What is your favourite 'shoot' promo ever?

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, given that the wrestling world is buzzing over CM Punks 'shoot promo' last night I think it's time to go through the archives and remember some of the greats over the years.

I use the term 'shoot' loosley, because like Mark Madden says it would never air if it wasn't worked. Sure the 'shooter' says stuff we are all thinking, says stuff we want to hear and really pushes the boundaries but lets not kid ourselves, Vince will have the final say on what goes to TV.

10 years ago, Paul Heyman, a man mentioned in Punks promo last night cut possibly the best ever 'worked shoot'. It's without a shadow of a doubt my favourite aswell. The similarities between his and Punks promo last night are also uncanny.

Both wore Steve Austin merchandise
Both brought up legends from the past (Hogan and Brock & Bret)
Both attacked Vince for the way he conducts business
Both mention Vince hates 'Wrestling'
Both mentioned everyone around Vince is an 'ass kisser'.
Both were cut off (Production & Tazz)

As good as Punks promo was, the delivery on this one by Heyman was MUCH better. I also think he was WAY more personal. He set the standard and the passion he put into made you think this was real. Everything he said was real, he was just allowed to say it. Watch an enjoy.

My favorite 'Shoot Promo' was Joey Styles quitting the WWE.

He ripped the current Color Commentary in the WWE saying he has to call the Wrestlers 'Superstars' instead. Also, not being allowed to discuss the moves in the ring but push the stories instead.
He continues to rip the company for not being allowed to call Wrestlemania or Backlash because he doesn't sound like the recently fired J.R. (who he was hired to replace).

It was a really great promo downing the product and colour commentary.
I didn't even have to think about it, CM Punk's one last night. The way he delivered his lines, his passion, the believability was amazing. It would have been an Oscar winning performance if it were a movie! Everything that Punk said really did sum up the problems that make the WWE boring and stale. But, kudos to Punk and to the WWE (he really did hate on them and made them look like shit and that requires a pair of balls for the WWE and Punk).
Other than CM Punk's from last night what about JR's shoot promo from September 1996? He talks about being fired by Vince on a Live RAW and it was the first time I had ever heard anyone say anything like that. JR then brought out the Fake Razor Ramon and Diesel right after that. Paul Heyman's from Smackdown in November 2001 I think would be on my list as well.

Isn't ironic that both Punk & Heyman were wearing Stone Cold Steve Austin stuff while doing theirs?
How can anyone not think the Flair's promo back when he came back to WCW was not the best ever. After being mocked by NWO and having Eric B. suspend him after missing an event for Flair's sons wrestling match, Flair came back and delivered a shoot promo that had people talking.
i watched heymens and styles shoots and think punks simply takes the cake. He was more intense with his shoot. Joey and paul both didnt seem as real about it. just my opinion.
No one has said Shane Douglas yet.

When he won the NWA belt and proceeded to trash the NWA and declare Eastern Championship Wrestling as Extreme Championship Wrestling.

It's the only time in history where a belt being disposed of has held any real shock and significance.

The Best Shoot Ever.
How can anyone not think the Flair's promo back when he came back to WCW was not the best ever. After being mocked by NWO and having Eric B. suspend him after missing an event for Flair's sons wrestling match, Flair came back and delivered a shoot promo that had people talking.

Wasn't that night he came back and the Horseman reunited? He called Bischoff a no good son of a bitch. If so I loved that one as well.

You know what Heyman and Punk have in common? Their shoots were worked. The words weren't but the topics were, Paul Heyman spoke to GoFightLive.tv over a year ago and said that they told him a week before the 'shoot' what he should bring up and how it would end.

Roddy Piper showed up in TNA and was going to plus his new book, instead he used the oppurtunity to shoot on Vince Russo. It wasn't worked, it was a real shoot. That's why it has something over Punk and Heyman; maybe on the same level of Douglas.
This one will not be remembered as one of the greatest of all time, but I loved the emotion that Paul Heyman and RVD put into their "shoot promos" at the original ECW One Night Stand PPV.

Heyman ripped into JBL and said the only reason he was WWE champion for a year is "because Triple H didnt wanna work Tuesdays", took shots at the WWE as a whole and also at Edge. I especially loved Heyman saying "EC FUCKING W!" at the end!

RVD was criticising the WWE for not letting him talk, proclaiming that the PPV was his idea and how devastated he was that he was injured and couldnt wrestle a match. He seemed really gutted at missing out on the show, as ECW meant the world to him.

Another Heyman classic was his shoot on TNN on an ECW broadcast, where he complains about never having ECW advertised, no promotion, and about how much the company hates the TV network they are on. He goes on to say about how he is going to break every rule they set until the network throw ECW off the air.


However, my all time favourite is the Steve Austin shoot in ECW, and in my opinion this is the 1st time we got to see Austin talk and show what he could do on the mic. It is one of the greatest promos I have ever seen. He talks about how he was never allowed to rise up the card in WCW, how he was fired by Bischoff over the phone, and how he was just an enhancement talent.

He says how he knows he can be a superstar, and in ECW he will prove it to the world. The intensity in Austin's eyes, the confidence he shows in the shoot and the anger you can clearly see he really has for Eric Bischoff and WCW for the way he was treated shine through on this, and you can see how he deserved the name "Superstar" Steve Austin. This was the 1st time you knew Austin was going to the top


This has to be where CM Punk got his inspiration from
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