Which changed pro wrestling more Hulkamania era, Attitude era or pg era?

Hulkamania era, it changed the whole structure in Wrestling, brought it to the big stage and made the first mainstream stars in the Wrestling business (Hogan, Flair, Savage, Pipper, Warrior, Andre)...
if i'd go about my favorite, obviously the Attitude era, as i grew up with it, and embraced the 90s culture like nothing else did, form the hardcore matches, through the semi-naked Divas to the alternative rock/metal. altough everyone has to admit, if it wasnt for ECW, WCW becoming edgy in 96 and the rise of the UFC, WWF would've stuck with the New Generation era type of product and instead of Austin WWF would've had Doink The Clown as world champion...
and the PG era.... well, WWE started to get boring before Raw turned PG, i'd say in 2004 when Lesnar and Goldberg left the company, Eddie and Benoit were great champions, but i never was really big on pure technical Wrestlers, and then the rise of Cena, Batista and Orton to main event is what turned me away for good. anyways i can't deny it also brought in great talent like Kennedy, Lashley (he wasn't great, but then MMA helped him improve), or Elijah burke, but none of them were fit in the Cena era.
thank god in 2006 i started t watch TNA (mainly because of old favorites like Raven, Steiner or Nash, but then the young non-Xdivision talent started to grow on me)
i'd have to go with the attitude era. hulkamania made wrestling popular but didnt really change pro wrestling the attitude era made heels cool and popular let "smaller" stars win the bigger championships and brought us high flying cruiserweights and hardcore championships, things which had never been done before and just generally changed the whole style and feel of the buisness
i'd have to go with the attitude era. hulkamania made wrestling popular but didnt really change pro wrestling the attitude era made heels cool and popular let "smaller" stars win the bigger championships and brought us high flying cruiserweights and hardcore championships, things which had never been done before and just generally changed the whole style and feel of the buisness

*slaps forehead*

Are you serious right now? Wrestling used to be wrestled in a territory based system. The Hulkamania/Rock N Wrestling Era made it a national phenomenon, and COMPLETELY changed how the industry worked.

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