What is your Favourite 3 No Mercy PPV match?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
ok I was just watch NO mercy 2002 with Lesner vs Taker HITC and it got me thinking No Mercy has always been really Underated over its 9 Year history for Example 1999 saw Austin vs Triple H which was one of their best matches together, Edge & Christan vs Hardy Boyz Ladder Match No Mercy 1999 nedd I say more, Edge vs Christan Ladder Match IC title No Mercy 2001 and so fourth

so with No Mercy's 9 year history what is you favourite 3 matches from that PPV here are mine!

WWE Title HITC No Mercy 2002
Brock Lesner vs Undertaker

Proberly one of the most brutal HITC matches in history Loads of blood and you just didnt expect Brock Lesner to win the match till halfway through

WWE title No Mercy 2001
Stone Cold vs Kurt Angle vs RVD

this is a odd chose but for some reason I just really enjoy it the build up was great and the back anf fourth action kept me entertained the whole way through. Plus you just didnt know if RVD was going to ship to the WWE.

World title No Mercy 2005
Batista vs Eddie Guerruro
I just love the emotion in this match and the build up was great , I just really enjoy watching it and that is why its in my top 3
Rock/Jericho I - No Mercy 2001.
Awesome wrestling between two guys and Rock made Jericho look a million dollars, considering 4 weeks earlier he was facing RVD for the Hardcore belt to being in the WCW Championship match and winning.

Austin/RVD/Angle - No Mercy 2001.
The match wasn't special by any means but the build and twists and turns along the way had you gripped.

No Mercy 1999 - Tag Ladder Match,
No words necessary, probably the best straight ladder match in WWE history, very inivative and was started 2 years of pure amazing tag wrestling.
No Mercy did feature some good matches over the years. The earlier events were definitely better than the later ones.

3. Triple H vs. Chris Benoit 2000

This is an often forgotten match. I actually haven't seen it in years but I remember it being very good. I think their 2004 feud makes this match less memorable but the No Mercy match is probably the best match they had with each other.

2. The Rock vs. Chris Jericho 2001

This match was kind of a throwback. The attitude era was full of brawls and fast pace matches. The art of telling a story with good pacing seemed to disappear for a few years. It returned with this match.

1. Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit 2002

One of my favorite matches ever, not just at No Mercy. This was a beautiful match. It's flawless. These four were on top of their game that night and the excitment of the crowd built up throughout the match. Quite possibly the best tag match ever. How is it that the op's viewing of No Mercy 2002 inspired this thread yet this match is not on his list? To each his own.
3. The New Brood (Jeff & Matt) vs Edge & Christian - Ladder Match $100,000 & the managerial services of Terri Runnels
This match got 4 young wrestlers over big time.. It made the next couple of years of the WWE about tag team.. The division was lit up because of this match.. All 4 men got a standing ovation after this.

2. Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar - WWE Championship in a HiaC match
This match was really brutal, they didn't get out of the cell and didn't need to.. Heyman wasn't involved in the match and he bled!!! Brock showed he was the real monster in this match.

1. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle vs Edge & Rey Mysterio - Tag team match to crown new WWE Tag Team Champions
When you look at the names, you think, well this is just 2 random teams put together.. But what a match it was... Smackdown was on fire in 2002 and this match showed a lot from all four men. Surprisingly Rey/Edge were the better team, either way, if WWE decide to make a best of tag matches DVD, this should be NUMBER 1!

Just like The Brain said, No Mercy in it's 9 years had a lot of great matches!
I had to really think about it here, as we can only name matches from the No Mercy shows, but a couple of good matches come to mind.

Chris Jericho VS Shawn Michaels - Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship (No Mercy 2008)
This one was my favorite because it was an amazing climactic match to one of the most epic feuds in years. They kept us wanting more and ended it with the best match that the No Mercy PPV series provided.

Triple H VS Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship (No Mercy 2008)
Another good one. Hardy had been starting to really step up and it showed in this match.

Randy Orton VS Triple H - Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship (No Mercy 2007)
I hated this so much back when it was first going on, but it was good looking back on it. The storyline issue of Trips having to defend the title for a second time in the same night against the same guy he won it from a couple of hours before, added to a match that would have been good by itself without the storyline.
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Rock-Jericho 2001

One of the greatest wrestling matches of all time. Both men brought the best outta each other, and the fact that jericho never won the big one made the match even more dramatic. Also, we had the chance to witness two of the most popular superstars of all time go at as babyfaces. Still remember jericho's line "I realized, in order to win the big one, I have to beat the great one!"

Triple H-Benoit 2000

Just like brian said, this is one of the most underrated matches of all time. I have to be honest, I was shocked how good triple h was in the ring, technicaly. Not only he did hang with benoit, but IMO he out-performed him. Great story telling, great wrestling, great match!

Hardyz-E&C 1999

IMO, this match was the begining of all the great tlc matches these two teams had alongside the dudleyz. Great performance by both teams, and it damn sure showcased what these men are capeable of.
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