What Match Needs To Happen At WrestleMania?

John Cena vs. Undertaker - Cena has learned enough and upped his game enough that he could probably carry Taker during this match and add something special that his 8 most recent opponents couldn't add. Everyone is talking about a John Cena heel turn, and I think the mindset of a heel Cena at such a magnitude, would definitely warrant the want to want to take out the Phenom's streak, instead of going for the title again.

Now rep me for my awesome would-be booking!

I'm sorry did you say Cena CARRY Taker?!? I dunno when and how you started watching wrestling but that is one of the most absurd things I've heard on these forums.

That match would be great and does look on the cards prolly because Barrett might 'punish' Cena and ask him to break the streak or Cena turns heel somewhere around January, in a different scenario.

But coming back, you implying Taker has to be upped for a main event match is laughable.

And here's that rep you asked for.
I'm sorry did you say Cena CARRY Taker?!? I dunno when and how you started watching wrestling but that is one of the most absurd things I've heard on these forums.

That match would be great and does look on the cards prolly because Barrett might 'punish' Cena and ask him to break the streak or Cena turns heel somewhere around January, in a different scenario.

But coming back, you implying Taker has to be upped for a main event match is laughable.

And here's that rep you asked for.

Haha, looking back I think I worded that incorrectly, but yes. I still think that Undertaker has definitely gotten much worse in the ring over the years. I'm not insulting him or anything by saying that, I just think that The Undertaker's gimmick, his moveset, and his skills are stale and now that he's jobbing, I think of him as an upper-midcarder rather than main eventer. He's on a losing streak for Christ sakes.

John Cena though, has become much more aggresive in the ring lately, the fans are 90 % pro-Cena and not just 50/50. If Cena turns heel, he'll be massively liked by the IWC and hated incredibly by the marks. With that, I think Cena can use this heel turn to be damn near unstoppable (like SuperCena, except mean and rule-breakish) and really kick the hell out of Undertaker, but then also sell hugely as Undertaker can almost be the underdog of the match and not even have to do too much, physically, in a match with John Cena.

Obviously if I was booking, or betting, I'd be putting my money and pencil on Undertaker w=continuing the streak 'cause yeah, if he didn't, there would be an anit-Cena riot in Atlanta.
Cena/Taker is the best choice for Taker's last match, because I really don't think we want to watch ANOTHER Kane/Taker, when we can have what is arguably the only remaining "dream match" in WWE per say. I really feel like Taker is retiring after WM27, what with Paul Bearer being back and the fact that he is feuding with Kane.

Cena wouldn't have to be heel necessarily, especially if it's the World Title Unification match. He could just be WWE champ and willing to do anything to make history at Mania against one of the best of all time. Plus anyone going against Taker at WM is obviously going to be booed by the fans, so if they did in fact turn Cena heel, he would easily get crazy heat.

Taker obviously wins and while celebrating, the lightning/fire/crazy shit goes off and Paul Bearer and some druids come down and put him in the coffin and take him and some more crazy special effects stuff and Taker is gone. Done.
I dont know whether you mean Wrestlemania 27 or any Wrestlemania in the future, so I'll come up with matches for any Wrestlemania in the future.

John Morrison vs. R-Truth - Both men have been an on & off team, there was tension between the two during their feud with Nexus before they went back to being eventually friends, all in all, they're like hints to me that WWE are very slowly building up a match between these two "best friends" one day and that day should be Wrestlemania and why not? Truth is a black Morrison, it would be a good matchup especially for a title.

Undertaker vs. HHH - Simply because of the HBK storyline from last year and because these two havent faced off in a one on one match in a long time and at this point in time with the two being even bigger mega-stars now from the last time these two faced off, it only makes sense it happens at Mania.

Taker vs. Cena - The two tops dogs of the company and with Cena being the first top dog, a lot of people will be soiling themselves complaining about the possiblity Cena will end Taker's streak cause they're just that damn stupid to believe that, so it should be done to put off fans from believing Taker will win.

Randy Orton vs. Kane - If Orton still has the Viper gimmick then these two should face off at Mania simply because they both have dark gimmicks and are World Champs at this moment. So if neither men are champion at WM, it's only right these two fight each other especially as we never seen em face off before instead of putting Kane & Orton with some midcarder to face and it wouldnt be too obvious that Orton would win whereas if Orton faced someone like Jericho which I was originally pulling for, Orton would win simply because he's the Austin of this generation.

Edge vs. Christian - Both are now much bigger than the last time they faced off. I was also gonna mention it being a Brother vs. Brother match but then I remembered them claiming to be "best friends" instead of brothers, so I'm guessing WWE has scrapped the storyline of them being brothers.

