Edge Returning By Survivor Series: Thoughts?

I Am Sorry If Anyone Sees This As A Rant, But I Am Going To Say It Anyways...
Raw- they should put the belt on kennedy and set him up for a return feud with lashley, in the mean time, have hhh/orton heat up. When Jericho comes back he can start out with a run at IC title and help Hardy get to main event level. After that he should demand better and it can set up a 6 way bout between hhh/orton/umaga/jericho/kennedy/hardy, each of them having HUGE wars and the winner eventually getting a shot at the Champ. Bobby Lashley
SD!- Edge needs to get the belt ASAP... He was set up for a long title reign for a reason. they should have him win right away at s.s. and then he can fued with Undertaker to go straight to the top, at least till 'Mania. Kepp Batista/Khali just long enough for Batista to win a retirement match nad get Khali out of there
ECW- THEY NEED SOME STORYLINES OVERTHERE. Keep Punk/Morrison goin for another month. Keep having Kane show up until he builds a feud, wins RR, jumps to ECW, puts the mask on, turns into a gimmick match legend and is a fantastic ECW champ. Also, if you need ratings, send Cena there when he gets back and make him work his way back up. Until then, all the stupid fans love him and he can boost the lowly ratings.
im a big edgehead and i personally cant wait for the rated r superstar to return he just like taker are strongly needed to carry those of batista and cena through matches if only hed reunite with lia that would beamazing just because they made a great duet just like savage and liz but more up-to-date
I think that Edge should not return at all. Because he sucks and its been kind of nice to see wrestling without all the cheating that comes with Edge.So he should stay GONE,GONE,GONE!!!!!!
Im hoping we dont see a Kane v Edge fued, WE'VE ALREADY HAD ONE!! IT SUCKED!! SAME WITH EDGE BATISTA!!! Edge needs a fresh fued with plenty of action, not promos, he is the biggest oppurtnistic superstar.

Heres what should, Edge returns at SS spearing both Taker and Batista outside the ring causing a double CO, Edge then goes on a rampage on smackdown, spearing superstars left right and centre, then being the top dog on smackdown and wanted by everyone he INSISTS for a match with batista. which then Edge always has a plan up his sleeve screwing batista from the gold... perhaps calling in an old friend, Randy Orton... BOTH MEMBERS OF RATED RKO WOULD THEN BE CHAMPIONS!
Everything EDGE does is great! Wether hes wrestling or speaking everything about edge is awesome. I hope to see and EDGE undertaker fued soon and hold on to it until WM24 and end with a bang. Plus get Batista out of the title picture where he is not needed maybe a small fued with mvp to put mvp over batista. Batista needs to become a jobber and EDGE needs to become the champ again.
As I said in another thread, I really hope Edge's involvement comes to play in this sort:

Undertaker wins the belt from Batista. (Yaaay lol) As he's celebrating in the ring, Edge comes out and beats down the already bloody and torn apart Undertaker, shades of his Money in the Bank situation. This time, however, he has no MITB to cash in, so what does he do? He simply STEALS the belt. They've built up recently that "Undertaker wants his belt back", and now he's just gotten it, but it was stolen almost immediately. Motivation? Edge says he never LOST the title, but was forced to give it up beyond his control. He states that he successfully beat the Undertaker to win it, and nobody beat him, so he feels he's the rightful champ. The next few weeks, we see Undertaker/Edge feuding cause Taker was cheated out of his title twice, Edge was forced to relinquish it and in a way is also deserving of it, and we finally get a match without Batista's involvement.
i have been wandering what they are planning for edge at survivor series. They have a pretty good card going right now and don't really need him to go in anyware to help out a match. i could maybe see him come out to possibly interfere in someones match and then all of a sudden the y27 promo hits and possibly leads to y27 going to smackdown. i just don't see how the wwe is planning on using him, it has been so quiet and i think it is going to be kind of dull because of that.
Edge is the best heel in wrestling no matter what he'll be champ lose to undertaker at mania. ratings will go up, they need to push mvp to the top he is the best prospect,i keep hearing that kennedy is but all he does is botch,and hurt everyone. mvp is the best at pissin people off he should be in the main event. what the hell is edge doing at ss anyways???? i mean what match,or just interferring in the hell in a cell
edge compeletly suck, i mean common people the real deal here is batista and the undertaker, edge hasnt got that power to go embrass himself against those two, he is more a wwe acharm than aheavy charm, besides cena keeps destorying his ass all the time, nowonder why he moved to smackdown,.....
i am a total edgehead, you only gotta look at how crap smackdown has been since he left, and imo theres only one way for him to return at survivor series. Hes been holding that chainsaw in all the posters, why doesnt he cut himself into the cell, spears both batista and undertaker, steals the title, vickie makes the title vacant, have a title tournament for the next month, or jus a 3 way at armageddon with edge batista and undertaker. or elimination chamber at armageddon, with edge batista undertaker finlay mvp and matt hardy. Then edge wins, sets up feud with undertaker, finlay and batista feud, and carry on the long mvp and matt hardy feud.
Maybe Edge comes back as a face and saves Hornswaggle from Kali? Demolishes Kali, and once the Undertaker and Batista are finally over he feuds against who ever has the belt?
I don't see the Deadman loosing cleanly and I don't see Batista loosing the belt again so suddenly because he just became a 3 time champion. To take the belt off of him again would put him in the position to become a 4 time champ which I don't think he is deserving of. And since Hell in a Cell is No DQ if Edge interfers (or anyone else for that matter) it won't allow for a "win by DQ" situation.

So unless they get some sort of double KO leaving Batista the champ I don't know how the title situation will go down for this Survivor Series main event. All I know is that I look forward to Edge's involvement in the PPV and hope to see him back in top form.
Edge returning at survivor series will be a great thing. I really think Edge will help bring Smackdown back up 2 a respectable brand. As for what i think he will be doing, is maybe costing one of the opponents the title, or just cutting a promo on how he never lost the title, ect. He may interfer and get both disqualified so that the three of them can feud and have a match at the next ppv. In all it should be entertaining to see what edge does tonight.
I think it's a given that Edge is going to attack Batista and Undertaker, whether it be during or after the Hell in a Cell match. If it's after, I think Batista is going to win the HIAC, just because it would be better for Undertaker to win the title at Wrestlemania. Edge'll probably win the title in some kind of 3-way match at Armageddon.
I think it's a given that Edge is going to attack Batista and Undertaker, whether it be during or after the Hell in a Cell match. If it's after, I think Batista is going to win the HIAC, just because it would be better for Undertaker to win the title at Wrestlemania. Edge'll probably win the title in some kind of 3-way match at Armageddon.

defenitely I see Edge coming out with a chainsaw and sawing his way into the cell and somehow attacking both Taker and Batista. probably either holding the title up over both of their bodies or even taking the title with him and claiming hes the real world champ. either way this will be my highlight of the night and I will mark out big time
Has anyone noticed that there hasn't been an elimination chamber in awhile? HMMM? I'm thinking Edge interupts the 10-Diva match (thank god!!) cutting a promo on how he's back better than ever and ready to get his title back. Maybe he acts like a bit of a tweener. But later in the night, he interferes in the HIAC, and shows that he's still the same old Edge. Then at Armageddon, Edge wins the title back in the Elimination Chamber after bribing his way into being the last one released. Edge vs. Batista vs. Undertaker vs. The Great Khali vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Finlay. I would prefer to see Kane in there insted of Khali, but he'll probably end up facing Big Daddy V.
Oh, and whoever said Edge should cut up the cell with a chainsaw... Best... idea... ever.

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