Hole: A Good Band In Their Own Right???


King Of The Wasteland
Hole is/was a band started in 1989 by Courtney Love and Eric Erlandson and have released four albums. Their first album Pretty On The Inside was critically liked however it didn't do that well in sales, their second album (and first with label Geffen) was also critically acclaimed and also did well sales wise as was their third album Celebrity Skin (which was also their most commerically successful)

Now what is inevitably brought up is Hole's assocation with Nirvana (as Courntey Love and Kurt Cobain were married) in fact Hole signed with Geffen after Love and Cobain had been dating, also is the theory that Kurt Cobain wrote most of Live Through This (which was released four days after he was found dead)

Now what do you think, are Hole a good band in their own right or simply well known because of their assocation to Nirvana??





Personally I think they are a good band in their own right, yes some of their fame is down to the assocation to Nirvana, but you can only get so far riding the coattails of someone and I feel they didn't.
Hole put out some good tunes out their. But they are as easily as the Cranberries. I stopped listening to them and ever since that time I forgot who they were till now. I give them credit as I do with all musicans. Hole did their thing and tried to become huge. It didn't happen though. I think the reason why is everyone and the speculation the Courtney Love killed Kurt Kobain. That can turn anyone's interest off from a band no matter how talented.

But, like I said Hole was a good bad with some hits like you posted but, other then that the are easily forgotten. They were known because of Nirvana but still a good band in genreal.
Hole were fucking amazing. The Hole that re-exists now will never really be Hole in my eyes (For me it must include both Courtney and Eric to truley be Hole). I much prefer the early stuff or non hits, for me all the songs you posted (apart from Teenage ****e) are not a patch on Garbage Man, Dicknail, Pretty On the Inside and so on. They were a fantastic band in their own right and Courtney Love is an amazing front women when she is not trying to sing and is just giving attitude. Holes cover of pale Blue Eyes is brilliant and the same goes for Hungry Like A Wolf and He Hit Me(and it felt like a kiss). It goes without saying that people will always connect them to Nirvana and Kurt but they were definitely a huge inspiration to me growing up and still are. I can't stand what they are doing now and when I saw them live I would have walked out if not for my love and respect for Courtney and what she has done in the past and had to put up with. Nobody could be into Nirvana more than me but Hole are a great band in their own right and I long for the day that courtney stops trying to be a polished singer and gets back to giving a big fuck off to everybody who doubts her.

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