What is your New Years Resolution?

Lol...this comment made me smile. Every comment made me smile except te last sentence you made in your post. I know your just messing with me. Your like that brother that after a hard game, you mess up my hair, like your petting me. Thank you, Will.

I just wanna go on record & say I don't pet boys, anymore. I broke that habit years ago. :lmao: I've moved on to girls. (or girl - as in one)

And secondly, are you saying you have a Brother that pets you? No wonder you got issues. :p

I don't have any muscles, that's the problem. I don't like looking the way I do. I have a double chin and everything. I wanna be those slim guys who get the girls, and I know being skinny is not the reason they get girls and shit. WTVR...don't want to get into that, lol.

Hmmm, sounds like you honestly have a weight issue. (a mental issue with it, I mean) I think this could honestly be dangerous to you. People who feel uncomfortable with themselves often go through hard-ships & hurt themselves through forcing themselves NOT to eat.

I think you need to realize the more important thing is, you don't need to change for anyone but yourself. Don't do anything different, unless YOU want it to be done.

Girls who only go in for looks are shallow. You don't want those girls. In time some girl will come along & see you for what you have to offer. You're a good friend. And you don't need someone who only wants you for your looks.

That is what my Resolution is all about. I want to start over with people, but if I luckily lasted through out all the shit I have outlasted, I know I won't get lucky if I do something else bad. That's why you will all be seeing a brand new me.

I think the important thing to realize here is.. don't do anything you think COULD get you into trouble. Because in all likelyhood, it probably will. And furthermore, you have major issues with keeping things to yourself, so you'd likely rat yourself out too. :lmao:

Your right...I do need to make amends with them. Jake...Jonny...*coughing* Luther *coughing* I'm sorry for all the stupid shit I have done. I hope you guys can turn the other cheek.

Wait, did you just ask all three of them to bend over & bare it?!

Now this quote bugged me...what the heck did it mean?

I love how the one nice thing I said, without having any sarcasm or jokes within it.. you get bugged by. It is what it is.. I wished you a Happy New Year's, for what its worth. (if the latter part is what you were refering to, the "for what its worth" part.. I said that, because when I say something, you have to take it for what it is.. just someone saying something. I don't know how special that is to anyone.)
My New Year's resolution is to cut back on my drinking. Why? Because I have the ability to consume mass amounts of alcohol, and it's taking a toll on my bank account.....that, and I recently recieved a "drunk in public" ticket about 2 weeks ago.

When you're pre-drinking drink is a bottle of wine, you KNOW you've got a problem.
I just wanna go on record & say I don't pet boys, anymore. I broke that habit years ago. :lmao: I've moved on to girls. (or girl - as in one)

And secondly, are you saying you have a Brother that pets you? No wonder you got issues. :p

It was a joke. The petting thing is where they mess up your hair in like a "good job, sport." kind of thing. :headscratch: Are you trying to say I have issues?

Hmmm, sounds like you honestly have a weight issue. (a mental issue with it, I mean) I think this could honestly be dangerous to you. People who feel uncomfortable with themselves often go through hard-ships & hurt themselves through forcing themselves NOT to eat.

I think you need to realize the more important thing is, you don't need to change for anyone but yourself. Don't do anything different, unless YOU want it to be done.

Girls who only go in for looks are shallow. You don't want those girls. In time some girl will come along & see you for what you have to offer. You're a good friend. And you don't need someone who only wants you for your looks.

I wouldn't starve myself. I have gone on good diets...looks like I need to go back on it. I don't have mental weight issues, I just want to drop a couple of pounds...that's it. I also wanna get muscles...lol whole nother story.

I think the important thing to realize here is.. don't do anything you think COULD get you into trouble. Because in all likelyhood, it probably will. And furthermore, you have major issues with keeping things to yourself, so you'd likely rat yourself out too. :lmao:

The old COCO was a big mouth...but I promise you I am trying really hard to behave and to be a good boy. This COCO is a good person, who tries not to be annoying. And the first step of solving the problem is admitting the problem and I admit I had a problem and I am fixing it. The New Years came out, just in time.

Wait, did you just ask all three of them to bend over & bare it?!

