manager or anything. It'd be kind of hard to believe too, since Morrison's character comes off very cocky, self confident even as a face. I couldn't see him wanting any help from anyone.

The only way HBK could help Morrison is to have a match with him. Instead of taking Morrison "under his wing", Shawn could be like "oh you're good, you remind me of myself, but I want to see how good you really are, etc." Morrison doesn't have to win (it'd be nice if he did though), but he can come really close and push Shawn to his limit. Then after the match have them shake hands and HBK raise Morrison's hand as a sign of "passing the torch". I think that'd help get Morrison over A LOT.

On a side note, if I had to give Morrison anything right now, it'd be mic time. It's going to be hard to get over as a face if he doesn't get to talk and get the fans to connect and like him. Besides, he's too funny not to be on the mic a lot.
I think it's exaggerating a bit to say it's what Morrison "needs", cause he's getting along fine now without a high profile manager.

But, if they needed to give him that one extra face boost before he goes on to win a world title, it would be a good idea. They'd pop for the guy who's HBK's protege, no doubt. But I don't think it should be done until HBK has retired.
If HBK is still wrestling and decides to manage Morrison, people won't care as much cause they see HBK anyway. But if HBK retires, then starts managing Morrison, people will love it cause the only time they'll be able to see HBK is with Morrison. Although that might take too much focus off Morrison himself...
But I still think it's a good idea for a year or two down the road if they want to truly make Morrison huge,
Associating himself with someone as popular as HBK could help Morrison get over as a face, but I'd rather Morrison be on his own. Michaels can come out and give him a rub by praising Morrison, but I wouldn't make Shawn his manager or anything. It'd be kind of hard to believe too, since Morrison's character comes off very cocky, self confident even as a face. I couldn't see him wanting any help from anyone.

The only way HBK could help Morrison is to have a match with him. Instead of taking Morrison "under his wing", Shawn could be like "oh you're good, you remind me of myself, but I want to see how good you really are, etc." Morrison doesn't have to win (it'd be nice if he did though), but he can come really close and push Shawn to his limit. Then after the match have them shake hands and HBK raise Morrison's hand as a sign of "passing the torch". I think that'd help get Morrison over A LOT.

On a side note, if I had to give Morrison anything right now, it'd be mic time. It's going to be hard to get over as a face if he doesn't get to talk and get the fans to connect and like him. Besides, he's too funny not to be on the mic a lot.

I like the whole scenario with HKB, and I favor giving Morrison more mic time, however, his character and his mic work do not match. His arrogant character doesn't blend well with his humorous comments, he does remind me of HBK a bit, but he doesn't have the fluid mic work that Shawn has, he need work to balance out character and humor.

Peace out.
I do like the idea of HBK taking Morrison under his wing but i think a match at this years mania is abit too much as this is rumoured to be Michaels last wrestlemania

But other than that, i know hbk said his match at No Mercy 2008 would be his last ladder match but i really wouldnt mind seeing HBK vs Morrison ladder match say at summerslam that would certainly get me watching even if the rest of the card is bull

another scenario i wouldnt mind seeing would be HBK taking morrison under his wing and morrison getting in a feud with The Brain Kendrick which cumulates into a match which sees HBK as the special referee cause as most people know HBK Trained Kendrick, could even give a Michaels a final heel run if he turns on Morrison

Im really just typing random thoughts here haha hope you enjoyed reading them.:)
But...there is one thing he does not have that hbk DID have. what is that? well its Sheri!
HBK watching morrison on tv during his time off comes back and sais hey..you remind me of well..ME! I would like to take you under my wing and one thing leads to another and we could get our fantasy mach at wrestlemania of morrison vs hbk..what do you guys think?

Stupid, stupid...idea. Besides, Morrison and HBK already had many matches...on RAW. Because stupid WWE doesn't adhere to its so called "Separate Brands with Separate Shows" storyline. And because WWE is overexposes enough as it is, we're having matches seen for free on TV and then on the PPV.
I agree that fighting Shawn would do him more good than teaming with him in any capacity. If I'm honest I worshipped Morrison for the last two years but I do not like this face turn. He's mugging to the camera and being a typical face. I thought when they turned him they should have kept him as an arrogant prick, but just let him say more of his funny stuff. Remember on the live dirt sheet the fans would laugh at his promos? Do that every week and you're golden. He doesn't have to stop being arrogant to be a face, HBK didn't.

