what look like the best match at Backlash

Jordan adams

Pre-Show Stalwart
Last Man Standing Match
World Title:
-John Cena (c) vs. Edge

WWE Title:
-HHH, Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton & Legacy

ECW Title:
-Jack Swagger (c) vs. Christian

Singles Match:
-Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Chris Jericho
Singles Match:
-CM Punk vs. Kane
Which one of these matchs looks the best to you guys?
GREAT question. It's between The World Title match and the ECW Title match for me. The last title match between Swagger and Christian was a MOTYC and extremely smartly structured. If this match gets the same chance, it could be a real sleeper.

However, the Last Man Standing match SHOULD be the match of the night. Cena is a great wrestler, him and Edge (according to some) have the best chemistry on the roster, and Cena's last LMS match was one of the best WWE matches of the decade. It should be great.

Steamboat-Jericho will be damn fine, but I don't see it being good enough to top both of those matches (Only the ECW title match, if it ends up being more like Christian's return night). It should be mark-out city though.
Without a doubt the ECW title match. That is what I am looking foreward to. CM punk Kane was a throw on match to fill out the card, and we have seen jericho/steamboat before. The WWE title in a 6-man is begging for someone to screw HHH over so we all see that comming. The I quit match will probably be cool but this will pretty much be the end of the fued so once there is a winner it is over, nothing to build to. The world title in the last man standing is going to be awesome but with no titles on smackdown it really seems to be a give-away at edge winning and this will probably be the end of them for a while.

When it comes to Christian vs Swagger you get everything you want. A title is on the line, Christian is back in the picture as far as contending for a belt, two good atheletes, no crazy stipulations - just a flat out one on one, this will not be the end of the fued most likely and it will probably continue the fued, and of course the most important thing is... there is no clear cut winner. anyone can win this and that is what will be most exciting about it. They even held a contract signing for it, so you know that if they are hyping up the ecw belt then expect them to deliver.
I have to say that John Cena vs Edge is going to be the best. I'm not the biggest fan of either of these guys, I don't dislike them just like other guys more. But I have to admit that both of them can steal a show on any given night if they get the right chance. The last man standing match between Cena and Umaga at a few Royal Rumbles ago(i think) was a pretty good match as far as I can remember. And to this day Edge vs Mick Foley in that hardcore match at Wrestlemania 22 is one of my favorites.

Will they put on performances like this at Backlash? I don't know, probally not. But when you have two superstars of their caliber squaring off in a last man standing match at a ppv, in the words of Kevin Garrnet, anythings possible.
Eh, isn't there supposed to be a match between the Hardy's? An I Quit match? Or did I just imagine Teddy Long announcing that? Or was it not for Backlash?

If I wasn't just imagining it, and they're given more time than at Mania, it could steal the show.
Sorry to say but OP you've forgotten a match that has the potential to be MOTN: Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy in an "I Quit" match. Despite the limited time they got for their WM match, I thought it was entertaining and, if this match lives up to their WM and stretcher matches, it definitely can be considered the best match at Backlash.... but I don't think it will.

As good as that match will be, it will pale compared to Cena vs Edge in LMS. As mentioned before on these forums, Cena and Edge do have a good chemistry amongst each other. Not to mention the somewhat unpredictable nature of this match: Does Edge bring the WHC back to SD? Does Cena retain, keeping two world titles on Raw for the time being (seeing how Edge got the upper hand on the Raw before the PPV, this is a bigger possibility than before)? Does CM Punk cash in MITB after a double count-out? There is enough unpredictability and solid in-ring work to make this MOTN.

Honorable Mention: Swagger-Christian for the ECW title. Great showing with limited time on free TV; this one should be solid as well.
it will easily be jeff vs matt simply because if jeff leave, he will do every tihng in his power to put matt over as high as possible
it will easily be jeff vs matt simply because if jeff leave, he will do every tihng in his power to put matt over as high as possible

I second this. Jeff will want to put his bro over big time, and hes a crazy enough bastard to do something bordering on insanity.

I personally think Jericho and Steamboat are going to tear the house down. Christian vs. Swagger should be killer as well. Its funny how the only good matches on the card are going to revolve around personal feuds, and the two main brand title matches are going to be bland in comparison. Its actually a pretty damn good card. I wish they would fit Morrison and Benjamin in there somewhere. I really think it would be rad if Punk cashed in his MITB at backlash. It would be unexpected this soon in the game, and Kane is always just filler. Anytime someone wrestles Kane, I would expect that there is another reason for them to be on the card.

I am always happy when the ECW title is up for contention against two entertaining wrestlers. IMO, the only good title feuds in the past few years were CM Punk vs. Morrison for the ECW title, and Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho for the WHC, and Jericho didn't even have the belt for most of that feud. Its great that so many people want to see Christian vs. Swagger. No matter how you book it, you can't ignore a good match. I personally think the two main events are going to suck in comparison.
Last Man Standing Match
World Title:
-John Cena (c) vs. Edge

Winner. Should be solid, I haven't paid attention to SD lately, so I forgot all about this one. They have great chemistry together, Edge always delivers in gimmick matches, and anything with Cena lately is usually gold. I expect Edge to win to move the belt back over to SD, should be a great match. Has the potential to top the LMS match with Umaga at the Royal Rumble a few years ago.

