What is your opinion of Bret Hart?

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, I think the majority of us will agree that Bret Hart the 'wrestler' is one of the best ever. He had a wonderful career, had lots of 5 star matches and held every belt there was hold.

But what about Bret Hart the person? I always backed Bret during the Montreal screwjob, but understood where Vince came from. Up until he got closure though I used to thik to myself he 'just gotta let it drop now'. He sounded very bitter.

Since all this, I come to realise that Bret Hart is a very bitter old man. Bret never seems happy unless he is shooting on somebody. Hogan, Flair, Bischoff have all had it over the last few months. The pictures he drew of them were pathetic, there was no need. I have no love for Hogan and Flair but some of the things he said were uncalled for. He used to bash HBK and Vince up until recently, now he is kissing their rings in interviews.

Brets ego aswell. His book is a great read, loved it but he loves his ego being stroked. I think thats the only reason he came back to WWE last year - for his ego and to beat Hogan in the ratings.

I was a huge Bret Hart 'the wrestler' fan. But as a person I have gone off him. In his defence, I suppose his bitterness stems from Montreal, his stroke and alot of his family dying. That I suppose I can understand.
I think I will somewhat agree with what you have been seemingly rambling on about... I grew up with Bret Hart... I was a young wrestling fan watching him go from tag team wrestling, to IC champ, to World Champ... I watched him throughout all of those matches, through the screwjob and then throughout his WCW career (which fizzled)... He was pretty damn good in the ring, but after reading his book and reading other books that detailed what happened with the screwjob, and what happened elsewhere, I do agree that he was a lot different than the person we saw on TV all the time... I never expected him to tbe the guy that routinely cheated (as he mentioned over and over in his biography..) I didn't like that he basically used his biography as a "I was totally awesome and clearly it was everyone else's fault for everything that didn't work" type of book... After reading other books, I do think he portrayed himself a little to much slanted on the positive side, and used the rest of it to try to bury HBK and Vince... On that note however, I do think that he's allowed bygones to be bygones, and it wasn't him overtly wanting to outdo hogan that caused his return because if I remember correctly, he was getting ready for a return to the WWE long before TNA got Hulk and decided to go on Monday nights....... His return was timed for the beginning of TNA's "new monday night wars" as a result of it, but it was not pre-planned IE it was not something that as soon as TNA said we're going to monday nights on janurary 4th, Bret said, "IM TOTALLY GOING BACK TO WWE THAT DAY!!!." He instead had been planning to go back, and Vince, once TNA stated they were going to be airing a new show on Monday's said, well this is the day for you...

just in case for those TL;DR people... Bret was a good wrestler but outside the ring wasn't quite what i thought of him.. Doesn't mean he wasn't a hall of famer, or wasn't great
I never saw what people liked about him so much. he always came off has a spoiled little boy who road the coat tails of his father.
He is a guy that knows the business more than each and everyone of us.
If he and Vince could work along, i think WWE would probably be better than it is.

Bret Hart Is like J.R right now, they like to share their feelings about the WWE.
I think that Bret Hart was a fantastic wrestler and has a great time, but the guy had a miserable life.
First two of his brothers died, one nephew to, he got divorced twice, he had a stroke... Well and I dont need to talk about The Montreal Screwjob.

Of Course he is full of regrets and stuff, but he shows that Pro-Wrestling is his life and he doesn't deserve having guys thrashing him!

Learn to respect one of the guys that made Pro-Wrestling something we all love.
Quite simply Bret Hart is one of the greatest performers the business has ever seen. He was awesome in the ring, certainly one of the best and most loved technical wrestlers of all time, who could drag anyone to a good match and was always extremely reliable, loved by the fans and could draw money.

However, Bret is not a happy man and has not been for a long time. The tragic loss of his brother Owen, the deaths of British Bulldog (his brother in law), the struggles of his close friends Dynamite Kid, Brian Pillman, and the deaths of many other of his friends and his family troubles have really taken their toll on him.

Bret seems scared that his legacy will be forgotton and has been very bitter about the Monreal incident for almost 15 years. Yes he was screwed, but he let it take over his life and its only now that he has started to put it behind him and move on with his life. He has suffered a hell of a lot of personal tragedies, alot wrestling related but also with his stroke. I am just glad he is able to move again, and although his return to the WWE wasnt that great, it was a great achievement just to do it.

