What is your Favorite Submission Hold?

Mine would have to be the stretch muffler. Only because it's ridiculous. No way is it sane to use your neck to bend someones leg. Also known as The Brock Lock. Or the Asian girl semi X- rated twist. Well those were the two videos I could find, don't judge me.



If I remember correctly, Lesnar stood up once with it locked in and had a piece of Funaki just hanging off his neck. Twas radical.
Gotta be Lance Storm's roll-through Canadian Maple Leaf (half boston crab). For the life of me, I can't find a vid of it, but I will admit to marking out when he goes for it.

Another favourite is the Crossface. It's just so damned painful a move to be in. Couple years back I had a "wrestling match" with a buddy of mine and his brother. I was Angle, they were Jericho and Benoit respectively. I got both move put on me (one at a time, and both at the same time). I can honestly say I've never been in so much pain.
I'd go with the the Texas Clover Leaf, The Walls of Jericho, and The Sharp-Shooter. I've always been a fan of submission holds that just fucking destroy your back, basically many variations of the Boston Crab, but The Walls of Jericho, Sharp-Shooter, and Texas Clover Leaf take the cake. But over all I'd go with the Sharp-Shooter as it was made famous by my child hood hero Bret 'The Hitman' Hart.
Such a tough decision, Figure Four, Sharpshooter, and Clover Leaf are great classics. I always loved the Lion Tamer too whenever he uses that version.

When compared with wrestlers, the Crossface and Ankle Lock were amazing with Benoit and Angle respectively. They could lock you up with those in a reversal from out of nowhere, and the matches those two had countering each other were brilliant.

Good find on the Rings of Saturn, I used to love seeing that, it definitely deserves some credit and I enjoy Schweingatame and Cattle Mutilation for the innovation.

I hope the Breaking Point PPV will mix it up and bring back the art of submission.
When I think of two Submission holds I loved watching.. it goes without saying..


Basically a reverse/inverted Sharpshooter. Edge doesn't use this move nearly as much as he truly needs to, and it could in all honesty boost him even higher upon returning, to go back to this as a top finisher to use.

The hold is the best of both worlds as far as submissions go. Its an inescapable hold, and its not forcing you to turn your back to your opponent, or give up any type of body part to be attacked in chance of a reversal.


While that version wasn't the full effect version he's used to make opponents tap out, even as you can see within the video the submission move is inescapable and your opponent's only hope is to reach the ropes. The bit I find funny the most is, in the better versions of the hold, Edge sits down deeper in it, putting more arch and pressure on the opponent's back.

Once again, this is a prime finisher that I believe Edge should return to and it was always great to see it used. I was disheartened to see Edge begin using the Sharpshooter, but believed that it was only due to so many workers/opponents not knowing how to properly work with this type of move. Thats how unique it was.


In the words of Kurt Angle.. "Thats not a submission, its an illegal choke!" Well, whatever it is.. its fucking useful! I can say without question this is a great submission hold, and from personal experience. :lmao: I once locked this bad boy in on someone and they flat out turned fucking dark red in the face.

Whenever I seen Taz use this, it felt vastly more superior than a regular rear naked choke. Maybe it was the energy and excitement Taz put behind it, maybe it was always the fans eruption whenever the submission was locked in. I'll never fully know. But one thing is for sure, this submission hold is amazing.
I have always been a fan of The Sharpshooter. It is a great submission move that is very creative and god dam f*****g sore. I used to love it when Bret Hart done it and i still mark out to this day when i see the likes of Natyla, vetrens like HBK Shawn Michaels and a whole bunch of wrestlers lock in this deadly submission.

Purley Classic
taz's brooklyn stretch. awesome move.. a grapevine deathlock.. he used it on Sabu once or twice.. but yeah tazmission and texas cloverleaf are my favorite. i just love the look of the brooklyn stretch. look it up on youtube...
I would say sleeper hold by Brutus the Barber Beefcake!! I think I liked it the best because after it was put on someone was getting cut, I remember mimicking his little strut before he put on the move, although Im glad the sleeper hold is basically retired, definitely a 80's move, just dont think it would sell in todays wrestling
How the f*ck did I ever miss this thread? I have a lot of favorites, as submissions have always been my favorite endings to match. It's the ultimate way to show you are better than your opponent, and there's really no way to argue against it. Remember when Benoit made HHH tap? There were chants for nearly 2 years, every time Hunter picked up a mic.