Give them a random exhibition match on Raw, and for once have it end in a ten minute draw or something. No dirty tactics by either, wrestling respectfully, grinning at each other when they out-smart oneanother. Lots of those moments where they both freeze and the crowd cheers. Have neither able to hit their finisher, it ends in 10 minutes, if not by draw then by DQ or something due to interference, I dunno. Then HBK can say "you've got something kid, but you're no HBK yet", give them a rematch on PPV, HBK goes over clean just because he's more experienced, but Morrison puts in a hell of a showing and gets his hand raised, crowd cheers, commentators talk about how close he came for months, heels mock him, he feuds with them, bla bla bla
Actually the rumor is that the WWE is thinking of reuniting John Morrison with Melina seeing as they're dating again... If John Morrison and Melina reunite, I think that'd do wonders for Morrison's face turn....It'd help give Morrison and Melina some purpose on Smackdown seeing as Melina doesn't really have any purpose at the moment with the lack of heel divas to compete with... Plus it'd give John Morrison that extra added dimension for his face turn.
your right pair this guy with the women champion. Melina and John are dating again and i see them as a great pair. they were gold when MNM was around and they seem to connect really well with each other. Morrison may not need the help. but Melina did ask to be on the same show as him. to me that means creative will pair them together eventually. about HBK and a Morrison match i believe we might see that this summer at Summersam. or if at WM then we will get a classic no doubt about it. these two would mesh well in the ring together. HBK does not need to be his manager. he could say he reminds him of himself though to put Morrison over. do it like Y2J and HBK at WM except have Morrison win instead. this would be major credit to Morrison.
sigh...why does everyone here love morrison so much? He's shit on the mic and while his moves and in ring is good, he's no great story teller in the ring, and most of his matches seem the same to me. im not wild for the high flying spot fests, as it seems so many people are. mostly though what john morrison needs is a personality
Sigh... I don't understand why people criticize Morrison's ring work? Morrison is easily one of if the not the best workers in the WWE today. Have you seen his last match? If you did you would have seen that his work is becoming legendary. Look at the way he sells backbreakers, punches, whips to the turnbuckle, etc... He is crisp, and no his matches aren't spot fests. Who does a better knee to the face than Morrison right now?

If you watch him wrestle you can tell that he is really trying to work the move properly. His timing is damn near perfect, and his speed is unmatched other than Mysterio. Go back 3 years ago, and he didn't wrestle this well. The man has improved very well in the last few years, and it is obvious.

Right now I wasn't sure why the WWE turned him face. Then I thougt about it, and realized that Morrison is actually funny. This means he can play face, and so it makes sense now. Not to mention that on RAW The Miz turned on him, and then beat him up in the ring. All that combined means he is a "face".

Pairing him with Melina makes sense, and I think would work in order to keep him face. Having those two together again would be cool, and I think it could work for a couple of months. Then at some point Melina should turn heel on him, and cheat on him with someone like Dolph Ziggler down the line.
hold on now, i didn't say he wasnt a solid worker, and his execution is good. what he lacks is the ability to carry a solid story telling match as a singles guy. he is where he should be right now, and is definately over rated. he doesn't need to be pushed to the main event yet as he's just not ready. his voice wavers in live promos and his character doesnt have direction. i'm not saying that he cant get there, he just needs to continue improving and not be forced in before he is ready.
I think Morrison's in ring work is amazing, but his mic skills are very poor. It's tough to get better on the mic. Some people have it and some people don't. And that is just the way it is.
Ok... Morrisons mic skills arent great... yet... but hes gotten along better than most with his in ring ability... from what ive seen were looking at a future hall of famer from his in ring skills alone... WWE doesnt like a lot of different moves coming along and the fact they are letting John Morrison do them should say a lot...
What he needs is a good feud with someone like Regal to improve his in rings technical skills, he is a great high flyer, I give him that, but in the long run he will need to slow down a bit.

Now as his mick skills goes, give the guy time and lower it down, make him more an action kind of guy, teach him a catch phrase or two and well, when the time comes he will improve.
teach him a catch phrase or two and well, when the time comes he will improve.

you can't teach someone that stuff, the way to let him get better is to let him be himself and see if it works. the reason austin, rock, trips etc got over was because they didnt have some "creative genius" cooking up their lines for them, they just went out and talked. most guys today sound like they're reading from a teleprompter, badly i might add.
Morrison is not the next HBK. Not even close to it. He's ok on the mic, and his ring skills are no where near HBK when HBK is actually trying. Sure, HBK of this year has been nothing but "wah, wah" and more "wah," but the HBK of yesteryear knew where it was at. and for Morrison to be the next HBK, he has to reach that level. I, for one, don't think he will ever reach that level. Or anywhere near it.

But, if we are to argue what he needs, as the thread title suggests, I know what he needs. Besides mic skills, ring skills, and actual ability that is. And that's a high profile feud that doesn't involve Punk or the Miz or Benjamin. Benjamin's just as bad as Morrison when it comes to "promised potential." He needs a high profile feud, and since he's face, have it be with Jericho. A Morrison/Jericho feud can work. Especially considering Jericho can make a feud with anyone work.

He needs an actual ring style that doesn't involve weird kicks and flips that are only in the match for the sake of weird kicks and flips. He needs mic ability that is actually developed. Once he gets that, he can make a feud with Jericho really work, and catapult to whatever height he can reasonably reach.
sigh...why does everyone here love morrison so much? He's shit on the mic and while his moves and in ring is good, he's no great story teller in the ring, and most of his matches seem the same to me. im not wild for the high flying spot fests, as it seems so many people are. mostly though what john morrison needs is a personality

While Morrison may not talk with the best of them, his moves and in ring work are not that bad. If they are going to push him on Smackdown, they should let him work with Y2J. He could pull a 5-star match out of a glass of water. They need to get rid of the stupid Doors gimmick.
morrision needs be a bad guy he's boring as good guy he should be fueding with guys like cm punk not teaming with them.

i liked him when he was up himself and cutting promos.

what do u think

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