Oh my my my. Tsk Tsk Tsk...I thought you were better than that Will. I like to have mature conversations, because I am trying to be a mature and sophisticated person. People might say or think "yea right...like I haven't heard that one before" well to be frank, everyone has to start off somewhere, so why can't I start now? Anyways, I think you know what I meant by turning the other cheek. I meant that in forgiveness.

I love how the one nice thing I said, without having any sarcasm or jokes within it.. you get bugged by. It is what it is.. I wished you a Happy New Year's, for what its worth. (if the latter part is what you were referring to, the "for what its worth" part.. I said that, because when I say something, you have to take it for what it is.. just someone saying something. I don't know how special that is to anyone.)

I didn't know what you meant by it but I do now. Thank you for clarifying that up for me.
It was a joke. The petting thing is where they mess up your hair in like a "good job, sport." kind of thing. :headscratch: Are you trying to say I have issues?

No, no, I wasn't trying... I'm pretty sure I stated it clearly. :p

I wouldn't starve myself. I have gone on good diets...looks like I need to go back on it. I don't have mental weight issues, I just want to drop a couple of pounds...that's it. I also wanna get muscles...lol whole nother story.

I wanna get muscles too, but if any female can't love me for who I am, barring the looks I bring to the table "as-is" than screw em, they aren't for me. I want muscles to make myself feel better, not to look better in the eyes of others.

And I've always wanted to be with someone I could hold up against a wall, but thats another story too. :lmao:

The old COCO was a big mouth...but I promise you I am trying really hard to behave and to be a good boy. This COCO is a good person, who tries not to be annoying. And the first step of solving the problem is admitting the problem and I admit I had a problem and I am fixing it. The New Years came out, just in time.

I think its odd that people generally try to better themselves, or fix themselves come a "new year." You do realize its life in general. You should be constantly trying to "better" yourself, year round. Don't pick the beginning of the year to start something new. Just start whenever you get the opportunity.

Oh my my my. Tsk Tsk Tsk...I thought you were better than that Will. I like to have mature conversations, because I am trying to be a mature and sophisticated person. People might say or think "yea right...like I haven't heard that one before" well to be frank, everyone has to start off somewhere, so why can't I start now? Anyways, I think you know what I meant by turning the other cheek. I meant that in forgiveness.

The start to being mature, is to understand & know how to take harassment in jokes. I don't hold it against you that you let things blow up at you. Although you've done your fair share to not let as much get to you, as I remember you once did. So for that I commend you.

I didn't know what you meant by it but I do now. Thank you for clarifying that up for me.

No problem.
:lmao: cool...cool...so this is the start of a brand new COCO...you'll see lol
A dime!?!?!?:blink:

Shit, he'd be lucky to get a nickel, LOL:lmao:

:lmao: Well, he had his hair working for him. And that pale appeal just causes rays of sun to blind you when looking directly into him I'm sure.. so its like walking around with a perminate tanning mirror.

He must be really busy around proms. Tons of fake girls wanting fake tans.
Whats your New Years resolution.

Getting back on topic.. (as if in the bar room it matters)

I like to set low standards. So this is my list.

1. Wake up
2. Eat
3. Do something
4. Sleep

:lmao: seriously though, I do like to set reachable goals.. so this is my real list of things I'd like to accomplish this year.

1. Workout everyday via push-ups & sit-ups at least. (I used to do 150 push ups a day, & 100 sit-ups a day. Spanned throughout the whole day, mind you. I did that for 4 solid years, then stopped right before 2002. I'd like to return to it.)

2. Try to be a better person. Once upon a time, I was really nice. Lately I've lost so much care & compassion for being nice anymore, because I feel noone is thankful for it. I can't stop being who I am, & its in me to be respectful to mostly anyone who respects me back.. but I wish I didn't feel so dark toward happiness.

I really don't know anything else. The workout thing is what will be tough.. but I imagine push-ups & sit-ups when I wake up, then again before I go to bed will be okay & manageable.
I'm going to make some resolutions right now...

1. Dont do Stupid things when I'm Drunk - Its a no brainer really. People should take my phone, wallet and tongue away from me when I am drunk maybe I can check all those things with my coat when I enter a club?

2. Find a Decent Job - My job sucks and they wont even give me more hours so it can suck more. I need a good job that pays well so I can piss all that money up the wall on pointless items.

