What matches from past Summerslam's should of happened at Wrestlemania?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok over the years Summerslam has produced some really big money matches,the odd dream match and some 5 stars matches, so thinking about it what matches do you think should of happened at a Wrestlemania

for me in no ordor......

Shawn Michaels vs Hulk Hogan: Summerslam 2005
it was Icon vs Legend,the 80's vs the 90's the match had that Dream Match feel, I know Shawn Michaels over sold in the match but i think if they did it at Wrestlemania they could of done Face vs Face which would of been better and would of drawn a hell alot of money.

Bret Hart vs Undertaker: Summerslam 1997
the build up was awesome for this match it was during the Hart Foundation vs USA which started the Attitude Era, the match it self was a classic and with Shawn Michaels as Ref added to the drama of the match.

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels: Summerslam 2002 Street Fight Rules
for me this was their best match against each other and what made it more epic was that it was Shawn Michaels return match after 4 years so this could of been another classic Wrestlemania moment

so theirs just a couple I thought of but I was thinking if these matches happened at Wrestlemania would they have created Wrestlemania moments which we would be talking about them today and can you think of any other matches worthy of happening at Wrestlemania
Austin vs. Taker - Highway to Hell at the Garden

this match had such build up. Was one of the first matches that made me love Wrestling and how they built feuds (back then, now its mind boggling)

Taker never faced Austin at Mania and given the streak and their history of feuding back then, its a shame
SummerSlam 2007

HHH vs. King Booker,A battle of kings to see who is truly the King of Kings!
Clunker of a match (imo) but if the build-up had been done properly...It could've been epic.

SummerSlam 1991

Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect,If this maatch had been at a wrestlemania...IT definitely would've been mentioned in the same breath as Steamboat/Savage.

SummerSlam 2004(or was it 2005?)

Orton vs. Benoit,Without the ugly specter of Benoit's heinous acts forever clouding his career,this was an amazing match.
ladder match between triple h and the rock. such a great match with lots of build up. should of been a wrestlemania match
Eddie Guerrero Vs Rey Mysterio. Ladder, WM it was one on one, but this had the kid storyline (best in their careers respectively imo), and this match stole the show for me. Shoulda used that angle for WM.

So far Vince hasnt made that many errors with his Summerslam WM ratio. In the end its the reminder for those that forgot the great matches 4 months ago, and it gets them ready wanting for more come january (RRumble). So with the exception of a few, Summerslam does its job..
Only one mentioned Undertaker vs Stone Cold at Summerslam 1998 so far? The match was full of botching and got bested by Triple H vs The Rock in a ladder match done earlier, but I still feel this one deserve a Wrestlemania match.
Triple H vs Shawn Michaels: Summerslam 2002 Street Fight Rules[/B]
for me this was their best match against each other and what made it more epic was that it was Shawn Michaels return match after 4 years so this could of been another classic Wrestlemania moment

This Match is a def IMO it was the match of the yr hands down. One hell of a return n one hell of a build up.

Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect,If this maatch had been at a wrestlemania...IT definitely would've been mentioned in the same breath as Steamboat/Savage.

This is my favorite IC Title match of all time.

As far as the HBK vs Hogan match part of the build up was the fact they were both undefeated at SummerSlam and 1 afterwards will be.
I think Rock vs Brock Lesnar would have been a great passing of the torch moment at 'mania. A great match and would have been a fitting 'mania main event.
Jeff Hardy (C) vs. CM Punk in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Things might have to be swapped around a bit beforehand but it was an amazing match, that Swanton off the ladder through the announce table was unreal. No doubt would've been a WM moment.

Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton, only thing I'd do differently would be the outcome, if Orton took down Hogan after coming off a great feud with 'Taker towards the end of '05, and at WM, then he would've been given a rub earlier than expected.

John Cena vs. Edge (C) for the WWE Championship. Edge could've had a lengthy run with the Title from when he first cashed it in rather than only holding the title for 21 days in his first reign, was a highlight from SS seeing him win the Title in such manner.
Too many to count, especially from 2005 and 2006, sure Hogan's return was after the fact in 2005, but HBK Vs Hogan should've been at Mania 21. It definately would've helped pump some extra juice into the card in a Mania X8 kind of way, as well as Hogan Vs Orton in 2006. Flair Vs Foley too. I mean, was this stuff just not organized well?!
I don’t like the idea of taking classic SummerSlam matches and saying they should have taken place at WrestleMania. Even though it’s not as big as mania SummerSlam has always been a huge event and has always deserved to have big matches. Without them SummerSlam would be just another ppv no more important than any other. With that said I’ll play along for the sake of the thread.

In 2002 I was disappointed when HBK vs. Triple H was announced for SummerSlam. I thought for sure this was going to be a big money match at WM19 and was upset that the match took place immediately upon HBK’s return. Looking back though I’m glad things went down the way they did. This was a great way for HBK to return to wrestling and seven months later we got the classic HBK vs. Y2J match at mania.

One match that probably would have been better for mania was John Cena vs. Randy Orton. These two main evented SummerSlam twice; the first time in 2007. It was obvious all the way back in 2004 that these two would be the top two stars in the company one day and should have been a future mania main event. Had this match not taken place at SummerSlam 2007 it would have made a great main event for WM24 or WM25.
Very good point by The Brain. But I can't help but say that I would have loved to see Triple Threat at SummerSlam 2000 between Stone Cold, Kurt Angle and The Rock at Mania. The build was exellent, and the match most definetly delivered as it is one of my favorite of all time.

Another great quality match is Rock vs Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam 2002. I loved the build, great promos, probably my favorite part was the promo showing both of their workout regimines. The match delivered and I believe it could have been amazing at Mania.
I'm with Brain on this, if you take away the blockbusters then SummerSlam ceases to be what it is - the second biggest standard PPV that the WWE puts on. With that in mind, I think my only answer for this is John Cena vs Batista from Summerslam 2008. While these two later went on to have a good match at WrestleMania 26, they did so with Batista in a heel role. There's nothing wrong with that, but this match was the first time for a long time before and since that the two biggest faces in the company wrestled against each other when they were both at their peak and having never wrestled before. As a result, I think the occasion should have been as a main event at WrestleMania, not as the second most important match at SummerSlam.
One that could have been built up to be a huge match in the history of wrestlemania would have been Randy Orton Vs Hulk Hogan, 2006: What a better place than for Orton to get so much heat and fight one of the biggest legends of all time then at wrestlemania.
Well I've already mentioned in the "What matches were worthy enough to to happen at WM" thread, Bret vs. Taker from 97, Hogan vs. Michaels from 05. Another match I will say is Orton vs. Cena. Doesn't matter which SS match it was as they've had 2 already. I would've had this match take place at WM 25 cause I've already mentioned it should've been Edge vs. HHH at WM 25 and since those two faced both of em at 25, these two would face each other instead. These two are practically built as the next Rock & Austin anyway, so would only make sense for it to take place at a WM. Also even though HHH vs. Orton never took place at a SS, I would've had HHH vs. Orton at WM 24, that way all 3 men would've faced each other one on one at 3 different WM's. HHH vs. Cena - WM 22, HHH vs. Orton - WM 24, Cena vs. Orton - WM 25.
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