What is your favorite Wrestlemania Main - Event ?

What is your favorite Wrestlemania Main-Event ?

  • Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin - Wrestlemania 14

  • Steve Austin vs The Rock - Wrestlemania 15

  • HHH vs The Rock vs Mick Foley vs Big Show - Wrestlemania 16

  • The Rock vs Steve Austin - Wrestlemania 17

  • HHH vs Chris Jericho - Wrestlemania 18

  • Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar - Wrestlemania 19

  • HHH vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit - Wrestlemania 20

  • HHH vs Batista - Wrestlemania 21

  • HHH vs John Cena - Wrestlemania 22

  • Shawn Michaels vs John Cena - Wrestlemania 23

  • Undertaker vs Edge - Wrestlemania 24

  • HHH vs Randy Orton - Wrestlemania 25

  • Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker - Wrestlemania 26

  • The Rock vs John Cena - Wrestlemania 28

  • Other

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Championship Contender
By Main-Event I mean the match that goes on last.

My favorite is the Wrestlemania XX - Main Event. HHH vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship. Awesome Triple threat match with an epic ending.

After that it would be the Wrestlemania 19 Main Event - Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship. A 5 Star match by Two of the Greatest athletes in Pro-Wrestling history.
I voted for Rock vs Cena for selfish reasons really. Wasn't the best match by a long shot but, fuck it, I was there. My first Wrestlemania and the atmosphere was amazing. That alone makes it the best to me
Wow this was very very hard for me to pick just one. I had to narrow it down and go with a match I can watch over and over without getting burnt out on, and it was Austin vs. Rock WM 17. Instant classic and one of the most entertaining matches in the history of professional wrestling. A bloodied Austin beats Rock, cracks a beer with McMahon, and so ends the Attitude Era with arguably the greatest Wrestlemania of all time. You all obviously know everything about the match so I won't go into detail too much.
Yeah, gotta go with Rock vs. Austin at X7 here. It's a tough decision because there's been some truly incredible main events at WrestleMania in the past. When it comes down to choosing the best though, it's gotta be that match. It simply was the ultimate dream match with two of the biggest stars eve closing out the biggest era in wrestling history at the greatest WM of all-time. Everything from the entrances to the swerve at the end still sends chills down my spine no matter how many times I've already seen it. No doubt in my mind, Rock vs. Austin at WMX7 is the greatest WM main event of all time.
Easily Rock n Austin. If taker n hbk would've gone last at mania 25, I would've picked that as that is easily the greatest match in wwe history. However, austin n rock stole the show every time they were in the ring and on the mic.
Alot of classics to choose from, but i'll go with Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 14. This match went from one era to the next era. After this match, the WWF became very popular and was about to set the world on fire. This match had alot of drama in it too. Mike Tyson is the outside refferee who is wearing a DX shirt. This match is one great match, the finish of Stone Cold reversing the Sweet Chin Music and HBK reversed the Stunner and then Stone Cold once again reversed the Sweet Chin Music and this time hitting the Stunner. Tyson came in the ring and 3 counted against Shawn. After the match, Shawn is shocked and he tried to punch Tyson out but HBK got knocked out by Tyson. Well documented, Shawn wrestled on a broken back on that night and gave a great performance.:wwf:
WM XX. HHH - Michaels - Benoit. Was one of the highest points in my history as a FAN. At the time I was really high on Guerrero and Benoit and the embrace at the end will go down as one of my favourite wrestling moments of all time....if not my very favourite.
I went with Shawn vs. Stone Cold.