I hope Bret can get to a place where he is happy, he deserves it
can you really blame the guy. He literally gave his life to the business of pro wrestling, he's suffered so many losses while growing up in the business, and he just wants to make sure it was not all in vain. Does he try to make sure his legacy lives on? Sure, but so what, he's earned the right. Bret is one of the greatest legends to ever set foot in the ring, he's never injured anyone, and he made everyone look amazing in the ring. There aren't too many people who have given their lives to wrestling like Bret has and he's earned nothing but respect in my opinion.
Like probably everyone else here, I do not know Bret Hart personally, but the public image he has created as a person is abysmal. He comes across like that whining and bitter heel character he portrayed before jumping to WCW, which was the only time in his career i found him interesting. It seems now though that there was not too much acting involved. As far as his wrestling ability, no-one is denying he was good in the ring, but that is no defense for coming across as an absolute shit of a human being. It also ignores the other side of being a pro wrestler, a Bret Hart promo is about as entertaining as a Khali match.

It just seems that Bret Hart has no praise for anyone unless praising someone is a bi-product of insulting someone else. For example, Drew Mcintyre gets praised as it allows a dig at creative. i remember when he said something to the effect of Melina being the best wrestler in WWE. On the surface that looks fine, he's praising a talented diva, but what it essentially boils down to is Bret stroking his own ego. By saying Melina, a diva was the best, Bret was saying there is no-one today as good as him.

Lets not gloss over that Bret Hart is seemingly a man who will accept no blame for anything in life. It still amazes me the sympathy out there for a guy who wanted to in his last match with the company defeat the companies other biggest star, then ride off into the sunset to a rival, giving the Kayfabe impression that he is better than the best in WWE/F. Perhaps he got in the wrong profession as the guy seems to have all the qualities of a political spin doctor. Whenever something goes wrong in Bret Hart's life, it is never Bret Hart's fault. Vince screwed Bret, HBK screwed Bret, Bret sucked in WCW because of creative. Has Bret Hart ever done anything wrong? Not in Bret Hart's mind it seems.
Bret Hart is miserable and bitter. Hes not that big a deal. As a champion he was not a huge draw for WWF. In my opinion his most entertaining time was as a heel with the Hart Foundation. Other than that and the screwjob, the best thing I remember Bret for was losing to HBK in the Iron man match and the British Bulldog at Summerslam. Good wrestler? yes but so what? Theres been better. Good at promos? Ymaybe a 6 or 7 out of 10. There have been much better. So whats the big deal? He worked his whole life to be a good wrestler and succeeded. So why is he so bitter? Because he doesnt understand that there are people that are more popular than him. He doesnt understand that he is not the figure head of wrestling. His best qualities were to use his mediocre headliner status to put over guys that were genuine superstars ie shawn michaels and Bill Goldberg. Being the biggest star in wrestling has nothing to do with how good you are in the ring. Hence Hulk and Warrior being huge money makers. Bret Hart is a big Bret Hart mark.

With that being said- I am a big fan of his work and story, I just hate his attitude and bitterness about what many in the IWC believe to be the most entertaining time in wrestling history.
He might be bitter but that tends to happen. Michael Jordan is bitter. Brett Favre was bitter when Aaron Rodgers was coming in.

It just happens with some of the best. At the end of the day, my opinion on the guy is that he was someone who took his craft very seriously. That has it's good and bad. He had an ego and thought highly of himself, but he also put the time into making sure that he could back up his stature.

He was a bit over-the-top with his importance in a sense, but he did touch a lot of lives in various ways. Overall, I think he's a decent person and someone I consider an asset to the business.
I'm not even going to go into him as a person, lol let alone the fact that no one on this forum(most likely) actually knows him, and the fact that this is wrestling we're talking about, I think we've heard as much shit or more about just about every wrestler in the business. Also he has probably had the most shit thrown his way then anyone else, between the screwjob, the clique, his career ending injuries, and of course the loss of his brother Owen not to mention Bulldog, along with all the others not related to him.

Now as a performer, he was great during his time, one of the best all time in the ring, but his time ran out. I mean he could've stuck around in the WWF and been a player, but with all the talking in the business, and the guys the WWF had at the time, his time at the Main-Event was on its way out. Thats not taking anything away from him though, ther've been a million guys trying to main-event past their time, and Bret might've tried as well, but who knows.

All things said, he was the Main-Event in the WWE for a good while and he did a great job carrying the ball, one of the greatest of all time.
Bret Hart, the wrestler, is as good as they come. I don't think the guy ever had a bad match, with anyone. That says something.

