What just happend?

War Games

Dark Match Winner
after watching smackdown, i noticed that before kane came out to do a promo, a video of undertaker take place for a min, where he is walking in darkness and walks towards a light?

i wanted to know if anyone else caught this and can tell me what this means?


above is the link of part one of smackdown
I agree here. It's just a symbolism for Undertaker being "gone" for good. He'll be back and when he does return, he'll be coming for Kane!
I agree with all of the posts above, it's probably to signify that Taker has gone for good, because people signify going to the light as being dead, so their saying that Taker's dead which we know isn't true.
Yeah it is simply meant to represent Taker passing over to the other side. You always hear about people who have near death experiences saying they see a bright light and try to walk towards it.

It was done to signify the death of the Undertaker, which obviously is not the case. I really am getting tired of all these "Undertaker is dead" storylines. How many funeral services/eulegys has there been for Undertaker now?

In the last few years, I am sure I have see Kane do two, and there was the one with the Ortons, where Taker sat up in the coffin. It is the same shit over and over! I love Undertaker and think he is an absolute legend, but the storyline writers need to be more creative and do something different. How many times can one man be buried alive?! Come on!
I gotta say I liked this video. Music wasnt to my taste, sounded like some Lord Of The Rings shit but I liked how it was supposed to represent Taker going over to the other side, never seen that before. I think when he returns they should show the video again but with Taker coming out of the light and walk down the alley then it cuts to the ring, lights go out, the gong sounds, Taker's music plays and he comes out to the ring.
I kinda agree with the upper posts. but wasn't Taker allready kinda dead?? so is the undertaker being brought back to life? Maybe WWE is bringing the ABA Taker back.
Definitely a play on "the death of the Undertaker". I think his career died a long time ago, but I would like to see a real sending off, similar to his defeat to Yokozuna in a casket match where he delivers a chilling monologue on the titantron. That was an epic moment in WWF history.

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