WWE Title:
-HHH, Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton & Legacy

Meh. That's all that needs to be said. Meh. Shane may turn and cost HHH the belt, but meh, should have been done at WM.

ECW Title:
-Jack Swagger (c) vs. Christian

Meh. Swagger has a chance to impress me here. Love his charisma and mic work, but his wrestling is lacking so far outside of the Cena match. This won't be given alot of time, so I don't expect anything special nor am anticipated for it.

Singles Match:
-Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Chris Jericho

Should be good. I'd put this right behind the LMS match. Hopefully these two put on a show and Steamboat goes out on a high note.

Singles Match:
-CM Punk vs. Kane

lol, this is a match? since when? These two have faced each other countless times and every match as been a pile of shit. Punk gets a win before he cashes in at Judgment Day. Don't care.

Hardy and Jeff have an I Quit match. I don't really care about that one either. If Jeff really is leaving, it'll just be Matt beating him senseless in a glorified squash. Meh.
It will probably end up being Edge/Cena, historically Edge is great in gimmick matches and Cena has been putting on some of his best matches ever the last month or so (yes that's a big statement but it's very true, i was very surprised in a good way how good both his match with swagger and jericho were)

It should be the Hardy match but let's face it, despite being brothers as opponents they just dont mesh well together and their styles end up being more spot oriented than telling a story which should be what a feud like this is about

sleeper of best match: Christian vs. Swagger, there tv match a few weeks back was really really good, very entertaining and given time, however for this match to end up good it needs to be given more than the 10 minutes vince will probably give them and Swagger needs to show he can display his potential on a ppv (which he hasn't yet, i dont know if it's the pressure or what)

the rest of the card is garbage, yes i'd like to see steamboat and jericho and think it will be entertaining but i'm not going to pay 40 bucks for a match that should be on raw or smackdown.
I look for the edge and cena match to be really good, theres going to be lots of blood i think and gives cm punk the chance he needs to take it from edge and would start a fewd to get john cena out of the picture
I think the edge vs cena match will be very good but for some reason I just don't want edge to win (and trust me I'm no cena fan) but i think with these two playing catch and throw with the belt at the last two ppvs has gotten kinda stale and will make the title look weaker still.

However I can see the title change hands wen cena just gets up in time and wins then (presuming cem punk beat kane earlier) killswitch hits crowd goes semi wild, hopefully punk dosen't use GTS(hat that move) but goes for the anaconda vice and makes cena tap like a little bitch.

This will create what will hopefully be a long face title run for punk and him to get ome rubs from edge, jericho, jeff hardy and mysterio would be a few feuds. As well as kane and undertaker feuds could also be done well.

I think the I quit match will actually be decent guys coming in at second for me, hopefully matt will win (although i doubt it) also i really hope wwe pull out all the stop and get really blood thristy on our asses. Some serious hardcore highflying ecw style action is required to bury this boring feud.

Jericho vs The dragon comes in at third for me this time however I doubt it will be given two much time because of how old steamboat his I would expect a short semi-highflying contest between these two with a roll up victory for the dragon.

Swagger vs Christian, Swagger will win this guys probably using the exposed turnbuckle like usual and then power bombing the captain into oblivion (does any1 else think that is just the best finisher in wwe right now?). Bam christian gets buried again by Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

The WWE title match looks awful hopefully shane will swerve but i really really doubt it, a batista or shane swerve is required here but other than tht expect this match to send you to sleep. Legacy will bully shane and stop him from making a tag all the way through then when he eventually does spinebuster to rhodes, batisita bomb to teddy, pedigree to orton for the pin. Yawn

Kane vs CM Punk easily the worst match of the ppv will just be boring nuff sed really.
I think it depends on what you want to see this Sunday.

If you want to watch superstars burtally beat each other then, the I Quit match and the Last Man Standing match would be the match for that person

If you want a match with a good stipulation added to it then ,of course, the WWE title match is the one for you

If you want to watch some technical wrestling, you have Swagger/Christian and maybe the Jericho/Steamboat one can be pretty good

I wish I had the money to order it because is looks pretty good to me
Last man Standing.

Edge never fail's to deliver in gimmick matches, He is the daddy of them at the minute. Cena just lately touches a match and it become's the best thing on the card. So to say i'm looking forward to this is an understatement.

I like the look's of Christain vs Swagger.
I'm going to say either the ECW title match or Jericho/Steamboat.

The last ECW title match Swagger and Christian had was awesome and one of the best matches this year in my opinion. They seem to work well together, so I expect a great match from these two.