You could tell Shawn was hurting at this point, and yet he and Steve Austin went out, and tore the roof off the buidling, and it truly was the bridge from the gimmick era to tha attitude era. Hell, even Mike Tyson hitting Shawn was truly epic.
Im Going with Wrestlemania 24 Undertaker vs Edge Because i was a huge fan of both Taker and Edge and had been begging for this match for years, it was one of the greatest Wrestling Matches Ive EVER seen but what made it special for me was that it was the 1st time i ever heard the crowd chant 15-1 at Taker and for the 1st time i actually started to believe myself that Edge was gonna end the streak and i remember watching it on ppv and there was storm starting to hit orlando and at the start of the match you could see fans leaving the arena to try and get home before the storm got worse but shortly in to the you could see people stopping on there way out and standing in the aisles watching the a match and eventually going back to there seats and not caring about the storm coming because they knew they were watching Edge and Undertaker Put on a CLASSIC. my Close second would be the Wrestlemania XX triple threat because it was a great match and to finally see Benoit win the World Title for the 1st Time was Geat but what made it Special was the way they ended the show with Benoit and Eddie standing in the ring together Both Holding up there World Titles, it was such a Special Moment.
Without a doubt, my favorite Wrestlemania Main Event would be The Ultimate Challenge, Hogan vs. Warrior at Wrestlemania 6. The build for the match was incredible and I must have flip-flopped on who I wanted to win at least a dozen times in the months building up to Mania. My cousin watched it with me, and the excitement literally became too much for him. He went into my bedroom and played video games and waited for me to come running in, screaming who won. I liked the sudden finish, and we both went ape shit when The Ultimate Warrior won. That Wrestlemania is one of my favorites overall. Good stuff.
Wrestlemania 17- Rock vs Austin- Hands down best match I've ever seen.
Wrestlemania 28- Rock vs Cena- Great atmosphere brilliant ending and my hatred towards Cena made me feel so fired up for The Rock to win.
Wrestlemania 26- HBK vs Taker- Great match not as good as WM25 but alot of emotion in HBK's last match.
For me it was a close one between Austin/Rock and the triple threat at WMXX. In the end I chose the latter, I can honestly watch that match over and over and of course the aftermath is now even more emotional.
Tough decision, but I'll have to say Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart @ WW12 in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match. I was billed as HBK trying to accomplish dream by becoming WWE Champion. As a kid I was in full support of HBK accomplishing this. Great technical match, lots of emotion with several near falls, but in the end Shawn won 1-0 (only pinfall during the match)

Great stuff
I picked other and for me its Michaels/Hart at WM 12. Sucker for face v face and the iron man concept works so well for these 2. Each wrestler has extended moments of being on the offensive that highlihts their strenghts and the last minute of regulation followed by what happens after the 60 minutes expire, followed by overtime were fantastic.

Even before there was real heat between Bret and Shawn, Bret made you feel like he absolutely hated Shawn after the match without laying a finger on him. You just don't get that anywhere else.
I picked the triple threat at wm 20.... i would have chose wm 17 but although I loved that match it could have been trimmed 5 minutes and the crowd definetively bumped it up.....

I chose HHH vs HBK vs Benoit because I could watch that match over and over again and even though I know how the match would end i would get bored, 3 technical guys in their primes showing what wrestling was all about, HHH proving that he was the best and the title belonged to him, HBK proving he could still stop the the show and was still the Icon, and Benoit had that cinderella story of never winning the big one and finally realized his dream when he made HHH tap out .... the celebration with Eddie made that one of the best moments in not only wrestlemania but wrestling history
I too voted for Rock and Austin, but I went with their WrestleMania XV match...I think at this point, I'm the only person who has. Lol.

I went with the XV match because it was the perfect culmination to an epic year in WWF history. Rock and Austin had been dancing around their face-off for the title since Rock won it at Survivor Series. Everyone knew it was coming. The Corporate Champion v the Blue-Collar bad-ass, and creatively, it was one of the best matches, ever.

The match itself wasn't a thing of beauty, few Stone Cold matches were, after he broke his neck. But, they worked a great hardcore match, and the drama in it was great. Everyone knew Stone Cold was going to win, but it didn't hamper the crowd reaction. After the Rock put Mick Foley down, finally, everyone wanted to see him get his ass kicked to the moon, and that's why I think this match was so great. It was just perfect story telling in wrestling. 1998 proved that you can tell good stories in wrestling, and WrestleMania XV was a great culmination of that.
Close call between Rock/Austin WM17 or HHH/HBK/Benoit WM20.

Probably the Triple threat gets the vote because it was an awesome wrestling match, Rock/Austin had the Vince Mac interference so loses out, just, IMO.

Shout out to WM19 Angle/Brock, but Brocks botched finish loses it and Savage/Flair WM8 and maybe even Savage/Hogan WM5. Randy Savage was awesome!

