What makes musican/s overrated??


King Of The Wasteland
So I had a conversation with a friend at work a few months ago and he said how Nirvana are one of the most overrated bands ever, he did stress that he likes Nirvana and they make good music (in his opinion) however.

It wasn't until recently that I finally understood where he was coming from, reading some comments on youtube some comments from some 'fans' who were making Nirvana (and more importantly Kurt Cobain) as some sort of godlike entity of music, I thought 'No they weren't, they experimented and eventually found their niche'. What they did had been done before in some capacity (see the Pixies, a band that influenced Cobain a lot)

Another one are musicians who seem to carry on doing the same style of music with no form of change or experimentation whatsover but continue to sell lots of records.

So what makes a band overrated, is it how the lack of change some bands go through but still manage to make money or is more to do with how the fans picture them???

Personally I think it's the fans, the 'marky' fans build these musicans up as people who can do no wrong and will hand them higher status that many 'critical' fans will not give them.
, The over rated argument.

Well, I honestly agree. Its the fans that make or break these debates, of sorts. Some people will have NO basis as to why they rate a band the way they do.

Some will say, Ill use Nirvana as an example. ''Nirvana is the best band..evvaahh''. And they will have NO details at all why they fill that limitless and boundless void with that band. Simply saying a quote like that holds NO weight in my book.

Now, saying that a best is the best that YOU'VE heard, and giving reasons to WHY you feel that way in detail give that certain statement validity in your own opinion. Does that make it gospel and not debatable, Of course not, but it allows the person with whom your debating with to have some sort of view or where your coming from.

The term over rated tends to fall on bands that and Uber popular or highly criticized in the positive. And for some people who dont agree, those same factors work AGAINST that same band.

I came up when I was young around grunge, I didnt need youtube or Guitar hero to introduce it to me, I lived in it, I witnessed the death of Hair metal by the grunge era. So I know the IMPORTANCE of those bands, not just Nirvana. But no one can deny the fact that they were the most popular,even if you deny that they arent the most talented.

Does that make them over rated? No, not at all, It makes them popular and successful. Theres a difference that people never differentiate.

Lady Gaga, to ME, is HIGHLY over rated, by fans and critics alike, But for the SAME reasons that people consider Nirvana over rated. They arent the most talented OR original of musicians.

The way that Nirvana (Admittedly so) snagged some stuff from the Pixies, Gaga blatantly and admittedly ripped off from Madonna and a host of others.

I personally feel that within the Genre that Gaga fits, they're are far better and more talented singers that dont get half the credit that she does, or the sales.

So, to that effect I personally feel shes over rated.

Therein lies the results on my posting, MY opinion, Mine, Not the general MASS opinion of the world.

So, all in all, the term Over rated, is strictly a Fan made term to debunk someone else's opinion that isnt your own.

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