I'm honestly looking forward to the Jericho/Steamboat match more than any other match on the card. I loved the 4 minutes they got at 'Mania, I was marking out the whole time. After seeing that, who knows what Steamboat might bring to Backlash. A true dream match.
It could go a few different ways, but I will say Swagger and Christian. Their ECW Championship match a few months ago was great, and if they're given equal time, they could, from a pure wrestling standpoint steal the show.

Edge and Cena will be great obviously for different reasons. The Hardy's should be able to do quite a bit with an extended time to work. Even Kane and Punk, to be fair, should be solid. Everyone thinks they've faced each other so many times, but it's been three times, and twice, on ECW when Kane was ECW Champion and on Raw when Punk was World Heavyweight Champion they had two very solid showings. The six man tag is for the WWE title, which isn't really necessary as the World Title is headlining the show. It's just a basic six man tag that is really nothing different than you could see on Raw on a weekly basis. Adding to that, I never thought I'd say this, but I think Batista may have to carry this as a powerhouse if this is going to be entertaining. HHH and Orton have not had anything memorable come out of Wrestlemania or the NO DQ match on Raw. They've been slow paced and both dragged on way too long. HHH should step back down the card a bit. He's just not what he used to be, at least as far as main eventing every show, there's no need for it.
At this rate, the greatest match at Backlash looks to be the Khali kiss cam, with Santina trying to fight off the India love machine's lip lock of love. Should involve a lot of technical grapples, and possibly some counters.

In other news.. Backlash looks like pure shit right now. I was all hyped for the 6-Man Tag team match, when it was with BOTH McMahon's. It made DiBiase & Rhodes look strong. Now with Batista in the mix, it makes Orton's trio look like the underdogs. Even if the faces can't get along.

Edge & Cena have always, ALWAYS, put on amazing matches. Just one problem. They're put on a ton of matches, as well. Which means the more they keep getting matched up.. the more people get easily bored with it. This is the last real gimmick match they can do, that makes remote sense. I'll be the best match of the night, I'm sure.. but that doesn't say much.

Punk & Kane is a filler match, as such, it's not meant to excite or even be worth anything.

Christian & Swagger were done already on a regular episode of E.C.W, now it's a Pay per view match about 3 weeks too late of being worth anything. They kept the E.C.W Champion and title off the Wrestlemania card, when this match should've been the headlining feature for E.C.W. Instead, it's a Backlash fill-in.

If Christian doesn't win the Championship here.. he never will.

Jericho & Steamboat won't be like Mania. The shock and awe of Steamboat still having it isn't new anymore. People will now be expected a LOT more from Steamboat, and the expectation will be way too high for him to fulfill.

If Jeff Hardy is leaving, there is no reason to make him look even slightly strong in the I Quit match. This, tied in with Matt needing another push because his victory from Mania is wearing off way too early.. and you have a match that'll be entirely one-sided.

I still honestly think Jeff wins here, but only if he stays with the company. Either way, they expected the Hardy's to "steal the show" at Mania. This match can be hardcore, in the same exact way their "Extreme Rules" match was.. with the exception that someone has to "quit". I also wouldn't be surprised if a last minute change was made, to which the loser was really "fired". (ie. Jeff loses)

In the end.. Backlash needs something else to save it. Because this card alone won't.
I'm looking forward to seeing Christian on PPV in a one on one match. I think he'll really try to impress Vince, seeing as that's what's keeping him back apparently, and Swagger looked great against Cena last week, so i imagine they should be able to pull off a decent PPV match. Christian's had his ass handed to him a couple of times by Swagger lately, so i imagine Christian will get the win.

Even though i agree that Cena v Edge is getting almost as old as HHH v Orton, i think we're likely to see some kind of interference tonight from somebody that got drafted to Raw. Edge is clearly going to win the match, but he won't do it on his own. He'll probably get choked out in the STF, and as Cena gets up, someone like Big Show will blast Cena from behind and cost him the title, so that when he comes back later, he's got an angle lined up, ready and waiting.

The Steamboat/Jericho matchup should be fun, but as Will said, everyone's going to expect Steamboat to go all out in a 20 minute chain wrestling match, when you're likely to see Jericho whoop him for 5 minutes, he gets a flurry of flying forearms and maybe a cross body in, and then Codebreaker, and he loses anyway.

Fuck the rest. I QUIT will be the same as WM, with perhaps a spot that looks super sick to end it, but like i say, no different. Jeff'll get the win. I don't buy these contract rumours, so i'm going with Jeff to win and close the fued finally.

Punk will beat Kane, but can someone tell me why they're having this match anyway? Since when is the MITB match a catalyst for fueds?

Orton'll win the WWE title as well. Team HHH will get pissed at each other, Shane will get pinned by Ted or Cody while HHH and Batista are arguing over who gets to wail on Orton.

Obviously we have segments to go through as well such as the Kisscam, maybe an Undertaker segment or some comedy stuff with the Divas, and some jaw jakking and that'll be that.

TBH i think that next weeks US title match between Ziggler and MVP should be on this card, as should Maryse v Gail Kim. Perfect opportunity to get 1 repackaged talent and a returning superstar on PPV and help them get over.

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