3. Leave Women alone, or Turn Gay - Its been said before, but I'm thinking I might just stay away from females for the next year... maybe find one occasionally to satisfy me, but none of this relationship bollocks.

4. Hit the Gym more often - Like more than once a year. My arse is starting to get flabby.

Thats about it.
Getting back on topic.. (as if in the bar room it matters)

I like to set low standards. So this is my list.

1. Wake up
2. Eat
3. Do something
4. Sleep

:lmao: seriously though, I do like to set reachable goals.. so this is my real list of things I'd like to accomplish this year.

1. Workout everyday via push-ups & sit-ups at least. (I used to do 150 push ups a day, & 100 sit-ups a day. Spanned throughout the whole day, mind you. I did that for 4 solid years, then stopped right before 2002. I'd like to return to it.)

2. Try to be a better person. Once upon a time, I was really nice. Lately I've lost so much care & compassion for being nice anymore, because I feel noone is thankful for it. I can't stop being who I am, & its in me to be respectful to mostly anyone who respects me back.. but I wish I didn't feel so dark toward happiness.

I really don't know anything else. The workout thing is what will be tough.. but I imagine push-ups & sit-ups when I wake up, then again before I go to bed will be okay & manageable.

I'm very thankful of it :)
2. Find a Decent Job - My job sucks and they wont even give me more hours so it can suck more. I need a good job that pays well so I can piss all that money up the wall on pointless items.

I need one of these too. I just need one in general. I can't really expect to go anywhere, or afford anything if I don't have something that makes the money to get it.

I wish I could return to management of a video store. I loved the job, it was easy, it was understandable, & dammit I knew how to do it all.

3. Leave Women alone, or Turn Gay - Its been said before, but I'm thinking I might just stay away from females for the next year... maybe find one occasionally to satisfy me, but none of this relationship bollocks.

Meh.. I said it before, I'll give ya a go, but I'm not really for being on the receiving end of anal. Relationships (even gay ones) are give & take.. I'll give, you take? Fair enough?

4. Hit the Gym more often - Like more than once a year. My arse is starting to get flabby.

I think my sit-up/push-up combo is starting to work.. :lmao: I don't have to pay for the extra weight either.. my daughter just sits on my back, apparently she thinks its funny.

I think your arse is fine IMO.

Go find your own. His is mine, dammit!

I'm very thankful of it :)

Now if only that whole distance thing would just quit getting in the way......
Everyone seems to be having a tough time right now... I feel like shit as well, but apparantly this crap I've got causes a bout of depression that's probably why.
Everyone seems to be having a tough time right now... I feel like shit as well, but apparantly this crap I've got causes a bout of depression that's probably why.

You know, part of me wishes that I could simply turn off the emotions. But even if I could, I know I still wouldn't. Because the good part of emotions will always overcome the bad.

And I could live through the rest of my life, feeling as horrible & sick as I do now.. yet I'd still want to relive this exact same life, to reach the wonderful moments that mix in between. One day worth of truly great, on top of the world, emotions.. overcomes a full year or more of the shit I feel now.

When the term "walk through hell & back" is used.. I think this is it. And I can't say I'd joyingly do it, but to get the happiness back, I'd do practically anything. (short of selling my soul)
Just the way you share your spirituality, etc. in such an open way. None of you even know my true identity. How mysterious.
Just the way you share your spirituality, etc. in such an open way. None of you even know my true identity. How mysterious.

I'm an open book. I'll explain anything to anyone if they simply ask & want to know. I'm "that guy" thats too emotional about things, & breaks down about things most average guys would suck up & hold in.

I express that the most favorite thing about life is love. And the person I love, is someone I'm not with. I express that it hurts like hell, & I hate feeling the way I do because of it. But I won't hold back what I feel, or surpress it.. because I simply can't.

I wish I could help the world to be happy, & I don't look at being only one person in a maze.. but I do sometimes think things are too hard to overcome. And the only thing that gets me by is my belief that nothing would be put in your life, if it didn't have a resolvable solution. Nothing is impossible, but some things are more improbable.

EDIT: By the way, I don't care that you're a stranger or not. It doesn't bother me that I have no idea what you look like, or who you really are. Everyone to me is equal, everyone is the same.

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