Melina vs. Gail Kim - Why has this not even been done yet? Melina is the new Trish Stratus of this era and Gail Kim is the one & only entertaining diva today that hasnt faced Melina yet. These two could put on a good match if put together. It would be a like a Trish Stratus vs. Lita match if you ask me which is the two should be put together at Mania not any PPV.

The following matches arent needed for a WM but it would be nice to see. Sheamus vs. Big Show or Booker T or Goldberg, Wade Barrett vs. Big Show, Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio vs. Kaval.
Triple H vs. Wade Barrett
I'm actually surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. With Cena now a part of Nexus and the rumors of him possibly going full heel, someone else is gonna have to step up against Nexus. Who better than the son-in-law of the boss to come save the WWE from Nexus. Nexus needs to become more dominant and go back to the ways they were of taking people out and wreaking havoc. Then Triple H returns to lead the superstars against Nexus and finally disbanding them when all is said and done..

Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho
This match i believe may already be in the works, with the punt Jericho recieved to take the time off i can see him returning in time for Wrestlemania. This is a feud that was suppose to happen a few years ago when Jericho was still a face and I'm hoping that it can happen now. It would also be a match to help promote the event with two big names like this.

a few others i would like to see....

C.M. Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

John Morrisson vs. Justin Gabriel

Evan Bourne vs. Kaval
I know I don't like repeating what anyone else has said over and over again, but I'll do it anyway.

The Undertaker vs John Cena.

Cena could run a storyline after he finishes up with nexus similar to what Shawn Michaels done with JBL and say that he wants to give the fans the biggest match possible by facing The Undertaker and that John Cena hasn't forgotten about him getting a tombstone last year in MSG in the triple threat tag team match when he was his tag partner. Anyone else remember?

I seem to remember in the two years leading up to Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker I, taker and shawn had a couple of random meetings in both Royal Rumble to 'test the waters' and get the fans wanting it. Maybe that's what that was aswell? I just thought I would point that out since I didn't see it anywhere else.

I would buy WrestleMania for that alone.
If the plan with the John Cena/Nexus storyline is to ultimately have John Cena turn heel, then I think a "must have" match at WrestleMania 27 would be The Undertaker vs. John Cena. There's also a lot of serious talk that Mania 27 is going to be Taker's last, so having his last Mania appearance be this big epic encounter makes all the sense in the world. Taker's last two Mania appearances against Shawn Michaels set the bar extremely high and a match against John Cena is really the only way I can think of to equal or possibly even top those two matches.

Taker and Cena did have some matches during Taker's American Badass days, but they've yet to have a feud since Cena has become a main eventer and headliner. Metaphorically speaking, The Undertaker is really the only mountain in the WWE left for Cena to climb at this point and vice versa for The Undertaker.

This is also a match that the WWE would be able to build rather easily in terms of creating doubt as to whether The Streak is in jeopardy. I've read the top choice at this time is for Sheamus to go after Taker but, quite frankly, I think that John Cena against Taker would simply be a potentially much bigger draw. As much as I like Sheamus, he hasn't been around long enough to generate the same threat to Taker's streak as Cena can.
I think we can all agree that John Cena vs. The Undertaker should be penciled in for WrestleMania, for numerous reasons. If the E doesn't see what this match could do as Taker's possibly last match, I would lose a lot of hope since there is no bigger opponent for Taker right now (unless they allow his feud with Kane to go all the way to WM). So, let's see if there is any other matches available... and I think I found one:

The Miz vs. John Morrison

Since the demise of their tag team and both getting traded to the RAW brand, they have been slowly rising the ranks on parallel paths where they very rarely cross. If they do, a lot of the time there is something in the way that prevents them from having a serious altercation. The Triple Threat US Title match proved it, considering that the focus of the entire match was the Bryan/Miz feud. People might have thought of Morrison's history with Miz, but it wasn't the main thing. What I'm trying to say is that they haven't had a proper feud and the hatred for each other still lingers around. We have been teased with something many times, but the E holds them back. With Miz heading to the Main Event and Morrison recently getting better booking closely following The Miz, these two would be perfect to book in a match together at WM to FINALLY blow-off their rivalry. Along with the history, they have factors in their characters that would make for an intriguing match. Morrison is a hi-flier who utilises a form of fighting that many don't see every day in wrestling, providing for some great entertainment. The Miz is a great stick worker and his moves are less than fancy, so his wrestling abilities are perfect for a heel and would get the crowd solely behind Morrison... but strong enough to be a credible threat against Morrison's moves. Miz has yet to have his "career defining match" (not sure about Morrison), so this would definitely give an incentive for the two to wrestle a great match.

Other than that, I can't see any other match they could do.

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