What is your Favorite Submission Hold?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
I think the name is very simple on this matter, and it's pretty evident; what is your favorite submission move, who do you feel performs it best, and why?

I'd have to say that, for me, nothing beats a Ric Flair figure four. The move is so simple, and yes, people often times break out of the hold. But it gives Flair so much of a chance to play out so much of his character whenever he performs it. Namely, such a thing occurs for me when from Flair holding the ropes for leverage, or onto a manager's hand to stretch out the leg. It fits so well into his character of The Dirtiest Player in the Game, and still, to this day, illicits some feeling of hatred to the man. Which, when the hold is reversed for me, brings entertainment in hearing the man scream in agony over his move backfiring.

Not only that, but it's a very simple move, yet it also looks so painful to apply. It just looks like it places so much pressure upon the knee and ankle, and it just seems to work so well for Flair. It's a flawed move, admittedly, but therein also lies the enjoyment, for me. I like the idea that a submission move can finish a match, or that it can continue the pacing of the match. I love the ambiguity of not knowing if the move will put a wrestler away, or not. Moves such as the sharpshooter and STF, for me, seem far too final, where as a move like the sleeperhold, you can predict that the wrestler will eventually wake up from.

So again, what is your favorite submission move, and why?
I like the Sharpshooter. When executed correctly (by Bret Hart or Sting's variation) it seems to hurt everything from the knees to the middle of the spine. It stretches and bends, grinds bones and contorts joints.

Unlike the figure four, which I would rank third behind the crossface and Sharpshooter, it can't be reversed, which is definitely an advantage. Superstars from The Rock to Edge have used it effectively. A combination of the figure four and Boston crab, which have both been used effectively as finishers, the Sharpshooter is the ultimate submission move.
Crippler ma'fuckin crossface, all the damn way. Can come out of nowere, requires no set up due to the nature of the hold, looks badass, and ALWAYS gives the little guy a chance. Love it, the best to me.
I gotta love me some Cattle Mutilation, a bridging double chickenwing, on the ground. If you haven't seen it, check it out in a youtube video, because it is a gorgeous submission. It looks painful as can be - you've got wrenching on both arms, shoulders mainly, and your face being shoved into into the mat, it looks harsh. Danielson applies it with such beauty to. Not only do I love the submission itself, but fuck it, I just outright love Bryan Danielson. 'Tis why Cattle Mutilation is my favorite submission.
I like the cross face, as well as the ankle lock angle and shamrock could apply it from no where... My favorite though is the million dollar dream that austin used as the ringmaster...

There are some kick ass finishers there.I love cattle Mutilation by Bryan danielson,Horns of Aries by Austin Aries,and CIMA's Schweingatame.But to me,Hiroyoshi Tenzan's Anaconda Cross.I loved CM Punk's anaconda Vice,but the anacond cross looks so much more brutal.You have absolutely no way of escapin,your arms are tied up,your back is wrenched,you can't breath.It could legitamitely make you pass out.I freakin love it.It's number 7 in the video,at 0:43.

Honourary mention for Samoa Joe's Coquina clutch.


Not only is this my favorite submission move, it's my favorite move overall, as well. There's just something very controlling about the move that makes me feel like my opponent's fate is completely in my hands. I don't have to screw around with wrapping my legs or anything...I just have to lock his legs with my arms and step. For a competitor with good upper-body strength, I think this move is a must have in his repertoire.
The Sharpshooter, you just know it's a legendary move and, once it;s locked on, you know the match is over unless the competitor is really someone special. I'm mainly talking about Bret Hart's sharpshooter here, but Benoit's was cool as well. One of my favourite matches, Bret vs Austin WMXIII had that whole thing "Austin's broken the sharpshooter!" and the commentators sold it really well (even though it turns out he didn't break it).
I'm with Ricky on this, the Clover Leaf is my go-to as well. At times I'll also fall to the ground and wrap my legs around the guy's torso and really torque the legs. I'll always let the guy turn over, because it gives me a chance to get upright and do the move properly like a non-********. Yes I called myself a ********. I'm at peace with it. Cattle Mutilation is a close second because it's a finesse move and I'm all about agility (read: My arms are basically bones with sleeves).
I too have always been a fan of the Texas Cloverleaf. I don't know why, but it always came across as some kind of amalgamation of the Figure Four and a Boston Crab and somehow seemed to an impressionable fan like myself to be that more devastating than any other move of its kind.
I gotta love me some Cattle Mutilation, a bridging double chickenwing, on the ground. If you haven't seen it, check it out in a youtube video, because it is a gorgeous submission. It looks painful as can be - you've got wrenching on both arms, shoulders mainly, and your face being shoved into into the mat, it looks harsh. Danielson applies it with such beauty to. Not only do I love the submission itself, but fuck it, I just outright love Bryan Danielson. 'Tis why Cattle Mutilation is my favorite submission.