As a talker? Really good, when given a character to work with. When Bret shot to the top of the WWF, after Hogan, he wasn't given any sort of character. His character was the guy who goes out there, busts his ass, and defends his title against anyone and everyone. When Bret was actually given a character, as the leader of the Hart Foundation in 1997, he dropped some really solid promos. The heat he received in the U.S. was insane, and all of that was a product of his character/promos.

The person? Some say bitter, and maybe with certain people he is. He was that way with Vince and Shawn, for years. What happened? They sat down, settled the issue, and they're fine. If Bret were such an asshole, and didn't deserve the last run he was given, I think he would still be sitting at home. Bottom line -- Vince knew he was wrong, Shawn as well, and the problem has been solved. Bret hasn't had a bad word to say about either guy since, so he's obviously not that much of a dick.

Bret hates Hogan and Flair, and both guys hate him. It's pretty simple. For years, Flair ran around and trashed Bret at every given opportunity. Hogan, not as much, but somewhat. I don't know these guys, so it's hard to take one side or the other, based upon what I actually know. However, I do know that pro wrestlers seem to hate Hogan and Flair a hell of a lot more than they do Bret Hart. Bret is still one of the most respected professionals in the history of the business, while Flair and Hogan have had issues with just about anyone you can think of.

After reading his book, and listening to interviews with guys who know Bret, I think he's a guy who doesn't let go of things very easily. I don't know if he's bitter, but if he is, I think he has the right to be. He was shit on, by a few particular people, for a long time. Vince and Shawn acted like adults, as did Bret, and they are fine now. Doubt the same thing will happen with Flair and Hogan, too much hatred there. When Hogan and Flair are the only two guys in that business who have something negative to say about you, it probably doesn't hold much water.
Brett the wrestler is easily one of the best of all time period.

Brett the person seems bitter and I don't really blame him with all the things that have happend in his career, with the screwjob, death of his family members, and probably not getting to end his career on his own terms, and getting the sendoff he would have liked to get playing alot into how he is today. I wonder how many people would feel the same way if the same things happend to them in their career choice.
I loved Bret Hart the wrestler; Bret Hart the person is another story. I still think the world of him but I read his book and saw how he was alienated and alienated others. He seemed very selfish at times in his personal life and very biter about some things in the wrestling world. Not surprisingly, I hated the whole Montreal Screw Job but it was all "business" as they say. I can understand where he was coming from in the matter; this really changed the landscape of pro wrestling in the WWE. Im a huge Bret Hart mark but I dont know the guy personally so Im just gonna remember him by his career and things i've read.
Bret Hart, the wrestler, is as good as they come. I don't think the guy ever had a bad match, with anyone. That says something.

As a talker? Really good, when given a character to work with. When Bret shot to the top of the WWF, after Hogan, he wasn't given any sort of character. His character was the guy who goes out there, busts his ass, and defends his title against anyone and everyone. When Bret was actually given a character, as the leader of the Hart Foundation in 1997, he dropped some really solid promos. The heat he received in the U.S. was insane, and all of that was a product of his character/promos.

The person? Some say bitter, and maybe with certain people he is. He was that way with Vince and Shawn, for years. What happened? They sat down, settled the issue, and they're fine. If Bret were such an asshole, and didn't deserve the last run he was given, I think he would still be sitting at home. Bottom line -- Vince knew he was wrong, Shawn as well, and the problem has been solved. Bret hasn't had a bad word to say about either guy since, so he's obviously not that much of a dick.

Bret hates Hogan and Flair, and both guys hate him. It's pretty simple. For years, Flair ran around and trashed Bret at every given opportunity. Hogan, not as much, but somewhat. I don't know these guys, so it's hard to take one side or the other, based upon what I actually know. However, I do know that pro wrestlers seem to hate Hogan and Flair a hell of a lot more than they do Bret Hart. Bret is still one of the most respected professionals in the history of the business, while Flair and Hogan have had issues with just about anyone you can think of.

After reading his book, and listening to interviews with guys who know Bret, I think he's a guy who doesn't let go of things very easily. I don't know if he's bitter, but if he is, I think he has the right to be. He was shit on, by a few particular people, for a long time. Vince and Shawn acted like adults, as did Bret, and they are fine now. Doubt the same thing will happen with Flair and Hogan, too much hatred there. When Hogan and Flair are the only two guys in that business who have something negative to say about you, it probably doesn't hold much water.

