What is your favorite T.I. song?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Hello, everyone! This is the first of what I hope to be a series of posts. I will list of number of different questions, just to get a bit of a look of what your music interests are. I will make an attempt to make the questions interesting, and include as many genres as possible.

I will make this one about my favorite rapper, T.I. I ask, what is your favorite T.I. song? For those who may not know, T.I. is a 2-time Grammy Award Winner, a 14-time BET Award Winner, and the founder of Grand Hustle Records (his rap label). In the 8 years T.I. has been active, he's had 6 studio albums (I'm Serious, Trap Muzik, Urban Legend, King, T.I. vs. T.I.P., and Paper Trail). However, he is now currently in his 5th month in his year-and-day jail sentence, for illegal possession and use of firearms. He is set to be released on March 26, 2010.

T.I. is known to have very hard, inspiration lyrics. Mostly about his swagger, his life, his mistakes, people he's lost, and a lot of other things. That is why he is my favorite rapper. So, I want to know... What is your favorite T.I. song and why? Thanks!
For me it would be What ever you like. The beat to the song was really good and the lyrics are not that bad. I would say it's one of his best songs he ever produce. T.I is to me the best mainstream artist today even though he is in jail.

Good Concept.
My favorite song is Be Easy.

His arrogance is the attraction here. He is one of the best rappers ever. In all honesty, he has a unique style and very good lyrics. His second single, Be Easy, captures his greatness. The song tells a great story. Everyone needs to chill and recognize that someone is always better than you at something. Tip tells us to be happy with what we are. There is no need to cop someone's style, girl, lifestyle, etc. Everyone should be easy, not cause trouble, and live their life. Trouble will find you on its own. There is no need to invite it into your life.
Never was a fan of TI, until the paper trail album. I loved him on Justin Timberlakes "My Love" but none of his earlier songs were my "type".

It wasn't until "Paper Trail" was released that I became a big fan of his music. The whole album is really good. It's his most mainstream release yet so that probably has something to do with it. Pretty much every song is catchy and while I love "Whatever you like" my favorite would have to be his calaboration with Rihanna, "Live your life".

The song is really good and catchy, and the sampling works really well. TI's verses are strong, and the chorus with Rihanna is brilliant, and fun. They sound great on the track, and it's no doubt my favorite song from him.
I'm really not a fan of T.I. at all, and end up changing the channels whenever any of his stuff comes on. That being said, I am a fan of his latest single...I don't know the name offhand, but it's him and Mary J. Blige (another artist i could live without).

He's gone through a lot over the course of a few months, and that definitely comes through in the song. The beat is nice, and almost all of the vocals are good. There's parts that I just don't pay attention to, and the video tells a great story.

If he makes a few more like that, maybe I'll pay a little more attention, but for now, that's it...
I have been a somewhat fan of T.I.. At first, he was overrated in my mind then I slowly became a fan of his. Paper Trail was a great album. It was definetly one of the better rap albums in awhile.

The track "No Matter What" is definetly of my most recent T.I. favorites. I think it was one of his singles for Paper Trail when i first heard it. This song is just hella sick! Nice lyrics and the beat is dopee!
T.I. is one of my least favorite rappers. I can't stand the guy.

That said, I was really feeling him when he first came out with "24s". I fucking LOVED that song. The beat was great, and T.I. just flowed to it perfectly.

However, since then... he hasn't released much stuff that I've enjoyed. It pains me he's considered the King of the South. That motherfucker isn't King of shit, let alone of Southern Hip-Hop. Anyone who thinks he is has lost their damn mind.
T.I. fell off after Trap Muzik or whatever. That "King" album was fucking horrible and every album after that was decent at best. Yeah he can write but when he tries to go all "lyricist" and shit his flow is basic as hell.

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