If I had to pick one favorite, I'd go with Crippler Crossface. It's the kind of finisher that just looks like it hurts, and you almost find yourself begging the guy to tap when you see them in it, even if you hate them. The only way to reverse it is to roll all the way out, and even then, it looks like it just adds to the name.

Also, have you ever been in that move? It really does hurt. I'd be afraid to apply it on someone in a legit wrestling match.
It would have to be the Figure-Four Leglock as performed by Ric Flair. It is still my number 1 'mark out' move.

Buddy Rogers of course invented the hold, and Jack Brisco and Greg Valentine were great at the hold, but it is Ric Flair's move.

It suits him as much as Hogan doing the Legdrop, and nothing excited me more in a match than Flair slapping on the Figure-Four!

My other favorites would include the Camel Clutch applied by The Sheik and the Scorpion Deathlock applied by Sting.
I love Jericho’s Lion Tamer and Angle’s Ankle Lock with the Grapevine. These two moves look devastating to me and they are done by my two favorite active Wrestlers.

Another submission move I love is when two Superstars apply two moves on one Star. For some reason, I can’t think of any right now. Please help refresh my memory.
I think my favorite move was The Lasso From El Paso by Eddie Guerrero I just loved that move. It is essentialy a Cloverleaf which in my opinion was great to see from Eddie. In my opinion it was paying homage to his friend Dean Malenko the man of 1000 holds who commonly used the Cloverleaf.
What move to really cheer for? there are so many, for real, some seems badass, some more efective.

1. The Death Lock STF: pretty much like an STF but the legs are crossed in something like a principle of the Texas cloverleaf. I saw this move in Japan in the )0s and it looks freaking difficult and almos impossible to escape. Also Eddie Guerrero used it on Brock the Day he won the WWE title. While he used it as a transition move, he pulled it out from "El Laso from EL Paso", It looked beatiful while it lasted and it actually seemed like Brock was about to tap out.

2. The Crossface: has been said before, can come from out of nowhere and it looks freaking brutal.

3. Triangle Choke-Gogoplata: I mean these moves look great, while the Gogoplata is way more difficult to pull, both chokes are great and the Triangle choke can come almost from every position.

4. Bret Hart's Sharpshooter: I mean he made it look sick, with no real escape, even if anyone escaped later when he locked it right, you know it was over.

5. Angle's Ankle lock with scissors: same as above, he makes it look sick with no real escape. I mean, when he pulls the Ankle lock it looks great but one he gets to the ground and wraps his legs around the damaged leg, you know it is really over.
Crossface. Without a doubt. You could drop any muthafucker with that move. Benoit locked that on everyone from Rey to Big Show. It's such a lethal looking move. That move just.. looks like they're gonna rip your head off. I love that shit.

Alt: tazzmission/full nelson

Just because I love giving those to people, both can come outta nowhere and hurt like a bitch.
I think nothing is better than a good ol sleeper hold. While it can commonly be seen in today's product, Brutus Beefcake and Roddy Piper among others were the ones who used it as there devastating finishers.Probably the most simple, yet effective submission hold ever.And dont you try and tell me that you have never tried to put it on someone.

Honorable mention would have to go to the indian deathlock. I first saw it at wrestlemania 19 performed by triple h on booker t and I think it was recently used by Chris benoit somewhere around 05-06. I just looked like a real credible submission that can be very painful.
Lots of good ones so far.

When I was a kid, many moons ago, there was a guy wrestling out of Portland; Stan "The Man" Stasiak. He had what was called "The Heart Punch" and it was one of the earliest finishing moves I can recall.

But staying old school here, I loved Nikita Koloff's clothesline. It was devastatingly good. Also, Magnum T.A.'s Belly to Belly Suplex which at the time was a great finisher.

More recently, whatever the hell move Petey Williams did. It was awesome to see.

But I loved the top rope, and Jimmy Snuka's flying headbutt, the Superplex from Barry Windham (who after hitting it would roll over into a pin), and Macho Man's Flying Elbow were all favorites and looked fantastic.


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