What made attitude era so good stars or the storylines?

I think it's a little bit of both.

The wrestlers wouldn't be as memorable as they are without the storylines they were in. Just think, would you really like the Stone Cold gimmick if all he done was walk out to the ring with his middle fingers in the air? In my opinion, he'd look ridiculous. It's the storylines that made him so popular.

But then again, I also liked the wrestling in the attitude era a lot better, and was huge fans of some wrestlers just because of their ability.
I put most of the credit on the stars as opposed to the storylines. Remember that this is the same era that gave us Rock vs. Billy Gunn in a Kiss My Ass feud, Harvina the Women's Champion, Naked Mideon, Mark Henry having relations with a transvestite, Val Venis vs. Kaientai, Mae Young pregnant with a hand.... do I need to go on? Now, I know these were just small storylines in the whole era, but talent needed to take steps to make even the most ridiculous storyline work.

The stars like Steve Austin, The Rock, Mick Foley, The Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, New Age Outlaws, and Mr. McMahon helped make the Attitude Era work. People tuned in on a weekly basis to see what these maniacs were going to do next. It wasn't necessarily the storyline as much as it was the magnetism of these performers to draw the audience in.

The Austin-McMahon storyline was the best thing to happen to the WWE since Hulkamania in my personal opinion since it really captured the imagination of a larger audience who wanted to see Austin humiliate and pummel his boss. But as good as the storyline was, it wouldn't have worked without the presence of either McMahon or Austin. Their individual performances put that feud over the top.
You ask what made the era good..stars or storylines...well IMO, the stars made the storylines good... the stars at the time were great and also the storylines really went with the gimmicks used back then...good ol days..
As Discipleofwrestling stated the storylines during the attitude era werent always believable and flat out boring. When i think of lame story lines, Kane hooked up with a dead woman and there was a 4-5 month feud between Al Snow and Bossman.

When you look at all the wrestlers that were in the main event they are all HOF bound
It was without a doubt both. The stars of thr Attitude era (Stone Cold, The Rock, DX, Mankind, Undertaker) were some of the most entertaining and unique superstars in WWE/F history. They were all great on the mic (something that is sorely lacking in today's WWE) and they were great storytellers in and out of the ring. The writing was way better then too. The Austin-McMahon feud was amazing and groundbreaking. The DX segments were always shocking and funny, and the Rock"n"Sock connection was brilliant. The mystique of "The Deadman" grew enormously in the 90's with all those "Buried Alive" and "Casket matches" and the introduction of "The Ministry" and his deranged brother Kane. And what can you say about The Rock. He was "The Great One" and perhaps the most electrifying WWE superstars of all time. Noone could cut a promo like The Rock. Epic matches, Epic characters, and Epic storylines were all contributing factors to the success of the "Attitude Era". Those were the days.
Neither. The attitude era had some of the best stars, and the group of guys that were around at it's peak were amazing. The storylines were pretty crazy, sometimes inventive. But neither is why many of us cry and complain about the "PG era", cause there are some good wrestlers today, and few really watch wrestling for the storylines/soap opera element.

Everybody loved the attitude era for the "attitude". The cussing. Hardcore matches. Lawler yelling "puppies" every time a pair of tits were on the screen. Matches that didn't have to be stopped if somebody started to bleed. Sophomoric humor. Austin flipping the bird and drinking beer. People still want it, and badly, because every single day there are "attitude era" threads.

Even though RAW is a live TV show that is broadcast on a cable network, that can't obviously air obscenities, a good percentage of the crowd wants nothing more than to see a bunch of "holy shit" spots in matches so they can chant "holy shit", "holy shit", or chant "you fucked up" when one of those samoan wrestlers slip off the top rope. Or yell "hell yeah" or "candy ass" or "suck it". I think you get the picture.
first of all: The Talent...
WWF just had the right people at the right time, starting for the top guys like Austin, rock and Angle, through midcards like D Lo Brown, Val Venis and The Hardys to the cruiserweights (Taka, Brian Christopher, Essa Rios), everyone had personality, everyone had a story and almost everyone was great in the ring. also it was the first time the WWF had a cruiserweight division, that, when it's made up of talented guys and not with indie flippy trampoline monkeys, it's allways entertaining.
The Storylines:
everyone in the roster has a story to tell, and Russo showed what he was able to do (unlike other times), there was comedy when necesary there was drama, emotional tension and it was epic over all... altough there were some flops like Mae Young giving birth to a hand, Mark Henry doing a tranny or a crossdressed Harvey Wippleman
The Overall Product:
with the rise of ECW, WCW becoming more edgy and MMA gaining notoriety, WWF had to adapt to the grain at the time if they wanted to survive, and they did it by embracing the 90s culture of toilet humor, hardcore matches and alternative rock/metal, making a fresh product, then the swearing and naked women (who were previously featured on both WCW and ECW) were a plus, so the Atitude era offered a well rounded, solid, entertaining and edgy product with good Wrestling (and "good wrestling" doesnt mean midgets flipping around the ropes or exchanging restholds for 2 hours, but having solid, physical matches with a story)
Young Guns:
and as much as i'm more of a WCW fan, i know WWF made the change every company needed that WCW didnt completely do until it was too late: pushing their young guns. i've allways been ad i'll allways be a huge nWo mark, but those guys were past their primes and young talent has to rise in order to keep your company alive, because nobody can Wrestle forever.

so the point is Attitude era had something for everyone
I think the Attitude Era was so good because it had the right personalities for the right storylines. This particular Era included larger than life personalities such as Stone Cold, The Rock, Mr. McMahon and DX- all of which were involved in fantastic storylines. We need to remember that at the time, breaking down the walls of kayfabe and storylines that incorporated aspects of reality were new and fresh- it had never been done before. In addition the blood, violence and sex that the WWE was using to push the envelope was new to TV programing, so the characters involved in these storylines received attention they may not have otherwise received.

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