And how can anyone think Cena/Rock was a good match. It sucked just like i knew it would, so did HHH/Taker at WM27 whilst I'm at it.
Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker - Wrestlemania 26, the last match of the greatest in ring performer ever, very emotional and a great match.
i picked other.

for me its wrestlemania 12. two of the greatest wrestlers wwe have ever had facing off in a iron man match. if wwe ever decide to do another iron man match then they should make the wrestlers involved sit down and watch shawn vs bret first so they can see how it is done.
It's hard to choose between Rock/Austin WM 17 and Kurt/Brock WM 19 for me.

But I'm gonna choose the Kurt/Brock match, well because Kurt and Brock were in an amazing feud. The match was technical, had counters and reversals. Brock was a monster at this time he could wrestle anybody, he had the ability to chain wrestle or brawl, or superplex Big Show. Kurt was the champion, had Team Angle on his side. Also, when Brock botched the Shooting Star Press, I didn't think he would get back up, but he did and got the 1-2-3.
wow, it reaally annoys me the lack of respect that people have for the past, so, you think wrestlemania started at 14 or something?? anyways, my vote went to other and its gotta be a tie between Hogan vs Andre and Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior at 3 and 6 respectively, both were just epic but if i gotta go with one id have to say hogan andre wrestlemania 3. stuff of legends right there..
On Paper: Shawn Michaels(c) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin: This match had the makings to be the greatest match ever IMO. With Tyson & DX getting involved, this match had amazing potential. It still came out a solid match but not not the best.

Favorite Main Event Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker: First off I think there Mania 25 bout was the greatest match in history IMO and deserved top billing but I still picked this match for a couple reasons. They still came VERY close to beating that match and with the NO DQ stipulation, HBK retiring, and finally getting to end Mania, not to mention all the story & history between these two men, best Main Event ever!

Notabale Mention: Lesnar vs. Angle was amazing but i thought SCSA/Rock deserved Main Event that night, Edge vs. Taker was a GREAT main event, I think HHH/Jericho is THEE MOST UNDERRATTED MANIA MAIN EVENT EVER!, HHH/HBK/Benoit was AMAZING but I thought HBK/HHH deserved the main event, and ofcourse both SCSA/Rock's were good.
Mine's got to be HBK vs Cena @ Wrestlemania 23.... Awesome Matchup

I was at the show and the crowd was so hot during that match. Everyone was behind Michaels and watching Michaels kick Cena's ass for 20 minutes only to tap out to "submission specialist" Cena was the biggest blow to the audience. The place was just quite. I remember sitting in my seat for like 10 minutes after it happened thinking how they have Michael's whip Cena for the entire bout and then have him tap to Cena, remembering this is the same Michaels who after 59+ minutes against Bret wouldn't tap to the sharpshooter. Just didin't make a whole lot of sense. If your going to have Cena win, have him hit like the FU from the top rope or something.

It was probably the last time we will ever see a piledriver in the WWE. Michaels planted Cena with it on the steps in one of the best spots in WM history. That moment alone should have won him the match.
I remember sitting in my seat for like 10 minutes after it happened thinking how they have Michael's whip Cena for the entire bout and then have him tap to Cena, remembering this is the same Michaels who after 59+ minutes against Bret wouldn't tap to the sharpshooter. Just didin't make a whole lot of sense.

The same way you have Ric Flair beat Harley Race, Sting, Randy Savage, and Dusty Rhodes....then goes on to lose to his son David, Carlito, etc. Same way you have Billy Kidman beat up on Hulk Hogan but then lose to Kid Kash, Paul London, etc.

Cena/HBK served a purpose....show Cena's toughness and resiliancy and to put him over as a complete threat to an opponent.

Anyway.....my favorite main event is probably the best match as well and that would be Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels. Told a story and was the beginning of Bret and Shawn working themselves into a shoot by using that to fake a beef that ended up becoming legitimate, resulting in 1997 Survivor Series events.

A very close 2nd would definately be Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant....the match that single handedly put 90+ thousand fans into the Pontiac Silverdome and set the wrestling world on fire.

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