Oh you fucking know it!! Cattle Mutilation is one of the greatest moves in the wrestling, let alone submission holds. I have honestly never seen anyone other than Danielson use this hold, so maybe it is all in the way he applies it. He is very flexible and graceful in the ring, so that adds to the look of the move.

Besides, Bryan Danielson has a Cattle Mutilation tshirt. What other submission hold has it's own shirt? Pffft.
I could never choose just one favorite. I like too many moves and hold to select just one that trumps all. I do have moves that I prefer above all others but not just one.

The first one that comes to mind for me as well as most people is the sharpshooter/scorpion deathlock. Now here is some history on the move for those of you who do not know about it as read from Bret Hart's book "My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling"

Apparently for starters Sting did it before Bret, so that argument can be laid to rest, Sting is the originator(this is from Bret's own mouth). However, Vince felt Bret needed a new move and had the idea for him to do the scorpion deathlock. Bret liked the idea and was all up for it but he didn't know how to do it. Bret said that if someone could just show him how to do it one time he could get it. So from there he and Vince looked around for a wrestler in the company at the time who knew the hold but searched for some time to no avail. Eventually they found Konan and asked him, and sure enough he knew the move, showed it to Bret, and from that day fourth I would be Bret's finisher. It was also Bret who came up with the name "The Sharpshooter" for the move. Also, to keep the move somewhat original, Bret altered some of the aspects of the move to make it his own, and different than the Scorpion Deathlock.

I have always liked "The Sharpshooter" opposed to the "Scorpion Deathlock". It is a little different, and I just like the overall look of the move more. I have been in the move and applied it to others before, and I can say it is easily one of the worst moves to have to be in. This is a move that really does hurt when strongly applied.

This is somewhat of a less popular move with many people but one of my personal favorites. "The Camel Clutch". It is easy to apply, easy to maintain, and deals out quite a bit of punishment. The other variation of this move "The Steiner Recliner" is also one of my favorites for the same reasons. When you have someone on their belly and are on their back, the individual is basically defenseless and the amount of damage is really at your will.

Going back to a move similar to "The Sharpshooter", I am a big fan of the classic "Boston Crab" or "The Walls Of Jericho". Once again, not a complicated move to apply, deals out a great deal of punishment, and is easy to maintain. The beauty of this move is it's simplicity. Now "The Walls of Jericho" is slightly different than the "Boston Crab" though. The Walls when applied is generally held at a higher angle than the Boston Crab. Jericho used to stay standing when applying The Walls and just bent the person in half from that position hence the higher angle. The person I remember being famous for the "Boston Crab" was Rick Martel, and he would grab the legs and sit on the lower back in the same fashion as a "Sharpshooter" or "Texas Cloverleaf".
I absolutely LOVE the Crossface so easy to apply and not many ways to escape and easy to lock in. I think it looks fantastic and always a great way to end a match. Easily my numbe 1.
I love many but I always marked out when this happened:


Just the way Angle did it made it look brutal and I've always thought he could break your ankle in a second if he wanted. It looks legit and always got a great response from the crowds. It's also easy to pull your opponent back from the ropes if you're standing up while locking it in.
Mine would have to be a toss up between the crippler cross-face and the sharpshooter. I exspecially liked the way beniot use to just slam his oppents to the mat and lock that in the ring you almost felt the pain of the guy just by looking at his eyes about to pop. On a seprate note i dislike the way that hh and hbk use it nowadays its just not as intense as it used to be . Now as for the sharpshooter I just always like the fact that it always reminds me of the monteral screw job and just how bruttle the sports entertainment buisness is both on and off the camera.
I have to go with the ankle lock. It's the only submission which has actually made me fear for someones safety, and has made my ankle hurt just from watching it being performed. Angle deserves the world of credit for how he used this. It honestly looked like he could break their ankle with just one move. Horrible. Maximum crowd reaction, go Angle.
Personally I liked the Crossface. It could be locked on from anywhere. Even basic moves,Clothelines etc cud be turned into a Crossface. Its quickness was exciting,hit from anywhere,and when Benoit hit it in the center of the ring it was normally game over. When Hunter taps to your move,You know its good.

Walls of Jericho is a great move too. I rember when he 1st came to the WWF/E and i hadnt seen him before in WCW. The 1st few times he locked it on i actually thought he was going to break someones back.
The Ankle lock for sure.

I remember as a child, I used to be fascinated with making people tap out during wrestling matches we would do in the back garden. Other people were like pulling off suplexes and DDT's and such. Over in the corner, would be me, twisting my brother's fucking ankle off. Even when he was tapping, I would only twist further. He still has problems with his ankle for some reason. Nevertheless, I loved the ankle lock. It is such a simple technique to learn and pull off. I even went as far as to lock the legs to they couldn't craw away. Man, I was a sick little bastard.

