What is your opinion on Evan Bourne's brother?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Evan Bourne trained one of his brothers a few years ago, he carries on the Sydal name as "Mike Sydal" and his in ring style is both technical and highflying, he's 5ft9 and 165 lbs, he's better on the mic than Matt/Evan has a hell of a lot of charisma, he won PWI's rookie of the year in 2009. He's mostly used as a jobber in ROH but has recently turned heel lately, do you think we could see him in WWE in the future?




in ring skills-
I have a question for you, are you a member of the Bourne family? If not, your obsession with Evan Bourne and the rest of his family is borderline uncomfortable.

To answer your question, no I don't see him in the big leagues. He is just too small and doesnt have a frame to bulk up on. The only way I could even see him getting a try out is if Evan Bourne catches Vince McMahon cheating on Linda and snaps a picture. At least Evan Bourne has tone, this guy screams backyarder
Wait, Evan Bourne has a brother?

Look, just because he is a mediocre performer in ROH and is the brother of Evan doesn't mean that he will make it in WWE. Personally, I think Evan Bourne is ten times better and deserves a better career.

If he is a jobber in ROH, and no disrespect to ROH as I believe they put on some of the best Pro Wrestling matches, he is going nowhere. Many people haven't heard of ROH, so jobbing there is almost a way of telling you that you have no future and just watch your brother.
I don't know. I'm not too sure if his mic skills are actually better than Evan's.

I find his mic skills to actually be kind of annoying. His voice is pretty annoying and his motions during his promo are a little odd and cheesy.

...and if he's jobbing in ROH, than I don't think he really has a chance of making it to WWE, even if his in-ring skills were better than Evan's.
I have a question for you, are you a member of the Bourne family? If not, your obsession with Evan Bourne and the rest of his family is borderline uncomfortable.
A bit harsh dont you think? Think before you type.

And I see Brian Pillman 2.0 here. If he got a little bigger, he doesnt need to be huge, it would be a great help. I think hes actually better than Bourne look wise. Hes got some personality to him which is great and it wouldnt hurt if they brought him to WWE to do a sibling rivalry type of thing with him being the bad brother. At least it would give Evan something to do besides win random matches.
I have a question for you, are you a member of the Bourne family? If not, your obsession with Evan Bourne and the rest of his family is borderline uncomfortable.

To answer your question, no I don't see him in the big leagues. He is just too small and doesnt have a frame to bulk up on. The only way I could even see him getting a try out is if Evan Bourne catches Vince McMahon cheating on Linda and snaps a picture. At least Evan Bourne has tone, this guy screams backyarder

I've been a fan of Evan Bourne for just 4 years. His brother is talented I wanted to see other peeps opinions. You don't need to be a jerk about your opinion, but I do respect your opinion. He does need to bulk up, he's very thin almost looks anorexic but that helps a lot with his in ring ability because he's so freaking flexible. I'm not obsessed with any wrestler, I am a an Evan Bourne mark but I'm not "Obsessed" lol.
I got to see and hear about Mike a few years back (2009 in fact) because a buddy of mine worked in an indy company as a ring announcer, color commentator and ran the website and poster designs (forget the company now) and he introduced me to Mike Sydal's work saying he was better than his brother and after seeing it, had to agree.

He'd never make it in the big leagues unless he did what his older brother did and worked TNA (either before moving onto WWE as Matt did or remaining there as a full time X division guy) but he is talented.
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