Well i could not have said it better myself, however I must add that there has been some nonsense written on this thread by punters that either are not aware of all the facts of the BH story, or are aware and are convieniently neglecting to mention them in order to have a dig at a man that can only be described as a legend in the business, if your going to voice your opinion at least type the truth and make your point from there other than that dont waste our time by posting them!
I think I'm going to have to agree with most people on here and say "Bret the Wrestler" Incredible in the ring probably in the top 5 in ring performers of all time. Everything he did was smooth and crisp. On the mic... eh.. not the best but as a heel in 97 he really shined.

Now as a person... from every interview I've seen.. every book I've read.. every shoot interview I've watched.. and worked with him once.. he is an ego maniac. I loved his book but after reading it one thing is very very clear. "Bret Hart is Bret Harts biggest fan.." After reading 500 pages of hearing him talk about how great he is and how great his matches are I came to that conclusion. I think his ego was absolutely 50% accountable for the rift with Shawn.. and ultimately his destruction in WWF.. He never seemed able to admit that he might have been wrong... except one shoot I saw where he admitted that he used to purposely try to drive HBK crazy and "perhaps went too far" in the trash talking he was doing. After YEARS of bitterness he seems to have found a bit of peace though.. Although he lost a couple more points in my book when after Shawn and him reunited in the ring that he felt it was SHAWN and NOT HIM who had a huge weight lifted..and Shawn had been carrying this around with him for years...WFT??!! Bret wasn't carrying that around for 12 years??!! He was the guy who requested Shawn not be at his HOF cerimony and threatened to walk out.. and the last page of his book says.. "I will never forgive Shawn and Hunter.." The LAST PAGE OF YOUR AUDIOBIOGRAPHY!!! Thats about as bitter as they come...
Bret Hart recently said that he should be above Austin in the greatest superstars of all time because he beat him in every match.

Does Bret Hart still think Wrestling is real like he did in 1997? He is getting old and had a stroke so his brain probably aint what it used to be but does he realise he beat Austin because WWE let him or does he actually believe he beat him in a fight? lol
In wrestling ability yes he does deserve to be ahead of Austin in the greatest of all time list, by far and away the top two should be battled out between him and HBK in that regard so I can sorta see what he means with that. To him professional wrestling was all about the work you did in the ring so his opinion would be based off of that. Bret the wrestler shits all over Austin the wrestler but that isn't saying that Austin doesn't deserve all his accolades and such because as an all round performer within the world of professional wrestling he really did have it all.
so i am new here and this is my first reply so bear with me. i have been a visitor to this site for two years and just registered when i read this thread. had to reply.
as far as how i view hart as a person, i dont know him.
he comes off as arrogant and bitter.
but lets talk about him as a wrestler for a second.
a lot of people make him out to be one of or THE greatest of all time.
but what makes a great wrestler?
as soon as hart got clout in the dressing room, he went onto business for himself.
go back and watch the iron man match for example. shawn worked his arm for twenty minutes and bret didnt sell it a damn bit when he got up. there are many examples of this. go back and watch his matches.
great wrestlers are the ones who can look good AND make their opponent look good. bret was only concerned with himself looking good and that is a well known fact. he wouldnt change his routine for ANYBODY,
and only worried about getting himself over. summerslam 92 and wrestlemania 10 dont count because that was family.
i will end this by saying i was a bret hart fan for the most part growing up,
but as i learned more and more about the biz he just doesnt seem to have the universal respect that guys like flair and micheals do.
so how "great" was he really?
I was a huge Bret Hart 'the wrestler' fan. But as a person I have gone off him. In his defence, I suppose his bitterness stems from Montreal, his stroke and alot of his family dying. That I suppose I can understand.

From his standpoint, it's not about ego, it's about him being right, and wanting to put the naysayers in their place, like Hogan, & Flair and a few others. It doesn't come off well at times, but I understand where he's coming from.