Anyway, I am a Kurt Angle mark and loved when he locked in the Ankle Lock. He was the master of it and I loved to see it. It's such an effective move too. Just get behind someone and fucking twist their ankle until you fell it begin to break and you have a win. I also remember being in primary school when WWF was first beginning to get popular with Stone Cold and The Rock etc. We used to go into the playground and just beat the crap out of each other playing wrestling. I remember locking an Ankle Lock into a school mate and making him cry. Hell, I asn't caring, I had just won the match man. I couldn't care less.

Anyway, the Ankle Lock is my favourite. Although, I also used to love the Figure-4 leg lock and the Crippler Cross face. Dude, I could inflict some serious pain as an eight year old.
The Sharpshooter, it effects the back and the legs, even if u were to get out of it it would severley weaken you and leave you prone plus its Bret Harts move the greatest wrestler who ever lived.
The tazmission. It is easy to apply and seemed to have more intesnsity than most other submission holds. Plus it never really lost its mystique. We all saw HBK withstand the sharpshooter for a minute in the iron man match and the ankle lock gets kicked out of most of the time. But the tazmission seemed to put pretty much everyone away. I think it's actually one of the most overlooked finishers in pro wrestling.
The best thing about the Ankle Lock hen Kurt used it was that he would pull the move out of nowhere from any position. Undertaker would have him up for a Tombstone Piledriver and Angle would slide down his back and lock it in. Michaels would attempt the superkick and Amgle would catch his foot and lock it in. Benoit would have him in the crossface and Angle would pull his Ankle out and lock it in. It was so impressive to watch him do this.

Ankle Lock > All other submission holds
See I like variations on submissions. Figure four around the ringpost always gets me jacked up. Or Tajiri's Tarantula, great move. So different to pretty much everything else out there, and I can really appreciate the creativity and effort that goes into them. But seeing as a match can't be won with these, I'll split my vote into 2 categories.

1. Complex and looks great: Either the Regal Stretch or the Crossface. Great moves, look amazing, but the regal stretch has an amateur look to it which I really appreciate. I think that'd win for me, but the crossface deserves the honorable mention.

2. Simple yet effective: Armbar. Such a simple idea, yet so effective. Easy to use for the wrestler, and if sold correctly, looks excruciating. Again has the amateur touch to it, and its used in MMA, as well as being widely used in a lot of different types of martial arts. Honorable mention here goes to Lance Storm for the Half-Crab/Calgary Crab or whatever he was caling it at a particular time. Also when he rolled the opponent into it (see vs Jericho @ one night stand), blinding move.

I would like to add though, I'm also a huge fan of the cloverleaf, especially when Dean Malenko was doing it (looked so natural) but I think these moves just raced ahead there...
Crossface. It's the only major one that looks like it'd be really uncomfortable to be in. I'm pretty sure I could eat a meal whilst an Ankle Lock or Boston Crab was being applied to me. This is how I judge submission moves you understand.
Erm, Rear Naked Choke. Because you were making me pick one. Oh no, wait. The Brock Lock was sick. Remember the Brock Lock? You must remember the Brock Lock. Yeah, maybe it doesn't qualify. He only used it once in the WWE. He used it more often in other promotions.

So yeah, other than the Brock Lock, the Rear Naked Choke. Capitalised. As done by Samoa Joe. Looks painful. Not really. Again, you made me pick one.
I'm a huge fan of submission style wrestling, so I have a top ten, really in no particular order because when these guys used these moves, the pop was almost always solid cause the move generally meant 'lights out' or inspired a great comeback from the recipient. here goes;
1. the tazmission-applied easily and out of nowhere, usually unbreakable.
2. the texas cloverleaf (dean malenko)-it was often led into by a tiger bomb and immediately set in, plus Malenko sat back on it perfectly
3. cattle mutilation- applied quickly and is actually very painful beyond the eye appeal
4. the educator-i will never understand why Edge did not stick with this in his moveset. it was unique and appears quite painful. also hard to break.
5. the anaconda vice-Pun should really use this to accompany the GTS and make it a combo.
6. the ankle lock-eispecially after the leg is grapevined in the middle of the ring. seriously, you aren't going anywhere.
7. the tequila sunrise-kinda labor intensive, but it was a very original move and seemed legit if locked in.
8. the gogliplata (or however it is spelled)-simply awesome, Angle/Taker NWO was the first time I saw it used and love it. Just another example of how Taker truly gets better with age.
9. the figure 4 leg lock-classic! enough said.
10. the crippler crossface-maybe the best if I HAD to pick one because of the many ways it has been applied on many different types of wrestlers (styles and size). once those fingers are locked, it's over!

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