Bret Hart & Bill Goldberg were very similar in so much that they held very dearly to their moral integrity. Bret does need to learn to let it go, but I think it might be too late for him. He's been wronged legitimately, and he's suffered many unfortunate events as well, and then you toss in the loss of Owen and the circumstances surrounding that. Yeah it's hard not to be jaded or bitter. But he's still a good guy that cares very much about the business and his fans.
This is my opinion and it goes with every Charlie Sheen and Tiger Woods out there. WHO CARES about how he is in real life, his job isn't to be a standup person in life his job was to go out there, entertain the fans and put on a show and in that respect I feel Bret did a tremendous job. Its the same with Tiger Woods, none of us know him, none of us made a billion dollars so how can people judge him based on cheating on his wife, its ridiculous. (side note: I bet 9 out of 10 people would cheat on their spouses if they had the opportunity to screw anyone in sight and constantly had women drooling at their feet because they were famous). All in all people stop gotta treat celebrities and athletes like deities and take them for what they really are, humans just like the rest of us. We all act bitter about things that happened to us and hurt us deeply, a lot of us don't carry it as long as Bret did but at the same time none of us got screwed hardcore backstage and in front of millions of people either.

Sure he was bitter for a lot of years but over the last 2-3 years it sounds to me like Bret has moved on with his life. Since he has buried the hatchet with both Shawn and Vince for everything that happened. Vince owned the company that killed his brother, the fact that he was able to eventually forgive him and move on was commendable, most would have taken such a thing to the grave. Him and Shawn had years of bad blood but he eventually forgave Shawn and are now good friends from what I've heard.

I've also heard rumors that he isn't the most approachable guy to fans but that's his prerogative, I've heard Bret was kind of a loner so maybe he just likes keeping to himself, I don't think there is anything wrong with that, I'm very much the same way, I don't really like to be bothered by others whether its on the bus or on the street (I know I'm not famous but I'm sure everyone has had that random person talk to them on the street).

At the end of the day it sounds like Bret has put his bitterness behind him over the last few years and even if he didn't he doesn't owe us or anyone else anything when he is not performing, in his life he may just want to be treated like every average joe out there.

Interesting Story:

I'm from Calgary and have lived there my whole life, one of my good friend's dad knows Bret personally. One night I had the opportunity to actually have drinks with the guy (of course I took it, how often do you get to meet your favorite wrestler?). I went, had a few beers, had a few words with Bret and to me although he seemed reserved to an extent he was actually a pretty friendly guy all around. I don't know the guy, but I did have the chance to meet him and that was my take on him, someone who kept to himself but was also a friendly guy once you talked to him a bit.
well at first thought bitter, selfish, disgruntled, stuck in his ways come to mind. It seems that he has turned a corner though, I mean he is making appearences in a WWE ring afterall.
If he was bitter I don't think he would of shook Shawn Michael's hand on raw let alone work with the WWE again. Aside from the Shawn/Bret rivalary DVD about to come out, you won't see or hear Bret saying too much negative things about WWE anymore in comparison to before. I think he has found his closure and is not bitter anymore.
Back in the day, Hart could hold his own with anyone. He was the best there was. A good role model, a good sport, and he took a lot of shit. I look up to Bret Hart and wish that he wouldn't have got stabbed in the back my Vince McMahon. I don't honestly know what McMahon was thinking with The Screwjob... Bret had every right to go on and bitch about it, but he didn't. He punched Vince in the face after the show, packed his bags and left. I really like Bret it's a shame that he couldn't have stayed in the "E"...
I'm probably the biggest Bret fan you'll find, I grew up idolizing both Bret and Owen.
The wrestler Bret Hart very few of the "boys" could touch him in terms of in ring class and able to make people look great, I keep hearing Flair could make a broomstick look great but in fairness the only people I've seen Flair have truly great matches with are the same guys, Sting, Steamboat and Shawn (Bad Blood 2003 & Mania 24) but Bret could take guys like Backlund, 1-2-3 Kid, Lawler, Nash, Hakushi, AUSTIN and make them look legit. Watch Survivor Series 1996, Hart/Austin. straight up wrestling match, I'd go on record and say had that feud not have happened Austin would never have achieved what he did.

Bret the man, I don't know him, but for someone who grew up in the tradional sense of wrestling he was mega pissed about the lewd, crude attitude era and I can respect that, Bret being bitter is understandable, his Kid brother was killed doing some stupid stunt that would end with Owen tripping over the wires when he reached the floor. Bret was screwed two ways to tuesday by Vince and Shawn, and he needed closure. He got it and I'm glad he, Shawn and Vince all got their closure.

Bret ranting on WWE is probably a good thing if WWE take notice and try to improve, with Taker and HHH pretty much ready to retire, WWE need some of the older guys for some help to get the younger guys over. Seriously Undertaker, Shawn & Bret would be great backstage to help out with setting matches up, no offense to producers but them three guys have PROVEN 5 star matches and know how to feed the fans and build the anticipation up.
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